16 research outputs found

    Role of heat accumulation in the multi-shot damage of silicon irradiated with femtosecond XUV pulses at a 1 MHz repetition rate

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    The role played by heat accumulation in multi-shot damage of silicon was studied. Bulk silicon samples were exposed to intense XUV monochromatic radiation of a 13.5 nm wavelength in a series of 400 femtosecond pulses, repeated with a 1 MHz rate (pulse trains) at the FLASH facility in Hamburg. The observed surface morphological and structural modifications are formed as a result of sample surface melting. Modifications are threshold dependent on the mean fluence of the incident pulse train, with all threshold values in the range of approximately 36-40 mJ/cm<sup>2</sup>. Experimental data is supported by a theoretical model described by the heat diffusion equation. The threshold for reaching the melting temperature (45 mJ/cm<sup>2</sup>) and liquid state (54 mJ/cm<sup>2</sup>), estimated from this model, is in accordance with experimental values within measurement error. The model indicates a significant role of heat accumulation in surface modification processes

    The soft x-ray instrument for materials studies at the linac coherent light source x-ray free-electron laser

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    This content may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This material originally appeared in Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 043107 (2012) and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3698294.The soft x-ray materials science instrument is the second operational beamline at the linac coherent light source x-ray free electron laser. The instrument operates with a photon energy range of 480–2000 eV and features a grating monochromator as well as bendable refocusing mirrors. A broad range of experimental stations may be installed to study diverse scientific topics such as: ultrafast chemistry, surface science, highly correlated electron systems, matter under extreme conditions, and laboratory astrophysics. Preliminary commissioning results are presented including the first soft x-ray single-shot energy spectrum from a free electron laser

    Characterizing the Grating-like Nanostructures Formed on BaF<sub>2</sub> Surfaces Exposed to Extreme Ultraviolet Laser Radiation

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    Monocrystalline barium fluoride (BaF2) slab targets were irradiated by focused 46.9-nm laser radiation at various fluence levels above the ablation threshold. Well-developed ablation patterns with sharp edges were studied by AFM (atomic force microscopy). Their inner surfaces were uniformly covered by periodic structures. The spatial period of the ripples depends on the laser fluence. When the sample is rotated by 45°, the orientation of the grating-like structure changes accordingly. Thus, the grating vector of the periodic structure seems to be coupled to the crystallographic planes of the single crystal. This means that the XUV-laser induced ripples reported here differ from LIPSS (laser-induced periodic surface structures) associated with interference phenomena occurring on illuminated surfaces. Therefore, other mechanisms are discussed to explain the formation of the periodic nanostructures reported in this article

    Deep learning for laser beam imprinting

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    Methods of ablation imprints in solid targets are widely used to characterize focusedX-ray laser beams due to a remarkable dynamic range and resolving power. A detailed descriptionof intense beam profiles is especially important in high-energy-density physics aiming at nonlinearphenomena. Complex interaction experiments require an enormous number of imprints to becreated under all desired conditions making the analysis demanding and requiring a huge amountof human work. Here, for the first time, we present ablation imprinting methods assistedby deep learning approaches. Employing a multi-layer convolutional neural network (U-Net)trained on thousands of manually annotated ablation imprints in poly(methyl methacrylate), wecharacterize a focused beam of beamline FL24/FLASH2 at the Free-electron laser in Hamburg.The performance of the neural network is subject to a thorough benchmark test and comparisonwith experienced human analysts. Methods presented in this Paper pave the way towards a virtualanalyst automatically processing experimental data from start to end

    Direct LiF imaging diagnostics on refractive X-ray focusing at the EuXFEL High Energy Density instrument

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    The application of fluorescent crystal media in wide-range X-ray detectors provides an opportunity to directly image the spatial distribution of ultra-intense X-ray beams including investigation of the focal spot of free-electron lasers. Here the capabilities of the micro- and nano-focusing X-ray refractive optics available at the High Energy Density instrument of the European XFEL are reported, as measured in situ by means of a LiF fluorescent detector placed into and around the beam caustic. The intensity distribution of the beam focused down to several hundred nanometers was imaged at 9 keV photon energy. A deviation from the parabolic surface in a stack of nanofocusing Be compound refractive lenses (CRLs) was found to affect the resulting intensity distribution within the beam. Comparison of experimental patterns in the far field with patterns calculated for different CRL lens imperfections allowed the overall inhomogeneity in the CRL stack to be estimated. The precise determination of the focal spot size and shape on a sub-micrometer level is essential for a number of high energy density studies requiring either a pin-size backlighting spot or extreme intensities for X-ray heating

    Investigation of damage induced by intense femtosecond XUV pulses in silicon crystals by means of white beam synchrotron section topography

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    Silicon crystalline samples were exposed to intense single pulses of XUV radiation (λ=13.5 nm) what lead to melting and ablation of the surface material. The deformation field around craters along the whole thickness of silicon wafers was observed by means of the synchrotron transmission section topography using the beam perpendicular to the surface of the sample. The geometrical shape and depth extension around craters was evaluated based on numerous, dense series of section topographs spaced by 10 µm. In the topographs we observed the direct image connected with the boundary of the crater associated with some deformation of the Kato fringes. The evaluated depth extension, different for individual craters, was in the range of 30–100 µm. The depth values were confirmed also by evaluations based on the Bragg case section topographs.It was possible to reproduce the contrast of the craters in transmission section topographs by numerical simulation based on integration of the Takagi–Taupin equations. The damage of the crystal defects connected with craters was approximated as droplet-like inclusions

