317 research outputs found

    Patterns of Sexual Arousal in Young, Heterosexual Men Who Experience Condom-Associated Erection Problems (CAEP)

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    Introduction Condom-associated erection problems (CAEP) are reported by a substantial number of young men and are associated with inconsistent and/or incomplete condom use. The underlying mechanisms of CAEP are not well understood and research examining the possibility that men who report CAEP differ from other men in their sexual responsivity is lacking. Aim This study used psychophysiological methods to examine whether men who report CAEP have a higher threshold for sexual arousal, a stronger need for tactile stimulation, and/or more easily lose their sexual arousal due to neutral distractors or performance-related demands. Methods A total of 142 young, heterosexual men (53% reporting CAEP) were presented with four 3-minute erotic film clips. Three film clips were combined with one of the following manipulations: 1) distraction, 2) performance demand, or 3) vibrotactile stimulation. One erotic film clip was presented with no further instructions or manipulations. Main Outcome Measures Average penile circumference changes during the first, second, and third minute (Time) of the erotic film stimuli (Condition) were submitted to a mixed-model ANOVA with Condition and Time as within-subjects factors and Group (CAEP/No-CAEP) as between-subjects factor. Results Significant main effects of Condition and Time and a significant interaction of Group×Time were found. No significant interactions involving Condition were found. Men who reported CAEP had smaller erectile responses during the first minute, regardless of film condition, than men who reported no CAEP (F(1,141)=8.64, p<.005). Conclusion The findings suggest that men with and without CAEP differ in the ease with which they become sexually aroused. Men reporting CAEP needed more time and/or more intense stimulation to become aroused. To our knowledge, this study is the first to use psychophysiological methods to assess sexual responsivity in men who report CAEP

    The Effects of Alcohol on Self-Regulation of Sexual Arousal in Sexually Compulsive Men Who Have Sex with Men

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    Individuals who meet criteria for sexual compulsivity tend to be more likely to engage in behaviors that may have negative consequences. Despite the clear public health relevance, however, little is known about the determinants of sexual compulsivity. This psychophysiological study examined self-regulation of sexual arousal in men high and low in sexual compulsivity, when sober and after alcohol consumption. A total of 43 men who have sex with men (MSM) participated and were presented with a series of erotic film clips. Two clips were presented after alcohol consumption (BAL .06), two other film clips were viewed when sober. Within alcohol conditions, one of the two films was combined with a suppression, the other with a no-suppression instruction. Genital responses were lower in the high sexual compulsivity group and higher during no-suppression conditions. The suppression instruction was not effective under sober conditions but impacted responses after alcohol consumption. This effect was more pronounced for the low compulsivity group. The findings suggest that sexually compulsive men are less successful in inhibiting their sexual responses, but only after alcohol consumption. The findings also suggest that sexually compulsive men may be less responsive to (researcher-selected) erotic stimuli

    Cognitieve theorieën in seksuologisch onderzoek en praktijk

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    Het psychologische onderzoek naar de oorzaken van seksuele disfuncties is sinds de zestiger jaren van de 20e eeuw sterk verweven met de ontwikkelingen in de cognitieve psychologie. Deze invloed werd sterker nadat er onderzoeksmethoden waren geïntroduceerd die het mogelijk maakten om cognitieve processen te bestuderen zonder gebruik te maken van introspectie. Ook de praktijk van de seksuologische hulpverlening is sterk beïnvloed door therapeutische technieken afkomstig uit de cognitieve psychologie. In dit artikel geven we niet zozeer een uitputtende behandeling van de ontwikkeling van cognitieve theorieën binnen seksuologisch onderzoek en klinische praktijk, maar een enigszins persoonlijk overzicht van de invloed van het cognitief-psychologische perspectief op het seksuologische werkveld gedurende de afgelopen vijf decennia. We belichten zowel verworvenheden als knelpunten van cognitieve benaderingen

    The Impact of Gain- and Loss-Framed Messages on Young Adults' Sexual Decision Making: An Experimental Study

