13 research outputs found

    Barriers to shared sanitation cleaning and maintenance in Kampala Slums, Uganda

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    While shared sanitation is the most viable sanitation option for slums, evidence shows that slum sanitation facilities are poorly used, not properly cleaned and poorly maintained. A cleaning observation was undertaken among households sharing latrines in Kampala slums over a period of six months. Results showed that non-compliance with cleaning schedules, many users, defaulting on shared cleaning commitments, abuse of user fees, dirty and unpaved surroundings, lack of water and cleaning materials; slum house owners and tenants wanting more rent and cheap housing respectively with none having interest in sustainable sanitation are key barriers in shared sanitation cleaning. Sustainable sanitation implies; affordability, improved welfare, poverty alleviation, shared values, norms, regulation and enforcement as well as improved service delivery. This paper explores barriers to effective shared latrine cleaning and maintenance in slums of Kampala city

    Understanding implementation barriers in the national scale-up of differentiated ART delivery in Uganda

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    The aim was to explore patients’ and HIV service managers’ perspectives on barriers to implementation of Differentiated Service Delivery (DSD) for anti-retroviral therapy (ART) service delivery in Uganda. Findings indicate that multi-level interventions are needed to accelerate further DSD implementation from the demand-side (addressing HIV-related stigma, community engagement), as well as supply-side dimensions: strengthening ART supply chain capacities; increasing funding for community models; and further DSD program design to improve patient-centeredness. Although national DSD implementation has been ongoing in Uganda since 2017, there is little research evaluating implementation outcomes since the initial roll-out. The study addresses this knowledge gap

    Interface of culture, insecurity and HIV and AIDS: Lessons from displaced communities in Pader District, Northern Uganda

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Northern Uganda unlike other rural regions has registered high HIV prevalence rates comparable to those of urbanized Kampala and the central region. This could be due to the linkages of culture, insecurity and HIV. We explored community perceptions of HIV and AIDS as a problem and its inter-linkage with culture and insecurity in Pader District.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross sectional qualitative study was conducted in four sub-counties of Pader District, Uganda between May and June 2008. Data for the study were collected through 12 focus group discussions (FGDs) held separately; 2 FGDs with men, 6 FGDs with women, and 4 FGDs with the youth (2 for each sex). In addition we conducted 15 key informant interviews with; 3 health workers, 4 community leaders at village and parish levels, 3 persons living with HIV and 5 district officials. Data were analysed using the content thematic approach. This process involved identification of the study themes and sub-themes following multiple reading of interview and discussion transcripts. Relevant quotations per thematic area were identified and have been used in the presentation of study findings.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The struggles to meet the basic and survival needs by individuals and households overshadowed HIV as a major community problem. Conflict and risky sexual related cultural practices were perceived by communities as major drivers of HIV and AIDS in the district. Insecurity had led to congestion in the camps leading to moral decadence, rape and defilement, prostitution and poverty which increased vulnerability to HIV infection. The cultural drivers of HIV and AIDS were; widow inheritance, polygamy, early marriages, family expectations, silence about sex and alcoholism.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Development partners including civil society organisations, central government, district administration, religious and cultural leaders as well as other stakeholders should mainstream HIV in all community development and livelihood interventions in the post conflict Pader district to curtail the likely escalation of the HIV epidemic. A comprehensive behaviour change communication strategy is urgently needed to address the negative cultural practices. Real progress in the region lies in advocacy and negotiation to realise lasting peace.</p

    Assessing the level of institutionalization of donor-funded anti-retroviral therapy (ART) programs in health facilities in Uganda: implications for program sustainability

