343 research outputs found

    Shyness and its Relation with Self-esteem in Light of Some Variables

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    This study aimed at addressing shyness for learning disabilities students in the province of Irbid in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The descriptive-correlative approach was used. The sample consisted of (250) male and female learning disabilities students of grades two and four at public school in the province of Irbid. To achieve study objectives, shyness scale was developed, and the validity and reliability of its indicators we verified. Findings revealed that the level of shyness for learning disabilities students in the province of Irbid was moderate. They, also, revealed that the presence of statistical differences in the level of shyness for learning disabilities students attributable to the variable of gender. These differences came in favor of females. Furthermore, findings revealed the absence of statistical differences attributable to grade. In light of the findings, the researcher recommends raising the self-esteem level for students through co-operation between school administrations, teachers and guardians. It is also recommended that other researchers to conduct other developmental studies and compare the shyness levels for students in multiple age groups and environments

    Calculation and Tabulation of Efficiencies for Tungsten Foil Positron Moderators

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    Monte Carlo radiation transport simulations were used to calculate the positron stopping profiles in tungsten positron moderator foils. Stopping profiles were numerically integrated with efficiency kernels derived from Green\u27s function solutions of the 3D diffusion equation to determine the moderation efficiency in both the backscattering and transmission geometries. Stopping profiles and efficiencies were calculated for positron energies from 10 keV to 10 MeV and incident angles from 0° to 75°. The resulting efficiencies agreed with other calculated and measured values in the literature, especially when similar values of the positron diffusion length and surface emission branching ratio were used. Large discrepancies with some of the values reported in the literature are mainly attributed to differences in foil manufacture and surface condition - factors which are known to greatly influence the diffusion length - as well as work function and branching ratios. This work provides tabulated efficiencies for tungsten foil moderators that can be interpolated and integrated with a positron flux having arbitrary energy and angular distributions

    Musculoskeletal Disorders and Association with Social Media Use Among University Students at the Quarantine Time Of COVID-19 Outbreak

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    Introduction: COVID-19 period was characterized by lockdown and quarantine, the aim of this cross-sectional analytical study is to investigate the effect of COVID-19 quarantine on social media use, and its association with musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) among university students. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among Al-Quds University students. 317 students (average age of 20.34 years) participated in this study. A self-designed questionnaire was used to collect data which was sent to students on social media using a simple random method in almost all academic year phases. Results: There was a statically significant increase in the following variables during quarantine compared to before (P0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in time spent on exercise before and during quarantine with average time before the quarantine of 0.80 hours to 0.7 hours during the quarantine (P>0.05). There was a statistically significant increase of severity of Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) as measured by a scale of 0-10 during the quarantine (P<0.05) in terms of severity of headache (2 to 2, 78), neck pain (2.06 to 2.80), and back pain (2.17 to 3). This increase in the three dominant MSD was positively correlated with the hours of use of laptops, computers, and mobile phones, for communication and education (P<0.05). Statistically significant negative correlation was found in between night sleeping hours and severity of MSD reported by students (P<0.05). Age was correlated with less use of social media for leisure and with more exercise (P<0.05). StudentsConclusion: Quarantine increased the time of use of social media, and in turn increases the prevalence and severity of MSD among university

    Edge-maximal -free non-bipartite Hamiltonian graphs of odd order

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    Let (Formula presented.) denote the class of non-bipartite graphs on n vertices containing no (Formula presented.) -graph and (Formula presented.) Let (Formula presented.) denote the class of non-bipartite Hamiltonian graphs on n vertices containing no (Formula presented.) -graph and (Formula presented.) In this paper we determine (Formula presented.) by proving that for sufficiently large odd n, (Formula presented.) Furthermore, the bound is best possible. Our results confirm the conjecture made by Bataineh in 2007.Open Access funding provided by the Qatar National Library.Scopu

    Structural, elastic, mechanical and thermodynamic properties of Terbium oxide: First-principles investigations

