598 research outputs found

    Block design performance in the Williams syndrome phenotype: A problem with mental imagery?

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    Williams syndrome (WS) is a rare genetic disorder which, among other characteristics, has a distinctive cognitive profile. Non-verbal abilities are generally poor in relation to verbal abilities, but also show varying levels of ability in relation to each other. Performance on block construction tasks represents arguably the weakest non-verbal ability in WS. In this study we examined two requirements of block construction tasks in 21 individuals with WS and 21 typically developing (TD) control individuals. The Squares task, a novel two-dimensional block construction task, manipulated patterns by segmentation and perceptual cohesiveness to investigate the first factor, processing preference (local or global), and by obliqueness to examine the second factor, the ability to use mental imagery. These two factors were investigated directly by the Children?s Embedded Figures Test (CEFT; Witkin, Oltman, Raskin & Karp, 1971) and a mental rotation task respectively. Results showed that individuals with WS did not differ from the TD group in their processing style. However, the ability to use mental imagery was significantly poorer in the WS group than the TD group. This suggests that weak performance on the block construction tasks in WS may relate to an inability to use mental imagery

    Divided attention, selective attention and drawing: Processing preferences in Williams syndrome are dependent on the task administered

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    The visuo-spatial abilities of individuals with Williams syndrome (WS) have consistently been shown to be generally weak. These poor visuo-spatial abilities have been ascribed to a local processing bias by some [30] and conversely, to a global processing bias by others [24]. In this study, two identification versions and one drawing version of the Navon hierarchical processing task, a non-verbal task, were employed to investigate this apparent contradiction. The two identification tasks were administered to 21 individuals with WS, 21 typically developing individuals, matched by non-verbal ability, and 21 adult participants matched to the WS group by mean chronological age. The third, drawing task was administered to the WS group and the TD controls only. It was hypothesised that the WS group would show differential processing biases depending on the type of processing the task was measuring. Results from two identification versions of the Navon task measuring divided and selective attention showed that the WS group experienced equal interference from global to local as from local to global levels, and did not show an advantage of one level over another. This pattern of performance was broadly comparable to that of the control groups. The third task, a drawing version of the Navon task, revealed that individuals with WS were significantly better at drawing the local form in comparison to the global figure, whereas the typically developing control group did not show a bias towards either level. In summary, this study demonstrates that individuals with WS do not have a local or a global processing bias when asked to identify stimuli, but do show a local bias in their drawing abilities. This contrast may explain the apparently contrasting findings from previous studies

    Impaired Competence for Pretense in Children with Autism: Exploring Potential Cognitive Predictors.

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    Lack of pretense in children with autism has been explained by a number of theoretical explanations, including impaired mentalising, impaired response inhibition, and weak central coherence. This study aimed to empirically test each of these theories. Children with autism (n=60) were significantly impaired relative to controls (n=65) when interpreting pretense, thereby supporting a competence deficit hypothesis. They also showed impaired mentalising and response inhibition, but superior local processing indicating weak central coherence. Regression analyses revealed that mentalising significantly and independently predicted pretense. The results are interpreted as supporting the impaired mentalising theory and evidence against competing theories invoking impaired response inhibition or a local processing bias. The results of this study have important implications for treatment and intervention

    Surface reconstruction induced geometries of Si clusters

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    We discuss a generalization of the surface reconstruction arguments for the structure of intermediate size Si clusters, which leads to model geometries for the sizes 33, 39 (two isomers), 45 (two isomers), 49 (two isomers), 57 and 61 (two isomers). The common feature in all these models is a structure that closely resembles the most stable reconstruction of Si surfaces, surrounding a core of bulk-like tetrahedrally bonded atoms. We investigate the energetics and the electronic structure of these models through first-principles density functional theory calculations. These models may be useful in understanding experimental results on the reactivity of Si clusters and their shape as inferred from mobility measurements.Comment: 9 figures (available from the author upon request) Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Quantum phase transition in quantum dot trimers

