713 research outputs found

    The Solar Neighborhood VIII: Discovery of New High Proper Motion Nearby Stars Using the SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey

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    Five new objects with proper motions between 1.0 arcsec/yr and 2.6 arcsec/yr have been discovered via a new RECONS search for high proper motion stars utilizing the SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey. The first portion of the search, discussed here, is centered on the south celestial pole and covers declinations -90 degrees to -57.5 degrees. Photographic photometry from SuperCOSMOS and JHKs near-infrared photometry from 2MASS for stars nearer than 10 pc are combined to provide a suite of new M_Ks-color relations useful for estimating distances to main sequence stars. These relations are then used to derive distances to the new proper motion objects as well as previously known stars with mu >= 1.0 arcsec/yr (many of which have no trigonometric parallaxes) recovered during this phase of the survey. Four of the five new stars have red dwarf colors, while one is a nearby white dwarf. Two of the red dwarfs are likely to be within the RECONS 10 pc sample, and the white dwarf probably lies between 15 and 25 pc. Among the 23 known stars recovered during the search, there are three additional candidates for the RECONS sample that have no trigonometric parallaxes.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomy Journa

    The Solar Neighborhood. XXXIV. A Search for Planets Orbiting Nearby M Dwarfs using Astrometry

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    Astrometric measurements are presented for seven nearby stars with previously detected planets: six M dwarfs (GJ 317, GJ 667C, GJ 581, GJ 849, GJ 876, and GJ 1214) and one K dwarf (BD −-10 3166). Measurements are also presented for six additional nearby M dwarfs without known planets, but which are more favorable to astrometric detections of low mass companions, as well as three binary systems for which we provide astrometric orbit solutions. Observations have baselines of three to thirteen years, and were made as part of the RECONS long-term astrometry and photometry program at the CTIO/SMARTS 0.9m telescope. We provide trigonometric parallaxes and proper motions for all 16 systems, and perform an extensive analysis of the astrometric residuals to determine the minimum detectable companion mass for the 12 M dwarfs not having close stellar secondaries. For the six M dwarfs with known planets, we are not sensitive to planets, but can rule out the presence of all but the least massive brown dwarfs at periods of 2 - 12 years. For the six more astrometrically favorable M dwarfs, we conclude that none have brown dwarf companions, and are sensitive to companions with masses as low as 1 MJupM_{Jup} for periods longer than two years. In particular, we conclude that Proxima Centauri has no Jovian companions at orbital periods of 2 - 12 years. These results complement previously published M dwarf planet occurrence rates by providing astrometrically determined upper mass limits on potential super-Jupiter companions at orbits of two years and longer. As part of a continuing survey, these results are consistent with the paucity of super-Jupiter and brown dwarf companions we find among the over 250 red dwarfs within 25 pc observed longer than five years in our astrometric program.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in A

    New Hipparcos-based Parallaxes for 424 Dim Stars

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    We present a catalog of 424 common proper motion companions to Hipparcos stars with good (>3 sigma) parallaxes, thereby effectively providing new parallaxes for these companions. Compared to stars in the Hipparcos catalog, these stars are substantially dimmer. The catalog includes 20 WDs and an additional 29 stars with M_V>14, the great majority of the latter being M dwarfs.Comment: Submitted to ApJS, 20 page

    The Solar Neighborhood XVII: Parallax Results from the CTIOPI 0.9m Program -- Twenty New Members of the RECONS 10 Parsec Sample

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    Astrometric measurements for 25 red dwarf systems are presented, including the first definitive trigonometric parallaxes for 20 systems within 10 pc of the Sun, the horizon of the RECONS sample. The three nearest systems that had no previous trigonometric parallaxes (other than perhaps rough preliminary efforts) are SO 0253+1652 (3.84 +/- 0.04 pc, the 23rd nearest system), SCR 1845-6357 AB (3.85 +/- 0.02 pc, 24th), and LHS 1723 (5.32 +/- 0.04 pc, 56th). In total, seven of the systems reported here rank among the nearest 100 stellar systems. Supporting photometric and spectroscopic observations have been made to provide full characterization of the systems, including complete VRIJHK photometry and spectral types. A study of the variability of 27 targets reveals six obvious variable stars, including GJ 1207, for which we observed a flare event in the V band that caused it to brighten by 1.7 mag. Improved parallaxes for GJ 54 AB and GJ 1061, both important members of the 10 pc sample, are also reported. Definitive parallaxes for GJ 1001 A, GJ 633, and GJ 2130 ABC, all of which have been reported to be within 10 pc, indicate that they are beyond 10 pc. From the analysis of systems with (previously) high trigonometric parallax errors, we conclude that parallaxes with errors in excess of 10 mas are insufficiently reliable for inclusion in the RECONS sample. The cumulative total of new additions to the 10 pc sample since 2000 is now 34 systems -- 28 by the RECONS team and six by other groups. This total represents a net increase of 16% in the number of stellar systems reliably known to be nearer than 10 pc.Comment: 33 pages, including 3 figures and 3 table

