348 research outputs found


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    Latar belakang : Pandemi Covid 19 telah meunculkan dampak pada berbagai sektor kehidupan sehingga penting untuk melaksanakan terobosan dalam adapatasi dengan penerapan komunikasi perubahan perilaku. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui Penerapan Komunikasi Perubahan Perilaku dalam Pencegah Penularan COVID-19 pada Ibu Hamil di UPTD. Puskesmas Banjarangkan IMetode: Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan kualitatif, jenis data yang dikumpulkan adalah data primer dan data sekunder, diperoleh dengan wawancara mendalam dan telusur dokumen, informan berjumlah 13 orang. Lokasi penelitian adalah di UPTD Puskesmas Banjarangkan IHasil penelitian: UPTD Puskesmas Banjarangkan I telah melksanakan upaya penerapan KPP dengan beberapa adaptasi menyesuaikan dengan kondisi setempat. Hal-hal yang mengalami penyesuaian adalah terkait dengan penamaan Tim dengan mengintegrasikan kegiatan pada Satgas Gotong Royong Penanggulangan Covid 19, perencanaan fokus prioritas masalah berdasarkan perkembangan kasus covid-19 setempat sehingga menghasilkan POA yang dinamis sesuai dengan perkembangan kondisi, serta pelaksanaan KPP dilaksanakan berdasarkan pembagian peran sesuai di Tim Satgas Gotong royong tersebut, dengan menggunakan media yang berasal dari Kementerian Kesehatan dan belum memasukkan unsur kearifan local amupun ketokohan setempat dengan pemantauan dan penilaian yang sifatnya berorientasi pada pemantauan perkembangan kasus dan penilaian zona wilayah tanpa melakukan pemantauan pada proses pelaksanaan kegiatan KPP. Saran: agar dapat dilaksanakan upaya adaptasi penggunaan KPP yang spesifik sesuai dengan kondisi pandemic dengan berkoordinasi ke Pusat Promosi Kesehatan

    Regional Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Ovine Heart Chambers

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    Mechanical properties of cardiac tissue play an important role in the normal heart function. As a baseline for understanding of physiology and pathophysiology of the heart, and for development and validation of new therapies, it is crucial to first understand the mechanical behavior of the normal heart tissue. Although heart chambers have the same embryonic origin, differences in the development of mechanical properties are expected to manifest over time during the adulthood period. Therefore, the goal of this study was to determine the passive mechanical properties of all heart chambers through a paired comparison study in an ovine model. Ovine heart was used due its physiological and anatomical similarities to human heart. A total of 189 specimens from anterior and posterior portions of the left and right ventricles, atria, and appendages underwent biaxial mechanical testing. A Fung-type strain energy function was used to fit the experimental data. Tissue behavior was quantified based on the magnitude of strain energy, as an indicator of tissue stiffness, at equibiaxial strains of 0.10, 0.15, and 0.20. Statistical analysis revealed no significant difference in strain energy storage between anterior and posterior portions of each chamber, except for the right ventricle where strain energy storage in the posterior specimens were higher than the anterior specimens. Additionally, all chambers from the left side of the heart had significantly higher strain energy storage than the corresponding chambers on the right side. Furthermore, the highest to lowest stored strain energy were associated with ventricles, appendages, and atria, respectively. Microstructure of tissue specimens from different chambers was also compared using histology. The average surface area ratio of collagen to myocyte was found to be highest for the atria and lowest for the ventricles. This fact could explain the underlying basis for the differences in tissue stiffness between the regions

