5,531 research outputs found

    Unifying decoherence and the Heisenberg Principle

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    Reflection positive doubles

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    Here we introduce reflection positive doubles, a general framework for reflection positivity, covering a wide variety of systems in statistical physics and quantum field theory. These systems may be bosonic, fermionic, or parafermionic in nature. Within the framework of reflection positive doubles, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for reflection positivity. We use a reflection-invariant cone to implement our construction. Our characterization allows for a direct interpretation in terms of coupling constants, making it easy to check in concrete situations. We illustrate our methods with numerous examples

    Information Transfer Implies State Collapse

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    We attempt to clarify certain puzzles concerning state collapse and decoherence. In open quantum systems decoherence is shown to be a necessary consequence of the transfer of information to the outside; we prove an upper bound for the amount of coherence which can survive such a transfer. We claim that in large closed systems decoherence has never been observed, but we will show that it is usually harmless to assume its occurrence. An independent postulate of state collapse over and above Schroedinger's equation and the probability interpretation of quantum states, is shown to be redundant.Comment: 13 page

    Magneto-exciton in planar type II quantum dots

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    We study an exciton in a type II quantum dot, where the electron is confined in the dot, but the hole is located in the barrier material. The exciton properties are studied as a function of a perpendicular magnetic field using a Hartree-fock mesh calculation. Our model system consists of a planar quantum disk. Angular momentum (l) transitions are predicted with increasing magnetic field. We also study the transition from a type I to a type II quantum dot which is induced by changing the confinement potential of the hole. For sufficiently large magnetic fields a re-entrant behaviour is found from lh=0l_{h}=0 to lh≠0l_{h}\neq 0 and back to lh=0l_{h}=0, which results in a transition from type II to type I.Comment: 6 pages, 12 figure

    Oude graslanden in Nederland : verkenning naar motieven, bedrijfsvoering en perspectieven voor in situ beheer

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    In 1994 ondertekende Nederland het internationale Verdrag inzake Biologische Diversiteit. EĂ©n van de kernpunten in het verdrag is het behoud van biodiversiteit, wat mogelijk is via conservering van planten of dieren in hun natuurlijke omgeving (in situ) of via het bewaren van genetische biodiversiteit in collecties die beheerd worden door genenbanken (ex situ). Op basis van een enquĂŞte onder beheerders van oude graslanden is onderzocht welke motieven een rol spelen bij het toegepaste beheer van deze graslanden en wat de perspectieven zijn. Ook is nagegaan op welke manier in situ beheer van oude graslanden in de bedrijfsvoering wordt ingepast en welke knelpunten er zijn. Aan de hand van de resultaten worden een aantal implicaties voor het beleid in beeld gebracht. De inzichten kunnen van belang zijn bij de ontwikkeling van nationaal beleid inzake in situ beheer van inheemse cultuurgewasse

    Integrability of central extensions of the Poisson Lie algebra via prequantization

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    We present a geometric construction of central S^1-extensions of the quantomorphism group of a prequantizable, compact, symplectic manifold, and explicitly describe the corresponding lattice of integrable cocycles on the Poisson Lie algebra. We use this to find nontrivial central S^1-extensions of the universal cover of the group of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms. In the process, we obtain central S^1-extensions of Lie groups that act by exact strict contact transformations

    Systematics of heavy-ion fusion hindrance at extreme sub-barrier energies

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    The recent discovery of hindrance in heavy-ion induced fusion reactions at extreme sub-barrier energies represents a challenge for theoretical models. Previously, it has been shown that in medium-heavy systems, the onset of fusion hindrance depends strongly on the "stiffness" of the nuclei in the entrance channel. In this work, we explore its dependence on the total mass and the QQ-value of the fusing systems and find that the fusion hindrance depends in a systematic way on the entrance channel properties over a wide range of systems.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett., 5 pages, 3 figure

    Effectiveness of highly active antiretroviral therapy in HIV-positive children: evaluation at 12 months in a routine program in Cambodia.

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    OBJECTIVE: Increasing access to highly active antiretroviral therapy to reach all those in need in developing countries (scale up) is slowly expanding to HIV-positive children, but documented experience remains limited. We aimed to describe the clinical, immunologic, and virologic outcomes of pediatric patients with >12 months of highly active antiretroviral therapy in 2 routine programs in Cambodia. METHODS: Between June 2003 and March 2005, 212 children who were younger than 13 years started highly active antiretroviral therapy. Most patients started a standard first-line regimen of lamivudine, stavudine, and nevirapine, using split adult fixed-dosage combinations. CD4 percentage and body weight were monitored routinely. A cross-sectional virologic analysis was conducted in January 2006; genotype resistance testing was performed for patients with a detectable viral load. RESULTS: Mean age of the subjects was 6 years. Median CD4 percentage at baseline was 6. Survival was 92% at 12 months and 91% at 24 months; 13 patients died, and 4 were lost to follow-up. A total of 81% of all patients had an undetectable viral load. Among the patients with a detectable viral load, most mutations were associated with resistance to lamivudine and non-nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitor drugs. Five patients had developed extensive antiretroviral resistance. Being an orphan was found to be a predictor of virologic failure. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides additional evidence of the effectiveness of integrating HIV/AIDS care with highly active antiretroviral therapy for children in a routine setting, with good virologic suppression and immunologic recovery achieved by using split adult fixed-dosage combinations. Viral load monitoring and HIV genotyping are valuable tools for the clinical follow-up of the patients. Orphans should receive careful follow-up and extra support
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