74 research outputs found

    Wykorzystanie metody identyfikacji podejścia do strategii w badaniach wybranych przedsiębiorstw

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    Zarządzanie strategiczne to wytyczanie sposobów realizacji długoterminowych celów przedsiębiorstwa. Najczęściej głównym jego celem jest osiągnięcie sukcesu rynkowego. Musi więc opierać się zarówno na wytyczonych przez organizację wyznacznikach tego sukcesu, jak i na zewnętrznych czynnikach tworzących otoczenie rynkowe. Duże znaczenie mają przy podejmowaniu takich decyzji aktualne informacje z rynku – należy znać ich dobre źródło i weryfikować je za pomocą wiedzy i kompetencji. Nigdy jednak nie będziemy mieli twardej analizy wskazującej na szanse powodzenia danego działania. Jeżeli nie podejmujemy próby zdefiniowania obecnego stanu firmy pod kątem decyzji jakie podejmują zarządzający to nie będzie możliwe wykreowanie obiektywnego rozwiązywania mającego na celu rozwój organizacji. Celem artykułu jest zbudowanie metody, dzięki której będzie można zidentyfikować sposób myślenia o podejściu do strategii oraz wyciągnąć wnioski z przeprowadzonej analizy, aby można było podejmować świadome decyzje

    Communication platforms for shaping a mega-event. A case study of selected European Capitals of Culture

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    This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.The publication was co-funded by Culture programme of the European Union as a part of Campus Culturae project (grant No. 2011-1177/001-001)

    an Experimental and Computational Study

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    To gain a deeper understanding of the formation of the synthetically important 3,6‐dihydro‐2H‐1,2‐oxazines, the 6‐endo‐trig cyclization of allenyl‐substituted hydroxylamines was experimentally investigated in detail employing a model compound. The solvent effect was moderate with respect to the rate, but crucial to suppress side‐product formation. Surprisingly, acids or bases had no big influence on the cyclization rate. With O‐deuterated allenyl hydroxylamine a high primary isotope effect was found, indicating that the proton transfer is crucial in the rate‐determining step. DFT calculations evidence that the allenyl‐substituted hydroxylamine is converted into an energetically similar zwitterionic intermediate with an allyl cation subunit. It cyclizes to the 1,2‐oxazine as the most stable species. Alternative pathways starting from the zwitterion were computationally investigated. Interestingly, it can also undergo a fragmentation to give a pentadiene derivative and a nitroso compound. The hetero Diels–Alder reaction of these components may also deliver the 1,2‐oxazine. To evaluate an alternative mechanistic scenario, calculations of the protonated allenyl‐substituted hydroxylamine were also performed