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    Background: In the context of declining international assistance for ART scale-up in Sub-Saharan Africa, the institutionalization of ART programs through integrating them in the organizational routines of health facilities is gaining importance as a program sustainability strategy. Objective: The aims of this study were; (i) to compare the level of institutionalization of ART programs in health facilities in Uganda and (ii) to explore reasons for variations in the degree of program institutionalization. Methods: In Phase One, we utilized Level of Institutionalization Scales developed by Goodman (1993) to measure the degree of institutionalization of ART interventions in 195 health facilities across Uganda. The 45-item questionnaire measured institutionalization based on four sub-systems (production, maintenance, supportive, managerial) theorized to make up an organization assessed against two levels of institutionalization; routines (lowest) niche saturation (highest). In Phase Two, four health facilities were purposively selected (2 with the highest and 2 with the lowest institutionalization scores) for a multiple case-study involving semi-structured interviews with ART clinic managers(n = 32), on-site observations and document review. Results: The two highest scoring health facilities had a longer HIV intervention implementation history of between 8 and 11 years. The highest scoring cases associated intervention institutionalization with sustained workforce trainings in ART management, the retention of ART-trained personnel and generating in-house ART manuals. The turnover of ART-proficient staff was identified as a barrier to intervention institutionalization in the lowest-ranked cases. Significant differences in organizational contexts were identified. The two highest-ranked health facilities were well-established, higher-tier hospitals while the lowest scoring health facilities were lower-level health facilities. Conclusions: The level of institutionalization of ART interventions appeared to be differentiated by level of care in the Ugandan health system. Interventions aimed at strengthening program institutionalization in lower-level health centers at the level of human resources for health could enhance ART scale-up sustainability

    A Struggle for Survival: Meaning of Late Life in a Rural District in Uganda: A Qualitative Study

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    Background: Between 2015 and 2050, the aging population of Uganda (aged 50 years and older) will be nearly doubled. Therefore, later-life problems have become an area of increasing research and policy interest. This study aimed at exploring how aging people living in extreme poverty in a low-income country experience their everyday life and what kind of meaning systems employed by them to understand and cope with their living conditions. Methods: We conducted a qualitative interview with 14 participants in the Buikwe district. In this interview, 11 women and 3 men were included, and a thematic analysis was employed for data processing and analysis. Results: Unanimously, all participants reported their condition as extreme poverty. The key informants (KIs) emphasized respect from descendants and the community as a foundation for a meaningful later life. In contrast, this aspect has been ever mentioned by no caregivers but by only one care-receiver. The willingness/ability of children to support the elderly who are in need of support formed a major part of the reflections of care-receivers, which would be decisive for their position in the society and the respect they would receive. In addition, both Christianity and traditional beliefs as well as beliefs in witchcraft and ancestral spirits were employed as a basis for actions and reflections. Discussion: The question arises whether life in extreme poverty conditions can be perceived as meaningful. Respect was mentioned as fundamental by the KIs, thereby giving priority to social relations as the most meaningful factor for living a meaningful life. The ability and willingness of the possible descendants for support as the focus of care-receivers might be a more down-to-earth description of this aspect but without using the same level of abstraction. For the majority, due to their belief system did not serve as a source of consolation their main focus was on social relationships for support. To improve the wellbeing of the old people, their sense of meaning must be restored through a system, guaranteeing the coverage of basic needs and measures to restore dignity through a reintegration in both community and congregations. Social service agencies who are targeting the elderly people need to work toward this objective

    Understanding the persistence of vertical (stand-alone) HIV clinics in the health system in Uganda: a qualitative synthesis of patient and provider perspectives

