12 research outputs found

    Union Catalog Dalam Sistem Jaringan Perpustakaan

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    A bstrak: Ada kalanya dalam satu kola terdapat beberapa perpustakaan. Begitu juga dalam satu lingkungcrn universitas yang terdiri dari beherapa falcuftas dengan masingmasing perpustakaan. Untuk mengefisiensikan penggunaan kalalog untuk pengguna, maka diperlukan adanya kebijakan pembuatan katalog inchrlaunion catalog balk secara manual ataupun katalog induk online. Untuk keperluan tersebut diperlukan standarisasi format data bibliografi, agar data dari masing-masing perpustakaan bisa dipertukarkcm awn digabungkan. Standar format data yang digunakan antara lain adalah INDOMARC (Indonesia Machine Readable Catalog) Key word: Katalog Induk - Jaringan Perpustakaan - Sistem Informasi Perpustakaa


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    This Research aim to know the retrieval effectiveness on Online Union Catalog of UGM Library, index pattern at data bases, knowing which's more effective of searching at entri oftitle and subjec and also to know the cause ofeffectiveness difference retrieval at the both entri. Along with growth and information accretion, the main problem have shifted from way of accessing information become to chosen the relevant information with its requirement. Information retrieval is not possible to be done in the manual system, because very big information corps and non-stoped growing larger. The information retrieval system is very needed to to assist the consumer in finding information. One of the information retrieval system is online union catalog. With the online union catalog, by users easily can look for the book title, pickings of research and other documentation of library where from and any time. Getting a number of relevant document with the requirement represent the crux in the searching activity, and effectiveness from online union catalog is this represent the key. Effectiveness from a system influenced by a lot of component which each other related/relevant like: quality of input metadata in data bases, index, searching strategy, ability of system application and keyword election. A system told effective if the system can find more amount document/ appropriate information of request by precission /high accuracy. Research done by testing search at online union catalog to use the natural language keyword. Keyword inclusion done at entri of title and entri subjek. Keyword of taken as sampel come from one of title matakuliah of each; every faculty in UGM. From each; every the topic then translated /formulated into 4 natural language keyword. Data obtained is grouped by relevant level. From the acquirement data; then analysed with the test ofnonparametrik Mann Whitney. From processing data got by conclusion that ratio of retrieval at title entries of equal to 66,6% and subject entries of equal to 58,3%. Data got by mean at title entries of equal to 85,9 document with the detail: very relevant 42,4%, less be relevant 24,2% irrelevant and also 33,5%. While at subject entries found by a mean data of equal to 62,5 document with the detail: very relevant 31,9%, less be relevant 26,45 and irrelevant 30,6%. Pursuant to this research result is suggested to increase performance from Online Union Catalog of UGM library. Is things required to improved by technique ofsearching and ability of searching system, the importance of taking care ofquality ofdata input, similarity ofmetadata and always the existence of renewal /updating ofcatalogue data from all member library. Keywords: effectiveness encounter ofretrieval information retrieval system online union catalog

    Deskripsi Pola Kegagalan Pengajuan Verifikasi Karya Tulis Akhir Mahasiswa UGM dalam Unggah Mandiri

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    Final paper self-submission system is an application that serves as a means of self-service delivery of the final written work of students in the form of final project (TA), thesis and dissertation online. Not all papers uploaded in the system are approved; some are rejected for some reasons. This study aims at determining: (1) the proportion of papers submitted late in the process of self-upload directly approved / rejected based on the level of study program, i.e. diploma, undergraduate, master, doctoral; (2) the proportion of document in the process of submission directly approved /rejected by the faculty; (3) distribution on the quantity of the documents not approved /rejected in the submission based on the level of study (4) distribution on the number of the documents not approved /rejected in self-submission based on faculty; (5) patterns of errors in the process of self-submission; and (6). problems experienced by students in the submission of documents. The study used observational descriptive approach. The population of the study comprised files of documents uploaded. Samples were document files verified by 3 officers for one month. The results of the study showed: (1) average quantity of documents rejected was 49.28%; (2). errors occured in a pattern submission were incomplete manuscript (43.5%), incomplete metadata (22.1% , and incomplete manuscript and metadata ( 33.5%); (3) causes of errors in self-submission were inaccuracy (35.5%), haste (13.4%), drawbacks in application (11.6%), and haste as well as inaccuracy in understanding the existing guidance (27.7%)

