1,126 research outputs found

    High-Temperature Corrosion Testing of Uranium Silicide Surrogates

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    The corrosion resistance of cerium silicide, a surrogate of uranium silicide, is investigated to gain insight into the reaction of uranium silicide with water. As-received and proton-irradiated Ce3Si2, CeSi2, and CeSi1.x monolithic pellets are subjected to corrosion tests in water at 300°C and 9 MPa for up to 48 h. Results show that an oxide layer composed of Ce4.67 (SiO4)3O forms on the surface of all samples, and it grows thicker with extended exposure times. Irradiated samples corrode to a greater extent than their unirradiated counterparts, which is mainly a result of the existing post-irradiation cerium oxide and the presence of ion-induced defects. Most of the Ce3Si2 samples crack (as-received) or fracture (ion-irradiated) during testing, which is due to the brittleness of the samples and oxide erosion/spallation that occur during testing

    Vibration-induced granular segregation: a phenomenon driven by three mechanisms

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    The segregation of large spheres in a granular bed under vertical vibrations is studied. In our experiments we systematically measure rise times as a function of density, diameter and depth; for two different sinusoidal excitations. The measurements reveal that: at low frequencies, inertia and convection are the only mechanisms behind segregation. Inertia (convection) dominates when the relative density is greater (less) than one. At high frequencies, where convection is suppressed, fluidization of the granular bed causes either buoyancy or sinkage and segregation occurs.Comment: 4 pages. 3 figures, revtex4, to appear in PRL (in press

    Student teamwork: developing virtual support for team projects

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    In the 21st century team working increasingly requires online cooperative skills as well as more traditional skills associated with face to face team working. Virtual team working differs from face to face team working in a number of respects, such as interpreting the alternatives to visual cues, adapting to synchronous communication, developing trust and cohesion and cultural interpretations. However, co-located student teams working within higher education can only simulate team working as it might be experienced in organisations today. For example, students can learn from their mistakes in a non-threatening environment, colleagues tend to be established friends and assessing teamwork encourages behaviour such as “free-riding”. Using a prototyping approach, which involves students and tutors, a system has been designed to support learners engaged in team working. This system helps students to achieve to their full potential and appreciate issues surrounding virtual teamwork. The Guardian Agent system enables teams to allocate project tasks and agree ground rules for the team according to individuals’ preferences. Results from four cycles of its use are presented, together with modifications arising from iterations of testing. The results show that students find the system useful in preparing for team working, and have encouraged further development of the system

    Integration of professional judgement and decision-making in high-level adventure sports coaching practice

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    This study examined the integration of professional judgement and decision-making processes in adventure sports coaching. The study utilised a thematic analysis approach to investigate the decision-making practices of a sample of high-level adventure sports coaches over a series of sessions. Results revealed that, in order to make judgements and decisions in practice, expert coaches employ a range of practical and pedagogic management strategies to create and opportunistically use time for decision-making. These approaches include span of control and time management strategies to facilitate the decision-making process regarding risk management, venue selection, aims, objectives, session content, and differentiation of the coaching process. The implication for coaches, coach education, and accreditation is the recognition and training of the approaches that“create time” for the judgements in practice, namely“creating space to think”. The paper concludes by offering a template for a more expertise-focused progression in adventure sports coachin

    Fractura triplana epifisaria distal de tibia: a propósito de un caso con interposición de periostio

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    Se presenta un caso de fractura triplana en 2 fragmentos en un paciente varón de 13 años tratado quirúrgicamente, observando la interposición perióstica en el plano axial a nivel del fragmento antero-externo, que impedía la reducción anatómica de la zona epifisaria articular. Se analiza la anatomía quirúrgica de las fracturas triplanas considerando que esta lesión puede ser más frecuente de lo que se ha informado, y sólo valorada en los casos en que se emplee un abordaje antero-externo.The case of a 13-year-old boy with a two-fragment triplane fracture of the distal epiphysis of the tibia is presented. At surgery, an interposition of the periosteum in the axial plane behind the antero-lateral fragment, preventing the anatomical reduction of the epiphyseal joint surface was found. The surgical anatomy of triplane fractures is review taking into account that this lesion can be more frequent that it has been reported. The true incidence should be evaluated at surgery by antero-lateral approach

