26 research outputs found

    Innovative Families Of Double-Layer Tensegrity Grids: Quastruts and Sixstruts

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    Double-layer tensegrity grids (DLTG) are spatial reticulated systems based on tensegrity principles, which have been studied in detail over recent years. The most important investigations have been carried out focusing on a short list of tensegrity grids. This paper explains with real examples how to use Rot-Umbela Manipulations, a unique technique developed for generating innovative typologies of tensegrity structures. It is applied to two already existing tensegrity grids in order to obtain two new DLTGs. Their analysis permits us to identify, inside these novel grids, the modules that compose them which were unknown until now. A brief description of these components is provided, as well as some information about their static analysis, e.g. states of self-stress and internal mechanisms. These novel modules belong to a family, all of them with similar characteristics in terms of geometry and topology, and can be used to generate a wide catalogue of DLTGs. Some examples of new grids are presented, describing the methodology on how to obtain many more models for other designers interested in creating and studying innovative DLTGs

    Hyperautofluorescent Dots are Characteristic in Ceramide Kinase Like-associated Retinal Degeneration.

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    There is a lack of studies which seek to discern disease expression in patients with mutations that alter retinal ceramide metabolism, specifically in the ceramide kinase like (CERKL) gene. This cross-sectional case series reports a novel phenotypic manifestation of CERKL-associated retinopathy. Four unrelated patients with homozygous CERKL mutations underwent a complete ocular exam, spectral-domain optical coherence tomography, short-wavelength fundus autofluorescence (SW-AF), quantitative autofluorescence (qAF), and full-field electroretinogram (ffERG). Decreased visual acuity and early-onset maculopathy were present in all patients. All four patients had extensive hyperautofluorescent foci surrounding an area of central atrophy on SW-AF imaging, which has not been previously characterized. An abnormal spatial distribution of qAF signal was seen in one patient, and abnormally elevated qA

    Interlaboratory comparison of methodologies for measuring the angle of incidence dependence of solar cells

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    The aim of this work is to compare angle of incidence (AOI) measurement setups for solar cells between laboratories with such capability. For the first time, we compare relative light transmission measurements among eight laboratories, whose measurement techniques include indoor and outdoor methods. We present the relative transmission measurements on three 156 mm x 156 mm crystalline-Si (c-Si) samples with different surface textures. The measurements are compared using the expanded uncertainties provided by each laboratory. Five of the eight labs showed an agreement better than ±2% to the weighted mean between AOIs from -75° to 70°. At AOIs of ±80° and ±85°, the same five labs showed a worst case deviation to the weighted mean of -3% to 5% and 0% to 18%, respectively. When measurement uncertainty is considered, the results show that measurements at the highest incidence angle of ±85° are problematic, as measurements from four out of the six labs reporting uncertainty were found non-comparable within their stated uncertainties. At 85° AOI a high to low range of up to 75% was observed between all eight laboratories

    Measuring progress and projecting attainment on the basis of past trends of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: an analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016

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    The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are grounded in the global ambition of “leaving no one behind”. Understanding today’s gains and gaps for the health-related SDGs is essential for decision makers as they aim to improve the health of populations. As part of the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2016 (GBD 2016), we measured 37 of the 50 health-related SDG indicators over the period 1990–2016 for 188 countries, and then on the basis of these past trends, we projected indicators to 2030

    Optic Atrophy and Early-Onset Diabetes in a Young Patient

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    Optic Atrophy and Early-Onset Diabetes in a Young Patient

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    Wolfram syndrome (WS) is typically an autosomal recessive disorder caused by biallelic variants in WFS1 or CISD2. WS is characterized clinically by the presence of diabetes mellitus (DM) and bilateral optic atrophy (OA) early in life.1, 2 Diabetes insipidus (DI) and deafness can also be present and complete the classical tetrad of "DIDMOAD," while additional neurological and psychiatric pathology can develop later in life.1, 2 Here we describe a patient with DM presenting with profound vision loss, prompting evaluation for WS

    Diseño de un modelo de gestión por procesos para incrementar la productividad de la empresa Carrocerías Jak, Trujillo, 2022