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    We investigate a system of three tunnel-coupled semiconductor quantum dots in a triangular geometry, one of which is connected to a metallic lead, in the regime where each dot is essentially singly occupied. Both ferro- and antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 Kondo regimes, separated by a quantum phase transition, are shown to arise on tuning the interdot tunnel couplings and should be accessible experimentally. Even in the ferromagnetically-coupled local moment phase, the Kondo effect emerges in the vicinity of the transition at finite temperatures. Physical arguments and numerical renormalization group techniques are used to obtain a detailed understanding of the problem.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Post-Turing Methodology: Breaking the Wall on the Way to Artificial General Intelligence

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    This article offers comprehensive criticism of the Turing test and develops quality criteria for new artificial general intelligence (AGI) assessment tests. It is shown that the prerequisites A. Turing drew upon when reducing personality and human consciousness to “suitable branches of thought” re-flected the engineering level of his time. In fact, the Turing “imitation game” employed only symbolic communication and ignored the physical world. This paper suggests that by restricting thinking ability to symbolic systems alone Turing unknowingly constructed “the wall” that excludes any possi-bility of transition from a complex observable phenomenon to an abstract image or concept. It is, therefore, sensible to factor in new requirements for AI (artificial intelligence) maturity assessment when approaching the Tu-ring test. Such AI must support all forms of communication with a human being, and it should be able to comprehend abstract images and specify con-cepts as well as participate in social practices

    Vibrational signatures for low-energy intermediate-sized Si clusters

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    We report low-energy locally stable structures for the clusters Si20 and Si21. The structures were obtained by performing geometry optimizations within the local density approximation. Our calculated binding energies for these clusters are larger than any previously reported for this size regime. To aid in the experimental identification of the structures, we have computed the full vibrational spectra of the clusters, along with the Raman and IR activities of the various modes using a recently developed first-principles technique. These represent, to our knowledge, the first calculations of Raman and IR spectra for Si clusters of this size

    Multilab Direct Replication of Flavell, Beach, and Chinsky (1966): Spontaneous Verbal Rehearsal in a Memory Task as a Function of Age

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    Work by Flavell, Beach, and Chinsky indicated a change in the spontaneous production of overt verbalization behaviors when comparing young children (age 5) with older children (age 10). Despite the critical role that this evidence of a change in verbalization behaviors plays in modern theories of cognitive development and working memory, there has been only one other published near replication of this work. In this Registered Replication Report, we relied on researchers from 17 labs who contributed their results to a larger and more comprehensive sample of children. We assessed memory performance and the presence or absence of verbalization behaviors of young children at different ages and determined that the original pattern of findings was largely upheld: Older children were more likely to verbalize, and their memory spans improved. We confirmed that 5- and 6-year-old children who verbalized recalled more than children who did not verbalize. However, unlike Flavell et al., substantial proportions of our 5- and 6-year-old samples overtly verbalized at least sometimes during the picture memory task. In addition, continuous increase in overt verbalization from 7 to 10 years old was not consistently evident in our samples. These robust findings should be weighed when considering theories of cognitive development, particularly theories concerning when verbal rehearsal emerges and relations between speech and memory

    Size--sensitive melting characteristics of gallium clusters: Comparison of Experiment and Theory for Ga17+_{17}{}^{+} and Ga20+_{20}{}^{+}

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    Experiments and simulations have been performed to examine the finite-temperature behavior of Ga17+_{17}{}^{+} and Ga20+_{20}{}^{+} clusters. Specific heats and average collision cross sections have been measured as a function of temperature, and the results compared to simulations performed using first principles Density--Functional Molecular--Dynamics. The experimental results show that while Ga17+_{17}{}^{+} apparently undergoes a solid--liquid transition without a significant peak in the specific--heat, Ga20+_{20}{}^{+} melts with a relatively sharp peak. Our analysis of the computational results indicate a strong correlation between the ground--state geometry and the finite--temperature behavior of the cluster. If the ground--state geometry is symmetric and "ordered" the cluster is found to have a distinct peak in the specific--heat. However, if the ground--state geometry is amorphous or "disordered" the cluster melts without a peak in the specific--heat.Comment: 6 figure
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