38 research outputs found

    Postlaunch Performance of the Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) Nadir Sensors

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    The prelaunch specifications for nadir sensors of the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) were designed to ensure that measurements from them could be used to retrieve total column ozone and nadir ozone profile information both for operational use and for use in long-term ozone data records. In this paper, we will show results from our extensive analysis of the performance of the nadir mapper (NM) and nadir profiler (NP) sensors during the first year and a half of OMPS nadir operations. In most cases, we determined that both sensors meet or exceed their prelaunch specifications. Normalized radiance (radiance divided by irradiance) measurements have been determined to be well within their 2% specification for both sensors. In the case of stray light, the NM sensor is within its 2% specification for all but the shortest wavelengths, while the NP sensor is within its 2% specification for all but the longest wavelengths. Artifacts that negatively impacted the sensor calibration due to diffuser features were reduced to less than 1% through changes made in the solar calibration sequence. Preliminary analysis of the disagreement between measurements made by the NM and NP sensors in the region where their wavelengths overlap indicates that it is due to shifts in the shared dichroic filter after launch and that it can be corrected. In general, our analysis indicates that both the NM and NP sensors are performing well, that they are stable, and that any deviations from nominal performance can be well characterized and corrected

    Nimbus-7 TOMS Version 7 Calibration

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    This report describes an improved instrument characterization used for the Version 7 processing of the Nimbus-7 Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) data record. An improved internal calibration technique referred to as spectral discrimination is used to provide long-term calibration precision of +/- 1%/decade in total column ozone amount. A revised wavelength scale results in a day one calibration that agrees with other satellite and ground-based measurements of total ozone, while a wavelength independent adjustment of the initial radiometric calibration constants provides good agreement with surface reflectivity measured by other satellite-borne ultraviolet measurements. The impact of other aspects of the Nimbus-7 TOMS instrument performance are also discussed. The Version 7 data should be used in all future studies involving the Nimbus-7 TOMS measurements of ozone. The data are available through the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's Distributive Active Archive Center (DAAC)

    Zerstörungsfreie Bestimmung von Cholesterol und Collagen in arteriosklerotischen Plaques mittels NIR-Spektroskopie

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    Eine der häufigsten Todesursachen in den Industrieländern ist nach wie vor der Herzinfarkt infolge sklerotischer Veränderungen der Arterien. Moderne bildgebende Verfahren (Ultraschalltechniken, tomographische Verfahren) ermöglichen die Darstellung der Lumenveränderungen in den Arterien, können jedoch die chemische Zusammensetzung einer arteriosclerotischen Ablagerung (Plaque) nicht wiedergeben. Die Kenntnis der Plaquezusammensetzung wäre jedoch ein wichtiges Kriterium für die Einschätzung der Plaquevulnerabilität und könnte somit therapeutische Entscheidungen unterstützen. Ziel unserer Untersuchungen war es nachzuweisen, ob mittels Nahinfrarot-Spektroskopie die Bestimmung von Komponenten der Arterienwand (Cholesterol, Kollagen) möglich ist. Untersucht wurden 82 verschiedene Arterienareale autoptisch gewonnener humaner Aorten und Modellmischungen. Die NIR-Spektren wurden mit einem FT-Spektrophotometer und drei unterschiedlichen Fasersonden (1.: optisches Fenster d=4mm, 2.: d=1mm, 3.: d=400µm mit rechtwinklig zur Faserrichtung austretendem Meßstrahl) aufgenommen. Die chemische Referenzanalytik erfolgte mittels HPLC, die chemometrische Auswertung mit dem PLS (partial least square) Model. Weiterhin wurde die Eindringtiefe des Meßstrahles in das Gewebe untersucht. Unsere Untersuchungen zeigen, daß die NIR-Spektroskopie ein geeignetes Arbeitsmittel für die quantitative Bestimmung von Arterienwandbestandteilen ist. Für die Realisierung von in-vivo-Untersuchungen mit einem entsprechendem NIR-Katheter müssen jedoch noch viele technische Details geklärt werden

