1,357 research outputs found

    Development of Test-Analysis Models (TAM) for correlation of dynamic test and analysis results

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    The primary objective of structural analysis of aerospace applications is to obtain a verified finite element model (FEM). The verified FEM can be used for loads analysis, evaluate structural modifications, or design control systems. Verification of the FEM is generally obtained as the result of correlating test and FEM models. A test analysis model (TAM) is very useful in the correlation process. A TAM is essentially a FEM reduced to the size of the test model, which attempts to preserve the dynamic characteristics of the original FEM in the analysis range of interest. Numerous methods for generating TAMs have been developed in the literature. The major emphasis of this paper is a description of the procedures necessary for creation of the TAM and the correlation of the reduced models with the FEM or the test results. Herein, three methods are discussed, namely Guyan, Improved Reduced System (IRS), and Hybrid. Also included are the procedures for performing these analyses using MSC/NASTRAN. Finally, application of the TAM process is demonstrated with an experimental test configuration of a ten bay cantilevered truss structure

    Academic Advisors as Valuable Partners for Supporting Academic Integrity

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    Academic Integrity is a fundamental value in higher education. Due to the increased ease of access to all types of information through social media and the internet, the lines have become blurred on what is can be “borrowed” and used. Recent proliferation of contract cheating has only reinforced that integrity cannot be just the responsibility of the Dean’s Office or the Academic Integrity offices. Advisors and learning strategists who see students regularly, can ubiquitously play a valuable role in integrating academic honesty into their conversations and workshops. This can be achieved in collaborations with campus partners on campus wide programming, starting early with integrating the conversation about honesty in academic orientations for new students and parents, and when having difficult conversations about study success and academic decision-making

    Revisiting Capital Structure and Firm Value: Moderating Role of Corporate Governance: Evidence from Pakistan

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    The aim of the study was to examine the most discussed relationship between capital structure and firm value by investigating the intervening impact of various corporate governance measures. chief idea of the study was to observe the moderating impact of chosen governance attributes (board size, board independence, CEO role duality, managerial ownership and ownership concentration) on the relationship between capital structure (leverage) and firm value (Tobin’ Q). The study used the 775 firm year observations of 155 non-financial companies listed at Karachi Stock Exchange for financial years containing 2008 to 2012. Keeping in view the nature of data (balanced panel), fixed effects regression method was employed to estimate the formulated relationship. In finding moderation, this study found significant positive moderation for board independence and ownership concentration. However for managerial ownership this study found significant negative moderating effect between leverage and firm value. Keywords: Moderation, Capital structure, Firm value, Corporate Governance

    Bias in the mirror: Breaking bias without breaking ourselves

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    Bias is everywhere. Politicians are talking about it, corporations are trying to eradicate it and people are dying because of it. In contrast to explicit biases such as obvious racism or sexism, implicit biases exist outside our awareness and influence us despite our best intentions. This session will start with introduction to the concept of implicit bias, and its relevance to science education. Next, Dr. Sukhera describes a framework for recognizing and managing biases that has relevance for individuals and organizations. Through striving for our ideals while accepting our shortcomings we can reflect on our biases, change our behaviour and co-create change within society. At the end of this session participants will be able to: 1. Understand the topic of implicit bias and its relevance to communication in science education. 2. Describe a framework for implicit bias recognition and management for educational professionals 3. Be inspired to apply findings on the science of implicit bias towards organizational and societal chang

    An Investigation of the Storage Stability of Auger and Entrained Flow Reactor Produced Bio-oils

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    This project is primarily focused on improving the storage stability of bio-oils or pyrolysis oils by varying feedstock, reactor, and storage conditions. Pyrolysis oil is a complex medley of oxygenated chemicals (aliphatic and aromatic) that are well known to undergo unstable polymeric reactions (auto-catalyzed) if suitable additives are not utilized. These reactions can be severely detrimental to the long-term storage stability of pyrolysis oils. Hence, a detailed investigation was conducted in four phases namely: 1) pyrolysis oil production 2) additive prescreening 3) concentration optimization and 4) stability testing. During the first phase a lab-scale semi-continuous auger reactor is utilized to produce 16 pyrolysis oils. The reactor variables include pyrolysis temperature and vapor residence time. The feed stocks include pine wood, pine bark, oak wood, and oak bark. During the second phase a range of chemical additives (26) are prescreened to obtain three best performing additives. Anisole, glycerol, and methanol are consequently utilized to perform concentration optimization studies during the third phase. Viscosity, water content, and pH of pyrolysis oils are timely measured to assess the accelerated storage stability of pyrolysis oils during the phases 2-3. During the fourth phase, pyrolysis oils produced from three different reactor systems (lab-scale auger, large-scale auger, and entrained flow) were tested for their storage stability. Viscosity, water content, pH, density, and acid value are timely measured to assess the ambient and accelerated storage stability of pyrolysis oils during phase 4. Extrinsic variables such as light and filtration are utilized during the experimental testing of phase 4. The rheological data (Newtonian/non-Newtonian) enhanced the understanding of pyrolysis oil storage stability both qualitatively and quantitatively. The stability performance of a chemical additive is very much dependent on the concentration and its organic functional group. Consequently, alcohols fared above all the other functional groups in stabilizing the pyrolysis oils. Glycerol is observed to have special blending and homogenizing properties compared to all other additives. Feedstock seems to be the single most important factor affecting storage stability of pyrolysis oils. Consequently, pine wood resulted in the most stable pyrolysis oil whereas pine bark resulted in the least stable pyrolysis oil

    Motion, matter, force, and writing???: Creating space for writing in a secondary physics classroom

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    This qualitative case study was an in-depth exploration into how writing may facilitate disciplinary literacy in an eleventh grade physics classroom. In response to the dearth of writing instruction in high school disciplinary classrooms, this study was an in-depth exploration into how writing may facilitate the cultivation of disciplinary writing in physics. The study focused on the perspectives of three participants during a semester of implementing writing by using sentence starters in physics. Findings showed participants were resistant to the change in curriculum and learning. Modelling effective disciplinary writing to support students may help improve attitudes and identities as writers
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