    Complement inhibitory proteins expression in placentas of thrombophilic women

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    Factors controlling complement activation appear to exert a protective effect on pregnancy. This isparticularly important in women with thrombophilia. The aim of this study was to determine the transcript andprotein levels of complement decay-accelerating factor (DAF) and membrane cofactor protein (MCP) in theplacentas of women with acquired and inherited thrombophilia. Also, we assessed immunohistochemistry stainingof inhibitors of the complement cascade, DAF and MCP proteins, in the placentas of thrombophilic women.Placentas were collected from eight women with inherited thrombophilia and ten with acquired thrombophilia.The levels of DAF and MCP transcripts were evaluated by qPCR, the protein level was evaluated by Westernblot. We observed a higher transcript (p < 0.05) and protein (p < 0.001) levels of DAF and MCP in the placentasof thrombophilic women than in the control group. DAF and MCP were localized on villous syncytiotrophoblastmembranes, but the assessment of staining in all groups did not differ. The observed higher expression level ofproteins that control activation of complement control proteins is only seemingly contradictory to the changesobserved for example in the antiphospholipid syndrome. However, given the hitherto known biochemical changesassociated with thrombophilia, a mechanism in which increased expression of DAF and MCP in the placentas isan effect of proinflammatory cytokines, which accompanies thrombophilia, is probable.Factors controlling complement activation appear to exert a protective effect on pregnancy. This isparticularly important in women with thrombophilia. The aim of this study was to determine the transcript andprotein levels of complement decay-accelerating factor (DAF) and membrane cofactor protein (MCP) in theplacentas of women with acquired and inherited thrombophilia. Also, we assessed immunohistochemistry stainingof inhibitors of the complement cascade, DAF and MCP proteins, in the placentas of thrombophilic women.Placentas were collected from eight women with inherited thrombophilia and ten with acquired thrombophilia.The levels of DAF and MCP transcripts were evaluated by qPCR, the protein level was evaluated by Westernblot. We observed a higher transcript (p < 0.05) and protein (p < 0.001) levels of DAF and MCP in the placentasof thrombophilic women than in the control group. DAF and MCP were localized on villous syncytiotrophoblastmembranes, but the assessment of staining in all groups did not differ. The observed higher expression level ofproteins that control activation of complement control proteins is only seemingly contradictory to the changesobserved for example in the antiphospholipid syndrome. However, given the hitherto known biochemical changesassociated with thrombophilia, a mechanism in which increased expression of DAF and MCP in the placentas isan effect of proinflammatory cytokines, which accompanies thrombophilia, is probable

    Influence of gut microbiota on efficacy and adverse effects of treatment of lymphoproliferative disorders

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    Gut microbiota has aroused great interest because of its influence on the human body's homeostasis. In addition, multiple reports have indicated its role in the pathogenesis of various diseases. Interestingly, gut microbiota can affect hematological disorders by participating in lymphomagenesis. Patients with lymphoproliferative disorders undergo many procedures that alter their unique microbiota composition and lead to dysbiosis. However, this can have a biased effect as many studies have highlighted gut microbiota’s activity in chemotherapy efficacy, for instance by either enhancing the anti-malignant effects of cyclophosphamide or by diminishing the activity of doxorubicin or cladribine. This review aimed to summarize gut microbiota’s influence on chemotherapy’s outcomes on treatment-related side effects in lymphoproliferative disorders, antimicrobial regimens, and possible gut microbiota modifications to enhance treatment outcomes


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    The aim of this work is to study the possibility of obtaining an amorphous-crystalline composite starting from Ni-Si-B-based powder grade 1559-40 and silver powder. The process of plasma spray deposition was performed on a water-cooled copper substrate. The cooling rate was assessed using a mid-wave infrared MWIR camera. The microstructure of the deposit was studied using scanning electron microscope SEM with an energy dispersive spectrometer EDS. Phase identification was performed using X-ray diffraction XRD. The studies confirmed an amorphous-crystalline microstructure of the deposits. The predominant constituent of the microstructure was amorphous regions enriched in Ni, Si, and B, while the other constituent was Ag-rich crystalline inclusions identified as a face-centered cubic fcc

    Lithium diisopropylamide (lda) as an efficient reducing agent for thioketones - mechanistic consideration

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    Treatment of thiocarbonyl compounds with excess LDA leads to the corresponding thiols or sulfides depending on the work-up procedure. The mechanistic scenario for this unusual reduction pathway is discussed

    Wartość diagnostyczna HE4 i CA125 w wykrywaniu i różnicowaniu typu I i II raka jajnika

