16 research outputs found


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    This paper presents the importance of site selection for certain logistic infrastructure facilities as a key element for the quality of logistic processes. Different approaches to solving location problems in transport and logistics are presented. Basic procedures for solving discrete location problems are shown on concrete numerical examples in order to analyze necessary data for specific methods and possibilities of applying certain mathematical algorithms and models for the processes of logistic chains optimization and therefore optimization of logistic systems as bearers of logistic chains realization

    The use of game theory in urban transport planning

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    Svakim danom promet postaje sve kompleksniji, pogotovu promet u velikim gradovima. Kako bi se donijele dobre odluke o organizaciji prometa u gradovima potrebne su različite aktivnosti: prikupljanje i obrada podataka, analiza podataka, uporaba kvantitativnih i simulacijskih metoda kao podloge za odlučivanja, bilo da se radi o strateÅ”kim, taktičkim ili operativnim odlukama. Među kvantitativnim metodama odlučivanja posebno mjesto zauzima teorija igara. U radu je pokazano kako se dodatne informacije uključuju u matematički model da bi se donijela optimalna odluka. Obrađen je općenito matematički model izbora odrediÅ”nog terminala te je dan numerički primjer radi boljeg objaÅ”njenja procedure izbora.Every day the traffic is becoming more complex, especially traffic in big cities. In order to make efficient decisions on the traffic organization in cities various activities are necessary: gathering, grouping, selection, and data analysis, then usage of quantitative and simulation methods as base for decision-making, regardless of the decision-making level: strategic, tactical or operative decisions. Within quantitative decision-making methods special place belongs to the game theory. The paper presents how additional information is included in the mathematical model in order to make the optimal decision. In general, the mathematical model of selecting the destination terminal has been processed and the numerical example has been presented for better explanation of the selection procedure

    Determining Optimal Dry Port Location for Seaport Rijeka Using AHP Decision-Making Methodology

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    Seaport Rijeka is located and connected to the strategic EU TEN-T transport routes (Mediterranean and Balticā€“Adriatic Corridor). Seaport Rijeka represents the shortest connection between Central and Central-Eastern Europe, and overseas destinations, by land and sea, and is in an excellent position to take advantage of its location. Being the largest and busiest seaport in Croatia, with constant increase in cargo traffic, especially container traffic, with inadequate and incomplete transport infrastructure that creates congestion, Seaport Rijeka will soon reach its capacity limits. One of the possible solutions that would satisfy the increasing demand and mitigate existing problems is establishing a dry port. Establishing a dry port serving Seaport Rijeka on the EU transport routes would greatly contribute to the strategic and operational plans of the EU and Croatia. The focus of this paper is to determine the optimal dry port location for Seaport Rijeka. The AHP methodology was used to determine the optimal dry port location of the Seaport Rijeka, by analyzing a large set of influential factors. The analysis was performed for three groups of possible dry port locations (close, medium distance and distant). Results suggest that optimal dry port locations for Seaport Rijeka are in Miklavlje, Velika Gorica and Vinkovci

    Dinamička optimalizacija u opskrbnim lancima

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    Production and stock optimization in supply chains is a complex problem because it determines the optimum quantity production in time. Due to their multileveld nature, those problems are mostly solved by different methods and models of dynamic programming. The problem discussed in this paper refers to the determination of optimum quantity of production and stocks within the supply chain in a certain period of time, as well as in each sub-interval of a period, but with the condition that the production and stock expenditure remains minimal and that the predetermined demand in every sub-interval and throughout the entire observation period remains satisfied.Optimalizacija proizvodnje i zaliha u opskrbnim lancima predstavlja iznimno složen problem, jer se radi o određivanju optimalne količine proizvodnje u vremenu. Takvi problemi se zbog svoje viÅ”e-etapnosti najčeŔće rjeÅ”avaju primjenom raznih metoda i modela dinamičkog programiranja. Problem koji se obraduje o ovoj znanstvenoj raspravi, odnosi se na određivanje optimalne količine proizvodnje i zaliha unutar opskrbnog lanca u određenom razdoblju, kao i u svakom pod-intervalu toga razdoblja, pod uvjetom da troÅ”kovi proizvodnje i zaliha, budu minimalni i da se zadovolji unaprijed zadana potražnja u svakom pod-intervalu, a tako i u cijelom promatranom razdoblju

    Methods of Bargaining in Logistics Processes

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    This paper outlines the methods of bargaining taken from game theory. The methods and types of bargaining are defined with the aim of establishing a cooperative relationship among the participants to mutual benefit. The methods in the paper are explained under various bargaining conditions and through instances of their application. The paper also examines the application of game theory and methods of bargaining within different logistics processes

    Location of Urban Logistic Terminals as Hub Location Problem

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    In this paper the problems of locating urban logistic terminals are studied as hub location problems that due to a large number of potential nodes in big cities belong to hard non-polynomial problems, the so-called NP-problems. The hub location problems have found wide application in physical planning of transport and telecommunication systems, especially systems of fast delivery, networks of logistic and distribution centres and cargo traffic terminals of the big cities, etc. The paper defines single and multiple allocations and studies the numerical examples. The capacitated single allocation hub location problems have been studied, with the provision of a mathematical model of selecting the location for the hubs on the network. The paper also presents the differences in the possibilities of implementing the exact and heuristic methods to solve the actual location problems of big dimensions i.e. hub problems of the big cities

    Methods of Bargaining in Logistics Processes

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    This paper outlines the methods of bargaining taken from game theory. The methods and types of bargaining are defined with the aim of establishing a cooperative relationship among the participants to mutual benefit. The methods in the paper are explained under various bargaining conditions and through instances of their application. The paper also examines the application of game theory and methods of bargaining within different logistics processes

    Selecting Optimal Pedestrian Crossing Using Multi-criteria Decision-making

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    Pedestrian crossings are the critical points in the traffic network that need to enable pedestrians to safely cross the road. The safety level depends on the type of pedestrian crossing. The differences between individual types of pedestrian crossings can be noted also in relation to other criteria such as the price, energy, environmental impact, accessibility, etc. Besides, various groups of users assess the quality service differently, even when this refers to the same type of pedestrian crossing. Therefore, optimal solution of a pedestrian crossing has to be selected based on a comprehensive and rational analysis and application of adequate software tools. The selection methodology of an optimal pedestrian crossing is defined using a multi-criteria analysis. In order to view the problem as a whole, four scenarios of evaluating alternatives are foreseen. Four different groups of stakeholders: traffic experts, investors, groups of persons with disabilities and healthy persons (persons not included in the previous three stakeholder groups), who use a pedestrian crossing (according to different age, disability, perception of personal safety, etc.), assessed the importance of the offered criteria. Different groups of users have different preferences in relation to individual groups of criteria, depending on their interests and needs. One group finds the criterion of pedestrian safety the most important one, others think that finances are most important (the cost of construction), some think that accessibility is the most important issue, etc. The solutions obtained in this manner provide insight into the advantages and drawbacks of individual versions. This makes it easier for the decision-makers to select only one variant / alternative from a group of the offered solutions in compliance with the defined criteria and sub-criteria with the aim of defining an optimal pedestrian crossing for a certain spatial and traffic location. KEY WORDS: pedestrian crossing, multi-criteria decision-making, analytical hierarchy proces