    User Experience (UX) dalam pemanfaatan fasilitas Informal Learning Space (ILS) perpustakaan

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    Introduction. User experience (UX) is often used as a consideration to measure the quality of library services related to the provision of other facilities and services. The provision of reading room service and informal learning space (ILS) is space in cafeteria, park, hall, lobby, and special room available in certain area. Utilization of ILS facilities needs to be measured for success based on user experience.Data Collection Method. The research was conducted by collecting questionnaires data and interview approach toward user population of ILS facility. The specified population is the user who is using the ILS facility in various areas available for one month.Data analysis. The data are included in the excel tabulation for further processing. Data from the excell tabulation were analyzed based on the research construct. From the analyzed data obtained an overview of the experience of utilization ILS library facilities.Results and Discussions. ILS facilities are used for study/academic activities. Frequency of use of ILS every day with a duration longer than 4 hours. Reasons for using ILS due to the availability of internet access. Opinion on the use of ILS due to convenience and more productive.Conclusion. The ILS utilization is due to the fact that internet facilities, comfort, and work are more productive, so ILS facilities are used every day for a long time

    Optimasi Mahasiswa Paruh Waktu dalam Pelayanan Perpustakaan melalui Teknik Photovoice

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran bagaimana pengetahuan mahasiswa pekerja paruh waktu terhadap pelayanan dan optimasi perannya di Perpustakaan UGM dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsi pelayanan perpustakaan. Pembahasan dalam makalah ini merupakan penggambaran melalui tindakan dengan subjek mahasiswa yang bekerja sebagai pekerja paruh waktu di dalam perpustakaan. Teknik photovoice adalah sebuah metode kualitatif yang menggabungkan visual dan narasi dari sebuah foto di dalam mengeksplorasi isu pada sebuah komunitas. Dalam hal ini teknik photovoice digunakan untuk mengetahui proses perubahan wawasan, pengetahuan dan optimasi dalam aktivitas mahasiswa sebagai pekerja paruh waktu di perpustakaan. Pembahasan dilaksanakan melalui dua tahap pengambilan gambar melalui bidakan kamera smart phone. Tindakan pada tahap pertama berupa 1 putaran pengambilan gambar dan dilanjutkan presentasi. Pada tahap kedua juga 1 putaran pengambilan objek gambar bidikan kamera smart phone kemudian dilanjutkan diskusi antara partisipan, peneliti dan penanggungjawab program paruh waktu.. Kata kunci: photovoice, mahasiswa pekerja, paruh waktu perpustakaan, pelayanan perpustakaan

    Adaptasi Pemustaka Generasi X di Era Normal Baru

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    Tulisan ini mengkaji fenomena disrupsi dan era normal baru, serta aktivitas akademik pemustaka generasi x di perpustakaan perguruan tinggi. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi beradaptasi pemustaka generasi x dalam merespon perubahan serta mengetahui implikasi apa yang muncul dari perubahan situasi normal baru dalam memanfaatkan layanan perpustakaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan wawancara sebagai pedoman. Wawancara dilakukan terhadap informan pemustaka generasi x di sebuah perpustakaan perguruan tinggi negeri di Yogyakarta. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan mengacu pada teknik analisis data model Miles dan Huberman yaitu analisis data kualitatif dilakukan secara interaktif dan berlangsung secara terus menerus sampai tuntas hingga datanya sudah jenuh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses adaptasi pemustaka generasi x dilakukan dengan cara: mengikuti kegiatan sosialisasi, explorasi, dan saling mempengaruhi antar peemustaka. Implikasi yang terjadi antara lain: terciptanya relasi antar pemustaka dan pustakawan yang lebih personal dan intensif, pengalaman sebagai bagian dari modal sosial dan kesan sebagai rumah kedua, terciptanya aura belajar, efektivitas kerja, serta menghemat pembiayaan operasional belajar. Kesimpulan akhir dari adaptasi dilakukan oleh pemustaka generasi x melalui proses bertahap dan saling mempengaruhi antar pemustaka dan pustakawan. Implikasi yang timbul terjadinya interaksi yang lebih intensif antar pemustaka dan pustakawan, serta timbulnya pengalaman bahwa perpustakaan sebagai bagian dari modal sosial. Kata kunci: pemustaka, generasi x, adaptasi, disrupsi, normal bar

