78 research outputs found

    Warum rauchen Schizophreniepatienten?

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    Zusammenfassung: Patienten mit schizophrenen Störungen zeigen eine erhöhte Prävalenz der Nikotinabhängigkeit. Diese Arbeit beleuchtet die Zusammenhänge zwischen Schizophrenie und Nikotinkonsum. Es gibt deutliche Hinweise dafür, dass wesentliche Bereiche kognitiver Funktionen bei Patienten mit schizophrenen Erkrankungen durch Nikotin verbessert werden, insbesondere Daueraufmerksamkeit, gerichtete Aufmerksamkeit, Arbeitsgedächtnis, Kurzzeitgedächtnis und Wiedergabe aus dem Gedächtnis. Auch konnten in einigen Studien mittels ereigniskorrelierten Potenzialen (P50-Paradigma) und der Präpulsinhibition des akustisch ausgelösten Schreckreflexes gezeigt werden, dass präattentive Maße der Informationsverarbeitung, die eine zentrale Rolle in der Schizophrenie spielen, durch Gabe von Nikotin verbessert werden können. Weiterhin kann Rauchen die durch antipsychotische Medikamente hervorgerufenen extrapyramidalen Nebenwirkungen verbessern, und es induziert das Zytochrom P4501A2, das auch an der Metabolisierung einiger Neuroleptika beteiligt ist. Zusammenfassend kann festgestellt werden, dass die Nikotinzufuhr bei Patienten mit schizophrenen Störungen eine Form der "Selbstmedikation" darstellen könnte, um Defizite im Bereich Aufmerksamkeit, Kognition und Informationsverarbeitung zu verbessern und um Nebenwirkungen von Antipsychotika zu reduzieren. Mögliche pharmakotherapeutische Ansätze zur Behandlung der gestörten Neurotransmission am nikotinergen Azetylcholinrezeptor werden diskutier

    Coprescription of levodopa with antipsychotics in a population of 84 596 psychiatric inpatients from 1994 to 2008

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    Patients on levodopa therapy frequently require additional antipsychotic pharmacotherapy. However, consideration must be given to antagonistic interactions on dopamine receptors between levodopa and antipsychotics, and efficacy and safety of such combinations. We therefore aimed to explore the practice and rationale of coprescription between levodopa and antipsychotics in psychiatric patients.A descriptive retrospective study based on cross-sectional prescription data repeatedly collected from psychiatric inpatients through the international Drug Safety in Psychiatry (AMSP) program between 1994 and 2008 was undertaken.Within a population of 84 596 psychiatric patients the prevalence of levodopa therapy was 1.0% (n=886). Among those patients on levodopa therapy 59.6% (n=528) also received antipsychotics. Quetiapine coprescription increased after its first marketing in 2000 to 45.9% in 2008. Coprescription of clozapine and olanzapine decreased from up to 25 and 22%, respectively, before to less than 10% after the introduction of quetiapine. Coprescribing of other antipsychotics remained approximately stable with average prevalences between 6 and less than 1%.Quetiapine has now replaced clozapine as the most frequently coprescribed neuroleptic in psychiatric patients with levodopa therapy. This is in accordance with recent data indicating a low potential for clinically relevant interactions with levodopa and efficacy against psychosis in levodopa-treated patients. The combined use of antipsychotics other than quetiapine and clozapine with levodopa is less common and generally not supported by appropriate evidence

    Impact of the provision of safe drinking water on school absence rates in Cambodia:a quasi-experimental study

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    Education is one of the most important drivers behind helping people in developing countries lift themselves out of poverty. However, even when schooling is available absenteeism rates can be high. Recently interest has focussed on whether or not WASH interventions can help reduce absenteeism in developing countries. However, none has focused exclusively on the role of drinking water provision. We report a study of the association between absenteeism and provision of treated water in containers into schools

    Remodeling of the fission yeast Cdc42 cell polarity module via the Sty1 p38 stress-activated protein kinase pathway

