31 research outputs found
Le rôle de la calprotectine sérique en tant que biomarqueur dans les maladies rhumatismales chroniques
La calprotectine, formée des protéines S100A8/S100A9, possède des propriétés biologiques différentes de celles des protéines de la phase aigüe, lui conférant une utilité particulière comme biomarqueur d'un processus inflammatoire. Ce travail étudie l'intérêt du dosage sanguin de la calprotectine comme biomarqueur dans les rhumatismes inflammatoires chroniques, en particulier la polyarthrite rhumatoïde (PR), la spondylarthrite axiale (SpA) et l'arthrite psoriasique (APso). Dans une étude de cohorte regroupant 969 PR, 451 axSpA, 237 APso et 72 contrôles sains, nous avons pu confirmer son utilité pour mesurer à la fois l'activité et la sévérité de la maladie dans la PR et la SpA. Son rôle comme biomarqueur diagnostique semble moins certain en regard de sa faible spécificité, mais peut s'avérer toutefois très utile pour détecter le caractère inflammatoire de certaines arthralgies difficilement caractérisables, même en l'absence d'élévation de la protéine C-réactive. La calprotectine sérique offre donc une alternative valable aux biomarqueurs conventionnels
Systemic effects of IL-6 blockade in rheumatoid arthritis beyond the joints
Interleukin (IL)-6 is produced locally in response to an inflammatory stimulus, and is able to induce systemic manifestations at distance from the site of inflammation. Its unique signaling mechanism, including classical and trans-signaling pathways, leads to a major expansion in the number of cell types responding to IL-6. This pleiotropic cytokine is a key factor in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and is involved in many extra-articular manifestations that accompany the disease. Thus, IL-6 blockade is associated with various biological effects beyond the joints. In this review, the systemic effects of IL-6 in RA comorbidities and the consequences of its blockade will be discussed, including anemia of chronic disease, cardiovascular risks, bone and muscle functions, and neuro-psychological manifestations
Microbiotes et rhumatismes inflammatoires
The microbiota and dysbiosis are involved in various diseases. Many studies in mice and humans demonstrate its influence on inflammatory rheumatisms. In rheumatoid arthritis (RA), Prevotella copri, a Gram-negative bacteria of the intestinal flora, is found to be more prevalent in the early stages of the disease. Specific antibodies against this germ have been identified in RA patients, suggesting a role of this bacteria in the initiation of the disease. Oral microorganisms involved in periodontitis have also been associated with the development and the activity of RA. These discoveries imply new targets in the management of inflammatory rheumatisms
Greater trochanteric pain syndrome: predicting who will respond to a local glucocorticoid injection
Objectives: This study aimed to explore whether certain clinical tests or a rapid improvement in lateral hip pain following periarticular injection are predictive of subsequent efficacy of local glucocorticoid (GC) injection in greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS)
Serum calprotectin: a promising biomarker in rheumatoid arthritis and axial spondyloarthritis
Calprotectin (S100A8/S100A9 protein) is known as a damage-associated molecular pattern (DAMP) protein and reflects mainly neutrophil activation. Serum calprotectin levels might be a good alternative to acute-phase protein as a biomarker in inflammatory rheumatic diseases. The aim of this study is to investigate the association of serum calprotectin with disease activity and severity in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA), and psoriatic arthritis (PsA)