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    First-principles investigations of the Terbium oxide TbO are performed on structural, elastic, mechanical and thermodynamic properties. The investigations are accomplished by employing full potential augmented plane wave FP-LAPW method framed within density functional theory DFT as implemented in the WIEN2k package. The exchange-correlation energy functional, a part of the total energy functional, is treated through Perdew Burke Ernzerhof scheme of the Generalized Gradient Approximation PBEGGA. The calculations of the ground state structural parameters, like lattice constants a0, bulk moduli B and their pressure derivative B′ values, are done for the rock-salt RS, zinc-blende ZB, cesium chloride CsCl, wurtzite WZ and nickel arsenide NiAs polymorphs of the TbO compound. The elastic constants (C11, C12, C13, C33, and C44) and mechanical properties (Young's modulus Y, Shear modulus S, Poisson's ratio σ, Anisotropic ratio A and compressibility β), were also calculated to comprehend its potential for valuable applications. From our calculations, the RS phase of TbO compound was found strongest one mechanically amongst the studied cubic structures whereas from hexagonal phases, the NiAs type structure was found stronger than WZ phase of the TbO. To analyze the ductility of the different structures of the TbO, Pugh's rule (B/SH) and Cauchy pressure (C12–C44) approaches are used. It was found that ZB, CsCl and WZ type structures of the TbO were of ductile nature with the obvious dominance of the ionic bonding while RS and NiAs structures exhibited brittle nature with the covalent bonding dominance. Moreover, Debye temperature was calculated for both cubic and hexagonal structures of TbO in question by averaging the computed sound velocities

    Extremal number of theta graphs of order 7

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    For a set of graphsF, letH(n;F) denote the class of non-bipartiteHamiltonian graphs onnvertices that does not contain any graph ofFas a subgraphandh(n;F) = max{E(G) :G∈H(n;F)}whereE(G) is the number of edges inG.In this paper we determineh(n;{θ4, θ5, θ7}) andh(n;θ7) for sufficiently odd largen. Our result confirms the conjecture made in [1] fork= 3.Scopu

    MMC modes of delivery in housing: Effects on Housing Association clients. Project Report. Flagship Group

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    The purpose of this report is to review evidence of MMC application in housing with regards to diverse modes of delivery, lending approaches, customer satisfaction and long-term management/maintenance.The report provides a detailed overview of above key areas examined based on evidence sourced. Whilst there are limitations in the evidence reviewed, particularly in relation to empirical work and field studies of built housing, the research discussed provides an account of key issues of relevance to a Housing Association client. Further work is needed to better understand the performance of buildings and resident experiences drawing on Post Occupancy Evaluation methods (POE) specifically related to different modes of delivery in different contexts (urban vs suburban or rural for instance

    MMC modes of delivery in housing: Effects on Housing Association clients. Project Report. Flagship Group

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    The purpose of this report is to review evidence of MMC application in housing with regards to diverse modes of delivery, lending approaches, customer satisfaction and long-term management/maintenance.The report provides a detailed overview of above key areas examined based on evidence sourced. Whilst there are limitations in the evidence reviewed, particularly in relation to empirical work and field studies of built housing, the research discussed provides an account of key issues of relevance to a Housing Association client. Further work is needed to better understand the performance of buildings and resident experiences drawing on Post Occupancy Evaluation methods (POE) specifically related to different modes of delivery in different contexts (urban vs suburban or rural for instance

    Management and outcomes of unilateral group d tumors in retinoblastoma

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    Purpose: Retinoblastoma presents most commonly as advanced unilateral disease, particularly in developing countries for which primary enucleation has been the preferred method of treatment. However, with the evolution of newer treatment modalities including intravitreal chemotherapy, intra-arterial chemotherapy and newer chemotherapeutic combinations, a trend towards more conservative approaches is being observed. Our aim is to evaluate outcomes of group D eyes following conservative and non-conservative treatment options. Patients and Methods: The ocular oncology database was used to identify eyes with unilateral retinoblastoma that fulfilled the International Intraocular Retinoblastoma Classification (IIRC) group D criteria from August 2010 to August 2018 and these were retrospectively reviewed. Overall, 39 eyes were identified. Results: Nineteen (49%) eyes underwent primary enucleation and 20 (51%) received eyeconserving treatment. Eye salvage was possible in 15 (75%) eyes in the attempted salvage group. None of the patient revealed signs of metastasis. All eyes received conventional chemotherapy (carboplatin, vincristine, etoposide) and focal laser therapy. Additional treatment modalities offered included intravitreal chemotherapy, intra-arterial chemotherapy and topotecan. Three (11%) eyes in the primary enucleation group showed high-risk features on histopathology and none developed metastasis. Conclusion: The results of the study seem promising and conservative measures can be adopted in selected unilateral group D eyes