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo diseñar un modelo de gestión por procesos para incrementar la productividad de la empresa Carrocerías JAK, Trujillo, 2022; la investigación es de tipo aplicada, diseño no experimental, de corte transversal, nivel descriptivo y se desarrolla mediante el método cuantitativo, la población de estudio está conformada por los procesos que ejecuta la empresa que son 13 y la muestra consiste de los 5 procesos claves: gestión de ventas, diseño de planos, abastecimiento de materiales, producción y entrega; como técnicas de recolección de datos se aplicó la encuesta, el análisis documental y la observación directa. Para dar cumplimiento al objetivo planteado se realizó un diagnóstico inicial de los procesos que ejecuta la empresa, obteniendo como principales resultados que la gestión por procesos se encuentra en un 100% en el nivel bajo, en la dimensión proveedor interno predomina con un 77.27% el nivel medio, la dimensión cliente interno se encuentra en el nivel bajo agrupando el 86.36% del puntaje total y la dimensión enfoque a procesos se encuentra en un nivel bajo con el 59.09% del puntaje total; además se cuantificó la productividad obteniendo una productividad de mano de obra promedio de 233.63, lo cual indica que en promedio por cada HH que la empresa destina a la producción, obtiene S/ 233.63 de ingresos por venta, y se obtuvo una productividad de materiales promedio de 1.129, lo cual indica que por cada unidad monetaria (S/) que la empresa invierte en la compra de materia prima, obtiene en promedio S/ 1.129 en ingresos por venta; asimismo, se analizó mediante el diagrama causa efecto y la matriz FODA las deficiencias existentes en la gestión empresarial, en base a las cuales se diseñó el modelo de gestión por procesos que consiste en el establecimiento de un mapa de procesos, la definición de un inventario de procesos a 3 niveles, el análisis de las expectativas de las partes interesadas, la definición de una política de calidad, la propuesta de implementación de un sistema informático para integrar los procesos y la estandarización de los procesos operativos de la empresa que incluye definir una codificación para cada proceso, identificar los actores y establecer responsabilidades, representar cada proceso mediante un diagrama de flujo mejorado, con su respectiva ficha de caracterización de proceso y sus indicadores correspondientes. Se concluye que el modelo de gestión por procesos diseñado permitirá a la empresa Carrocerías JAK mejorar su gestión interna, agregar mayor valor para las partes interesadas e incrementar su productividad.The objective of this research is to develop a process management model to increase the productivity of the company Carrocerías JAK, Trujillo, 2022; the research is of an applied type, non-experimental design, cross-sectional, descriptive level and is developed through the quantitative method, the study population is made up of the processes that the company executes, which are 13 and the sample consists of the 5 key processes : sales management, drawing design, material supply, production and delivery; As data collection techniques, the survey, documentary analysis and direct observation were applied. To comply with the stated objective, an initial diagnosis of the processes executed by the company was carried out, obtaining as main results that process management is 100% at the low level, in the internal supplier dimension predominates with 77.27% the medium level, the internal customer dimension is at the low level, grouping 86.36% of the total score and the process focus dimension is at a low level with 59.09% of the total score; In addition, productivity was quantified, obtaining an average labor productivity of 233.63, which indicates that on average for each man-hour that the company allocates to production, it obtains S / 233.63 of income from sales, and a productivity of materials was obtained. average of 1,129, which indicates that for each monetary unit (S/) that the company invests in the purchase of raw material, it obtains an average of S/ 1,129 in income from sales; Likewise, the existing deficiencies in business management were analyzed through the cause-effect diagram and the SWOT matrix, based on which the process management model was designed, consisting of the establishment of a process map, the definition of an inventory of processes at 3 levels, the analysis of the expectations of the interested parties, the definition of a quality policy, the proposal for the implementation of a computer system to integrate the processes and the standardization of the company's operating processes that includes defining a coding for each process, identify the actors and establish responsibilities, represent each process through an improved flow chart, with its respective process characterization sheet and its corresponding indicators. It is concluded that the process management model designed will allow the company Carrocerías JAK to improve its internal management, add greater value for the interested parties and increase its productivity

    Multimodal imaging and electroretinography analysis of end-stage presentations of X-linked retinoschisis

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    Purpose : Patients with X-linked retinoschisis (XLRS) presenting at end-stage of disease are difficult to diagnose when severe macular atrophy is present without intraretinal fluid. The purpose of this study is to characterize late presentations of XLRS with retinal imaging and electrophysiology in patients without pathognomonic fundus exam or OCT findings. Methods : Three unrelated male patients presented by referral to the Harkness Eye Institute electrophysiology clinic for evaluation of severe retinal degenerations of unknown etiology. Ocular exam findings, SD-OCT, fundus autofluorescence (FAF), full-field electroretinography (ffERG), and genetic testing results were retrospectively reviewed. Results : All three patients (average age, 62; range, 58-70) described chronic, progressive bilateral vision loss and exhibited decreased visual acuity and central macular atrophy in both eyes on exam. In each patient (6 eyes), SD-OCT confirmed marked atrophy affecting all retinal layers with no evidence of cystoid changes. FAF imaging revealed a hyperautofluorescent ring between the vascular arcades of all eyes, containing an inner region of heterogenous signal and confluent patches of hypoautofluorescence consistent with loss of retinal pigment epithelium. Disease severity and FAF/OCT phenotype was symmetric between eyes of all patients. FfERGs were performed in two patients and both showed decreased scotopic b-wave and photopic 30 Hz-flicker amplitudes, with electronegative maximum scotopic responses. RS1 mutations were identified in each patient: c.286T\u3eC, (p.Trp96Arg), c.416delA (p.Gln139Argfs*10), and c.445A\u3eC (p.Thr149Pro) respectively, confirming the diagnosis of XLRS. Conclusions : Patients with undiagnosed late-stage XLRS may present with profound macular atrophy but without the classic ‘spoke-wheel’ appearance of the fundus or characteristic foveal schisis, thus delaying accurate diagnosis. Patients suspected to have an inherited retinal dystrophy that exhibit severe macular degeneration and electronegative responses on ffERG may warrant screening with candidate RS1 gene testing as a first diagnostic step

    How to Explain Wrong Way Eyes? EEG Support for the Smooth Pursuit Asymmetry Hypothesis

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    Ataxia-telangiectasia (AT) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the gene ATM. The syndrome is characterized by progressive ataxia, telangiectasias that are often ocular, and an increased risk for malignancy. In addition, eye movement abnormalities with concordant visual complaints are frequently reported in AT patients. We present a case of periodic alternating nystagmus (PAN) in a patient with AT and the response to therapeutic interventions to ameliorate the PAN