417 research outputs found

    Doctor-patient relationship in the diagnosis and treatment of neoplasmatic diseases

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    Neoplasmatic diseases, due to their chronic character, as well as the potential threat to life and other important values, are a significant life stressor. An important factor in their treatment is the patients’ advantageous psychological adaptation to the disease. This, apart from the patient-centered factors, strongly relies on effective and satisfying communication between a physician and patient. Application of patient-focused approach in the treatment process enables regarding patient’s expectations as for information and emotional support, which is essential for obtaining patients’ compliance during the treatment course. Evolution of approaches to patient-physician communication, as well as the current understanding of this process, were reviewed and discussed in the paper. Patients’ preferences concerning process of communication with oncologist were described. Studies presenting the influence of patient-physician communication on the treatment process, were discussed. The importance of patient’s satisfaction with relationship with a physician for successful treatment of a neoplasmatic disease is depicted. Significance of appropriate communication in palliative care was stressed, with special regard to communication of breaking bad news. Factors negatively influencing patient-physician communication in oncology were characterised. Methods of training communication skills in oncology were briefly presented

    Cicero\u27s Catilinarian Orations: A Study in Emotional Appeal

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    Nonexistence of Solutions to the Coupled Generalized Jang Equation/Zero Divergence System

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    In [5], Bray and Khuri proposed coupling the generalized Jang equation to several different auxiliary equations. The solutions to these coupled systems would then imply the Penrose inequality. One of these involves coupling the generalized Jang equation to div(ϕq)=0\overline{div}(\phi q)=0, as this would guarantee the non-negativity of the scalar curvature in the Jang surface. This coupled system of equations has not received much attention, and we investigate it's solvability. We prove that there exists a spherically symmetric initial data set for the Einstein equations for which there do not exist smooth radial solutions to the system having the appropriate asymptotics for application to the Penrose inequality

    Spherically symmetric counter examples to the Penrose inequality and the positive mass theorem under the assumption of the weak energy condition

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    Of the various energy conditions which can be assumed when studying mathematical general relativity, intuitively the simplest is the weak energy condition μ0\mu\geq 0 which simply states that the observed mass-energy density must be non-negative. This energy condition has not received as much attention as the so-called dominant energy condition. When the natural question of the Penrose inequality in the context of the weak energy condition arose, we could not find any results in the literature, and it was not immediately clear whether the inequality would hold, even in spherical symmetry. This led us to constructing a spherically symmetric asymptotically flat initial data set satisfying the weak energy condition which violates the "usual" formulations of the Penrose conjecture. The construction itself is quite elementary. However, the consequences of the counterexample are quite interesting. The Penrose inequality was conjectured by Penrose in \cite{Penrose} using certain heuristic arguments which, as we discuss, continue to hold in the case of the weak energy condition. Yet, a counter example exists. Moreover, the methods developed naturally led to the construction of a counter example to the positive mass theorem assuming the weak energy condition. The counter example can be constructed to be diffeomorphic to R3\mathbb{R}^3 and to contain no minimal surfaces and no future apparent horizons.Comment: Added a referenc

    Metoda optimální syntézy adaptivního pid regulátoru uzavřeného regulovaného systému s využitím evolučního algoritmu

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    This work suggests a method of searching optimal adaptive of controller PID in closed system using evolutionary algorithm. The object with well-known characteristics is controlled by a signal from the controller. Its’ assumed answer step change of system will be well-known desirable time function of the basis we can characterize, regulate, answer of system depending on controller’s PID parameters, and it calculates adaptive of this controller. Adaptive makes possible to obtain characteristics, which will be similar to assumed characteristics presented by time function. The answer of researched controller’s system will be characterized by the best desirable quality index.V příspěvku je navržena metoda optimální syntézy adaptivního PID regulátoru uzavřeného regulovaného systému s využitím evolučních algoritmů. Objekt s dobře známou charakteristikou je řízen prostřednictvím akční veličiny z regulátoru. Adaptivní regulace umožňuje získat charakteristiky, které jsou velmi podobné předpokládaným časovým průběhům. Zkoumaný regulátor je charakterizován požadovaným indexem kvality

