228 research outputs found

    Metallicity calibrations of low star-forming galaxies: the influence of a stochastic IMF

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    We present a study of the consequences of an initial mass function that is stochastically sampled on the main emission lines used for gas-phase metallicity estimates in extra-galactic sources. We use the stochastic stellar population code SLUG and the photoionisation code Cloudy to show that the stochastic sampling of the massive end of the mass function can lead to clear variations in the relative production of energetic emission lines such as [OIII] relative to that of Balmer lines. We use this to study the impact on the Te, N2O2, R23 and O3N2 metallicity calibrators. We find that stochastic sampling of the IMF leads to a systematic over-estimate of O/H in galaxies with low star formation rates (< 10−310^{-3} M⊙_\odot/yr) when using the N2O2, R23 and O3N2 strong-line methods, and an under-estimate when using the Te method on galaxies of sub-solar metallicity. We point out that while the SFR(Ha)-to-SFR(UV) ratio can be used to identify systems where the initial mass function might be insufficiently sampled, it does not provide sufficient information to fully correct the metallicity calibrations at low star formation rates. Care must therefore be given in the choice of metallicity indicators in such systems, with the N2O2 indicator proving most robust of those tested by us, with a bias of 0.08 dex for models with SFR = 10−410^{-4} M⊙_\odot/yr and solar metallicity.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures and 2 tables; accepted for publication on MNRA

    High-z galaxies with JWST and local analogues -- it is not only star formation

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    I present an analysis of the JWST NIRSpec data of SMACS 0723 released as Early Release Observations. As part of this three new redshifts are provided, bringing the total of reliable redshifts to 14. I propose a modification to the direct abundance determination method that reduces sensitivity to flux calibration uncertainties by a factor of ~3 and show that the resulting abundances are in good agreement with Bayesian photoionization models of the rest-frame optical spectrum. I also show that 6355 is most likely a narrow-line active galactic nucleus (AGN) with M∗∌109M_* \sim 10^9 Msun at z=7.66, and argue that 10612 might also have an AGN contribution to its flux through comparison to photoionization models and low-redshift analogues. Under the assumption that the lines come from star-formation I find that the galaxies have gas depletion times of ~10710^7 years, comparable to similar galaxies locally. I also identify a population of possibly shock-dominated galaxies at z<3 whose near-IR emission lines plausibly come nearly all from shocks and discuss their implications. I close with a discussion of the potential for biases in the determination of the mass-metallicity relation using samples defined by detected [O III]4363 and show using low-z galaxies that this can lead to biases of up to 0.5 dex with a systematic trend with mass.Comment: Submitted to MNRA

    Stars were born in significantly denser regions in the early Universe

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    The density of the warm ionized gas in high-redshift galaxies is known to be higher than what is typical in local galaxies on similar scales. At the same time, the mean global properties of the high- and low-redshift galaxies are quite different. Here, we present a detailed differential analysis of the ionization parameters of 14 star-forming galaxies at redshift 2.6-3.4, compiled from the literature. For each of those high-redshift galaxies, we construct a comparison sample of low-redshift galaxies closely matched in specific star formation rate (sSFR) and stellar mass, thus ensuring that their global physical conditions are similar to the high-redshift galaxy. We find that the median log [OIII] 5007/ [OII] 3727 line ratio of the high-redshift galaxies is 0.5 dex higher than their local counterparts. We construct a new calibration between the [OIII] 5007/ [OII] 3727 emission line ratio and ionization parameter to estimate the difference between the ionization parameters in the high and low-redshift samples. Using this, we show that the typical density of the warm ionized gas in star-forming regions decreases by a median factor of 7.1−5.4+10.27.1^{+10.2}_{-5.4} from z ~ 3.3 to z ~ 0 at fixed mass and sSFR. We show that metallicity differences cannot explain the observed density differences. Because the high- and low-redshift samples are comparable in size, we infer that the relationship between star formation rate density and gas density must have been significantly less efficient at z ~2-3 than what is observed in nearby galaxies with similar levels of star formation activity.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Relative merits of different types of rest-frame optical observations to constrain galaxy physical parameters

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    We present a new approach to constrain galaxy physical parameters from the combined interpretation of stellar and nebular emission in wide ranges of observations. This approach relies on the Bayesian analysis of any type of galaxy spectral energy distribution using a comprehensive library of synthetic spectra assembled using state-of-the-art models of star formation and chemical enrichment histories, stellar population synthesis, nebular emission and attenuation by dust. We focus on the constraints set by 5-band photometry and low- and medium-resolution spectroscopy at optical rest wavelengths on a set of physical parameters characterizing the stars and the interstellar medium. Since these parameters cannot be known a priori for any galaxy sample, we assess the accuracy to which they can be retrieved by simulating `pseudo-observations' using models with known parameters. Assuming that these models are good approximations of true galaxies, we find that the combined analysis of stellar and nebular emission in low-resolution galaxy spectra provides valuable constraints on all physical parameters. At higher resolution, the analysis of the combined stellar and nebular emission in 12,660 SDSS star-forming galaxies using our approach yields likelihood distributions of stellar mass, gas-phase oxygen abundance, optical depth of the dust and specific star formation rate similar to those obtained in previous separate analyses of the stellar and nebular emission at the original (twice higher) SDSS spectral resolution. We show that the constraints derived on galaxy physical parameters from these different types of observations depend sensitively on signal-to-noise ratio. Our approach can be extended to the analysis of any type of observation across the wavelength range covered by spectral evolution models. [abridged]Comment: 24 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. Full-resolution version available from ftp://ftp.iap.fr/pub/from_users/pacifici/paper_pacifici_hr.pd

