33 research outputs found

    Optical polarization of nuclear ensembles in diamond

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    We report polarization of a dense nuclear-spin ensemble in diamond and its dependence on magnetic field and temperature. The polarization method is based on the transfer of electron spin polarization of negatively charged nitrogen vacancy color centers to the nuclear spins via the excited-state level anti-crossing of the center. We polarize 90% of the 14N nuclear spins within the NV centers, and 70% of the proximal 13C nuclear spins with hyperfine interaction strength of 13-14 MHz. Magnetic-field dependence of the polarization reveals sharp decrease in polarization at specific field values corresponding to cross-relaxation with substitutional nitrogen centers, while temperature dependence of the polarization reveals that high polarization persists down to 50 K. This work enables polarization of the 13C in bulk diamond, which is of interest in applications of nuclear magnetic resonance, in quantum memories of hybrid quantum devices, and in sensing.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Microwave-free magnetometry with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond

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    We use magnetic-field-dependent features in the photoluminescence of negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy centers to measure magnetic fields without the use of microwaves. In particular, we present a magnetometer based on the level anti-crossing in the triplet ground state at 102.4 mT with a demonstrated noise floor of 6 nT/Hz\sqrt{\text{Hz}}, limited by the intensity noise of the laser and the performance of the background-field power supply. The technique presented here can be useful in applications where the sensor is placed closed to conductive materials, e.g. magnetic induction tomography or magnetic field mapping, and in remote-sensing applications since principally no electrical access is needed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Sidebands in optically detected magnetic resonance signals of nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond

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    We study features in the optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) signals associated with negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV-) centers coupled to other paramagnetic impurities in diamond. Our results are important for understanding ODMR line sha

    Temperature shifts of the resonances of the NV-center in diamond

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    Significant attention has been recently focused on the realization of high precision nanothermometry using the spin-resonance temperature shift of the negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV-) center in diamond. However, the precise physical origins of the temperature shift is yet to be understood. Here, the shifts of the center's optical and spin resonances are observed and a model is developed that identifies the origin of each shift to be a combination of thermal expansion and electron-phonon interactions. Our results provide insight into the center's vibronic properties and reveal implications for NV- thermometry

    Magnetometry with nitrogen-vacancy ensembles in diamond based on infrared absorption in a doubly resonant optical cavity

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    We propose to use an optical cavity to enhance the sensitivity of magnetometers relying on the detection of the spin state of high-density nitrogen-vacancy ensembles in diamond using infrared optical absorption. The role of the cavity is to obtain a contrast in the absorption-detected magnetic resonance approaching unity at room temperature. We project an increase in the photon shot-noise limited sensitivity of two orders of magnitude in comparison with a single-pass approach. Optical losses can limit the enhancement to one order of magnitude which could still enable room temperature operation. Finally, the optical cavity also allows to use smaller pumping power when it is designed to be resonant at both the pump and the signal wavelength

    Diamond magnetic microscopy of malarial hemozoin nanocrystals

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    Magnetic microscopy of malarial hemozoin nanocrystals was performed using optically detected magnetic resonance imaging of near-surface diamond nitrogen-vacancy centers. Hemozoin crystals were extracted from PlasmodiumPlasmodium-falciparumfalciparum-infected human blood cells and studied alongside synthetic hemozoin crystals. The stray magnetic fields produced by individual crystals were imaged at room temperature as a function of applied field up to 350 mT. More than 100 nanocrystals were analyzed, revealing the distribution of their magnetic properties. Most crystals (96%96\%) exhibit a linear dependence of stray field magnitude on applied field, confirming hemozoin's paramagnetic nature. A volume magnetic susceptibility χ=3.4×10−4\chi=3.4\times10^{-4} is inferred using a magnetostatic model informed by correlated scanning electron microscopy measurements of crystal dimensions. A small fraction of nanoparticles (4/82 for PlasmodiumPlasmodium-produced and 1/41 for synthetic) exhibit a saturation behavior consistent with superparamagnetism. Translation of this platform to the study of living malaria-infected cells may shed new light on hemozoin formation dynamics and their interaction with antimalarial drugs.Comment: Main text: 8 pages and 5 figures, Supplemental Information: 9 pages and 8 figure

    Infrared absorption band and vibronic structure of the nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond

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    Negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV-) color centers in diamond have generated much interest for use in quantum technology. Despite the progress made in developing their applications, many questions about the basic properties of NV- centers remain unr