    Gender Bias of Compliment Responses in Instagram

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    Abstrak Tanggapanpujianadalahsebuahtindakandarimenanggapipujian yang diberikan.Perempuandanlaki-lakimempunyaicara yang berbedadalammenanggapipujian. Biasanyalaki-lakimemilikitanggapanpujian yang lebihsingkatdariperempuan.Tujuandaripenelitianiniuntukmenganalisadengancaraapalaki-lakidanperempuanmenanggapipujiandengancara yang berbeda. Penelitianinimenggunakanteoridari Homes (1995) tentangtanggapanpujian, Coates (2005) danLakoff (2004) tentangkarakteristik Bahasa perempuandanlaki-laki, dan Eckert (2003) and Weatherall (2002) tentangalasanmengapalaki-lakidanperempuanberkomunikasidengancara yang berbeda. Penelitianinimenggunakanmetodekualitatifuntukmenganalisa data. Data di penelitianini di ambildali media sosialbernama Instagram, yang terdapatseksikomen. Padaseksikomen, adasebuahpujiandantanggapanpujian.Poinutamadadarihasildalampenelitianiniadalahlaki-lakidanperempuanmenanggapipujiandengancara yang berbedaberdasarkankarakteristiknya. Karakteristiktersebutadalah empty adjective vs neutral adjective, no sense of humor vs sense of humor, hedges, super polite form vs non polite form, hypercorrect grammar vs incorrect grammar, aggravated directives vs mitigated directives. Kata Kunci: pujian, tanggapanpujian, gender, Instagram Abstract Compliment response is an act of responding a given compliment. Women and men have different way when responding to the compliment. Men usually have a shorter compliment response than women. The aim of this research is to find in what way do males and females respond to the compliment differently. This study uses the theory from Holmes (1995) about compliment response, Coates (2005) and Lakoff (2004) about the characteristics of men and women language, and Eckert (2003) and Weatherall (2002)  about the reason why men and women speak differently.This study uses qualitative method to analyze the data. The data of this study were taken from a social media called Instagram which has comment section. In the comment section, there is a compliment and compliment response. There is one point of result in this study. That is male and female speaker are different in responding to the compliment based on their characteristics. Those characteristics are empty adjective vs neutral adjective, no sense of humor vs sense of humor, hedges, super polite form vs non polite form, hypercorrect grammar vs incorrect grammar, aggravated directives vs mitigated directives. Keyword: compliment, compliment response, gender, instagram

    Photoionization of Fullerens and Atoms Confined in Fullerenes

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    The photoionization cross sections of small fullerenes (C28, C32, C40, C44, and C50), and the outer and near-outer shells of atoms (noble gases, alkaline earth) confined endohedrally inside a C60 molecule are calculated employing a time-dependent local density approximation formulation. Plasmon and confinement resonances are found to be a general feature of these cross sections, and dramatic interchannel coupling effects, significantly increasing the atomic cross sections, are exhibited in all cases in the vicinity of the C60 plasmons. Hybridization effects, the mixing of the atomic and cage bound state wave functions, are also found, but no systematics of the hybridization present themselves. Also, in the case of Ar@C60, Inter-atomic Columbic decay (ICD) has been found and studied

    BVOT: Self-Tallying Boardroom Voting with Oblivious Transfer

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    A boardroom election is an election with a small number of voters carried out with public communications. We present BVOT, a self-tallying boardroom voting protocol with ballot secrecy, fairness (no tally information is available before the polls close), and dispute-freeness (voters can observe that all voters correctly followed the protocol). BVOT works by using a multiparty threshold homomorphic encryption system in which each candidate is associated with a masked unique prime. Each voter engages in an oblivious transfer with an untrusted distributor: the voter selects the index of a prime associated with a candidate and receives the selected prime in masked form. The voter then casts their vote by encrypting their masked prime and broadcasting it to everyone. The distributor does not learn the voter's choice, and no one learns the mapping between primes and candidates until the audit phase. By hiding the mapping between primes and candidates, BVOT provides voters with insufficient information to carry out effective cheating. The threshold feature prevents anyone from computing any partial tally---until everyone has voted. Multiplying all votes, their decryption shares, and the unmasking factor yields a product of the primes each raised to the number of votes received. In contrast to some existing boardroom voting protocols, BVOT does not rely on any zero-knowledge proof; instead, it uses oblivious transfer to assure ballot secrecy and correct vote casting. Also, BVOT can handle multiple candidates in one election. BVOT prevents cheating by hiding crucial information: an attempt to increase the tally of one candidate might increase the tally of another candidate. After all votes are cast, any party can tally the votes

    Numerical aspects of a remeshing strategy towards threedimensional ductile damage simulations

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    A proper modelling and understanding of ductile damage and fracture gives us the capability to predict the behavior of metals and alloys in extreme loading cases. Fracture is the final stage of this behavior and a three dimensional modelling provides us with a comprehensive tool to predict it in a realistic manner. Here we focus on three different aspects of numerical modelling: (ielement technology, (iiremeshing issues and (iii3D crack insertion. Each aspect is developed and evaluated independently and finally the combination of them is used for the modelling of large deformation three dimensional crack initiation and propagation
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