470 research outputs found

    The Tourism Attractiveness of Landforms in Łagiewnicki Forest, Łódź

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    The article is an attempt to present the attractiveness of the recreational area of Łagiewnicki Forest in Łódź as regards the diversity of its relief. The work is based on an analysis of digital elevation models, using GIS techniques and direct observations. Based on an analysis of the relief, the authors have proposed a new tourism trail focused on the ‘morphometric assets’ of the area

    Fikcyjny Traktat Lizboński

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    From the point of view of many European politicians, the Treaty of Lisbon should enable great development in the functioning of European Union. However, having analyzed the amendments introduced by this Treaty, one has to admit that either most of the changes had already functioned in the EU political system before December 2009, as political practice, or the changes have no major impact on EU. Therefore, a question should be posed why Lisbon Treaty was such an important issue for politicians that they wanted to ratify it despite the ‘no’ voting in Ireland. The only reasonable cause that could lead politicians to such a move is the fact that integration is still a vital process for the existence of EU. Another failure of treaty amendments could be seen as the end of the European project

    DEM-based reconstruction of historical earth’s surface of areas before antropogenic transformation: selected examples from Central Poland

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    Zaprezentowany artykuł jest przedstawieniem procesu prowadzącego do utworzenia modelu terenu, wybranych obszarów w Polsce Środkowej przed wielkopowierzchniowymi przekształceniami antropogenicznymi mającymi miejsce pół wieku temu. Celem badań była rekonstrukcja Cyfrowych Modeli Wysokościowych (ang. DEM) obszaru, który ze względu na przekształcenia antropogeniczne nie jest w chwili obecnej dostępny do badań za pomocą nowoczesnych metod zbierania informacji wysokościowej. W artykule podano dokładne kryteria wyboru materiałów źródłowych wraz z określeniem układu odniesienia, daty wydania mapy i cięcia poziomicowego. W części głównej artykułu zaprezentowano na dwóch przykładach – największego kompleksu górniczo-energetycznego w Europie – KWB Bełchatów oraz Zbiornika Sulejowskiego, jako rezerwuaru wody do największego miasta Polski Środkowej – Łodzi – szczegółowy opis metodyki postępowania z mapami historycznymi oraz przebieg prac począwszy od wyboru odpowiednich map, przez ich skanowanie, kalibrację i wektoryzację po ostateczny efekt, jakim jest uzyskanie modelu terenu, traktowanego jako historyczny. W opracowaniu tym podkreślono celowość takich działań oraz wykorzystanie modeli DEM w praktyce oraz na analizie kierunków i wielkości przekształceń antropogenicznych rzeźby historycznej i współczesnej.The article is a presentation of the process leading to the creation of a terrain model of selected areas in Central Poland before anthropogenic transformations which took place half a century ago. The aim of this study was to reconstruction Digital Elevation Models (called DEM) of the area, which is not currently available for research using modern methods of gathering altitude information due to anthropogenic transformation. The work shows the exact criteria for the selection of source materials along with an indication of the frame of reference date of the map and contour line distance. The main part of the article presents two examples – the largest complex of open mining and energy sector in Europe – KWB Bełchatów and Sulejów Reservoir as a water reservoir for the biggest city of Central Poland – Łódź – a detailed description of the methodology for dealing with historical maps, and the course of work from the selection of appropriate maps, through their scanning, calibration and vectorization to the final result, which is to obtain a terrain model, treated as a historical one. This study highlights the advisability of such activities and the use of DEM models in practice and in the analysis of directions and scale of anthropogenic transformations of historic and contemporary relief

    Improving of Concrete Tightness by Using Surface Blast-cleaning Waste as a Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate

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    In the article the possibility of using surface blast-cleaning waste (copper slag based) as a replacement of fine aggregate in high performance concrete manufacturing was presented. Concrete with w/c ratio 0.45 and 360 kg/m3 dosage of cements: CEM I 42.5R, CEM II/B-V 42.5N and CEM III/A 42.5N was tested. The consistency measured in table flow test was assumed as 420 ± 30 mm so superplasticizer was used. The replacement rate of the fine aggregate 0–2 mm with the copper slag (CS) waste was 66 %. Concrete mixtures with sand served as reference. The performed tests focused on: compressive and tensile strength (both after 28 days), sorptivity, free water absorption capacity, Torrent air permeability, and chloride ingress depth after salt fog treatment. A freeze resistance test was also carried out according to PN-B-06265. The obtained results showed that the strength and some other tested properties of concrete mixtures with copper slag waste were similar or better than those of the mixtures with sand. The results of the tests indicate that the concrete with copper slag waste is more tight than the concrete with sand and therefore is more durable