    Affective temperament in students of musical professions. A preliminary report

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    Introduction and aim of the study Affective temperaments are associated with predisposition to affective disorders. In mild, sub-clinical form, they are widely distributed in the population and have adaptive qualities, for example, constitute the predisposition to perform specific professions. The aim of the present study was to assess the affective temperament among students of the vocal and acting department of a music university. Material and methods 31 students aged 21-30 participated in the study. Affective temperament was assessed by means of the TEMPS-A questionnaire. Results Comparison of the intensity of particular affective temperaments showed higher, in comparison to other dimensions, intensity of hyperthymic temperament. The group also showed higher rates of hyperthymic, compared to irritable temperament. The rates of anxious temperament were negatively correlated with age. Conclusions Students of the vocal and acting department of the music university present a specific profile of affective temperament, which is associated with both predispositions to perform the singing profession and the risk of affective disorders

    Pozytywne doświadczenia pielęgniarek i pielęgniarzy pracujących w czasie pandemii Covid-19

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    Introduction. The Covid-19 pandemic was a crisis situation that strained the health system. It carried a high risk of negative consequences, but there are also chances that some positive aspects will emerge, known as the post-traumatic growth phenomenon. Aim. The main aim of the study was to document and analyse the positive work experience of nursing staff in Poland gained in the period of the Covid-19 pandemic. Material and Methods. A qualitative study was conducted using the empirical phenomenological approach. The study involved a group of 215 nurses from different regions of Poland, including 209 women and 6 men aged between 22 and 65 years. They worked in hospital wards and in primary care. The study was carried out using an online survey method with subjects allowed to add comments. The results were subjected to content analysis. Results. During the analysis of the material, 10 thematic categories emerged, i.e. remuneration, professional development, team integration, epidemiological principles, adaptation to new conditions, lack of visits, assistance, improvement of work organisation, staff shortages and telemedicine. Conclusions. Based on the results of this study, it was indicated that nurses observe some positive experiences in relation to working during the pandemic. The results of this study can provide a starting point for further analyses that may be used to organise the work of nursing staff. (JNNN 2022;11(3):99–104)Wstęp. Pandemia Covid-19 była sytuacją kryzysową która nadwyrężyła system ochrony zdrowia. Niosąc za sobą duże ryzyko negatywnych konsekwencji, ale istnieją również szanse, że pojawią się pewne pozytywne aspekty określane jako zjawisko potraumatycznego wzrostu. Cel. Głównym celem pracy było udokumentowanie oraz analiza pozytywnych doświadczeń pracy personelu pielęgniarskiego w Polsce z okresu trwania pandemii Covid-19. Materiał i metody. Przeprowadzono badanie jakościowe stosując empiryczne podejście fenomenologiczne. Badaniem objęto grupę 215 pielęgniarek z różnych regionów Polski, w tym 209 kobiet i 6 mężczyzn w wieku od 22 do 65 lat. Pracujących na oddziałach szpitalnych oraz w podstawowej opiece zdrowotnej. Badanie przeprowadzono stosując metodę ankiety internetowej z możliwością swobodnej wypowiedzi. Wyniki poddano analizie treści. Wyniki. W trakcie analizy materiału wyłoniono 10 kategorii tematycznych: wynagrodzenie, rozwój zawodowy, integracja w zespole, zasady epidemiologiczne, przystosowanie do nowych warunków, brak odwiedzin, pomoc, poprawa organizacji pracy, braki kadrowe oraz telemedycynę. Wnioski. Na podstawie wyników niniejszego badania wskazano, że pielęgniarki obserwują pewne pozytywne doświadczenia w związku z pracą w trakcie pandemii. Wyniki tego badania mogą być punktem wyjścia do dalszych analiz, które mogą zostać wykorzystane do organizacji pracy personelu pielęgniarskiego. (PNN 2022;11(3):99–104