    Electronic Energy Transport in c-Si Irradiated with X-ray Beam Under Grazing Incidence Angles

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    The rapid development of a new generation of X-ray radiation sources providing ultrashort (from atto- to femtoseconds) pulses creates unique possibilities for generating high energy density states of matter. Instruments, like free-electron lasers (FELs) produce pulses of very high intensity and allow to extend the optical studies of radiation induced phase transitions of solids. The excitation of solid materials with x-ray femtosecond pulses offers a number of advantages over irradiation with femtosecond optical lasers. First of all the energy deposition process is not influenced by optical nonlinearities i.e. multiphoton absorption and free carrier absorption. Moreover the absorption depth can be varied over many orders of magnitude. E.g. for silicon it changes from a few nanometres up to hundreds of microns. Therefore, ultrashort X-ray pulses allow the preparation of well-defined excitation conditions in variable sample volumes and thus to study the energy transport processes. Single shot irradiations of the Si flat mirror were performed at SACLA FEL facilities in the range of 5.5 – 12 keV photon energies, at normal and grazing incidence angles. Observed radiation induced structural modification of materials is related to melting of silicon and its resolidification and a have threshold nature. The experimental damage thresholds are the highest in case of the irradiations below the critical angles. In these cases the energy density of the radiation absorbed at the sample’s surface can reach above a melting threshold (approx. 1eV/atom) without any structural modification. This may be explained by the transport of the energy out of the excitation volume (limited to the absorption skin depth) by hot electrons on the time scales shorter than the one typical for the electron-phonon coupling (~2 ps for Si). Modelling of the energy transport by ballistic electrons has been performed by means of the PENELOPE simulation code

    Fluence thresholds for grazing incidence hard x-ray mirrors

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    X-ray Free Electron Lasers (XFELs) have the potential to contribute to many fields of science and to enable many new avenues of research, in large part due to their orders of magnitude higher peak brilliance than existing and future synchrotrons. To best exploit this peak brilliance, these XFEL beams need to be focused to appropriate spot sizes. However, the survivability of X-ray optical components in these intense, femtosecond radiation conditions is not guaranteed. As mirror optics are routinely used at XFEL facilities, a physical understanding of the interaction between intense X-ray pulses and grazing incidence X-ray optics is desirable. We conducted single shot damage threshold fluence measurements on grazing incidence X-ray optics, with coatings of ruthenium and boron carbide, at the SPring-8 Angstrom compact free electron laser facility using 7 and 12 keV photon energies. The damage threshold dose limits were found to be orders of magnitude higher than would naively be expected. The incorporation of energy transport and dissipation via keV level energetic photoelectrons accounts for the observed damage threshold

    Vegan Diet Is Associated With Favorable Effects on the Metabolic Performance of Intestinal Microbiota: A Cross-Sectional Multi-Omics Study

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    Background and Aim: Plant-based diets are associated with potential health benefits, but the contribution of gut microbiota remains to be clarified. We aimed to identify differences in key features of microbiome composition and function with relevance to metabolic health in individuals adhering to a vegan vs. omnivore diet. Methods: This cross-sectional study involved lean, healthy vegans (n = 62) and omnivore (n = 33) subjects. We assessed their glucose and lipid metabolism and employed an integrated multi-omics approach (16S rRNA sequencing, metabolomics profiling) to compare dietary intake, metabolic health, gut microbiome, and fecal, serum, and urine metabolomes. Results: The vegans had more favorable glucose and lipid homeostasis profiles than the omnivores. Long-term reported adherence to a vegan diet affected only 14.8% of all detected bacterial genera in fecal microbiome. However, significant differences in vegan and omnivore metabolomes were observed. In feces, 43.3% of all identified metabolites were significantly different between the vegans and omnivores, such as amino acid fermentation products p-cresol, scatole, indole, methional (lower in the vegans), and polysaccharide fermentation product short- and medium-chain fatty acids (SCFAs, MCFAs), and their derivatives (higher in the vegans). Vegan serum metabolome differed markedly from the omnivores (55.8% of all metabolites), especially in amino acid composition, such as low BCAAs, high SCFAs (formic-, acetic-, propionic-, butyric acids), and dimethylsulfone, the latter two being potential host microbiome co-metabolites. Using a machine-learning approach, we tested the discriminative power of each dataset. Best results were obtained for serum metabolome (accuracy rate 91.6%). Conclusion: While only small differences in the gut microbiota were found between the groups, their metabolic activity differed substantially. In particular, we observed a significantly different abundance of fermentation products associated with protein and carbohydrate intakes in the vegans. Vegans had significantly lower abundances of potentially harmful (such as p-cresol, lithocholic acid, BCAAs, aromatic compounds, etc.) and higher occurrence of potentially beneficial metabolites (SCFAs and their derivatives)