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the sensitivity and specificity of HE4 in detecting and differentiating between types I and II epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) in comparison with CA125. Material and methods: We measured HE4 and CA125 serum concentrations in 206 samples taken from patients operated in Gynecologic Oncology Department due to ovarian tumors. Ovarian cancer was confirmed in 89 cases divided into type I and type II. 52 healthy patients without any gynecological disease formed the control group. The sensitivity and specificity for type I and type II EOC detection and differentiating between both types was evaluated for HE4 and CA125. Results: The HE4 and CA125 serum concentrations were significantly higher in type II than in type I EOC (p=0.008696, p=0.000243 respectively).The HE4 and CA125 sensitivity for type I and benign tumors differentiation was 63.16% for both of them and specificity was 87.29% vs 67.89% respectively. For CA125 these differences did not reach statistical significance. The HE4 sensitivity and specificity for type II and benign tumors differentiation were 87.14% and 96.61%, respectively, and for CA125 these values were 82.86% and 94.07%, respectively. Conclusions: Pretreatment analysis of HE4 serum concentration is superior to CA125 in differential diagnosis of ovarian cancer subtypes (I and II). HE4 is superior to CA125 in detecting ovarian cancer type II. Neither HE4 nor CA125 is an effective diagnostic tool for type I ovarian cancer detection. A new highly specific and highly sensitive tumor marker for type I EOC is needed.Cel pracy: Celem pracy było określenie czułości i swoistości białka HE4 w wykrywaniu i różnicowaniu typu I i II raka jajnika (EOC) w porównaniu z CA125. Materiał i metody: Stężenia HE4 oraz CA125 zostały zmierzone w próbkach surowicy krwi pobranej od 206 pacjentek operowanych w Klinice Onkologii Ginekologicznej z powodu guzów jajnika. Rak jajnika został potwierdzony w 89 przypadkach podzielonych na typ I i II EOC. Grupę kontrolną utworzyły 52 zdrowe pacjentki bez schorzeń ginekologicznych. Została określona czułość i swoistość HE4 oraz CA125 w wykrywaniu oraz różnicowaniu typu I i II EOC. Wyniki: Stężenia HE4 i CA125 były istotnie wyższe w typie II niż w typie I EOC (p=0,008696, p=0,000243). Czułość w różnicowaniu typu I EOC i guzów niezłośliwych wynosiła 63,16% dla obydwu markerów, HE4 wykazało swoistość 87,29% a CA125 67,89%. Dla CA125 nie stwierdzono jednak istotności statystycznej. Czułość i swoistość HE4 w różnicowaniu typu II EOC i zmian niezłośliwych wynosiła 87,14% i 96,61%, natomiast dla CA125 wynosiła 82,86% i 94,07%. Wnioski: Przedoperacyjne określenie stężenia HE4 ma większą wartość w różnicowaniu typu I i II raka jajnika niż CA125. HE4 jest lepszym markerem w diagnostyce typu II raka jajnika. Żaden z badanych markerów nie ma zadowalającej czułości i swoistości w wykrywaniu typu I EOC. Do diagnozowania tego typu nowotworu jest potrzebny nowy wysoce czuły i swoisty marker

    2-Unsubstituted Imidazole N-Oxides as Novel Precursors of Chiral 3-Alkoxyimidazol-2-ylidenes Derived from trans-1,2-Diaminocyclohexane and Other Chiral Amino Compounds

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    ‘Desymmetrization’ of trans-1,2-diaminocyclohexane by treatment with α,ω-dihalogenated alkylation reagents leads to mono-NH2 derivatives (‘primary-tertiary diamines’). Upon reaction with formaldehyde, these products formed monomeric formaldimines. Subsequently, reactions of the formaldimines with α-hydroxyiminoketones led to the corresponding 2-unsubstituted imidazole N-oxide derivatives, which were used here as new substrates for the in situ generation of chiral imidazol-2-ylidenes. Upon O-selective benzylation, new chiral imidazolium salts were obtained, which were deprotonated by treatment with triethylamine in the presence of elemental sulfur. Under these conditions, the intermediate imidazol-2-ylidenes were trapped by elemental sulfur, yielding the corresponding chiral non-enolizable imidazole-2-thiones in good yields. Analogous reaction sequences, starting with imidazole N-oxides derived from enantiopure primary amines, amino alcohols, and amino acids, leading to the corresponding 3-alkoxyimidazole-2-thiones were also studied