    Extracting Star Formation Histories from Medium-resolution Galaxy Spectra

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    We adapt an existing data compression algorithm, MOPED, to the extraction of median-likelihood star formation (SF) histories from medium-resolution galaxy spectra. By focusing on the high-pass components of galaxy spectra, we minimize potential uncertainties arising from the spectro-photometric calibration and intrinsic attenuation by dust. We validate our approach using model high-pass spectra of galaxies with different SF histories covering the wavelength range 3650-8500 A at a resolving power of about 2000. We show that the method can recover the full SF histories of these models, without prior knowledge of the metallicity, to within an accuracy that depends sensitively on signal-to-noise ratio. The investigation of the sensitivity of the flux at each wavelength to the mass fraction of stars of different ages allows us to identify new age-sensitive features in galaxy spectra. We also highlight a fundamental limitation in the recovery of the SF histories of galaxies for which the optical signatures of intermediate-age stars are masked by those of younger and older stars. We apply this method to derive average SF histories from the highest-quality spectra of morphologically identified early- and late-type galaxies in the SDSS EDR [...]. We also investigate the constraints set by the high-pass signal in the stacked spectra of a magnitude-limited sample of SDSS-EDR galaxies on the global SF history of the Universe. We confirm that the stellar populations in the most massive galaxies today appear to have formed on average earlier than those in the least massive ones. Our results do not support the recent suggestion of a statistically significant peak in the SF activity of the Universe at redshifts below unity, although such a peak is not ruled out [abridged].Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, to appear in MNRAS; version with full resolution figures available at http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~charlot/SFH

    Leo T Dissected with the MUSE-Faint Survey

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    Leo T is the lowest mass galaxy known to contain neutral gas and to show signs of recent star formation, which makes it a valuable laboratory for studying the nature of gas and star formation at the limits of where galaxies are found to have rejuvenating episodes of star formation. Here we discuss a novel study of Leo T that uses data from the MUSE integral field spectrograph and photometric data from HST. The high sensitivity of MUSE allowed us to increase the number of Leo T stars observed spectroscopically from 19 to 75. We studied the age and metallicity of these stars and identified two populations, all consistent with similar metallicity of [Fe/H] ∌\sim -1.5 dex, suggesting that a large fraction of metals were ejected. Within the young population, we discovered three emission line Be stars, supporting the conclusion that rapidly rotating massive stars are common in metal-poor environments. We find differences in the dynamics of young and old stars, with the young population having a velocity dispersion consistent with the kinematics of the cold component of the neutral gas. This finding directly links the recent star formation in Leo T with the cold component of the neutral gas.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in the proceedings of IAU Symposium 379: Dynamical Masses of Local Group Galaxies. Based on source article arXiv:2308.1626

    The ages and metallicities of galaxies in the local universe

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    We derive stellar metallicities, light-weighted ages and stellar masses for a magnitude-limited sample of 175,128 galaxies drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release Two (SDSS DR2). We compute median-likelihood estimates of these parameters using a large library of model spectra at medium-high resolution, covering a comprehensive range of star formation histories. The constraints we derive are set by the simultaneous fit of five spectral absorption features, which are well reproduced by our population synthesis models. By design, these constraints depend only weakly on the alpha/Fe element abundance ratio. Our sample includes galaxies of all types spanning the full range in star formation activity, from dormant early-type to actively star-forming galaxies. We show that, in the mean, galaxies follow a sequence of increasing stellar metallicity, age and stellar mass at increasing 4000AA-break strength (D4000). For galaxies of intermediate mass, stronger Balmer absorption at fixed D4000 is associated with higher metallicity and younger age. We investigate how stellar metallicity and age depend on total galaxy stellar mass. Low-mass galaxies are typically young and metal-poor, massive galaxies old and metal-rich, with a rapid transition between these regimes over the stellar mass range 3x10^9<M/Msun<3x10^10. Both high- and low-concentration galaxies follow these relations, but there is a large dispersion in stellar metallicity at fixed stellar mass, especially for low-concentration galaxies of intermediate mass. Despite the large scatter, the relation between stellar metallicity and stellar mass is similar to the correlation between gas-phase oxygen abundance and stellar mass for star-forming galaxies. [abriged]Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication on MNRAS, data available at http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/SDSS

    Bursty stellar populations and obscured AGN in galaxy bulges

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    [Abridged] We investigate trends between the recent star formation history and black hole growth in galaxy bulges in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The galaxies lie at 0.01<z<0.07 where the fibre aperture covers only the central 0.6-4.0kpc diameter of the galaxy. We find strong trends between black hole growth, as measured by dust-attenuation-corrected OIII luminosity, and the recent star formation history of the bulges. We conclude that our results support the popular hypothesis for black hole growth occurring through gas inflow into the central regions of galaxies, followed by a starburst and triggering of the AGN. However, while this is a significant pathway for the growth of black holes, it is not the dominant one in the present-day Universe. More unspectacular processes are apparently responsible for the majority of this growth. In order to arrive at these conclusions we have developed a set of new high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) optical spectral indicators, designed to allow a detailed study of stellar populations which have undergone recent enhanced star formation. Working in the rest-frame wavelength range 3750-4150AA, ideally suited to many recent and ongoing spectroscopic surveys at low and high redshift, the first two indices are equivalent to the previously well studied 4000AA break strength and Hdelta equivalent width. The primary advantage of this new method is a greatly improved SNR for the latter index, allowing the present study to use spectra with SNR-per-pixel as low as 8.Comment: 27 pages, submitted to MNRAS. Due to astro-ph size restrictions 6 figures in appendix are available as separate files. Full version, with full resolution figures available at http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~vwild/HDelta/Hd_PCAmethod.pd
