29 research outputs found

    La crisi del règim isabelí a Barcelona

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    La contribución de la prensa republicana barcelonesa a la socialización de la política durante el sexenio democrático (1868-1873)

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    Esta comunicación analiza las vinculaciones entre republicanismo y prensa durante el Sexenio Democrático de 1868-1873 en Barcelona considerando el papel que desempeñó la prensa republicana en la difusión de los valores democráticos defendidos por el republicanismo, así como los lazos de los políticos republicanos de la etapa con el ejercicio de actividades vinculadas al periodismo.This paper analyzes the relationship between republicanism and press in Barcelona during the so-called democratic six years (1868-1873) considering the role of the republican press in the diffusion of the democratic republican values and the bonds of the republican politicians with the practice of journalism

    Subdesarrollo y ética económica. La mirada de un científico social alemán a la España de entreguerras

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    Since the end of the 19th century, the imperative of explaining the complex processes of the transformation of the societies drove the new social sciences to take on the scientist description of the characters and the National minds. This worry was according the nationalist and imperialist interests of the great powers as it gave them enough arguments to recognize their supremacy over other people and countries. Theories founded on fundamental and vitalistic principles were developed in order to explain the decline of the Nations and the Latin races and the superiority of some others. As far as Spain is concerned, the disaster which took place in 1898 had a transcendental impact in its international perception and reinforces the image of an important decline. In the country this situation drove a meditation about the own Spanish identity and several proposals on the rebuilding and the Europeanization of the country. In the article we show a further analyze of the work El espíritu económico en España (1922), written by the well-known social scientist of the University of Berlin, Mr. Alfred Rühl, who was the person who introduced a new conception of the economical geography as a social science in Germany. His theories linked the people idiosyncrasy, not to primordial features but to economical customs and practices. One year after the publishing of the book in Germany this work was translated into Spanish. This article wonders about Rühl's motivations as he had centered his study precisely in the Spanish case. The article also explains the reasons of the great deal of interest of the work in Spain. The article characterizes Rühl's particular interpretation looking for references and countering other analysis made during the same period in Spain and in Europe.Desde finales del siglo XIX, el imperativo de explicar los complejos procesos de transformación de las sociedades impulsó a las nuevas ciencias sociales a asumir la preocupación por una descripción científica de caracteres o mentalidades nacionales. Esta preocupación coincidía con los intereses nacionalistas e imperialistas de las grandes potencias, puesto que les ofrecía argumentos para legitimar su primacía sobre otros pueblos. Se elaboraron entonces teorizaciones fundadas en principios primordialistas y vitalistas para explicar la decadencia de las naciones o razas latinas y la superioridad de las otras. Con relación a España, el desastre de 1898 tuvo un impacto trascendental en su percepción internacional reforzando la imagen de una profunda decadencia. Dentro del país, impulsó la reflexión sobre la propia identidad, lo que dio lugar a propuestas sobre su reconstitución y europeización. En este artículo, analizamos la obra El espíritu económico en España (1922), del reconocido científico social de la Universidad de Berlín Alfred Rühl, introductor en Alemania de una nueva concepción como ciencia social de la geografía económica, que vinculaba la idiosincrasia de los pueblos, no a rasgos primordiales, sinó a sus prácticas económicas. Al año siguiente de su publicación en Alemania, la obra fue traducida al español. El artículo se pregunta por las motivaciones de Rühl al centrar su estudio, precisamente, en el caso español. Asimismo, explica las razones del eco alcanzado por su obra en España. También caracteriza la particular interpretación de Rühl, buscando sus referentes y contraponiéndola a otros análisis coetáneos en España y en Europa

    How weather influenced the mood of people during the COVID-19 lockdown in Catalonia: a review of Twitter posts

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    This article is the result of a campaign done during the COVID-19 lockdown in Catalonia. The Television of Catalonia audience was involved in an action to inform about the weather from their own homes by posting Twitter videos. Some of the videos were shown on air in the weather segment of the television station's main news programs. We have correlated participation in the campaign with meteorological and public health data and found that weather is related to the mood of people when using social media platforms such as Twitter

    Tau phosphorylation in myotilinopathies and desminopathies

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    Tau expression and tau phosphorylation were examined in muscle biopsies of sporadic inclusion body myositis (sIBM), myotilinopathies and desminopathies compared with controls. A panel of anti-tau antibodies including 3Rtau, 4Rtau, phospho-specific tau Thr181, Ser262, Ser396, Ser422 and antibody AT8 (recognizing phosphorylation sites Ser202 and Thr205) and Alzh50 (conformation-dependent) showed diffuse staining in scattered fibers and peripheral or central aggregates in sIBM, myotilinopathies and desminopathies when compared with controls. This was accompanied by significantly increased tau expresion on western blots immunostained with PHF1 antibody, which recognizes a band of 120 kDa corresponding to big tau and several bands of lower molecular weight between 60 and 70 kDa, in sIBM and some myotilinopatyhy cases. Increased tau accumulation is not accompanied by increased tau mRNA expression levels but by increased focal immunoreactivity in damaged fibers which is variable from one case to another. Increased tau immunoreactivity is associated with increased focal expression of several kinases known to be involved in tau phosphorylation in vitro such as AKT-P, MAPK/ERK-P, GSK-3βSer9, GSK-3βTyr, and stress kinases SAPK/JNK-P and p38-P. These findings confirm previous observations in sIBM, but also demonstrate tau hyper-phosphorylation and abnormal deposition in damaged muscular fibers in myotilinopathies and desminopathies. Furthermore, the present findings suggest the involvement of varied kinases in the process of tau hyper-phosphorylation. GSK-3αβ appears to be a cardinal kinase. In addition, activation of stress kinases SAPK/JNK and p38 link previously described oxidative stress with tau phosphorylation in sIBM and myofibrillar myopathies. On the basis of these data, sIBM, myotilinopathies and desminopathies can be considered secondary tauopathies affecting the skeletal muscle

    Axis internationalism: Spanish health experts and the Nazi ‘New Europe’, 1939–1945

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    Many of the forms and practices of interwar internationalism were recreated under the auspices of the Nazi ‘New Europe’. This article will examine these forms of ‘Axis internationalism’ by looking at Spanish health experts' involvement with Nazi Germany during the Second World War. Despite the ambiguous relationship between the Franco regime and the Axis powers, a wide range of Spanish health experts formed close ties with colleagues from Nazi Germany and across Axis and occupied Europe. Many of those involved were relatively conservative figures who also worked with liberal international health organisations in the pre- and post-war eras. Despite their political differences, their opposing attitudes towards eugenics and the tensions caused by German hegemony, Spanish experts were able to rationalise their involvement with Nazi Germany as a mutually-beneficial continuation of pre-war international health cooperation amongst countries united by a shared commitment to modern, ‘totalitarian’ forms of public health. Despite the hostility of Nazi Germany and its European collaborators to both liberal and left-wing forms of internationalism, this phenomenon suggests that the ‘New Europe’ deserves to be studied as part of the wider history of internationalism in general and of international health in particular