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    The Rho family GTPase Cdc42 is a key regulator of eukaryotic cellular organization and cell polarity [1]. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, active Cdc42 and associated effectors and regulators (the "Cdc42 polarity module") coordinate polarized growth at cell tips by controlling the actin cytoskeleton and exocytosis [2-4]. Localization of the Cdc42 polarity module to cell tips is thus critical for its function. Here we show that the fission yeast stress-activated protein kinase Sty1, a homolog of mammalian p38 MAP kinase, regulates localization of the Cdc42 polarity module. In wild-type cells, treatment with latrunculin A, a drug that leads to actin depolymerization, induces dispersal of the Cdc42 module from cell tips and cessation of polarized growth [5, 6]. We show that latrunculin A treatment also activates the Sty1 MAP kinase pathway and, strikingly, we find that loss of Sty1 MAP kinase signaling prevents latrunculin A-induced dispersal of the Cdc42 module, allowing polarized growth even in complete absence of the actin cytoskeleton. Regulation of the Cdc42 module by Sty1 is independent of Sty1's role in stress-induced gene expression. We also describe a system for activation of Sty1 kinase "on demand" in the absence of any external stress, and use this to show that Sty1 activation alone is sufficient to disperse the Cdc42 module from cell tips in otherwise unperturbed cells. During nitrogen-starvation-induced quiescence, inhibition of Sty1 converts non-growing, depolarized cells into growing, polarized cells. Our results place MAP kinase Sty1 as an important physiological regulator of the Cdc42 polarity module

    Pharmacogenetics in schizophrenia: a review of clozapine studies

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    Tools in pharmacovigilance in psychiatry: therapeutic drug monitoring, pharmacogenetic tests and drug-drug interactions databases

