89 research outputs found

    Reappraisal on anopheline mosquitoes of Garhwal region, Uttarakhand, India

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    Background & objectives: The study examines occurrence of anopheline mosquitoes in seven districts— Dehradun, Pauri, New Tehri, Hardwar, Rudraprayag, Chamoli and Uttarkashi of Garhwal region in Uttarakhand state, India. Methods: The methodological approach comprised sampling and processing of adult/immature mosquitoes, data compilation, meteorological information and parasitological survey.Results: A total of 87 localities covering 24 tehsils/blocks were surveyed during January 2000 to December 2005 for mosquito sampling. The study encountered 18 species of anophelines including three malaria vectors namely Anopheles culicifacies, An. fluviatilis and An. stephensi collected from Kalsi, Dehradun City, Sahaspur, Hardwar town, Roorkee, New Tehri town and Kotdwar localities. An. pallidus has been recorded for the first time from the Garhwal region. All the collected species have been presented with particular reference to their both adult and immature distribution, brief account of bionomics and some ecological notes.Interpretation & conclusion: Out of 18 collected anopheline species, 15 were non-vectors and they were found to create nuisance to the inhabitants. As far as the species distribution was concerned the diversity was more at elevation between 150 and 1000 m above the mean sea level, while the immature of some species were not recovered from those localities where their adults were collected. Certain species of Anopheles were climate determined and their distribution was localized while some others were cosmopolitan

    Altitudinal distribution of mosquitoes in mountainous area of Garhwal region : Part–I

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    Background & objectives : Mosquito fauna diversity in mountainous areas of Garhwal region wasstudied during November 2000 to October 2002 to correlate the altitudinal vegetation and distributionof mosquitoes.Methods : Adult mosquitoes and mosquito immatures were collected using WHO methods and identifiedusing standard keys and catalogues. Altitude of mosquito habitat was measured using portablealtimeter and also by GPS.Results : Altogether 34 species in five genera — Aedes, Anopheles, Armigeres, Culex and Uranotaeniawere encountered in the present study in the altitude range of 300 to 2000 m. Majority of themosquitoes were found in between 300 to 900 m altitude except Culex vagus and Anopheles maculatus,which were found throughout the range.Interpretation & conclusion : The mosquitoes were categorised into six groups based on their altitudinaldistribution. The areas at lowest elevation were having the greatest number of species but notthe corresponding greater number of specimens in the present study

    Study on digestive tract contents of fish : Preliminary step for identification of indigenous species in mosquito larval control

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    The present study is based on screening of food preference by the indigenous fish under its natural condition. The gastrointestinal contents as an indicative of effective bioregulatory activity envisage the selection of a larvivorous fish. As many as 32 species of fishes were collected from their natural habitats at Imphal and Bishenpur districts in Manipur State between August 2007 to February 2008. Faecal drops of active fishes revealed remains of larvae / pupae of mosquitoes. However, the food types in 26 species of fish comprised larvae / pupae of mosquito, algae, weeds, tadepole fishes, crustaceans, insects, gastropods, worms and detritus / debris. On the basis of food preference Aplocheilus panchax, Polyacanthus fasciatus and Puntius manipurensis have been considered as most potent larvivorous fish of the study area

    Studies on the Survivorship of Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) in vitro in differentiated breeding water from some parts of district Dehradun, Uttarakhand

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    Survival of arthropod vectors is one of the most important components of transmission of a vector-borne pathogen. In general, any influence on the vector that increases female longevity will increase the likelihood of survival through the extrinsic incubation period of the virus and the risk of disease transmission. Survivability rate of Aedes albopictus was determined during the month of April 2015 based on the breeding success on 03 experimental parameters viz., aged tap water, natural water and distilled water, by constructing a cohort (horizontal) life table. Survivability rate of Aedes albopictus was higher where eggs were emerged in natural water resources, followed by aged tap water. Basic reproductive rate (Ro) of natural water resources accounted highest followed by aged tap water and distilled water. On performing the single way ANOVA, p value found higher than 0.001 concluding the fact that survivability was not independent of water resources. However, while performing Kaplan-Meier survivability test over age dependent parameters no such determining variation was registered. The value of Log rank test (Mantel Cox) abolish the null hypothesis suggesting the fact that there was significant difference in overall survival distribution among the three experimental parameters. Aedes mosquitoes are known to use their olfaction and visual cues to judge the chemical and physical factors present in the breeding water prior to egg laying. Thus, there must be some steps taken in order to analyse the chemicals released by these household deterrents so as to actively utilizing them in the Aedes management strategy

    Penerapan Irigasi Mikro,tumpangsari Dan Mulsa Untuk Mengantisipasi Kehilangan Hasil Cabai Merah Pada Penanaman Di Musim Kemarau(application of Micro Irrigation Multiplecropping and Mulch for Pepper Yield Lost Anticipation on Dry Season)

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    Precipitation indicates system and intensity planting area. For anticipation plant on dry season, farmers from mountain range use water which was saving in plastic tank at teras bangku. This study has done at Canggal, Kledung, Temanggung on dry season;18 September 2006 till 19 December 2006. Climate, agronomy and soil water content were analyzed using dailiy crop water balance (CWB-ETO).The treatment which application were : a)once irrigation every three days, b) irrigation every das, c)not use mulch and d)use mulch. Yield lost on dry season (plant date at March till September) at 100 % and 20 % is plant date at January till Februari. At Sudirjo field, yield lost at 0 % on dry season plant date. Production of pepper at Sudirjo field 0..6 kg/plnt and secundar date of tomat production is 1.6 kg/platn until 1.2 kg/plantt.Difference of yield lost between Sudirjo field and from CWB-ETO simulation needs good analysis which base for CWB-ETO program

    Pengembangan Modul Fisika Berbasis Problem Based Learning Pada Materi Fluida Untuk Siswa Cerdas Istimewa-berbakat Istimewa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendesain dan mengembangkan modul Fisika berbasis Problem Based Learning (PBL) untuk siswa Cerdas Istimewa-Berbakat Istimewa (CIBI). Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah modifikasi Model 4-D yang dikembangkan oleh Thiagarajan, Semmel & Semmel. Pengembangan modul diawali dengan melakukan analisis kebutuhan siswa dan guru terhadap modul Fisika berbasis PBL untuk siswa CIBI dan mendefinisikan materi ajar yang dikembangkan. Hasil pendefinisian terhadap kurikulum dan karakteristik siswa digunakan untuk mengembangkan modul Fisika berbasis PBL untuk siswa CIBI yang disesuaikan dengan sintaks PBL. Telaah dan validasi dilakukan tiga tahap. Tahap pertama telaah dan validasi dilakukan oleh ahli bahasa dan kegrafisan serta ahli materi. Setelah revisi dilakukan berdasarkan masukan pada tahap pertama, dilakukan telaah dan validasi tahap kedua oleh dosen Fisika yang juga menilai instrumen penelitian lainnya. Setelah revisi terhadap modul pada tahap kedua, dilakukan telaah dan validasi tahap ketiga oleh rekan sejawat (guru Fisika kelas akselerasi) sehingga diperoleh modul akhir yang siap diujicobakan ke siswa. Uji coba penggunaan modul ke siswa melalui desain penelitian posttest-only control design. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modul layak digunakan dengan kriteria baik (penilaian dari ahli sebesar 3,22; penilaian dari dosen sebesar 3,45; penilaian dari guru sebesar 3,61 dengan skala maksimum 4). Respon siswa terhadap modul sangat positif. Siswa sangat tertarik dengan penggunaan modul Fisika berbasis PBL dan merasa mudah dalam menggunakannya. Berdasarkan uji statistik, diperoleh hasil bahwa siswa yang menggunakan modul Fisika berbasis PBL memiliki hasil belajar kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor yang lebih baik daripada siswa yang menggunakan buku di sekolah dalam lingkungan belajar PBL. Artinya, modul Fisika berbasis PBL efektif digunakan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor siswa

    Studies on Symptomatic Profiles of Dengue Fever (DF) vis- -vis Non-Dengue Fever (NDF) in District Dehradun, Uttarakhand

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    AbstractDengue is considered to be common in most tropical and subtropical regions. The unplanned development of Dehradun city along with increasing circumference of slum areas has resulted in proportional increase of dengue prevalence. Dengue detection by conducting molecular and virological tests is complex, tedious to perform, and is less feasible for routine laboratory practices. Hence, this study was sought to describe the clinical, laboratory and ultrasonic manifestation of dengue fever based on two year’s (2013 and 2014) record in order to classify the features between DF and NDF. Out of a total of 15,556 cases (8253 cases in 2013 and 7303 cases in 2014) of suspected dengue fever, 242 cases (122 in 2013 and 120 in 2014) were reported positive confirming 1.56% serologically by ELISA, which were classified as DF cases and rest as NDF cases. The significant features in DF cases were myalgia, body ache, nausea, retro-orbital pain, skin rash, leukopenia, ALT <50, splenomegaly and hepatomegaly.The sensitivity was found highest in myalgia (91.32%), followed by body ache (88.02%) and nausea (81.82%), whereas highest specificity was found in skin rash (97.56%), trailed by leukopenia (96.63%) and hepatomegaly (96.06%). These predictive values can help the clinician to be more confident that a patient lacking these features does have the disease because of high negative prediction values. Changing characteristics of the disease deserve serious research attention, especially in shifts in modal age, rural spread, social and biological determinants of race; and sex related susceptibility have major implications for health service planning and control strategies

