9 research outputs found

    Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete for Tunnel Lining – Verification by Extensive Laboratory Testing and Numerical Modelling

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    The use of precast steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) for tunnel segments is a relatively new application of this material. It was first applied in Italy in the 1980s. However, it did not begin to be widely applied until after 2000. The Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU), together with Metrostav, carried out a study to evaluate the use of this new technology for tunnels in the Czech Republic. The first tests were carried out on small samples (beams and cubes) produced from SFRC to find an appropriate type and an appropriate dosage of fibres. The tests were also used to verify other factors affecting the final product (e.g. production technology). Afterwards, SFRC segments were produced and then tested at the Klokner Institute of CTU. Successful test results confirmed that it was possible to use SFRC segments for Czech transport tunnels. Consequently a 15 m-long section of segmental lining generated from SFRC without steel rebars was constructed as part of line A of the Prague metro

    Solving laminated plates by domain decomposition

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    The refined Mindlin-Reissner theory is used to estimate the overall response of composite plates. The difficulties with the solution of a system of algebraic equations, which emerged in analysis of composite materials, are studied and a special version of decomposition is proposed. Similarity between the system of equations derived from the layered theory and from the finite element tearing and interconnecting method suggests a strategy for implementation in the parallel environment. Several applications are investigated and a number of numerical results are presented

    Zhotovení softwarových nástrojů pro stanovení společenské hodnoty dřevin rostoucích mimo les a újmy vzniklé jejich kácením:Programová podpora k metodice oceňování dřevin dle Agentury ochrany přírody a krajiny ČR

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    Popis a instalační program aplikace Oceňování dřevin, která, existuje ve dvou variantách. Tyto varianty sdílejí kód pro výpočet hodnoty dřevin - desktopová aplikace instalovatelná na osobních počítačích a webová kalkulačka. Obě varianty jsou naprogramovány v jazyce Python ve verzi 2.4

    Developmental roles of Auxin Binding Protein 1 in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    International audienceAuxin is a major plant growth regulator, but current models on auxin perception and signaling cannot explain the whole plethora of auxin effects, in particular those associated with rapid responses. A possible candidate for a component of additional auxin perception mechanisms is the AUXIN BINDING PROTEIN 1 (ABP1), whose function in planta remains unclear. Here we combined expression analysis with gain-and loss-of-function approaches to analyze the role of ABP1 in plant development. ABP1 shows a broad expression largely overlapping with, but not regulated by, transcriptional auxin response activity. Furthermore, ABP1 activity is not essential for the transcriptional auxin signaling. Genetic in planta analysis revealed that abp1 loss-of-function mutants show largely normal development with minor defects in bolting. On the other hand, ABP1 gain-of-function alleles show a broad range of growth and developmental defects, including root and hypocotyl growth and bending, lateral root and leaf development, bolting, as well as response to heat stress. At the cellular level, ABP1 gain-of-function leads to impaired auxin effect on PIN polar distribution and affects BFA-sensitive PIN intracellular aggregation. The gain-of-function analysis suggests a broad, but still mechanistically unclear involvement of ABP1 in plant development, possibly masked in abp1 loss-of-function mutants by a functional redundancy