85 research outputs found

    PhoSim-NIRCam: Photon-by-photon image simulations of the James Webb Space Telescope's Near-Infrared Camera

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    Recent instrumentation projects have allocated resources to develop codes for simulating astronomical images. Novel physics-based models are essential for understanding telescope, instrument, and environmental systematics in observations. A deep understanding of these systematics is especially important in the context of weak gravitational lensing, galaxy morphology, and other sensitive measurements. In this work, we present an adaptation of a physics-based ab initio image simulator: The Photon Simulator (PhoSim). We modify PhoSim for use with the Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) -- the primary imaging instrument aboard the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). This photon Monte Carlo code replicates the observational catalog, telescope and camera optics, detector physics, and readout modes/electronics. Importantly, PhoSim-NIRCam simulates both geometric aberration and diffraction across the field of view. Full field- and wavelength-dependent point spread functions are presented. Simulated images of an extragalactic field are presented. Extensive validation is planned during in-orbit commissioning

    Disentangling the Origin and Heating Mechanism of Supernova Dust: Late-Time Spitzer Spectroscopy of the Type IIn SN 2005ip

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    This paper presents late-time near-infrared and {\it Spitzer} mid-infrared photometric and spectroscopic observations of warm dust in the Type IIn SN 2005ip in NGC 2906. The spectra show evidence for two dust components with different temperatures. Spanning the peak of the thermal emission, these observations provide strong constraints on the dust mass, temperature, and luminosity, which serve as critical diagnostics for disentangling the origin and heating mechanism of each component. The results suggest the warmer dust has a mass of 5×104 \sim 5 \times 10^{-4}~\msolar, originates from newly formed dust in the ejecta, or possibly the cool, dense shell, and is continuously heated by the circumstellar interaction. By contrast, the cooler component likely originates from a circumstellar shock echo that forms from the heating of a large, pre-existing dust shell 0.010.05\sim 0.01 - 0.05~\msolar~by the late-time circumstellar interaction. The progenitor wind velocity derived from the blue edge of the He 1 1.083 \micron~P Cygni profile indicates a progenitor eruption likely formed this dust shell \sim100 years prior to the supernova explosion, which is consistent with a Luminous Blue Variable (LBV) progenitor star.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, Accepted to Ap

    High Spatial Resolution Thermal-Infrared Spectroscopy with ALES: Resolved Spectra of the Benchmark Brown Dwarf Binary HD 130948BC

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    We present 2.9-4.1 micron integral field spectroscopy of the L4+L4 brown dwarf binary HD 130948BC, obtained with the Arizona Lenslets for Exoplanet Spectroscopy (ALES) mode of the Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer (LBTI). The HD 130948 system is a hierarchical triple system, in which the G2V primary is joined by two co-orbiting brown dwarfs. By combining the age of the system with the dynamical masses and luminosities of the substellar companions, we can test evolutionary models of cool brown dwarfs and extra-solar giant planets. Previous near-infrared studies suggest a disagreement between HD 130948BC luminosities and those derived from evolutionary models. We obtained spatially-resolved, low-resolution (R~20) L-band spectra of HD 130948B and C to extend the wavelength coverage into the thermal infrared. Jointly using JHK photometry and ALES L-band spectra for HD 130948BC, we derive atmospheric parameters that are consistent with parameters derived from evolutionary models. We leverage the consistency of these atmospheric quantities to favor a younger age (0.50 \pm 0.07 Gyr) of the system compared to the older age (0.79 \pm 0.22 Gyr) determined with gyrochronology in order to address the luminosity discrepancy.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, Accepted to Ap

    Variations of the 10 um Silicate Features in the Actively Accreting T Tauri Stars: DG Tau and XZ Tau

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    Using the Infrared Spectrograph aboard the Spitzer Space Telescope, we observed multiple epochs of 11 actively accreting T Tauri stars in the nearby Taurus-Auriga star forming region. In total, 88 low-resolution mid-infrared spectra were collected over 1.5 years in Cycles 2 and 3. The results of this multi-epoch survey show that the 10 um silicate complex in the spectra of two sources - DG Tau and XZ Tau - undergoes significant variations with the silicate feature growing both weaker and stronger over month- and year-long timescales. Shorter timescale variations on day- to week-long timescales were not detected within the measured flux errors. The time resolution coverage of this data set is inadequate for determining if the variations are periodic. Pure emission compositional models of the silicate complex in each epoch of the DG Tau and XZ Tau spectra provide poor fits to the observed silicate features. These results agree with those of previous groups that attempted to fit only single-epoch observations of these sources. Simple two-temperature, two-slab models with similar compositions successfully reproduce the observed variations in the silicate features. These models hint at a self-absorption origin of the diminution of the silicate complex instead of a compositional change in the population of emitting dust grains. We discuss several scenarios for producing such variability including disk shadowing, vertical mixing, variations in disk heating, and disk wind events associated with accretion outbursts.Comment: 6 pages, emulate apj format, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    On-Sky Operations with the ALES Integral Field Spectrograph