    Fracturas del macizo trocantéreo. Estudio comparativo Ender-DHS: revision de 114 casos

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    Se presenta un estudio retrospectivo de 114 fracturas pertrocantéreas tratadas con enclavado elástico de Ender (71) y tornillo placa deslizante, DHS (43). Se efectuó un estudio estadístico descriptivo-comparativo entre los 2 grupos de pacientes según la técnica quirúrgica empleada. Se constató un mayor índice de estabilidad usando el DHS (81%), frente al 6 1 % del otro grupo. La tasa de complicaciones fue del 16% y 55% respectivamente. Los resultados clínicos fueron mejores en los enfermos tratados con DHS, fundamentalmente en cuanto a la deambulación que se consiguió en el 98% (Ender 75%), ausencia de dolor y movilidad conservada. Los autores piensan que la estabilidad preoperatoria no influye en la solidez del montaje usando el DHS, pero con la técnica de Ender ésta disminuye en las fracturas inestables; por ello, la técnica de Ender estaría solamente indicada en el tratamiento de fracturas estables en pacientes de edad avanzada o con mal estado general, aunque en clara competencia con el DHS.A retrospective study of 114 intertrochanteric fractures operated on either with Ender's rods (71) or dynamic hip screws, DHS (43) is presented. A statistical descriptive-comparative study between the 2 groups was attempted. There was a greater index of stability using the DHS (82%) than Ender's rods (61%). The rate of complications was 16% and 55% respectively. The clinical outcome was better in cases treated with DHS, specially for walking ability, which was regained in the 98% of cases (Ender 75%), painless and preserved mobility. The authors think that the stability before operation do not influence the solidity of the assembly using the DHS device. On the contrary, with the Ender's technique the fixation is no satisfactory in unstables fractures. Ender's rods would only be suitable for treatment of stable fractures in older patient or with serious associated diseases, although in clear competition with the DHS

    Enhancing the early student experience

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    This paper is concerned with identifying how the early student experience can be enhanced in order to improve levels of student retention and achievement. The early student experience is the focus of this project as the literature has consistently declared the first year to be the most critical in shaping persistence decisions. Programme managers of courses with high and low retention rates have been interviewed to identify activities that appear to be associated with good retention rates. The results show that there are similarities in the way programmes with high retention are run, with these features not being prevalent on programmes with low retention. Recommendations of activities that appear likely to enhance the early student experience are provided

    Data for engineering lipid metabolism of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells for enhanced recombinant protein production

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    The data presented in this article relates to the manuscript entitled ‘Engineering of Chinese hamster ovary cell lipid metabolism results in an expanded ER and enhanced recombinant biotherapeutic protein production’, published in the Journal Metabolic Engineering [1]. In the article here, we present data examining the overexpression of the lipid metabolism modifying genes SCD1 and SREBF1 in CHO cells by densitometry of western blots and by using mass spectrometry to investigate the impact on specific lipid species. We also present immunofluorescence data at the protein level upon SCD1 and SREBF1 overexpression. The growth profile data during batch culture of control CHO cells and CHO cells engineered to overexpress SCD1 and SREBF1 during batch culture are also reported. Finally, we report data on the yields of model secretory recombinant proteins produced from control, SCD1 or SREBF1 engineered cells using a transient expression systems

    History of oceanic front development in the New Zealand sector of the Southern Ocean during the Cenozoic--a synthesis