    Perancangan Murottal Otomatis Menggunakan Mikrokontroller Arduino Mega 2560

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    The research Scheme of Automatic Murottal Use Microkontroller Arduino Mega 2560 designed to facilitate work of custodian of mosque when seedang not residing in place so that when time of sholat have almost arrive hence appliance of ni can turn around holy sentence bouncing movement Al Qu'An automatically. Research Laboratory of Hardware Study Program Computer Engineering Faculty Computer Science University of Dehasen Bengkulu, In July - September 2015. Data method which used in this research Method Documentation, Observation, and Study Book.Result of from this research obtained Conclusion that is automatic murottal can use Application Ianguage of Program Visual Basic 6.0 can be by 2 the way of that is: Automatically and Manual, Automatically by chosening letter to turning around and lead the time twiddling before adzan fill the air, while manually will be controlled to Application appearance with clicking one of the button exist in application of interface computer

    Pengaruh Pemberian Hak Atas Tanah Di Pemukiman Pesisir Pantai Terhadap Rencana Detail Tata Ruang Kota Kupang (Studi Kasus: Pemukiman Pesisir Pantai Kelurahan Oesapa)

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    Undang–undang Dasar 1945, pasal 33 ayat 3, mengamanatkan bahwa bumi, air dan kekayaan alam yang terkandung di dalamnya dikuasai oleh Negara dan dipergunakan sebesar–besarnya bagi kemakmuran rakyat. Tanah merupakan sumberdaya alam karunia Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang tidak dapat terpisahkan dari tata kehidupan manusia, menurut Kamus Besar Indonesia (1991), tanah sebagai permukaan bumi atau lapisan bumi di atas sekali; keadaan bumi suatu tempat; keadaan bumi yang diberi batas. Tanah dalam pengertian yuridis adalah pemukaan bumi (UUPA ayat 1). Sedangkan hak atas tanah adalah hak sebagian tertentu permukaan bumi yang terbatas, berdimensi dua dengan ukuran panjang dan lebar. Peralihan hak atas tanah menyebabkan hak atas tanah tersebut beralih dari seseorang kepada orang lain. Perbuatan hukum peralihan hak atas tanah dapat dilakukan dengan jual beli beli, tukar menukar, hibah atau pemberian dengan wasiat. Semua realitas yang menimbulkan konflik sosial dan banyak terjadi ini diduga sebagai akibat ketimpangan dalam proses administrasi tanah, penegakan hukum pertanahan, lemahnya kebijakan tata ruang pemerintah, dan lain sebagainya. Sebaran pemukiman di Kelurahan Oesapa terbagi atas 3 (tiga) area yaitu pesisir pantai, daratan dan perbukitan. Tingkat kedatangan (urbanisasi) bagi peserta didik khususnya perguruan tinggi menyebabkan meningkatnya kebutuhan tempat tinggal. Keadaan ini mengakibatkan terjadinya peningkatan pemanfaatan ruang di Kota Kupang untuk mendukung kegiatan dan pergerakan penduduk yang semakin meningkat menyebabkan kebutuhan akan lahan sebagai tempat mendirikan bangunan menjadi sangat sulit untuk diperoleh, hal tersebut mempengaruhi ketersediaan pemukiman yang dapat dikatakan sehat. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif, normarif, dan kuantitatif. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar dalam tahap persiapan, pengambilan data, dan pengolahan data diperoleh kualitas data yang mendukung tujuan penelitian ini

    Analisis Sifat Kekuatan Tarik Dan Kekuatan Bending Komposit Hibryd Serat Lidah Mertua Dan Karung Goni Dengan Filler Abu Sekam Padi 5% Bermatrik Epoxy

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    The use of composite materials is growing at over the development of manufacturing industry. Composites sansevieria and hibiscus canabinus with the addition of rice husk ash filler. The purpose of this study was to analyze the tensile strength and bending strength of hybrid composites sansevieria and hybiscus canabinus with rice husk ash filler epoxy bermatrik with random fiber direction. Variation of fiber volume fraction sansevieria and hybicus canabinus is 0%:35%,10%:25%, 15%:10%, 20%:15%, 25%:10%, 35%:0%. Method for making composite specimens in the form of hand lay up with a fiber length of 2cm. Testing was done by bending test following the ASTM standard D790 tensile test and ASTM D3039 standards. The results showed that the composites with rice husk ash fillers higher bending strength and the strength of its appeal compared to the composite without using rice husk ash fillers, where the highest bending strength on volume fraction 0%/35% as big as 32,00 MPa (using filler), and kekutan lowest bending the volume fraction 0%/35% as big as 21, 69 Mpa (without filler). While the tensile test has the highest power in the volume fraction 15%/20% as big as 8,24 MPa (using filler), and the lowest tensile strength on volume fraction 0%/35%&nbsp; as big as 3,43 MPa (without filler)
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