17 research outputs found

    Sustavi zaštite hrane kao odgovor na potencijalni teroristički čin putem hrane

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    Terrorist attacks on critical infrastructures can cause problems to a national stability and functioning. Food and water supply chains are some of the most important infrastructures, and it is the country’s (government’s) obligation to provide sufficient quantities of food and water to its population. Intentional food contamination can, among other motives, originate from an act of terrorism (with political or ideological motives) with the aim of causing fear (terror) among people. Food defence systems can help assess vulnerabilities, determine mitigation strategies for terrorist attack, estimate risks, and prevent a terrorist attack. Risk assessment and prevention also include control over the production and distribution of potential chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear (CBRN) agents or their related materials. When a terrorist attack occurs, rapid and organised response is essential in terms of determining the type of agent used, managing the diseased, ensuring the functioning of the food and water supply, and the recovery of the infrastructure system under attack. Food defence planning as part of a food counterterrorism strategy should include considerations regarding the global food market and the fact that ingredients are supplied from all over the world (vendor certificates). Preventing terrorist attacks on sources of food and water is a far better option than crisis management once an attack had already been committed, but governments should have a response to any scenario.Potencijalni teroristički napad na kritične infrastrukture može prouzročiti problem za stabilnost i funkcioniranje države. Opskrbni lanci hranom i vodom važne su državne infrastrukture, stoga država ima obvezu osigurati dovoljne količine hrane i vode svom pučanstvu. Namjerno trovanje hrane kazneno je djelo koje nastaje terorističkim činom (politički i ideološki motivi) ili izazivanjem straha (terora) među ljudima. Sustavi zaštite hrane mogu pomoći pri procjeni ranjivosti, određivanju strategija ublažavanja terorističkoga napada te pri procjeni rizika i sprječavanju rizika od terorističkoga napada. U procjenu i sprječavanje rizika pripada i kontrola prometa i proizvodnje potencijalnih kemijskih, bioloških, radioloških i nuklearnih (KBRN) agensâ ili srodnih materijala u državi i izvan nje. Kada se teroristički napad dogodi, bitan je brz i organiziran odgovor države u smislu određivanja vrste korištenog agensa, zbrinjavanja oboljelih, nastavka funkcioniranja opskrbe hranom i vodom nakon napada te oporavka napadnutoga sustava. Planiranje zaštite hrane kao dio strategije za borbu protiv terorizma hranom odnosno agroterorizma treba uključiti razmatranje globalnoga lanca opskrbe sastojcima hrane koja se nabavlja diljem svijeta (proizvođački certifikati). Prevencija terorističkoga napada na hranu bolji je izbor nego upravljanje kriznim događajem (počinjeni napad), ali država bi trebala imati spreman odgovor na sve opcije

    Enhanced Cooperation in an Enlarged EU

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