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    Abstract Background Although there is mounting evidence and policy guidance urging the integration of HIV services into general health systems in countries with a high HIV burden, vertical (stand-alone) HIV clinics are still common in Uganda. We sought to describe the specific contexts underpinning the endurance of vertical HIV clinics in Uganda. Methods A qualitative research design was adopted. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the heads of HIV clinics, clinicians and facility in-charges (n = 78), coupled with eight focus group discussions (64 participants) with patients from 16 health facilities purposively selected, from a nationally-representative sample of 195 health facilities across Uganda, because they run stand-alone HIV clinics. Data were analyzed by thematic approach as guided by the theory proposed by Shediac-Rizkallah & Bone (1998) which identifies; Intervention characteristics, organizational context, and broader environment factors as potentially influential on health programme sustainability. Results Intervention characteristics: Provider stigma was reported to have been widespread in the integrated care experience of participating health facilities which necessitated the establishment of stand-alone HIV clinics. HIV disease management was described as highly specialized which necessitated a dedicated workforce and vertical HIV infrastructure such as counselling rooms. Organizational context: Participating health facilities reported health-system capacity constraints in implementing integrated systems of care due to a shortage of ART-proficient personnel and physical space, a lack of laboratory capacity to concurrently conduct HIV and non-HIV tests and increased workloads associated with implementing integrated care. Broader environment factors: Escalating HIV client loads and external HIV funding architectures were perceived to have perpetuated verticalized HIV programming over the past decade. Conclusion Our study offers in-depth, contextualized insights into the factors contributing to the endurance of vertical HIV clinics in Uganda. Our analysis suggests that there is a complex interaction in supply-side constraints (shortage of ART-proficient personnel, increased workloads, laboratory capacity deficiencies) and demand-side factors (escalating demand for HIV services, psychosocial barriers to HIV care) as well as the specialized nature of HIV disease management which pose challenges to the integrated-health services agenda

    Improving household water treatment: using zeolite to remove lead, fluoride and arsenic following optimized turbidity reduction in slow sand filtration

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    Abstract Despite the United Nations 2030 agenda, large number of both urban and rural dwellers in low-income countries continue to lack access to improved water. Thus, increased effort is required towards enhancing low-cost drinking water treatment technologies especially for developing countries. Slow sand filter (SSF) is one of the most commonly used low-cost and efficient technologies for treating household drinking water. However, effectiveness of SSF is substantially affected by very high turbidity and relatively large amounts of dissolved heavy metals. To enhance removal of both turbidity and heavy metals, this study optimized sand bed depth (SBD) of SSF and investigated the potential of natural zeolite from Uganda for removal of lead, arsenite (As(III)) and fluoride ions from water. To remove lead ions, the zeolite was used in its natural form. However, to remove As(III) and fluoride, the natural zeolite was modified using hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide solution. Removal of high turbidity was found to require a large optimal SBD. Furthermore, efficiency of treating synthetic turbid water increased with increasing initial turbidity. Variation of final turbidity with SBD was found to be best described by an exponential function. Optimal SBDs on top of an underdrain gravel layer of 0.2 m were 453, 522, 561, and 580 mm for turbidity of 60, 80, 100, and 120 NTU, respectively. Optimized SBD used achieve at least 95% efficiency in removing suspended particles from water with turbidity 120 NTU was found to save up to 35% of the total cost for acquiring sand volume required by a conventional SSF. For a particular zeolite mass, removal efficiencies of lead, As(III) and fluoride generally increased with increasing contact time. Removal efficiencies of lead, As(III), and fluorides were also shown to increase with increasing zeolite mass. Lead removal efficiencies using natural zeolite were 75 and 98% under 20 and 40 min, respectively. Removal of As(III) using modified zeolite mass was 91% within contact time of 10 min. Adsorption of fluoride on modified zeolite was 80% within 5 min. Adsorption of lead, As(III), and fluorides indicated promising potential of natural zeolites from Uganda for treating polluted water

    Experiences of gender based violence among refugee populations in Uganda: evidence from four refugee camps

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    In refugee generating situations, flight conditions and actual refugee circumstances, Gender Based Violence take different forms like rape, female genital mutilation, physical, psychological and emotional abuse, defilement and bride kidnapping in the name of ‘early marriage’ and sexual harassment among others. These forms are heightened by the adverse conditions of lack of basic needs, unequal power relations, breakdown of institutions of social control and order, exposure to the dangers of group violence and low capacity of protection agencies both local and international, and the host governments. This study intended to detail refugee experiences of Gender Based Violence among refugees in Uganda as well as the associated factors. We conducted a qualitative study and used content-thematic approach analysis. While there was high GBV awareness; this did not translate into reduced susceptibility. Detection, prevention and response to GBV were curtailed by an intersectionality of unequal power relations, poverty, and a multiplicity of cultures that concealed the nature, extent and reality of GBV. Effective GBV prevention requires an array of interventions and ‘capacities’ especially access to basic needs for individuals and households. Our findings aver that, gender based violence is endemic in peripheral hard to reach, conflict and post-conflict settings than in more stable communities due to under-reporting and concealment that are associated with numerous capacity challenges in access and utilisation of the available services. The extreme conditions that refugees go through during displacement, flight and resettlement tend to exacerbate and sustain GBV.Keywords: Experiences, Gender Based Violence, Refugee Camp