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    SUMMARYIn order to increase drug safety we must better understand how medication interacts with the body of our patients and this knowledge should be made easily available for the clinicians prescribing the medication. This thesis contributes to how the knowledge of some drug properties can increase and how to make information readily accessible for the medical professionals. Furthermore it investigates the use of Therapeutic drug monitoring, drug interaction databases and pharmacogenetic tests in pharmacovigilance.Two pharmacogenetic studies in the naturalistic setting of psychiatric in-patients clinics have been performed; one with the antidepressant mirtazapine, the other with the antipsychotic clozapine. Forty-five depressed patients have been treated with mirtazapine and were followed for 8 weeks. The therapeutic effect was as seen in other previous studies. Enantioselective analyses could confirm an influence of age, gender and smoking in the pharmacokinetics of mirtazapine; it showed a significant influence of the CYP2D6 genotype on the antidepressant effective S-enantiomer, and for the first time an influence of the CYP2B6 genotype on the plasma concentrations of the 8-OH metabolite was found. The CYP2B6*/*6 genotype was associated to better treatment response. A detailed hypothesis of the metabolic pathways of mirtazapine is proposed. In the second pharmacogenetic study, analyses of 75 schizophrenic patients treated with clozapine showed the influence of CYP450 and ABCB1 genotypes on its pharmacokinetics. For the first time we could demonstrate an in vivo effect of the CYP2C19 genotype and an influence of P-glycoprotein on the plasma concentrations of clozapine. Further we confirmed in vivo the prominent role of CYP1A2 in the metabolism of clozapine.Identifying risk factors for the occurrence of serious adverse drug reactions (SADR) would allow a more individualized and safer drug therapy. SADR are rare events and therefore difficult to study. We tested the feasibility of a nested matched case-control study to examine the influence of high drug plasma levels and CYP2D6 genotypes on the risk to experience an SADR. In our sample we compared 62 SADR cases with 82 controls; both groups were psychiatric patients from the in-patient clinic Königsfelden. Drug plasma levels of >120% of the upper recommended references could be identified as a risk factor with a statistically significant odds ratio of 3.5, a similar trend could be seen for CYP2D6 poor metaboliser. Although a matched case-control design seems a valid method, 100% matching is not easy to perform in a relative small cohort of one in-patient clinic. However, a nested case-control study is feasible.On the base of the experience gained in the AMSP+ study and the fact that we have today only sparse data indicating that routine drug plasma concentration monitoring and/or pharmacogenetic testing in psychiatry are justified to minimize the risk for ADR, we developed a test algorithm named "TDM plus" (TDM plus interaction checks plus pharmacogenetic testing).Pharmacovigilance programs such as the AMSP project (AMSP = Arzneimittelsicherheit in der Psychiatrie) survey psychiatric in-patients in order to collect SADR and to detect new safety signals. Case reports of such SADR are, although anecdotal, valuable to illustrate rare clinical events and sometimes confirm theoretical assumptions of e.g. drug interactions. Seven pharmacovigilance case reports are summarized in this thesis.To provide clinicians with meaningful information on the risk of drug combinations, during the course of this thesis the internet based drug interaction program mediQ.ch (in German) has been developed. Risk estimation is based on published clinical and pharmacological information of single drugs and alimentary products, including adverse drug reaction profiles. Information on risk factors such as renal and hepatic insufficiency and specific genotypes are given. More than 20'000 drug pairs have been described in detail. Over 2000 substances with their metabolic and transport pathways are included and all information is referenced with links to the published scientific literature or other information sources. Medical professionals of more than 100 hospitals and 300 individual practitioners do consult mediQ.ch regularly. Validations with comparisons to other drug interaction programs show good results.Finally, therapeutic drug monitoring, drug interaction programs and pharmacogenetic tests are helpful tools in pharmacovigilance and should, in absence of sufficient routine tests supporting data, be used as proposed in our TDM plus algorithm.RESUMEPour améliorer la sécurité d'emploi des médicaments il est important de mieux comprendre leurs interactions dans le corps des patients. Ensuite le clinicien qui prescrit une pharmacothérapie doit avoir un accès simple à ces informations. Entre autres, cette thèse contribue à mieux connaître les caractéristiques pharmacocinétiques de deux médicaments. Elle examine aussi l'utilisation de trois outils en pharmacovigilance : le monitorage thérapeutique des taux plasmatiques des médicaments (« therapeutic drug monitoring »), un programme informatisé d'estimation du risque de combinaisons médicamenteuses, et enfin des tests pharmacogénétiques.Deux études cliniques pharmacogénétiques ont été conduites dans le cadre habituel de clinique psychiatrique : l'une avec la mirtazapine (antidépresseur), l'autre avec la clozapine (antipsychotique). On a traité 45 patients dépressifs avec de la mirtazapine pendant 8 semaines. L'effet thérapeutique était semblable à celui des études précédentes. Nous avons confirmé l'influence de l'âge et du sexe sur la pharmacocinétique de la mirtazapine et la différence dans les concentrations plasmatiques entre fumeurs et non-fumeurs. Au moyen d'analyses énantiomères sélectives, nous avons pu montrer une influence significative du génotype CYP2D6 sur l'énantiomère S+, principalement responsable de l'effet antidépresseur. Pour la première fois, nous avons trouvé une influence du génotype CYP2B6 sur les taux plasmatiques de la 8-OH-mirtazapine. Par ailleurs, le génotype CYP2B6*6/*6 était associé à une meilleure réponse thérapeutique. Une hypothèse sur les voies métaboliques détaillées de la mirtazapine est proposée. Dans la deuxième étude, 75 patients schizophrènes traités avec de la clozapine ont été examinés pour étudier l'influence des génotypes des iso-enzymes CYP450 et de la protéine de transport ABCB1 sur la pharmacocinétique de cet antipsychotique. Pour la première fois, on a montré in vivo un effet des génotypes CYP2C19 et ABCB1 sur les taux plasmatiques de la clozapine. L'importance du CYP1A2 dans le métabolisme de la clozapine a été confirmée.L'identification de facteurs de risques dans la survenue d'effets secondaire graves permettrait une thérapie plus individualisée et plus sûre. Les effets secondaires graves sont rares. Dans une étude de faisabilité (« nested matched case-control design » = étude avec appariement) nous avons comparé des patients avec effets secondaires graves à des patients-contrôles prenant le même type de médicaments mais sans effets secondaires graves. Des taux plasmatiques supérieurs à 120% de la valeur de référence haute sont associés à un risque avec « odds ratio » significatif de 3.5. Une tendance similaire est apparue pour le génotype du CYP2D6. Le « nested matched case-control design » semble une méthode valide qui présente cependant une difficulté : trouver des patients-contrôles dans le cadre d'une seule clinique psychiatrique. Par contre la conduite d'une « nested case-control study » sans appariement est recommandable.Sur la base de notre expérience de l'étude AMSP+ et le fait que nous disposons que de peux de données justifiant des monitorings de taux plasmatiques et/ou de tests pharmacogénétiques de routine, nous avons développé un test algorithme nommé « TDMplus » (TDM + vérification d'interactions médicamenteuses + tests pharmacogénétique).Des programmes de pharmacovigilances comme celui de l'AMSP (Arzneimittelsicherheit in der Psychiatrie = pharmacovigilance en psychiatrie) collectent les effets secondaires graves chez les patients psychiatriques hospitalisés pour identifier des signaux d'alertes. La publication de certains de ces cas même anecdotiques est précieuse. Elle décrit des événements rares et quelques fois une hypothèse sur le potentiel d'une interaction médicamenteuse peut ainsi être confirmée. Sept publications de cas sont résumées ici.Dans le cadre de cette thèse, on a développé un programme informatisé sur internet (en allemand) - mediQ.ch - pour estimer le potentiel de risques d'une interaction médicamenteuse afin d'offrir en ligne ces informations utiles aux cliniciens. Les estimations de risques sont fondées sur des informations cliniques (y compris les profils d'effets secondaires) et pharmacologiques pour chaque médicament ou substance combinés. Le programme donne aussi des informations sur les facteurs de risques comme l'insuffisance rénale et hépatique et certains génotypes. Actuellement il décrit en détail les interactions potentielles de plus de 20'000 paires de médicaments, et celles de 2000 substances actives avec leurs voies de métabolisation et de transport. Chaque information mentionne sa source d'origine; un lien hypertexte permet d'y accéder. Le programme mediQ.ch est régulièrement consulté par les cliniciens de 100 hôpitaux et par 300 praticiens indépendants. Les premières validations et comparaisons avec d'autres programmes sur les interactions médicamenteuses montrent de bons résultats.En conclusion : le monitorage thérapeutique des médicaments, les programmes informatisés contenant l'information sur le potentiel d'interaction médicamenteuse et les tests pharmacogénétiques sont de précieux outils en pharmacovigilance. Nous proposons de les utiliser en respectant l'algorithme « TDM plus » que nous avons développé

