198 research outputs found

    Mutation du foncier agricole en frange urbaine : élaboration et mise à l'épreuve d'une politique de régulation territoriale

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    International audienceLe pôle urbain de Montpellier s'est largement étalé lors des dernières décennies à la faveur de son dynamisme démographique et du retrait de la viticulture : la " maîtrise " communale de l'urbanisme s'est traduite par une urbanisation tous azimuts. Comment mettre fin à ces processus sans compromettre l'économie résidentielle ? C'est une priorité de la nouvelle intercommunalité dont la politique d'aménagement est analysée. La genèse de cette politique est retracée ainsi que sa traduction dans le schéma de cohérence territoriale, dont les objectifs d'économie d'espace et les outils - identification des limites, densification, maîtrise foncière - sont détaillés. Sa mise en ½uvre au niveau communal révèle les forces et les faiblesses de cette politique. Cette étude empirique soutient une réflexion plus générale sur les dynamiques foncières périurbaines et les outils politiques de régulation, à la croisée des problématiques de gouvernance territoriale et de préservation des ressources

    Comment étudier (analyser) la gouvernance territoriale ? Mise à l'épreuve d'une grille de lecture

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    International audienceDans cet article nous présentons une grille d'analyse de la gouvernance territoriale que nous avons construite dans le cadre d'un projet de recherche pluridisciplinaire à partir d'une définition commune de la gouvernance territoriale. La gouvernance territoriale est devenue une question centrale dans le développement territorial et un enjeu pour l'élaboration des politiques publiques. Elaborer une grille d'analyse sur la gouvernance territoriale ne va pas de soi ; nous illustrerons son opérationnalisation à partir des travaux de terrain réalisés dans trois situations dans la région de Languedoc Roussillon. Les dispositifs et outils sont contextuels et les modes de gouvernances pluriels selon les objectifs et les dynamiques antérieures. Enfin nous en tirerons des enseignements pour l'étude de la gouvernance tant sur la production des connaissances que sur l'opérationnalité de cette grille. / In this paper we present an analytical framework of territorial governance that we built as part of a multidisciplinary research project based on a common definition of territorial governance. Territorial governance has become a central issue in regional development and a challenge for public policy. Develop an analytical framework on territorial governance does not just happen, and we illustrate its operationalization based on fieldwork conducted in three situations in Languedoc-Roussillon. Devices and tools are contextual and plural forms of governance based on the objectives and dynamics earlier. Finally we will draw lessons for the study of governance both in the production of knowledge about the operational capability of the grid

    Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering in electronically quasi-zero-dimensional CuB2O4

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    We explore the general phenomenology of resonant inelastic scattering (RIXS) using CuB2O4, a network of CuO4 plaquettes electronically isolated by B+3 ions. Spectra show a small number of well-separated features, and we exploit the simple electronic structure to explore RIXS phenomenology by developing a calculation which allows for intermediate-state effects ignored in standard approaches. These effects are found to be non-negligible and good correspondence between our model and experiment leads to a simple picture of such phenomenology as the genesis of d-d excitations at the K edge and intermediate-state interference effects.Comment: Phys. Rev. B 80, 092509 (2009

    Innovation et gouvernance territoriale : une analyse par les dispositifs

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    International audienceCette communication vise à présenter les outils méthodologiques d'analyse/évaluation de la gouvernance territoriale élaborés dans le cadre du projet de recherche PSDR Gouv.Innov sur les innovations organisationnelles relatives à la gouvernance territoriale. Il s'agit d'étudier les transformations introduites par les politiques de développement durable au niveau des dispositifs de gouvernance territoriale visant à favoriser une gestion intégrée des espaces ruraux. Dans un contexte de recomposition de l'action publique où les procédures d'aménagement sont plutôt normées par des représentations urbaines, l'accent est mis sur la question des modalités de représentation des activités rurales, pour lesquelles nous faisons l'hypothèse qu'elles sont sous représentées. Les premiers résultats méthodologiques permettent, dans une première partie, de proposer une définition générique et pragmatique de la gouvernance territoriale et de préciser la notion de dispositifs de gouvernance comme objet d'observation. A partir de cette définition une grille d'analyse permettant d'appréhender l'ensemble des dimensions en jeu dans les processus de gouvernance territoriale est élaborée. Dans la deuxième partie nous explorons l'intérêt de la notion de dispositif pour observer les processus de gouvernance et proposons une grille de collecte et de structuration des informations pour constituer des chroniques des dispositifs étudiés. / This paper seeks to present the methodological tools used in the analysis/evaluation of territorial governance developed during research undertaken within the framework of the PSDR Gouv-Innov project on organisational innovations with respect to territorial governance. It involves the study of the changes resulting from the emergence of sustainable development policies in territorial governance systems aiming to implement the integrated management of rural areas. In a context of changes in the way in which public action is implemented (for instance, public-private partnerships), where development procedures are usually standardised by urban representations, the emphasis is placed on the issue of the representation of rural activities, the hypothesis being that they are under-represented. The initial methodological results lead, in the first instance, to a proposition for a generic and pragmatic definition of territorial governance and a clarification of the notion of governance systems as objects of observation. This definition can be used as the basis of a framework to address all the analytical dimensions of the territorial governance process. In the second part, the authors explore the idea of system in order to observe governance processes and suggest a matrix for the collection and structuring of information in order to report on the studied systems