    Peran Masa Depan dan Blended Skill Pustakawan di Era Library 3.0

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    Perpustakaan dan pustakawan berkembang dari generasi ke generasi. Perpustakaan adalah lembaga berorientasi layanan yang berfungsi sebagai jembatan antara pengetahuan dan pencari pengetahuan. Pustakawan adalah subjek yang memberikan dan menjaga jalannya fungsi layanan perpustakaan. Layanan yang dibutuhkan pemustaka tidak cukup hanya layanan pemenuhan kebutuhan informasi saja, tetapi seiring perkembangan tuntutan pemustaka maka pustakawan dituntut dapat memberikan layanan lebih kepada pemustaka. Untuk itu pustakawan dituntut dapat memiliki peran lebih dan keterampilan bauran (blended skill). Tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi keterampilan-keterampilan non tradisional yang dibutuhkan pustakawan, serta peran yang dapat dilakukannya di perpustakaan dalam rangka memberikan layanan lebih kepada pemustaka yang selalu dinamis mengikuti perkembangan kebutuhan informasi dan aktivitas akademik lainnya. Peran serta keterampilan bauran pustakawan itu adalah sebagai guru, pendidik, memberdayakan pemanfaatan TIK, karakteristik dan keterampilan pustakawan yang sesuai kebutuhan pemustaka berdasarkan perkembangan TIK, peran dalam usaha-usaha dalam gerakan akses terbuka serta peran peneliti baik langsung maupun sebagai bagian dari kolaborasi penelitian Katakunci: Peran pustakawan; Pustakawan masa depan; blended skills, library 3.

    Katalogisasi Deskriptif untuk Monograf

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    Temu Kembali Informasi BibliografiDengan Bahasa Alami Pada Field Judul Dan Sufjek(Studi Efektivitas Katalog Induk Terpasang Perpustakaan Ugm

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    ABSTRACT This Research aim to know the retrieval effectiveness on Online Union Catalog of UGM Library, index pattern at data bases, knowing which\u27s more effective ofsearching at entri of title and subjec and also to know the cause ofeffectiveness difference retrieval at the both entri. Along with growth and information accretion, the main problem have shifted from way of accessing information become to chosen the relevant information with its requirement. Information retrieval is not possible to be done in the manual system, because very big information corps and non-stoped growing larger. The information retrieval system is very needed to to assist the consumer in finding information. One of the information retrieval system is online union catalog. With the online union catalog, by users easily can look for the book title, pickings of research and other documentation of library where fromand any time. Getting a number of relevant document with the requirement represent the crux in the searching activity, and effectiveness from online union catalog is this represent the key. Effectiveness from a system influenced by a lot of component which each other related/relevant like: quality of input metadata in data bases, index, searching strategy, ability ofsystem application and keyword election. A system told effective if the system can find more amount document/ appropriate information of request by precission /high accuracy. Research done by testing search at online union catalog to use the natural language keyword. Keyword inclusion done at entri of title and entri subjek. Keyword of taken as sampel come from one of title matakuliah of eachevery faculty in UGM. From eachevery the topic then translated /formulated into 4 natural language keyword. Data obtained is grouped by relevant level. From the acquirement datathen analysed with the test ofnonparametrik Mann Whitney. From processing data got by conclusion that ratio of retrieval at title entries of equal to 66,6% and subject entries of equal to 58,3%. Data got by mean at title entries of equal to 85,9 document with the detail: very relevant 42,4%, less be relevant 24,2% irrelevant and also 33,5%. While at subject entries found by a mean data of equal to 62,5 document with the detail: very relevant 31,9%, less be relevant 26,45 and irrelevant 30,6%. Pursuant to this research result is suggested to increase performance from Online Union Catalog of UGM library. Is things required to improved by technique ofsearching and ability ofsearching system, the importance oftaking care of quality ofdata input, similarity ofmetadata and always the existence of renewal /updating ofcatalogue datafrom all member library. Keywords: effectiveness encounter ofretrieval information retrieval system online union catalog