    Plant Diversity in Agroecosystems and Agricultural Landscapes

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    Influence of SCM on the Permeability of Concrete with Recycled Aggregate

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    The article presents experimental analysis of concretes mixed by using natural and low quality recycled concrete aggregate (RCA). The resistance of concretes with both, RCA and supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) to penetration in aggressive environmental conditions was studied. The influence of fly ash, microsilica and metakaolin on the concrete permeability was investigated. Besides the fundamental mechanical properties of concrete, sorptivity, water absorption, depth of penetration of water under pressure and chloride migration coefficient were tested. The significant effect on the permeability of RCA and SCM is described and discussed. The replacement of the natural aggregate by RCA decreased the concrete resistance to penetration of aggressive media, but the application of the SCM significantly reduced this negative impact

    Influence of carbonation on torrent air permeability of concrete

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    Air permeability testing is increasingly being used to measure the impermeability of concrete and to estimate the durability of reinforced concrete structures using this property. This paper presents the results of a preliminary study on the influence of the carbonation of concrete on its air permeability measured using the Torrent apparatus. Three batches of concrete made with CEM I cement and differing in the w/c ratio (0.45, 0.50, and 0.55) were tested. The influence of the relative humidity of concrete on the air permeability index kT was assessed using relationships available in the literature. It was shown that in carbonated concrete, these relationships need to be modified. The air permeability values obtained in tests are lower than the theoretical values calculated using the equation. The results obtained suggest that the effect of carbonation on the air permeability of concrete is significant and further research in this area is highly recommended

    Eficiência energética em estação de tratamento de esgoto : análise de alternativas para redução do consumo de energia elétrica

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    O setor de saneamento básico no Brasil é responsável por uma grande demanda de energia elétrica. Dentro de uma estação de tratamento de esgoto (ETE), cerca de 15% a 40% do gasto financeiro total é referente ao gasto com energia elétrica. Em uma ETE é possível reduzir o gasto de energia com atualização dos equipamentos, controle da operação, melhoramento do processo de transferência de oxigênio e adição controlada de oxigênio ao processo por meio de sopradores com vazão controlada. Este trabalho apresenta alternativas para redução do gasto em energia elétrica por meio de atualizações de processos e melhor aproveitamento dos recursos na operação da ETE Guarani, localizada no município de Capão da Canoa, no Rio Grande do Sul. A partir dos processos e dados coletados, foi modelada a operação dos três conjuntos de sopradores responsáveis pela operação dos dois filtros aerados e quatro alternativas foram analisadas. Considerando a viabilidade de implementação das alternativas, uma delas foi aplicada em campo, sendo comparada com o cenário antes da ação de eficiência energética. A alternativa implementada faz uso da configuração de multispeed nos inversores de frequência e trouxe quatro faixas de operação possíveis, tornando possível que a potência entregue aos sopradores seja proporcional à vazão de entrada da ETE. Pelo método de Medição e Verificação (M&V) foi caracterizado o processo e obtido uma redução de 9,16% no consumo de energia. Essa redução foi possível ser feita sem a necessidade de aquisição de novos equipamentos, apenas com a mudança da operação nos sopradores.The primary sanitation sector in Brazil is responsible for a great demand for electricity. Within a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), about 15% to 40% of the total financial expenditure is related to electricity. In a WWTP, it is possible to reduce energy expenditure by updating equipment, controlling the operation, improving the oxygen transfer process, and controlling the addition of oxygen to the process through blowers with controlled flow. This work presents alternatives to reduce energy costs through process updates, and better use of resources in the operation of the WWTP Guarani, located in the municipality of Capão da Canoa, in Rio Grande do Sul. From the processes and data collected, the operation of the three sets of blowers responsible for the operation of the two aerated filters was modeled, and four alternatives were analyzed. Considering the feasibility of implementing the alternatives, one of them was applied in the field, being compared with the scenario before the energy efficiency action. The alternative implemented uses the multispeed configuration in the frequency inverters and brought four possible operating ranges, making it possible for the power delivered to the blowers to be proportional to the WWTP inlet flow. Using the Measurement and Verification (M&V) method, the process was characterized, and a 9,16% reduction in energy consumption was obtained. This reduction was possible without the need to purchase new equipment, just by changing the operation of the blowers