    Pressure-induced valence anomaly in TmTe probed by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering

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    The pressure-induced valence transition in TmTe was investigated by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering at the Tm L(3) edge, a powerful probe of the rare-earth valent state. The data are analyzed within the Anderson impurity model which yields key parameters such as the Tm 4f-5d hybridization. In addition to the general tendency of the f electrons towards delocalization, we find a plateau in both the Tm valence and hybridization pressure dependences between 4.3 and 6.5 GPa which is interpreted in terms of an n-channel Kondo (NCK) screening process. This behavior is at odds with the usually continuous, single-channel Kondo-like f delocalization while being supported by the seminal calculations of the NCK temperature in Tm ion by Saso et al. Our study raises the interesting possibility that an NCK effect realized in a compressed mixed-valent f system could impede the concomitant electron delocalization

    Investigation of the thermal stability of Mg/Co periodic multilayers for EUV applications

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    We present the results of the characterization of Mg/Co periodic multilayers and their thermal stability for the EUV range. The annealing study is performed up to a temperature of 400\degree C. Images obtained by scanning transmission electron microscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy clearly show the good quality of the multilayer structure. The measurements of the EUV reflectivity around 25 nm (~49 eV) indicate that the reflectivity decreases when the annealing temperature increases above 300\degreeC. X-ray emission spectroscopy is performed to determine the chemical state of the Mg atoms within the Mg/Co multilayer. Nuclear magnetic resonance used to determine the chemical state of the Co atoms and scanning electron microscopy images of cross sections of the Mg/Co multilayers reveal changes in the morphology of the stack from an annealing temperature of 305\degreee;C. This explains the observed reflectivity loss.Comment: Published in Applied Physics A: Materials Science \& Processing Published at http://www.springerlink.com.chimie.gate.inist.fr/content/6v396j6m56771r61/ 21 page

    Preclinical Evaluation of a Lentiviral Vector for Huntingtin Silencing.

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    Huntington's disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder resulting from a polyglutamine expansion in the huntingtin (HTT) protein. There is currently no cure for this disease, but recent studies suggest that RNAi to downregulate the expression of both normal and mutant HTT is a promising therapeutic approach. We previously developed a small hairpin RNA (shRNA), vectorized in an HIV-1-derived lentiviral vector (LV), that reduced pathology in an HD rodent model. Here, we modified this vector for preclinical development by using a tat-independent third-generation LV (pCCL) backbone and removing the original reporter genes. We demonstrate that this novel vector efficiently downregulated HTT expression in vitro in striatal neurons derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) of HD patients. It reduced two major pathological HD hallmarks while triggering a minimal inflammatory response, up to 6 weeks after injection, when administered by stereotaxic surgery in the striatum of an in vivo rodent HD model. Further assessment of this shRNA vector in vitro showed proper processing by the endogenous silencing machinery, and we analyzed gene expression changes to identify potential off-targets. These preclinical data suggest that this new shRNA vector fulfills primary biosafety and efficiency requirements for further development in the clinic as a cure for HD

    Itinerant effects and enhanced magnetic interactions in Bi-based multilayer cuprates

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    The cuprate high temperature superconductors exhibit a pronounced trend in which the superconducting transition temperature Tc increases with the number of CuO2 planes n in the crystal structure. We compare the magnetic excitation spectrum of Bi2+xSr2−xCuO6+δ (Bi-2201) and Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+δ (Bi-2223), with n = 1 and 3, respectively, using Cu L3-edge resonant inelastic x-ray scattering. Near the antinodal zone boundary we find the paramagnon energy in Bi-2223 is substantially higher than that in Bi-2201, indicating that multilayer cuprates host stronger effective magnetic exchange interactions, providing a possible explanation for the Tc vs n scaling. In contrast, the nodal direction exhibits very strongly damped, almost nondispersive excitations. We argue that this implies that the magnetism in the doped cuprates is partially itinerant in nature

    The "MINOTOR" H2020 project for ECR thruster development

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    Electric propulsion has been identified by European actors as a strategic technology for improving competitiveness in different space areas such as in-space operations and transportation. The European Commission has set up the "In-space Electrical Propulsion and Station-Keeping" Strategic Research Cluster (SRC) in the "Horizon 2020" funding framework with the goal of enabling major advances in Electric Propulsion for in-space operations and transportation. In this framework, the MINOTOR project was funded to mature a potentially disruptive cathodeless electric propulsion technology, the Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) thruster. In recent years, the consortium leader ONERA has built up a large experience on ECR technology for electric propulsion, and the MINOTOR project will bring the expertise from three industrial partners (TMI, TAS-B and SAFRAN) and two university partners (UC3M and JLU) to take the next step.This work was made in the framework of project MINOTOR that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730028