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    The New Zealand sector of the Southern Ocean (NZSSO) has opened about the Indian-Pacific spreading ridge throughout the Cenozoic. Today the NZSSO is characterised by broad zonal belts of antarctic (cold), subantarctic (cool), and subtropical (warm) surface-water masses separated by prominent oceanic fronts: the Subtropical Front (STF) c. 43deg.S, Subantarctic Front (SAF) c. 50deg.S, and Antarctic Polar Front (AAPF) c. 60deg.S. Despite a meagre database, the broad pattern of Cenozoic evolution of these fronts is reviewed from the results of Deep Sea Drilling Project-based studies of sediment facies, microfossil assemblages and diversity, and stable isotope records, as well as from evidence in onland New Zealand Cenozoic sequences. Results are depicted schematically on seven paleogeographic maps covering the NZSSO at 10 m.y. intervals through the Cenozoic. During the Paleocene and most of the Eocene (65-35 Ma), the entire NZSSO was under the influence of warm to cool subtropical waters, with no detectable oceanic fronts. In the latest Eocene (c. 35 Ma), a proto-STF is shown separating subantarctic and subtropical waters offshore from Antarctica, near 65deg.S paleolatitude. During the earliest Oligocene, this front was displaced northwards by development of an AAPF following major global cooling and biotic turnover associated with ice sheet expansion to sea level on East Antarctica. Early Oligocene full opening (c. 31 Ma) of the Tasmanian gateway initiated vigorous proto-circum-Antarctic flow of cold/cool waters, possibly through a West Antarctic seaway linking the southern Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, including detached northwards "jetting" onto the New Zealand plateau where condensation and unconformity development was widespread in cool-water carbonate facies. Since this time, a broad tripartite division of antarctic, subantarctic, and subtropical waters has existed in the NZSSO, including possible development of a proto-SAF within the subantarctic belt. In the Early-early Middle Miocene (25-15 Ma), warm subtropical waters expanded southwards into the northern NZSSO, possibly associated with reduced ice volume on East Antarctica but particularly with restriction of the Indonesian gateway and redirection of intensified warm surface flows southwards into the Tasman Sea, as well as complete opening of the Drake gateway by 23 Ma allowing more complete decoupling of cool circum-Antarctic flow from the subtropical waters. During the late Middle-Late Miocene (15-5 Ma), both the STF and SAF proper were established in their present relative positions across and about the Campbell Plateau, respectively, accompanying renewed ice buildup on East Antarctica and formation of a permanent ice sheet on West Antarctica, as well as generally more expansive and intensified circum-Antarctic flow. The ultimate control on the history of oceanic front development in the NZSSO has been plate tectonics through its influence on the paleogeographic changes of the Australian-New Zealand-Antarctic continents and their intervening oceanic basins, the timing of opening and closing of critical seaways, the potential for submarine ridges and plateaus to exert some bathymetric control on the location of fronts, and the evolving ice budget on the Antarctic continent. The broad trends of the Cenozoic climate curve for New Zealand deduced from fossil evidence in the uplifted marine sedimentary record correspond well to the principal paleoceanographic events controlling the evolution and migration of the oceanic fronts in the NZSSO

    The Vehicle, 1967, Vol. 9 no. 1

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    Vol. 9, No. 1 Table of Contents Commentarypage 3 PoofMolly J. Evanspage 4 PreludeMike Baldwinpage 5 UntitledMike Baldwinpage 5 Where is Tomorrow?Paula Bresnanpage 6 Could It Be Or NotMary Hoeggerpage 7 PsalmAnthony Griggspage 7 Where Am I Going?William A. Framepage 8 Out of DarknessMarilyn Henry Hoodpage 9 She CriedMolly J. Evanspage 12 When I MoveAnthony Griggspage 13 Hi Ya, MorningWilliam A. Framepage 13 Summer Twilight ThoughtsSteve Allenpage 14 Too MuchBill Moserpage 16 Ink SketchWilliam A. Framepage 17 No. 1Molly J. Evanspage 18 Youth, So Hated and DamnedJeff Hendrickspage 18 GoneJackie Jaquespage 19 The JesterWilliam A. Framepage 20 ReflectionMike Baldwinpage 20 No. 3Molly J. Evanspage 21 EpitaphBill Moserpage 22 I Take A Long-Out-of-Use BookAnthony Griggspage 23https://thekeep.eiu.edu/vehicle/1016/thumbnail.jp