16 research outputs found

    In vitro cultivation of primary intestinal cells from Eisenia fetida as basis for ecotoxicological studies

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    The earthworm Eisenia fetida is a commonly used model organism for unspecific soil feeders in ecotoxicological studies. Its intestinal cells are the first to encounter possible pollutants co-ingested by the earthworm, which makes them prime candidates for studies of toxic effects of environmental pollutants on the cellular as compared to the organismic level. In this context, the aim of this study was to demonstrate the suitability of preparations of primary intestinal E. fetida cells for in vitro ecotoxicological studies. For this purpose, a suitable isolation and cultivation protocol was established. Cells were isolated directly from the intestine, maintaining >85% viability during subsequent cultivations (up to 144 h). Exposure to established pollutants and soil elutriates comprising silver nanoparticles and metal ions (Cu(2+), Cd(2+)) induced a significant decrease in the metabolic activity of the cells. In case of microplastic particles (MP particles), namely 0.2, 0.5, 2.0, and 3.0 ”m diameter polystyrene (PS) beads as well as 0.5 and 2.0 ”m diameter polylactic acid (PLA) beads, no active uptake was observed. Slight positive as well as negative dose and size dependent effects on the metabolism were seen, which to some extent might correlate with effects on the organismic level

    Determination of Antimony (III) in Real Samples by Anodic Stripping Voltammetry Using a Mercury Film Screen-Printed Electrode

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    This paper describes a procedure for the determination of antimony (III) by differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry using a mercury film screen-printed electrode as the working electrode. The procedure has been optimized using experimental design methodology. Under these conditions, in terms of Residual Standard Deviation (RSD), the repeatability (3.81 %) and the reproducibility (5.07 %) of the constructed electrodes were both analyzed. The detection limit for Sb (III) was calculated at a value of 1.27×10−8 M. The linear range obtained was between 0.99 × 10−8 − 8.26 × 10−8 M. An analysis of possible effects due to the presence of foreign ions in the solution was performed and the procedure was successfully applied to the determination of antimony levels in pharmaceutical preparations and sea water samples

    In vitro cultivation of primary intestinal cells from Eisenia fetida as basis for ecotoxicological studies

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    The earthworm Eisenia fetida is a commonly used model organism for unspecific soil feeders in ecotoxicological studies. Its intestinal cells are the first to encounter possible pollutants co-ingested by the earthworm, which makes them prime candidates for studies of toxic effects of environmental pollutants on the cellular as compared to the organismic level. In this context, the aim of this study was to demonstrate the suitability of preparations of primary intestinal E. fetida cells for in vitro ecotoxicological studies. For this purpose, a suitable isolation and cultivation protocol was established. Cells were isolated directly from the intestine, maintaining >85% viability during subsequent cultivations (up to 144 h). Exposure to established pollutants and soil elutriates comprising silver nanoparticles and metal ions (Cu2+, Cd2+) induced a significant decrease in the metabolic activity of the cells. In case of microplastic particles (MP particles), namely 0.2, 0.5, 2.0, and 3.0 ”m diameter polystyrene (PS) beads as well as 0.5 and 2.0 ”m diameter polylactic acid (PLA) beads, no active uptake was observed. Slight positive as well as negative dose and size dependent effects on the metabolism were seen, which to some extent might correlate with effects on the organismic level

    Perpetrators from Treblinka: interdisciplinary investigations of seven single graves with “Trawniki Men”

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    Abstract At the Treblinka extermination and forced labor camp only a few SS soldiers and around a hundred watchmen kept guard over thousands of prisoners. Despite their lower rank in the Nazi hierarchy than SS soldiers, watchmen were vital to implementing “Operation Reinhard” in the field. Prisoners in Nazi camps were terrified by their brutality and ruthlessness. The guards were intermediaries between the camp’s inmates and the commanding crew, so in cases of a prisoners’ riot, they were the first target. The historical records mention several incidents where the watchmen died at the hands of the captives. However, little is known regarding how the dead bodies of the guards were treated nor what the funeral customs looked like in the camps. In 2019, a row of individual burials was discovered at the former Treblinka extermination and forced labor camp. Seven of those graves were explored to identify the people buried in such an unusual manner and to find out what had caused their deaths. A thorough multidisciplinary study, combining the forensic disciplines of archaeology, anthropology, medicine, and genetics provided the answer. Considering archaeological findings, it can be deduced that the graves belong to the Treblinka guards. The analysis conducted by an anthropologist indicates that the assessed biological profile aligns with the antemortem data of the Treblinka watchmen. Moreover, a study examining perimortem trauma has unveiled that out of the seven men studied, at least two met a violent demise. These findings are crucial in narrowing down the identification process. The results of our study contribute to a general understanding of the funerary customs prevalent in concentration camps worldwide. Prior to this work, there had never been any analysis or publication of the characteristics of watchmen graves at Nazi camps, making our results unique

    ViolĂȘncia na gestação entre usuĂĄrias de serviços pĂșblicos de saĂșde da Grande SĂŁo Paulo: prevalĂȘncia e fatores associados Violence during pregnancy among public health care users in the Greater SĂŁo Paulo area: prevalence and associated factors

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    O objetivo desta investigação Ă© estimar a prevalĂȘncia da violĂȘncia por parceiro Ă­ntimo na gestação entre usuĂĄrias de serviços pĂșblicos de saĂșde da Grande SĂŁo Paulo e verificar sua associação com fatores sociodemogrĂĄficos, de saĂșde reprodutiva, sexual e mental. A estratĂ©gia metodolĂłgica deste estudo consistiu na realização de entrevistas estruturadas (questionĂĄrio) com 1.922 usuĂĄrias, entre 15 e 49 anos, em 14 serviços pĂșblicos de saĂșde. A anĂĄlise dos dados revelou que 20% das usuĂĄrias que jĂĄ engravidaram (IC95% 18,2 a 21,8) referem algum episĂłdio de violĂȘncia por parceiro Ă­ntimo na gestação. Em anĂĄlise multivariada, observou-se que 'ter sofrido violĂȘncia psicolĂłgica e fĂ­sica perpetrada por familiar', 'inĂ­cio da vida sexual antes dos 19 anos', 'recusa de uso de camisinha pelo parceiro', 'Transtorno Mental Comum' e 'nĂŁo coabitar com parceiro' sĂŁo fatores associados Ă  violĂȘncia na gestação. Conclui-se que a alta prevalĂȘncia da violĂȘncia por parceiro Ă­ntimo na gestação, sua associação com diversos fatores de saĂșde sexual, reprodutiva e mental sĂŁo resultados que indicam a relevĂąncia de se tomar a violĂȘncia como questĂŁo de saĂșde.<br>OBJECTIVES: To examine the prevalence of IPV (intimate partner violence) during pregnancy and its association with demographic and reproductive, sexual and mental health factors among public health care users in SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: a) interview with 1,922 health care users, ages 15 to 49, in 14 public healthcare services. RESULTS: 20% (CI95% 18.2 to 21.8) reported IPV during pregnancy. Multiple logistic regression indicated that frequent family violence, having more than 2 pregnancies, beginning sexual life before 19 years of age, partner's refusal to wear condom, mental health problems, and being single are factors associated with IPV during pregnancy. CONCLUSION: The high prevalence rate for IPV during pregnancy indicates that this issue should be regarded as a major public health problem