737 research outputs found

    Simulation of gemini-agena docking

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    Attitude and translation control using visual docking simulator for Gemini/Agena projec

    Resource tiered reviews – a provisional reporting checklist

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    AFJEM is committed to publishing review articles that will benefit acute care providers, independent of the resources available to them. As a result we have compiled a checklist aimed specifically at best evidence in the resource-restricted setting (Table 1). The aim is to guide authors in producing a report which is a combination between a clinical guideline and a systematic review. Best available evidence, using a transparent and systematic approach to find and evaluate relevant studies, is still key; but with additional focus on resource availability. In effect it will be more rigorous than a narrative review but less time-consuming than a systematic review or meta-analysis. In order to apply the content to different resource levels, authors are advised to start by describing the very best evidence available; then assume the resources for this level are not available and describe the next tier of evidence until all options are exhausted. For example, if we return to our patient with chest pain: the recommended treatment for a patient with STEMI is primary percutaneous coronary intervention; if this treatment is not available, then thrombolytics should be considered; if that is not available then antiplatelet therapy and anticoagulation should be used, and so on and so forth

    A study of the use of experimental stability derivatives in the calculation of the lateral disturbed motions of a swept-wing airplane and comparison with flight results

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    An investigation was made to determine the accuracy with which the lateral flight motions of a swept-wing airplane could be predicted from experimental stability derivatives, determined in the 6-foot-diameter rolling-flow test section and 6 by 6-foot curved-flow test section of the Langley stability tunnel. In addition, determination of the significance of including the nonlinear aerodynamic effects of sideslip in the calculations of the motions was desired. All experimental aerodynamic data necessary for prediction of the lateral flight motions are presented along with a number of comparisons between flight and calculated motions caused by rudder and aileron disturbances

    Bridging the Accountability Gap: Rights for New Entities in the Information Society?

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    Technological developments in the information society bring new challenges, both to the applicability and to the enforceability of the law. One major challenge is posed by new entities such as pseudonyms, avatars, and software agents that operate at an increasing distance from the physical persons "behind" them (the "principal"). In case of accidents or misbehavior, current laws require that the physical or legal principal behind the entity be found so that she can be held to account. This may be problematic if the linkability of the principal and the operating entity is questionable. In light of the ongoing developments in electronic agents, there is sufficient reason to conduct a review of the literature in order to more closely examine arguments for and against legal personhood for some nonhuman acting entities. This article also includes a discussion of alternative approaches to solving the "accountability gap.

    Wind-Tunnel Investigation at Low Speed of the Effects of Chordwise Wing Fences and Horizontal-Tail Position on the Static Longitudinal Stability Characteristics of an Airplane Model with a 35 Degree Sweptback Wing

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    Low-speed tests of a model with a wing swept back 35 degrees at the 0.33-chord line and a horizontal tail located well above the extended wing-chord plane indicated static longitudinal instability at moderate angles of attack for all configurations tested. An investigation therefore was made to determine whether the longitudinal stability could be improved by the use of chordwise wing fences, by lowering the horizontal tail, or by a combination of both. The results of the investigation showed that the longitudinal stability characteristics of the model with slats retracted could be improved at moderate angles of attack by placing chordwise wing fences at a spanwise station of about 73 percent of the wing semispan from the plane of symmetry provided the nose of the fence extended slightly beyond or around the wing leading edge