    Problemy pielęgnacyjne pacjenta z chorobą Huntingtona hospitalizowanego na oddziale psychiatrycznym — opis przypadku

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    Introduction. Huntington’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease, autosomal dominant inherited, characterised by a slow death of central nervous system cells. One of the most common causes of death is suicide.Aim. The aim of the paper is to present the problems and needs of a patient with Huntington’s disease, hospitalised psychiatrically because of organic mood disorders.Case Report. The case report concerns a 60-year-old patient with Huntington’s disease who, due to suicidal thoughts and tendencies, was admitted to the psychiatric ward. The paper presents selected care problems observed in the patient.Discussion. Almost every patient with Huntington’s disease experiences psychiatric symptoms. They appear at different stages of the disease. The described patient, hospitalised psychiatrically, experienced mental and somatic problems. The main objectives of nursing care were to reduce or eliminate the identified problems, mainly to ensure safety and improve functioning. Interventions included, in particular, close observation, assistance in self-care activities, motivating the patient to exercise and perform tasks independently, care in the event of fever, education on sleep hygiene.Conclusions. Patient care problems were related to mental and somatic disorders, in particular suicidal thoughts and tendencies and fever, difficulties in sleeping, moving and passing urine. The main nursing interventions included close observation and a holistic approach in collaboration with all members of the therapeutic team. The patient was discharged in a good general condition, in a balanced mood, without suicidal thoughts. He did not attempt suicide during hospitalisation. (JNNN 2020;9(1):33–38)Wstęp. Choroba Huntingtona to neurodegeneracyjna choroba, dziedziczona autosomalnie dominująco, która charakteryzuje się powolnym obumieraniem komórek ośrodkowego układu nerwowego. Jedną z częstszych przyczyn śmierci jest samobójstwo.Cel. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie problemów i potrzeb pacjenta z chorobą Huntingtona hospitalizowanego psychiatrycznie z powodu organicznych zaburzeń nastroju.Opis przypadku. Opis przypadku odnosi się do sześćdziesięcioletniego pacjenta z chorobą Huntingtona, który z powodu myśli i tendencji samobójczych został przyjęty na oddział psychiatryczny. Praca przedstawia wybrane problemy pielęgnacyjne zaobserwowane u pacjenta.Dyskusja. Prawie każdy pacjent z chorobą Huntingtona doświadcza objawów psychiatrycznych. Pojawiają się one na różnym etapie chorowania. Opisany pacjent hospitalizowany psychiatrycznie doświadczał problemów natury psychicznej i somatycznej. Główne cele opieki pielęgniarskiej obejmowały dążenie do zmniejszenia lub niwelowania rozpoznanych problemów, w tym głównie zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa i poprawę funkcjonowania. Interwencje uwzględniały w szczególności ścisłą obserwację, pomoc w wykonywaniu czynności samoobsługowych, motywowanie pacjenta do ćwiczeń i samodzielnego wykonywania zadań, opiekę w momencie wystąpienia gorączki, edukowanie na temat higieny snu.Wnioski. Problemy pielęgnacyjne pacjenta dotyczyły zaburzeń psychicznych i somatycznych, w szczególności myśli i tendencji samobójczych oraz gorączki, trudności ze spaniem, poruszaniem i oddawaniem moczu. Główne interwencje pielęgniarskie obejmowały ścisłą obserwację i holistyczne podejście we współpracy ze wszystkimi członkami zespołu terapeutycznego. Pacjent został wypisany do domu w ogólnym stanie dobrym, bez gorączki i cech zapalenia układu moczowego, w wyrównanym nastroju, bez myśli samobójczych. W czasie hospitalizacji nie podjął próby samobójczej. (PNN 2020;9(1):33–38