    Earth Probe Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) Data Product User's Guide

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    Two data products from the Earth Probe Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (EP/TOMS) have been archived at the Distributed Active Archive Center, in the form of Hierarchical Data Format files. The EP/ TOMS began taking measurements on July 15, 1996. The instrument measures backscattered Earth radiance and incoming solar irradiance; their ratio is used in ozone retrievals. Changes in the reflectivity of the solar diffuser used for the irradiance measurement are monitored using a carousel of three diffusers, each exposed to the degrading effects of solar irradiation at different rates. The algorithm to retrieve total column ozone compares measured Earth radiances at sets of three wavelengths with radiances calculated for different total ozone values. The initial error in the absolute scale for TOMS total ozone is 3 percent, the one standard deviation random error is 2 percent, and the drift is less than 0.5 percent over the first year of data. The Level-2 product contains the measured radiances, the derived total ozone amount, and reflectivity information for each scan position. The Level-3 product contains daily total ozone and reflectivity in a 1-degree latitude by 1.25 degrees longitude grid. Level-3 files containing estimates of LTVB at the Earth surface and tropospheric aerosol information are also available, Detailed descriptions of both HDF data-files and the CD-ROM product are provided

    ADEOS Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) Data Products User's Guide

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    Two data products from the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (ADEOS/TOMS) have been archived at the Distributed Active Archive Center, in the form of Hierarchical Data Format files. The ADEOS/ TOMS began taking measurements on September 11, 1996, and ended on June 29, 1997. The instrument measured backscattered Earth radiance and incoming solar irradiance; their ratio was used in ozone retrievals. Changes in the reflectivity of the solar diffuser used for the irradiance measurement were monitored using a carousel of three diffusers, each exposed to the degrading effects of solar irradiation at different rates. The algorithm to retrieve total column ozone compares measured Earth radiances at sets of three wavelengths with radiances calculated for different total ozone values, solar zenith angles, and optical paths. The initial error in the absolute scale for TOMS total ozone is 3 percent, the one standard deviation random error is 2 percent, and the drift is less than 0.5 percent over the 9-month data record. The Level 2 product contains the measured radiances, the derived total ozone amount, and reflectivity information for each scan position. The Level 3 product contains daily total ozone and reflectivity in a 1-degree latitude by 1.25 degrees longitude grid. The Level 3 files containing estimates of UVB at the Earth surface and tropospheric aerosol information will also be available. Detailed descriptions of both HDF data files and the CDROM product are provided

    Trends in Global Tropospheric Ozone Inferred from a Composite Record of TOMS/OMI/MLS/OMPS Satellite Measurements and the MERRA-2 GMI Simulation

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    Past studies have suggested that ozone in the troposphere has increased globally throughout much of the 20th century due to increases in anthropogenic emissions and transport. We show, by combining satellite measurements with a chemical transport model, that during the last four decades tropospheric ozone does indeed indicate increases that are global in nature, yet still highly regional. Satellite ozone measurements from Nimbus-7 and Earth Probe Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) are merged with ozone measurements from the Aura Ozone Monitoring Instrument/Microwave Limb Sounder (OMI/MLS) to determine trends in tropospheric ozone for 19792016. Both TOMS (19792005) and OMI/MLS (20052016) depict large increases in tropospheric ozone from the Near East to India and East Asia and further eastward over the Pacific Ocean. The 38-year merged satellite record shows total net change over this region of about +6 to +7 Dobson units (DU) (i.e., 15 %20 % of average background ozone), with the largest increase (4 DU) occurring during the 20052016 Aura period. The Global Modeling Initiative (GMI) chemical transport model with time-varying emissions is used to aid in the interpretation of tropospheric ozone trends for 19802016. The GMI simulation for the combined record also depicts the greatest increases of +6 to +7 DU over India and East Asia, very similar to the satellite measurements. In regions of significant increases in tropospheric column ozone (TCO) the trends are a factor of 22.5 larger for the Aura record when compared to the earlier TOMS record; for India and East Asia the trends in TCO for both GMI and satellite measurements are +3 DU decade(exp 1) or greater during 20052016 compared to about +1.2 to +1.4 DU decade(exp 1) for 19792005. The GMI simulation and satellite data also reveal a tropospheric ozone increases in +4 to +5 DU for the 38-year record over central Africa and the tropical Atlantic Ocean. Both the GMI simulation and satellite-measured tropospheric ozone during the latter Aura time period show increases of +3 DU decade1 over the N Atlantic and NE Pacific

