53 research outputs found

    Влияние сернистых выбросов от целлюлозно-бумажных предприятий на здоровье населения в Светогорске в северо-западной части России

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    The effect of sulfur products in the air on public health was studied in 1992 to 1993. The study was a part of common Finnish Russian investigation named as “IEVA”, there was not published information in Russia about atmosphere pullution effects on health of citizens exposed to chemical wase influence. Air concentrations of stinking wastes of sulfur products and sulfur dioxide in the industrial part of Svetogorsk were controlled by non-stop measuring devices. The special questionaire was proposed for examination in citizens. It contained the query of various information about health, the appearance of sympthoms (headache, eye and nose itching, cough, and dyspnea) during 1.5 years. The questionaires were given to 1100 citizens, and 990 of the questionaires were spread in Svetogorsk. The analysed answers were obtained in 430 persons in Svetogorsk (43%) and 85 persons in Losevo (77%). The greatest instant value of total concentrations of stinking sulfur products in Svetogorsk, as well 144 mkg/m, was 3 times greater than that in Losevo. Average values of hour mean concentrations of stinking sulfur products were 5 mkg/m3 in Svetogorsk (period of 06.01 to 24.06.1992) and 12 mkg/m in Losevo (period of 21.07 to 07.11.1992). The greatest hour mean concentration of sulfur dioxide and the greatest daily value were 540 mkg/m and 125 mkg/m3 respectively in Svetogorsk, and these ones were 123 mkg/m and 33 mkg/m respectively in Losevo. During the whole study period, the mean concentration of sulfur dioxide 16 mkg/m and 10 mkg/m in Svetogorsk and Losevo respectively.Произведенное в г. Светогорске в России с 1992 г. по 1993 г. исследование для выявления влияния сернистых соединений атмосферного воздуха на здоровье населения являлось частью общего финляндско-российского исследования “ИЭВА”. В России раньше не публиковались сведения о влиянии атмосферных загрязнений на здоровье населения, подвергающегося воздействию выбросов. Концентрации дурно пахнущих сернистых соединений и двуокиси серы в промышленном городе Светогорске относительно Лосево контролировались постоянно работающими измерительными приборами. Вместе с этим среди населения распространялся специальный опросник по состоянию здоровья. В анкете запрашивалось о различных, касающихся здоровья, сведениях, о появлении симптомов (головная боль, раздражение глаз и носа, кашель и одышка) в течение прошедших 13 месяцев. Анкеты распространялись среди 1100 человек, при этом 990 анкет пришлось на территорию города Светогорска. Анализируемые ответы были получены у 430 человек в г. Светогорске (43%) и у 85 человек в п. Лосево (77%). Наибольшее моментальное значение общей концентрации дурно пахнущих сернистых соединений (ТRS) в г. Светогорске, 144 кгг/куб.м, было примерно в три раза больше, чем в п. Лосево. Средние величины часовых средних дурно пахнущих сернистых соединений в г. Светогорске были 5 мкг/куб.м (период измерения с 06.0. по 24.06.1992 г.) и в п. Лосево 12 мкг/куб.м (период измерения с 21.07. по 07.11.1992 г.). В г. Светогорске наибольшая часовая средняя концентрация двуокиси серы была 540 мкг/куб.м и наибольшая суточная величина 125 мкг/куб.м, в п. Лосево наибольшая часовая средняя была 123 мкг/куб.м и наибольшая суточная величина 33 мкг/куб.м. Во время всего периода измерения средняя величина концентрации двуокиси серы в г. Светогорске была 16 мкг/куб.м и в п. Лосево 10 мкг/куб.м

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    Features and outcomes of community-academic partnerships in social work : a scoping review

