12 research outputs found

    The Influence of Medical Clown Visits on Positive Emotions, Anxiety and signs of Depression of Adolescents who are Placed in the Hospitals

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    MaÄ£istra darba mērÄ·is bija noskaidrot, vai pacienti, kuri pētÄ«juma brÄ«dÄ« bija ievietoti slimnÄ«cā, pēc medicÄ«nas apmeklējuma izjÅ«t mazāk trauksmi, uzrāda mazāk depresijas pazÄ«mes un vairāk izjÅ«t pozitÄ«vās emocijas nekā pacienti, kuri pētÄ«juma brÄ«dÄ« arÄ« bija ievietoti slimnÄ«cā, bet viņus medicÄ«nas klauns neapmeklēja. PētÄ«jumā piedalÄ«jās 30 pusaudži vecumā no 12 lÄ«dz 15 gadiem, kas tika sadalÄ«ti divās grupās. Pirmajā grupā bija pusaudži, kuri bija ievietoti slimnÄ«cā, kurā strādā medicÄ«nas klauni, otrā grupā bija pusaudži, kuri bija ievietoti slimnÄ«cā, kurā nestrādā medicÄ«nas klauni. SituatÄ«vās trauksmes mērÄ«Å”anai tika izmantota Spilbergera situatÄ«vās trauksmes skala (1983, Spielbergerā€™s anxiety scale; STAI). PozitÄ«vo un negatÄ«vo emociju noteikÅ”anai tika izmantota PozitÄ«vo un negatÄ«vo afektu skala (1988,Positive and Negative Affect Schedule; PANAS). Depresijas pazÄ«mju noteikÅ”anai tika izmantota Ahenbaha JaunieÅ”u PaÅ”novērtējuma aptauja (2001, ASEBA Youth Self Report; YSR) PētÄ«juma rezultāti parādÄ«ja, ka pastāv statistiski nozÄ«mÄ«gas atŔķirÄ«bas starp medicÄ«nas klaunu apmeklēto un neapmeklēto grupu situatÄ«vās trauksmes lÄ«meni, pozitÄ«vajām emocijām, negatÄ«vajām emocijām. Grupa, kuru apmeklēja medicÄ«nas klauns, pēc apmeklējuma uzrādÄ«ja zemākus situatÄ«vās trauksmes rādÄ«tājus un negatÄ«vo emociju rādÄ«tājus, nekā grupa, kuru neapmeklēja medicÄ«nas klauns. Savukārt, grupa, kuru apmeklēja medicÄ«nas klauns, pēc Ŕī apmeklējuma uzrādÄ«ja augstākus izjusto pozitÄ«vo emociju rādÄ«tājus, nekā grupa, kurus neapmeklēja medicÄ«nas klauns. SalÄ«dzinot depresijas pazÄ«mes, starp abu grupu rādÄ«tājiem nebija statistiski nozÄ«mÄ«gu atŔķirÄ«bu.The aim of the master paper is to establish, if patients, who at the time of the study were placed in hospitals and visited by a medical clown feel less anxious, show less signs of depression and feel more positon emotions than patients, who at the time of the study were placed in hospitals, but not visited by a medical clown. The participants of the study were 30 adolescents at the age of 12 till 15 years that were divided into two groups. The first group consists of adolescents, who were placed in hospitals, where medical clowns are employed, the second group consists of adolescents, who were placed in hospitals, where there are no medical clowns employed. For the measuring of state-trait anxiety Spielbergerā€™s State-Trait Anxiety Inventory scale (1983, Spielbergerā€™s anxiety scale; STAI) was used. For determining of positive and negative emotions the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (1988, Positive and Negative Affect Schedule; PANAS) was used. For determining signs of depression the Achenbach's Youth Self Report (2001, ASEBA Youth Self Report; YSR) was used. The results of the research show that there are statistically significant differences in state-trait anxiety level, positive and negative emotions among groups visited and not visited by medical clowns. The group that was visited by medical clowns showed lower state-trait anxiety and negative emotion indicators after the visit than the group that was not visited by medical clowns. Whereas, the group that was visited by medical clowns, after this visit showed higher indicators of positive emotions felt than the group that was not visited by medical clowns. Comparing the signs of depression among both the groups, there were no statistically significant differences

    Aggressive behaviour gender differences in teenagers living in children's homes and in families

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    PētÄ«juma mērÄ·is bija noskaidrot vai pastāv statistiski nozÄ«mÄ«ga atŔķirÄ«ba agresivitātes rādÄ«tājos bērnu namā dzÄ«vojoÅ”u un Ä£imenēs dzÄ«vojoÅ”u meiteņu un zēnu grupās, kā arÄ« noskaidrot vai pastāv dzimumatŔķirÄ«bas agresijas rādÄ«tājos pusaudžiem. PētÄ«jumā piedalÄ«jās 80 pusaudži vecumā no 12 lÄ«dz 15 gadiem. 40 pusaudži (20 meitenes un 20 zēni) pētÄ«juma brÄ«dÄ« dzÄ«vo bērnu namā, bet 40 pusaudži (20 zēni un 20 meitenes) pētÄ«juma brÄ«dÄ« dzÄ«voja Ä£imenē. PētÄ«jumā tika izmantota bērnu uzvedÄ«bas novērtējuma anketa ā€“ Ahenbaha empÄ«riski pamatotās novērtÄ“Å”anas sistēma, pusaudža paÅ”novērtējuma anketa. PētÄ«jumā tika noskaidrots, ka pastāv statistiski nozÄ«mÄ«ga atŔķirÄ«ba starp bērnu namā un Ä£imenē dzÄ«vojoÅ”ajiem pusaudžiem agresivitātes rādÄ«tājiem. Bērnu namā dzÄ«vojoÅ”ajiem pusaudžiem agresivitātes rādÄ«tāji bija augstāki nekā Ä£imenēs dzÄ«vojoÅ”ajiem pusaudžiem. SalÄ«dzinot agresivitātes rādÄ«tājus meiteņu un zēnu grupās, kopējā zēnu izlasē nebija statistiski nozÄ«mÄ«gāki augstāki agresijas rādÄ«tāji nekā meiteņu izlasē.The aim of the study is to establish, whether there is a statistically significant difference in the aggressiveness ratios between girl and boy groups living in children's homes and living in families and also to establish, whether there are gender differences in the aggressiveness ratios of teenagers. 80 teenagers of 12 to 15 years of age participated in the study. 40 teenagers (20 girls and 20 boys) at the time of study lived in children's homes, but 40 teenagers (20 girls and 20 boys) at the time of study lived in families. Children behaviour evaluation survey ā€“ Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment, teenager self-assessment survey ā€“ was used in the study. In the study it was established that there is a statistically significant difference in the aggressiveness ratios of teenagers living in children's homes and living in families. Aggressiveness ratios of teenagers living in children's homes were higher than the ones of teenagers living in families. Comparing aggressiveness ratios of girl and boy groups, there were no statistically significant higher results of aggressiveness ratios for the total selection of boys than the selection of girls