    Design and Additive Fabrication of Foot and Ankle-Foot Orthoses

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    Foot and ankle-foot orthoses are prescribed in order to promote mobility through supporting and/or realigning the lower leg and alleviating pain in the foot in different parts of the gait cycle. This paper will outline new approaches to the design and manufacture of personalised foot and ankle-foot orthoses (FO and AFO) using additive fabrication technology. The research is addressing the need for specific software design tools for orthosis design which enable their properties to be locally tailored within a mass customisation framework. Structure/material testing to support that activity is also being undertaken and will be described.Mechanical Engineerin

    Adverse drug reactions following nonresponse in a depressed patient with CYP2D6 deficiency and low CYP 3A4/5 activity

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    A 47-year-old male taxi driver experienced multiple adverse drug reactions during therapy with clomipramine (CMI) and quetiapine for major depressive disorder, after having been unsuccessfully treated with adequate doses of mirtazapine and venlafaxine. Drug serum concentrations of CMI and quetiapine were significantly increased and pharmacogenetic testing showed a poor metabolizer status for CYP2D6, low CYP3A4/5 activity and normal CYP2C19 genotype. After reduction of the CMI dose and discontinuation of quetiapine, all ADR subsided except for the increase in liver enzymes. The latter improved but did not normalize completely, even months later, possibly due to concomitant cholelithiasis