69 research outputs found

    Radio Dispatching Communications During a Mass Event - A Case Studies of the “Lednica 2000” Youth Meetings

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    In paper we present two case studies of the wireless dispatching communications. The first one aims at providing voice service and FM radio broadcasting during mass events of the “Lednica 2000” Youth Meetings. The presentation is supported by over 20-year experience in organization of this event every year. In the second use study we analyze evolution of the dispatching networks in the energy sector. These networks can be used by PPDR agencies in the situation of disasters and other crisis occurrences

    Applicants reactions to selection procedures : prediction uncertainty as a moderator of the relationship between procedural fairness and organizational attractiveness

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    Prozedurale Fairnessbewertungen beeinflussen in starkem Maße Einstellungen und das Verhalten von Personen gegenĂŒber Organisationen. Dies gilt auch fĂŒr die Bewertung von Personalauswahlverfahren. Personen, die ein Auswahlverfahren als fair einschĂ€tzen, bewerten die betreffende Organisation auch als attraktiveren Arbeitgeber. Die vorliegende Studie untersuchte, in wieweit dispositionale Vorhersageunsicherheit auf Seiten der Bewerbenden diesen Zusammenhang verstĂ€rkt. Die Ergebnisse der Studie demonstrieren in AbhĂ€ngigkeit von der Auswahlentscheidung unterschiedliche moderierende EinflĂŒsse von Vorhersageunsicherheit auf den Zusammenhang zwischen prozeduraler Fairnessbewertung und organisationaler AttraktivitĂ€t. Implikationen fĂŒr die Forschung zum Einfluss von Fairnessbewertungen sowie fĂŒr die Anwendung im organisationalen Kontext werden diskutiert

    Radio Dispatching Communications During a Mass Event - A Case Studies of the “Lednica 2000” Youth Meetings

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    In paper we present two case studies of the wireless dispatching communications. The first one aims at providing voice service and FM radio broadcasting during mass events of the “Lednica 2000” Youth Meetings. The presentation is supported by over 20-year experience in organization of this event every year. In the second use study we analyze evolution of the dispatching networks in the energy sector. These networks can be used by PPDR agencies in the situation of disasters and other crisis occurrences

    Applicants’ reactions to selection procedures – Prediction uncertainty as a moderator of the relationship between procedural fairness and organizational attractiveness

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    Procedural fairness judgments strongly influence peoples’ attitudes and behaviors towards organizations. This is also true for the evaluation of selection systems. People who perceive a selection procedure as fairer judge the respective organization as a more attractive employer. The present study examined whether this relationship is strengthened by applicants’ prediction uncertainty. Results demonstrate a differential moderating effect of prediction uncertainty on the relationship between procedural fairness judgments and organizational attractiveness, depending on the outcome of the application. Implications for research on fairness judgments as well as applications in organizational settings are discussed.

    Distribution of the sheet current in a magnetically shielded superconducting filament

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    The distribution of the transport current in a superconducting filament aligned parallel to the flat surface of a semi-infinite bulk magnet is studied theoretically. An integral equation governing the current distribution in the Meissner state of the filament is derived and solved numerically for various filament-magnet distances and different relative permeabilities. This reveals that the current is depressed on the side of the filament adjacent to the surface of the magnet and enhanced on the averted side. Substantial current redistributions in the filament can already occur for low values of the relative permeability of the magnet, when the distance between the filament and the magnet is short, with evidence of saturation at moderately high values of this quantity, similar to the findings for magnetically shielded strips.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures; submitted to Physica

    Strong reduction of ac losses in a superconductor strip located between superconducting ground plates

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    The problem of calculating the ac losses in a superconductor strip with a transport current placed inside superconducting environments is studied analytically in the frame of the critical state model. Exact results obtained by the method of images for the commonly employed flat ground plates are used to derive power losses and, consequently, the nonlinear resistance depending on the ac frequency, current amplitude and the distance to the ground plates. The resistance is strongly reduced when the distance between the strip and the shields becomes small.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Magneto-optical investigations of Ag-sheathed Bi-2223 tapes with ferromagnetic shielding

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    An increase in the critical current and suppression of AC losses in superconducting wires and tapes with soft magnetic sheath have been predicted theoretically and confirmed experimentally. In this work we present the results of magneto-optical investigations on a series of Ag-sheathed Bi-2223 tapes with Ni coating. We visualize distributions of magnetic field at increasing external field and different temperatures, demonstrating a difference between the flux propagation in the superconductor with Ni rims and a reference sample without Ni coating.Comment: 2 page