    Mind the Gap I: Hα\alpha Activity of M Dwarfs Near the Partially/Fully Convective Boundary and a New Hα\alpha Emission Deficiency Zone on the Main Sequence

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    Since identifying the gap in the H-R Diagram (HRD) marking the transition between partially and fully convective interiors, a unique type of slowly pulsating M dwarf has been proposed. These unstable M dwarfs provide new laboratories in which to understand how changing interior structures result in potentially observable activity at the surface. In this work, we report the results of the largest high-resolution spectroscopic Hα\alpha emission survey to date spanning this transition region, including 480 M dwarfs observed using the CHIRON spectrograph at CTIO/SMARTS 1.5-m. We find that M dwarfs with Hα\alpha in emission are almost entirely found 0 to 0.5 magnitude above the top edge of the gap in the HRD, whereas effectively no stars in and below the gap show emission. Thus, the top edge of the gap marks a relatively sharp activity transition and there is no anomalous Hα\alpha activity for stars in the gap. We also identify a new region at 10.3 <MG<<M_{G}< 10.8 on the main sequence where fewer M dwarfs exhibit Hα\alpha emission compared to M dwarfs above and below this magnitude range. Careful evaluation of literature results indicates that 1) rotation and Hα\alpha activity distributions on the main sequence are closely related, and 2) fewer stars in this absolute magnitude range rotate in less than ∌\sim13 days than populations surrounding this region. This result suggests that the most massive fully convective stars lose their angular momentum faster than both partially convective stars and less massive fully convective stars.Comment: 30 pages, 18 figures, and 6 table. Submitted to A

    Rational isogenies from irrational endomorphisms

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    In this paper, we introduce a polynomial-time algorithm to compute a connecting O\mathcal{O}-ideal between two supersingular elliptic curves over Fp\mathbb{F}_p with common Fp\mathbb{F}_p-endomorphism ring O\mathcal{O}, given a description of their full endomorphism rings. This algorithm provides a reduction of the security of the CSIDH cryptosystem to the problem of computing endomorphism rings of supersingular elliptic curves. A similar reduction for SIDH appeared at Asiacrypt 2016, but relies on totally different techniques. Furthermore, we also show that any supersingular elliptic curve constructed using the complex-multiplication method can be located precisely in the supersingular isogeny graph by explicitly deriving a path to a known base curve. This result prohibits the use of such curves as a building block for a hash function into the supersingular isogeny graph

    Sarawak Peat Characteristics and Heat Treatment

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    Peat layer is extensively scattered over the land of Malaysia. In Sarawak alone, peatland represents 13 percent (about 1.66 million hectares) of Sarawak’s total land area. They are present, mostly in low-lying areas; with in some areas, peat exceeding 10 m in depth. During past few decades, the demands on development of land were expanded into the swamp and deep peat areas which cannot be avoided. Thus proper management and construction practices should be emphasized, in order to overcome consequential occurrence of ground subsidence problems. The objectives of this study are to determine the characteristics of Sarawak peat, their empirical correlations as well as the effect of heat treatment on peat. The samples were taken from Matang, Batu Kawa, and Kota Samarahan sites, in Sarawak. The characteristic tests consist of degree of humidification, loss on ignition, Atterberg limit, particle density, moisture content and pH value. The results recorded high moisture content and organic content of Sarawak peat. It is also being categorized under the hemic group with pH values ranging from 3 to 4. The heat treatments with temperatures ranging from 100°C to 400°C were used on the peat samples. Samples collected were undergoing heat treatment and changes to its physical characteristic were compared with the original Sarawak peat. It was found that the heat treatments do influence the physical properties of Sarawak peat and have shown significant reduction in the compression index determined through the empirical correlations