    Livelihood Risk, Culture, and the HIV Interface: Evidence from Lakeshore Border Communities in Buliisa District, Uganda

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    Background. While studies have focused on HIV prevalence and incidence among fishing communities, there has been inadequate attention paid to the construction and perception of HIV risk among fisher folk. There has been limited research with respect to communities along Lake Albert on the border between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Methods. We conducted a qualitative study on three landing sites of Butiaba, Bugoigo, and Wanseko on the shores of Lake Albert along the border of Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Data were collected using 12 Focus Group Discussions and 15 key informant interviews. Analysis was done manually using content and thematic approaches. Results. Lakeshore livelihoods split families between men, women, and children with varying degrees of exposure to HIV infection risk. Sustaining a thriving fish trade was dependent on taking high risks. For instance, profits were high when the lake was stormy. Landing sites were characterized by widespread prostitution, alcohol consumption, drug abuse, and child labour. Such behaviors negatively affected minors and in many ways predisposed them to HIV infection. The lake shore-border heterogeneity resulted in a population with varying HIV knowledge, attitudes, behavior, and competencies to risk perception and adaptation amidst negative masculinities and negative resilience. Conclusion. The susceptibility of lakeshore communities to HIV is attributable to a complex combination of geo-socio, the available (health) services, economic, and cultural factors which converged around the fishing livelihood. This study reveals that HIV risk assessment is an interplay of plural rationalities within the circumstances and constraints that impinge on the daily lives by different actors. A lack of cohesion in a multiethnic setting with large numbers of outsiders and a large transient population made the available HIV interventions less effective

    Seasonal variations and shared latrine cleaning practices in the slums of Kampala city, Uganda

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    Abstract Background The effect of seasons on health outcomes is a reflection on the status of public health and the state of development in a given society. Evidence shows that in Sub-Saharan Africa, most infectious diseases flourish during the wet months of the year; while human activities in a context of constrained choices in life exacerbate the effects of seasons on human health. The paper argues that, the wet season and when human activities are at their peak, sanitation is most dire poor slum populations. Methods A shared latrine cleaning observation was undertaken over a period of 6 months in the slums of Kampala city. Data was collected through facility observations, user group meetings, Focus group discussions and, key informant interviews. The photos of the observed sanitation facilities were taken and assessed for facility cleanliness or dirt. Shared latrine pictures, observations, Focus Group Discussion, community meetings and key informant interviews were analysed and subjected to an analysis over the wet, dry and human activity cycles before a facility was categorised as either ‘dirty’ or ‘clean’. Results Human activity cycles also referred to as socio-economic seasons were, school days, holidays, weekends and market days. These have been called ‘impure’ seasons, while the ‘pure’ seasons were the wet and dry months: improved and unimproved facilities were negatively affected by the wet seasons and the peak seasons of human activity. Wet seasons were associated with, mud and stagnant water, flooding pits and a repugnant smell from the latrine cubicle which made cleaning difficult. During the dry season, latrines became relatively cleaner than during the wet season. The presence of many child(ren) users during school days as well as the influx of market goers for the roadside weekly markets compromised the cleaning outcomes for these shared sanitation facilities. Conclusion Shared latrine cleaning in slums is impacted by seasonal variations related to weather conditions and human activity. The wet seasons made the already bad sanitation situation worse. The seasonal fluctuations in the state of shared slum sanitation relate to a wider malaise in the population and an implied capacity deficit among urban authorities. Poor sanitation in slums is part of a broader urban mismanagement conundrum pointing towards the urgent need for multiple interventions aimed at improving the general urban living conditions well beyond sanitation