    The S-NPP Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (S-NPP/ATMS) The First 10 Months On-Orbit

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    NPP OMPS was launched on October 28, 2011. It opened its nadir aperture door on June 24, 2002, beginning its Earth observing mission. OMPS is a push-broom instrument suite with a 110-degree cross-track Field of View (FOV) telescope. Sensor on-orbit calibrations include solar, lamp, and dark measurements. The onboard Calibrators Light-emitting diode (LED) provides linearity calibration and Reflective solar diffuser maintains calibration stability through periodic solar observations. In this paper, we present early results from OMPS operational instruments Nadir Profiler and Nadir total column on-orbit calibration and characterization. Examples of the sensor’s short-term and limited long-term responses will be provided to illustrate the sensors on-orbit stability. These early results indicate that the on-orbit performance has been in good agreement with the predication determined from prelaunch measurements

    Investigating Zonal Asymmetries in Stratospheric Ozone Trends From Satellite Limb Observations and a Chemical Transport Model

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    This study investigates the origin of a zonal asymmetry in stratospheric ozone trends at northern high latitudes, identified in satellite limb observations over the past two decades. We use a merged data set consisting of ozone profiles retrieved at the University of Bremen from SCIAMACHY and OMPS-LP measurements to derive ozone trends. We also use TOMCAT chemical transport model (CTM) simulations, forced by ERA5 reanalyses, to investigate the factors that drive the asymmetry observed in the long-term changes. By studying seasonally and longitudinally resolved observation-based ozone trends, we find, especially during spring, a well-pronounced asymmetry at polar latitudes with values up to +6 % per decade over Greenland and −5 % per decade over western Russia. The control CTM simulation agrees well with these observed trends, whereas sensitivity simulations indicate that chemical mechanisms involved in the production and removal of ozone, or their changes, are unlikely to explain the observed behavior. The decomposition of TOMCAT ozone time series and ERA5 geopotential height into the first two wavenumber components shows a clear correlation between the two variables in the middle stratosphere and demonstrates a weakening and a shift in the wavenumber-1 planetary wave activity over the past two decades. Finally, the analysis of the polar vortex position and strength points to a decadal oscillation with a reversal pattern at the beginning of the century. The same is found in the ozone trend asymmetry. This further stresses the link between changes in the polar vortex position and the identified ozone trend pattern

    Altitude registration of limb-scattered radiation

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    One of the largest constraints to the retrieval of accurate ozone profiles from UV backscatter limb sounding sensors is altitude registration. Two methods, the Rayleigh scattering attitude sensing (RSAS) and absolute radiance residual method (ARRM), are able to determine altitude registration to the accuracy necessary for long-term ozone monitoring. The methods compare model calculations of radiances to measured radiances and are independent of onboard tracking devices. RSAS determines absolute altitude errors, but, because the method is susceptible to aerosol interference, it is limited to latitudes and time periods with minimal aerosol contamination. ARRM, a new technique introduced in this paper, can be applied across all seasons and altitudes. However, it is only appropriate for relative altitude error estimates. The application of RSAS to Limb Profiler (LP) measurements from the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) on board the Suomi NPP (SNPP) satellite indicates tangent height (TH) errors greater than 1 km with an absolute accuracy of ±200 m. Results using ARRM indicate a ∼ 300 to 400 m intra-orbital TH change varying seasonally ±100 m, likely due to either errors in the spacecraft pointing or in the geopotential height (GPH) data that we use in our analysis. ARRM shows a change of ∼ 200 m over ∼ 5 years with a relative accuracy (a long-term accuracy) of ±100 m outside the polar regions