2,819 research outputs found

    Recombining your way out of trouble: the genetic architecture of hybrid fitness under environmental stress

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    Hybridization between species is a fundamental evolutionary force that can both promote and delay adaptation. There is a deficit in our understanding of the genetic basis of hybrid fitness, especially in non-domesticated organisms. We also know little about how hybrid fitness changes as a function of environmental stress. Here, we made genetically variable F2 hybrid populations from two divergent Saccharomyces yeast species, exposed populations to ten toxins, and sequenced the most resilient hybrids on low coverage using ddRADseq. We expected to find strong negative epistasis and heterozygote advantage in the hybrid genomes. We investigated three aspects of hybridness: 1) hybridity, 2) interspecific heterozygosity, and 3) epistasis (positive or negative associations between non-homologous chromosomes). Linear mixed effect models revealed strong genotype-by-environment interactions with many chromosomes and chromosomal interactions showing species-biased content depending on the environment. Against our predictions, we found extensive selection against heterozygosity such that homozygous allelic combinations from the same species were strongly overrepresented in an otherwise hybrid genomic background. We also observed multiple cases of positive epistasis between chromosomes from opposite species, confirmed by epistasis- and selection-free simulations, which is surprising given the large divergence of the parental species (~15% genome-wide). Together, these results suggest that stress-resilient hybrid genomes can be assembled from the best features of both parents, without paying high costs of negative epistasis across large evolutionary distances. Our findings illustrate the importance of measuring genetic trait architecture in an environmental context when determining the evolutionary potential of hybrid populations

    Stability of the replica-symmetric saddle-point in general mean-field spin-glass models

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    Within the replica approach to mean-field spin-glasses the transition from ergodic high-temperature behaviour to the glassy low-temperature phase is marked by the instability of the replica-symmetric saddle-point. For general spin-glass models with non-Gaussian field distributions the corresponding Hessian is a 2n×2n2^n\times 2^n matrix with the number nn of replicas tending to zero eventually. We block-diagonalize this Hessian matrix using representation theory of the permutation group and identify the blocks related to the spin-glass susceptibility. Performing the limit n0n\to 0 within these blocks we derive expressions for the de~Almeida-Thouless line of general spin-glass models. Specifying these expressions to the cases of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick, Viana-Bray, and the L\'evy spin glass respectively we obtain results in agreement with previous findings using the cavity approach

    Inherited pericentric inversion of chromosome number two: A linkage study *

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/66205/1/j.1469-1809.1969.tb01629.x.pd

    Stand Characteristics and Leaf Litter Composition of a Dry Forest Hectare in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica

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    One hectare of tropical dry forest in Guanacaste Conservation Area, Costa Rica was mapped and all trees larger than 10 cm diameter at breast height (DBH) identified. The same hectare was sampled for leaf litter and the two data sets, forest and litter, were compared. Dominant and subdominant species of the forest are represented in the leaf litter, whereas rare tree species are highly variable in their representation in the leaf litter. Relative abundance of dominant and subdominant tree species is represented well by the litter although absolute rank-order is nor identical between source forest basal area and leaf litter mass. The litter adds a significant component to the source forest data owing to the presence of vines and lianas, and more rarely small trees or shrubs. This indicates that litter studies may be able to add depth to forest diversity surveys. The source forest also was used to test foliar physiognomic reconstructions of climate that have been proposed recently by paleobotanists as an alternative to taxonomic affinities methods. The observed climate of the area does not conform to the climatic values that were predicted by application of these new methods. RESUMEN Una hectÁrea de bosque seco tropical en el Area de ConservaciÓn de Guanacaste, Costa Rica fue mapeada, y todos los Árboles mayores de 10 cm de dap fueron identificados. En la misma hectÁrea, se tomaron muestras de hojarasca y los dos colecciones de datos. bosque y hojarasca, fueron comparadas. Se encontrÓ que las especies dominantes y subdominantes del bosque estaban representadas en las muestras de hojarasca, mientras que la presencia de especias arbÓreas raras en las muestras de mojarasca fue muy variable. La abundancia relativa de especies arbÓreas dominantesestÁ bien representada en la hojarasca aunque el Área basal del bosque de origen y la masa de hojarasca no heron idÉnticos en rangos absolutos. La hojarasca aÑade un componente significativo a los datos del bosque de origen debido a la presencia de bejucos y lianas en la hojarasca, y mÁs raramente Árboles pequeÑos y arbustos. Estos datos indican que los estudios de hojarasca pueden incrementar la precisiÓn de las estimaciones de la diversidad de los bosques. El bosque de origen fue usado tarnbien para examinar reconstrucciones del clima basados en la fisiognomia foliar recientemenre propuesras por paleobotÁnicas como una alternativa a mÉtodos de afinidad raxonÓmicas. El clima observado en el Área no corresponde con los valores climÁticos que fueron predecidos por la aplicaciÓn de estos nuevos mÉtodos.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/73234/1/j.1744-7429.1997.tb00034.x.pd

    The phase diagram of L\'evy spin glasses

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    We study the L\'evy spin-glass model with the replica and the cavity method. In this model each spin interacts through a finite number of strong bonds and an infinite number of weak bonds. This hybrid behaviour of L\'evy spin glasses becomes transparent in our solution: the local field contains a part propagating along a backbone of strong bonds and a Gaussian noise term due to weak bonds. Our method allows to determine the complete replica symmetric phase diagram, the replica symmetry breaking line and the entropy. The results are compared with simulations and previous calculations using a Gaussian ansatz for the distribution of fields.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Evolving outer heliosphere: Large-scale stability and time variations observed by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer

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    The first all-sky maps of Energetic Neutral Atoms (ENAs) from the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) exhibited smoothly varying, globally distributed flux and a narrow ribbon of enhanced ENA emissions. In this study we compare the second set of sky maps to the first in order to assess the possibility of temporal changes over the 6 months between views of each portion of the sky. While the large-scale structure is generally stable between the two sets of maps, there are some remarkable changes that show that the heliosphere is also evolving over this short timescale. In particular, we find that (1) the overall ENA emissions coming from the outer heliosphere appear to be slightly lower in the second set of maps compared to the first, (2) both the north and south poles have significantly lower (similar to 10-15%) ENA emissions in the second set of maps compared to the first across the energy range from 0.5 to 6 keV, and (3) the knot in the northern portion of the ribbon in the first maps is less bright and appears to have spread and/or dissipated by the time the second set was acquired. Finally, the spatial distribution of fluxes in the southernmost portion of the ribbon has evolved slightly, perhaps moving as much as 6 degrees (one map pixel) equatorward on average. The observed large-scale stability and these systematic changes at smaller spatial scales provide important new information about the outer heliosphere and its global interaction with the galaxy and help inform possible mechanisms for producing the IBEX ribbon

    Terahertz superlattice parametric oscillator

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    We report a GaAs/AlAs superlattice parametric oscillator. It was pumped by a microwave field (power few mW) and produced 3rd harmonic radiation (frequency near 300 GHz). The nonlinearity of the active superlattice was due to Bragg reflections of conduction electrons at the superlattice planes. A theory of the nonlinearity indicates that parametric oscillation should be possible up to frequencies above 10 THz. The active superlattice may be the object of further studies of predicted extraordinary nonlinearities for THz fields.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure