2,153 research outputs found

    From Spitzer Galaxy Photometry to Tully-Fisher Distances

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    This paper involves a data release of the observational campaign: Cosmicflows with Spitzer (CFS). Surface photometry of the 1270 galaxies constituting the survey is presented. An additional ~ 400 galaxies from various other Spitzer surveys are also analyzed. CFS complements the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies, that provides photometry for an additional 2352 galaxies, by extending observations to low galactic latitudes (|b|<30 degrees). Among these galaxies are calibrators, selected in K band, of the Tully-Fisher relation. The addition of new calibrators demonstrate the robustness of the previously released calibration. Our estimate of the Hubble constant using supernova host galaxies is unchanged, H0 = 75.2 +/- 3.3 km/s/Mpc. Distance-derived radial peculiar velocities, for the 1935 galaxies with all the available parameters, will be incorporated into a new data release of the Cosmicflows project. The size of the previous catalog will be increased by 20%, including spatial regions close to the Zone of Avoidance.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 16 pages, 14 figures, 6 table

    The radial variation of HI velocity dispersions in dwarfs and spirals

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    Gas velocity dispersions provide important diagnostics of the forces counteracting gravity to prevent collapse of the gas. We use the 21 cm line of neutral atomic hydrogen (HI) to study HI velocity dispersion and HI phases as a function of galaxy morphology in 22 galaxies from The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey (THINGS). We stack individual HI velocity profiles and decompose them into broad and narrow Gaussian components. We study the HI velocity dispersion and the HI surface density, as a function of radius. For spirals, the velocity dispersions of the narrow and broad components decline with radius and their radial profiles are well described by an exponential function. For dwarfs, however, the profiles are much flatter. The single Gaussian dispersion profiles are, in general, flatter than those of the narrow and broad components. In most cases, the dispersion profiles in the outer disks do not drop as fast as the star formation profiles, derived in the literature. This indicates the importance of other energy sources in driving HI velocity dispersion in the outer disks. The radial surface density profiles of spirals and dwarfs are similar. The surface density profiles of the narrow component decline more steeply than those of the broad component, but not as steep as what was found previously for the molecular component. As a consequence, the surface density ratio between the narrow and broad components, an estimate of the mass ratio between cold HI and warm HI, tends to decrease with radius. On average, this ratio is lower in dwarfs than in spirals. This lack of a narrow, cold HI component in dwarfs may explain their low star formation activity.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal, 13 pages, 10 figures, 4 table

    Paramagnetic Resonance Absorption in Some Organic Biradicals

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    Four compounds of the form 4,4â€Č‐polymethylenebistriphenylmethyl, one compound of the form (1,4‐phenylene)bisdiarylmethyl, three compounds of the form (4,4â€Č‐biphenylene)bisdiarylmethyl, and one compound, 4,4â€Č‐oxybistriphenylmethyl have been shown to possess unpaired electrons by paramagnetic resonance absorption. The resonance spectra of 0.01 M solutions of these compounds in benzene exhibit a hyperfine structure arising from a spherically symmetrical contribution of the magnetic dipole interaction between the unpaired electron and the nuclear magnetic moments of the hydrogen atoms. The g‐factors for the compounds investigated in the first three classes were found to be 2.0025±0.0004 and 2.0031±0.0004 for the last compound. Such a close approach of the g‐factor to the free electron value plus the sharpness of the hyperfine structure lines indicates that the anisotropic contributions of the spin‐orbit interaction, which would normally lift the degeneracy of the triplet state, are averaged out by the tumbling of the molecules.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/70965/2/JCPSA6-25-4-697-1.pd

    A GBT Survey of the HALOGAS Galaxies and Their Environments I: Revealing the full extent of HI around NGC891, NGC925, NGC4414 & NGC4565

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    We present initial results from a deep neutral hydrogen (HI) survey of the HALOGAS galaxy sample, which includes the spiral galaxies NGC891, NGC925, NGC4414, and NGC4565, performed with the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT). The resulting observations cover at least four deg2^2 around these galaxies with an average 5σ\sigma detection limit of 1.2×\times1018^{18} cm−2^{-2} over a velocity range of 20 km s−1^{-1} and angular scale of 9.1â€Č'. In addition to detecting the same total flux as the GBT data, the spatial distribution of the GBT and original Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) data match well at equal spatial resolutions. The HI mass fraction below HI column densities of 1019^{19} cm−2^{-2} is, on average, 2\%. We discuss the possible origins of low column density HI of nearby spiral galaxies. The absence of a considerable amount of newly detected HI by the GBT indicates these galaxies do not have significant extended diffuse HI structures, and suggests future surveys planned with the SKA and its precursors must go \textit{at least} as deep as 1017^{17} cm−2^{-2} in column density to significantly increase the probability of detecting HI associated with the cosmic web and/or cold mode accretion.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal; 28 pages, 15 figure