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    The integral field spectrograph configuration of the LMIRCam science camera within the Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer (LBTI) facilitates 2 to 5 μ\mum spectroscopy of directly imaged gas-giant exoplanets. The mode, dubbed ALES, comprises magnification optics, a lenslet array, and direct-vision prisms, all of which are included within filter wheels in LMIRCam. Our observing approach includes manual adjustments to filter wheel positions to optimize alignment, on/off nodding to track sky-background variations, and wavelength calibration using narrow band filters in series with ALES optics. For planets with separations outside our 1"x1" field of view, we use a three-point nod pattern to visit the primary, secondary and sky. To minimize overheads we select the longest exposure times and nod periods given observing conditions, especially sky brightness and variability. Using this strategy we collected several datasets of low-mass companions to nearby stars

    Mid-Infrared High-Contrast Imaging of HD 114174 B : An Apparent Age Discrepancy in a "Sirius-Like" Binary System

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    We present new observations of the faint "Sirius-like" companion discovered to orbit HD 114174. Previous attempts to image HD 114174 B at mid-infrared wavelengths using NIRC2 at Keck have resulted in a non-detection. Our new L'-band observations taken with the Large Binocular Telescope and LMIRCam recover the companion (ΔL\Delta L = 10.15 ±\pm 0.15 mag, ρ\rho = 0.675'' ±\pm 0.016'') with a high signal-to-noise ratio (10 σ\sigma). This measurement represents the deepest L' high-contrast imaging detection at sub-arcsecond separations to date, including extrasolar planets. We confirm that HD 114174 B has near-infrared colors consistent with the interpretation of a cool white dwarf (JLJ-L' = 0.76 ±\pm 0.19 mag, KLK-L' = 0.64 ±\pm 0.20). New model fits to the object's spectral energy distribution indicate a temperature TeffT_{\rm eff} = 4260 ±\pm 360 K, surface gravity log g = 7.94 ±\pm 0.03, a cooling age tc_{c} \approx 7.8 Gyr, and mass MM = 0.54 ±\pm 0.01 MM_{\odot}. We find that the cooling age given by theoretical atmospheric models do not agree with the age of HD 114174 A derived from both isochronological and gyrochronological analyses. We speculate on possible scenarios to explain the apparent age discrepancy between the primary and secondary. HD 114174 B is a nearby benchmark white dwarf that will ultimately enable a dynamical mass estimate through continued Doppler and astrometric monitoring. Efforts to characterize its physical properties in detail will test theoretical atmospheric models and improve our understanding of white dwarf evolution, cooling, and progenitor masses.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to be published in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Quiescent H2 Emission From Pre-Main Sequence Stars in Chamaeleon I

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    We report the discovery of quiescent emission from molecular hydrogen gas located in the circumstellar disks of six pre-main sequence stars, including two weak-line T Tauri stars (TTS), and one Herbig AeBe star, in the Chamaeleon I star forming region. For two of these stars, we also place upper limits on the 2->1 S(1)/1->0 S(1) line ratios of 0.4 and 0.5. Of the 11 pre-main sequence sources now known to be sources of quiescent near-infrared hydrogen emission, four possess transitional disks, which suggests that detectable levels of H2_2 emission and the presence of inner disk holes are correlated. These H2_2 detections demonstrate that these inner holes are not completely devoid of gas, in agreement with the presence of observable accretion signatures for all four of these stars and the recent detections of [Ne II] emission from three of them. The overlap in [Ne II] and H2_2 detections hints at a possible correlation between these two features and suggests a shared excitation mechanism of high energy photons. Our models, combined with the kinematic information from the H2_2 lines, locate the bulk of the emitting gas at a few tens of AU from the stars. We also find a correlation between H2_2 detections and those targets which possess the largest Hα\alpha equivalent widths, suggesting a link between accretion activity and quiescent H2_2 emission. We conclude that quiescent H2_2 emission from relatively hot gas within the disks of TTS is most likely related to on-going accretion activity, the production of UV photons and/or X-rays, and the evolutionary status of the dust grain populations in the inner disks.Comment: 12 pages, emulateapj, Accepted by Ap

    Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer Adaptive Optics: On-sky performance and lessons learned

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    The Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer is a high contrast imager and interferometer that sits at the combined bent Gregorian focus of the LBT's dual 8.4~m apertures. The interferometric science drivers dictate 0.1'' resolution with 10310410^3-10^4 contrast at 10 μm10~\mu m, while the 4 μm4~\mu m imaging science drivers require even greater contrasts, but at scales >>0.2''. In imaging mode, LBTI's Adaptive Optics system is already delivering 4 μm4~\mu m contrast of 10410510^4-10^5 at 0.30.750.3''-0.75'' in good conditions. Even in poor seeing, it can deliver up to 90\% Strehl Ratio at this wavelength. However, the performance could be further improved by mitigating Non-Common Path Aberrations. Any NCPA remedy must be feasible using only the current hardware: the science camera, the wavefront sensor, and the adaptive secondary mirror. In preliminary testing, we have implemented an ``eye doctor'' grid search approach for astigmatism and trefoil, achieving 5\% improvement in Strehl Ratio at 4 μm4~\mu m, with future plans to test at shorter wavelengths and with more modes. We find evidence of NCPA variability on short timescales and discuss possible upgrades to ameliorate time-variable effectsComment: Published in Proceedings of SPIE, vol 9148: Adaptive Optics Systems I