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    To bridge the gap between research and practice and to increase its research impact, the field of social work has advanced community-academic partnerships (CAPs). However, in the extensive literature on such partnerships, no existing synthesis has focused explicitly on the features and outcomes of CAPs. Based on scoping searches of five databases and the relevant grey literature, the present review aimed to synthesise CAP inputs, activities, outputs and outcomes related to social work research and teaching of practice-based research. The results confirm the diversity of CAPs in the field and capture their most common elements. An analysis of the 27 included studies identified three partnership types: (1) improving practice through collaborative research, (2) educating and supporting practitioners to use and produce research, and (3) enhancing collective advocacy through research to promote social change. To support the development of new initiatives and to evaluate existing ones, three generic logic models were formulated. The results highlight the importance of clearly defining CAP features and outcomes. In particular, we observed that a shared understanding of the partnerships' contents and expected outcomes enhances the processes of collaboration and evaluation and enables funders to understand which resources are required.Tutkimuksen ja kaytannon siltaamiseksi ja tutkimuksen vaikuttavuuden lisaamiseksi sosiaalityossa edistetaan yha enemman tutkijoiden ja kaytannon toimijoiden valisia kumppanuuksia. Tutkimustietoa aiheesta on yha enemman, mutta kumppanuuksista seka niita edistavista ja jarruttavista tekijoista ei ole laadittu synteesia, joka keskittyisi kumppanuuksien ominaisuuksiin ja tuloksiin. Tama kartoittava kirjallisuuskatsaus perustuu viiteen tutkimustietokantaan ja harmaaseen kirjallisuuteen tehtyihin hakuihin. Katsauksen tavoitteena oli syntetisoida tutkimus-kaytanto-kumppanuuksien panoksia, aktiviteetteja, tuotoksia ja tuloksia sosiaalityon tutkimuksen ja kaytantotutkimuksen opetuksen kontekstissa. Tutkimustulokset tuovat esiin kumppanuuksien moninaisuuden ja jasentavat niiden yleisempia elementteja. Analyysiin sisallytettyjen 27 tutkimuksen perusteella tunnistettiin kolme kumppanuustyyppia: (1) sosiaalityon kaytannon kehittaminen yhteistoiminnallisen tutkimuksen avulla, (2) sosiaalityontekijoiden kouluttaminen ja tuki tutkimuksen tekemiseen ja kayttoon ja (3) tutkimukseen perustuva vaikuttamistyo yhteiskunnallisen muutoksen edistamiseksi. Uusien kumppanuuksien kehittamisen ja jo olemassa olevien kumppanuuksien arvioinnin tueksi laadittiin kolme geneerista logiikkamallia kumppanuustyypeista. Katsauksen tulosten perusteella on tarkeaa, etta kumppanuuksien ominaisuudet ja tavoitellut tulokset maaritellaan selkeasti. Tulosten perusteella havaittiin, etta etenkin jaettu ymmarrys kumppanuuksien sisalloista ja tavoitelluista tuloksista edesauttaa yhteistyota ja tulosten arviointia seka auttaa rahoittajia ymmartamaan paremmin, mita resursseja kumppanuudet vaativat.Peer reviewe

    Workplace conflict resolution and the health of employees in the Swedish and Finnish units of an industrial company

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    New patterns of working, the globalisation of production and the introduction of information technologies are changing the way we work. This new working environment has eliminated some risks whilst introducing others. The importance of the psychosocial working environment for the health of employees is now well documented, but the effects of managerial style have received relatively little attention. Yet management is an increasingly important aspect of companies' policies. In this paper, we examine the relationship between conflict management in the workplace and self-reported measures of stress, poor general health, exhaustion and sickness absence due to overstrain or fatigue. Our sample consists of non-supervisory employees (N=9309) working in the Swedish and Finnish plants of a multinational forestry company who were surveyed in 2000. Bivariate analyses show that those who report that differences are resolved through discussion are least likely to report stress, poor general health, exhaustion or sickness absence. Those who report that authority is used or that no attempts are made to resolve differences have quite similar rates across all measures. Binary logistic regression analyses were performed for all health outcomes controlling for age, sex, occupational group, job complexity, job autonomy and support from superiors. Results show significantly lower likelihoods of reporting stress, poor general health, exhaustion or sickness absence amongst employees who report that differences of opinion are resolved through discussion compared to those who report that no attempts are made. No significant differences were found between those who reported that differences were resolved through use of authority and subjects in the 'no attempt' category. These results suggest that the workplace conflict resolution is important in the health of employees in addition to traditional psychosocial work environment risk factors.Workplace conflict management Health Sweden Finland Private company

    The NAS Perchlorate Review: Ginsberg et al. Respond

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    Incorporating Privacy into Digital Game Platform Design: The What, Why, and How

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