    CARS Temperature Measurements in a Hypersonic Propulsion Test Facility

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    Nonintrusive diagnostic measurements were performed in the supersonic reacting flow of the Hypersonic Propulsion Test Cell 2 at NASA-Langley. A Coherent Anti-stokes Raman Spectroscopy (CARS) system was assembled specifically for the test cell environment. System design considerations were: (1) test cell noise and vibration; (2) contamination from flow field or atmospheric borne dust; (3) unwanted laser or electrically induced combustion (inside or outside the duct); (4) efficient signal collection; (5) signal splitting to span the wide dynamic range present throughout the flow field; (6) movement of the sampling volume in the flow; and (7) modification of the scramjet model duct to permit optical access to the reacting flow with the CARS system. The flow in the duct was a nominal Mach 2 flow with static pressure near one atmosphere. A single perpendicular injector introduced hydrogen into the flow behind a rearward facing step. CARS data was obtained in three planes downstream of the injection region. At least 20 CARS data points were collected at each of the regularly spaced sampling locations in each data plane. Contour plots of scramjet combustor static temperature in a reacting flow region are presented

    The Calibration of the WISE W1 and W2 Tully-Fisher Relation

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    In order to explore local large-scale structures and velocity fields, accurate galaxy distance measures are needed. We now extend the well-tested recipe for calibrating the correlation between galaxy rotation rates and luminosities -- capable of providing such distance measures -- to the all-sky, space-based imaging data from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) W1 (3.4ÎŒ3.4\mum) and W2 (4.6ÎŒ4.6\mum) filters. We find a linewidth to absolute magnitude correlation (known as the Tully-Fisher Relation, TFR) of MW1b,i,k,a=−20.35−9.56(log⁥Wmxi−2.5)\mathcal{M}^{b,i,k,a}_{W1} = -20.35 - 9.56 (\log W^i_{mx} - 2.5) (0.54 magnitudes rms) and MW2b,i,k,a=−19.76−9.74(log⁥Wmxi−2.5)\mathcal{M}^{b,i,k,a}_{W2} = -19.76 - 9.74 (\log W^i_{mx} - 2.5) (0.56 magnitudes rms) from 310 galaxies in 13 clusters. We update the I-band TFR using a sample 9% larger than in Tully & Courtois (2012). We derive MIb,i,k=−21.34−8.95(log⁥Wmxi−2.5)\mathcal{M}^{b,i,k}_I = -21.34 - 8.95 (\log W^i_{mx} - 2.5) (0.46 magnitudes rms). The WISE TFRs show evidence of curvature. Quadratic fits give MW1b,i,k,a=−20.48−8.36(log⁥Wmxi−2.5)+3.60(log⁥Wmxi−2.5)2\mathcal{M}^{b,i,k,a}_{W1} = -20.48 - 8.36 (\log W^i_{mx} - 2.5) + 3.60 (\log W^i_{mx} - 2.5)^2 (0.52 magnitudes rms) and MW2b,i,k,a=−19.91−8.40(log⁥Wmxi−2.5)+4.32(log⁥Wmxi−2.5)2\mathcal{M}^{b,i,k,a}_{W2} = -19.91 - 8.40 (\log W^i_{mx} - 2.5) + 4.32 (\log W^i_{mx} - 2.5)^2 (0.55 magnitudes rms). We apply an I-band -- WISE color correction to lower the scatter and derive MCW1=−20.22−9.12(log⁥Wmxi−2.5)\mathcal{M}_{C_{W1}} = -20.22 - 9.12 (\log W^i_{mx} - 2.5) and MCW2=−19.63−9.11(log⁥Wmxi−2.5)\mathcal{M}_{C_{W2}} = -19.63 - 9.11 (\log W^i_{mx} - 2.5) (both 0.46 magnitudes rms). Using our three independent TFRs (W1 curved, W2 curved and I-band), we calibrate the UNION2 supernova Type Ia sample distance scale and derive H0=74.4±1.4H_0 = 74.4 \pm 1.4(stat) ± 2.4\pm\ 2.4(sys) kms−1^{-1} Mpc−1^{-1} with 4% total error.Comment: 22 page, 21 figures, accepted to ApJ, Table 1 data at http://spartan.srl.caltech.edu/~neill/tfwisecal/table1.tx

    Towards a Full Census of the Obscure(d) Vela Supercluster using MeerKAT

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    Recent spectroscopic observations of a few thousand partially obscured galaxies in the Vela constellation revealed a massive overdensity on supercluster scales straddling the Galactic Equator (l ∌\sim 272.5deg) at cz∌18000cz \sim 18000km/s. It remained unrecognised because it is located just beyond the boundaries and volumes of systematic whole-sky redshift and peculiar velocity surveys - and is obscured by the Milky Way. The structure lies close to the apex where residual bulkflows suggest considerable mass excess. The uncovered Vela Supercluster (VSCL) conforms of a confluence of merging walls, but its core remains uncharted. At the thickest foreground dust column densities (|b| < 6 deg) galaxies are not visible and optical spectroscopy is not effective. This precludes a reliable estimate of the mass of VSCL, hence its effect on the cosmic flow field and the peculiar velocity of the Local Group. Only systematic HI-surveys can bridge that gap. We have run simulations and will present early-science observing scenarios with MeerKAT 32 (M32) to complete the census of this dynamically and cosmologically relevant supercluster. M32 has been put forward because this pilot project will also serve as precursor project for HI MeerKAT Large Survey Projects, like Fornax and Laduma. Our calculations have shown that a survey area of the fully obscured part of the supercluster, where the two walls cross and the potential core of the supercluster resides, can be achieved on reasonable time-scales (200 hrs) with M32.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication, Proceedings of Science, workshop on "MeerKAT Science: On the Pathway to the SKA", held in Stellenbosch 25-27 May 201

    Issues for designing and evaluating a 'heroin trial': three discussion papers

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    Report on a workshop on trial evaluation / G. Bammer and D.N. McDonald -- An evaluation of possible designs for a heroin trial / R.G. Jarrett and P.J. Solomon -- Service provision considerations for the evaluation of a heroin trial. A discussion paper / D.N. McDonald, G. Bammer, D.G. Legge and B.M. Sibthorpe

    Identification of novel subgroup a variants with enhanced receptor binding and replicative capacity in primary isolates of anaemogenic strains of feline leukaemia virus

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    &lt;b&gt;BACKGROUND:&lt;/b&gt; The development of anaemia in feline leukaemia virus (FeLV)-infected cats is associated with the emergence of a novel viral subgroup, FeLV-C. FeLV-C arises from the subgroup that is transmitted, FeLV-A, through alterations in the amino acid sequence of the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the envelope glycoprotein that result in a shift in the receptor usage and the cell tropism of the virus. The factors that influence the transition from subgroup A to subgroup C remain unclear, one possibility is that a selective pressure in the host drives the acquisition of mutations in the RBD, creating A/C intermediates with enhanced abilities to interact with the FeLV-C receptor, FLVCR. In order to understand further the emergence of FeLV-C in the infected cat, we examined primary isolates of FeLV-C for evidence of FeLV-A variants that bore mutations consistent with a gradual evolution from FeLV-A to FeLV-C.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;b&gt;RESULTS:&lt;/b&gt; Within each isolate of FeLV-C, we identified variants that were ostensibly subgroup A by nucleic acid sequence comparisons, but which bore mutations in the RBD. One such mutation, N91D, was present in multiple isolates and when engineered into a molecular clone of the prototypic FeLV-A (Glasgow-1), enhanced replication was noted in feline cells. Expression of the N91D Env on murine leukaemia virus (MLV) pseudotypes enhanced viral entry mediated by the FeLV-A receptor THTR1 while soluble FeLV-A Env bearing the N91D mutation bound more efficiently to mouse or guinea pig cells bearing the FeLV-A and -C receptors. Long-term in vitro culture of variants bearing the N91D substitution in the presence of anti-FeLV gp70 antibodies did not result in the emergence of FeLV-C variants, suggesting that additional selective pressures in the infected cat may drive the subsequent evolution from subgroup A to subgroup C.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;b&gt;CONCLUSIONS:&lt;/b&gt; Our data support a model in which variants of FeLV-A, bearing subtle differences in the RBD of Env, may be predisposed towards enhanced replication in vivo and subsequent conversion to FeLV-C. The selection pressures in vivo that drive the emergence of FeLV-C in a proportion of infected cats remain to be established

    Optically controlled spin-glasses in multi-qubit cavity systems

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    Recent advances in nanostructure fabrication and optical control, suggest that it will soon be possible to prepare collections of interacting two-level systems (i.e. qubits) within an optical cavity. Here we show theoretically that such systems could exhibit novel phase transition phenomena involving spin-glass phases. By contrast with traditional realizations using magnetic solids, these phase transition phenomena are associated with both matter and radiation subsystems. Moreover the various phase transitions should be tunable simply by varying the matter-radiation coupling strength.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