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    Messages that frame a target behavior in terms of its benefits (gain frame) or costs (loss frame) have been widely and successfully used for health promotion and risk reduction. However, the impact of framed messages on decisions to have sex and sexual risk, as well as moderators of these effects, has remained largely unexplored. We used a computerized laboratory task to test the effects of framed messages about condom use on young adults' sexual decision making. Participants (N = 127) listened to both gain- and loss-framed messages and rated their intentions to have sex with partners who posed a high and low risk for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The effects of message frame, partner risk, participant gender, ability to adopt the messages, and message presentation order on intentions to have sex were examined. Intentions to have sex with high-risk partners significantly decreased after the loss-framed message, but not after the gain-framed message, and intentions to have sex increased for participants who received the gain-framed message first. Yet, participants found it easier to adopt the gain-framed message. Results suggest that loss-framed messages may be particularly effective in reducing intentions to have sex with partners who might pose a higher risk for STIs, and that message presentation order may alter the relative effectiveness of gain- and loss-framed messages on sexual decision making. Future studies should examine the precise conditions under which gain- and loss-framed messages can promote healthy sexual behaviors and reduce sexual risk behaviors

    Sexual Responsivity and the Effects of Negative Mood on Sexual Arousal in Hypersexual Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM)

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    This article has been accepted for publication in The Journal of Sexual Medicine Published by Oxford University Press.Background A number of studies have found that hypersexuality is associated with a high propensity for sexual excitation. In comparison, less is known about the relationship between hypersexuality and sexual arousal at the state level. Also, previous research has revealed a relationship between hypersexuality and negative mood. However, the possibility that sexual response might not be as negatively impacted by negative mood in hypersexual individuals has, as yet, not been tested. Aim The purpose of this study was to investigate sexual responsivity and the effects of negative mood on sexual arousal in hypersexual men who have sex with men (MSM). Methods A total of 211 MSM were assigned to a hypersexuality (N = 81) or a control (N = 130) group using an interview patterned with a semi-structured Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders format. Participants filled out questionnaires and were shown neutral, sexual, and anxiety- and sadness-inducing films. Outcomes Changes in penile circumference and self-reported sexual arousal were the primary outcomes analyzed in this study. Results Controlling for age and HIV status, no differences were found in genital response between hypersexual and non-hypersexual men. Also, the 2 groups did not differ in subjective sexual arousal. Moreover, no effects of negative mood were found. Time series clustering analyses revealed 3 groups—low responders and slow and fast high responders. Sexual excitation, but not sexual compulsivity or pornography use, predicted cluster membership. Clinical Translation Hypersexual MSM may benefit more from an exploration of motivational and behavioral, as compared to psychophysiological, mechanisms underlying possible links between (negative) mood and sexual behavior. Strengths & Limitations Strengths of the study include its sample size, making it one of the larger psychophysiological sex studies; the use of clinical interviews for group assignment; the inclusion of genital response measures; and the application of time series clustering to examine differences among participants. Limitations include possible sample heterogeneity and the reliance on researcher-selected stimuli. Conclusion Given the lack of any effects of negative mood on sexual response in hypersexual MSM, future studies could explore in more depth possible motivational and behavioral effects, including, for example, the impact of negative mood on the tendency to seek out sex as a form of distraction or for validation or emotional support

    Sexuality in Older Adults (65+):An Overview of the Literature, Part 1: Sexual Function and its Difficulties

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in International Journal of Sexual Healthon 14 Sep 2016, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/19317611.2016.1224286.Aim: The aim of the current paper was to provide an overview of literature on sexual function and sexual difficulties in older adults. Method: We conducted a narrative review of papers published in English between January 2005 and July 2015 based on an extensive search in PsycINFO. Results: The review showed that while common biological changes may adversely affect sexual function in old age, sexual experience seems to also be affected by psychological and interpersonal factors. Conclusions: Greater life expectancy and better medical care will result in older individuals with chronic diseases living longer. The need for help to cope with changes in sexual health is likely to increase in older adults, as sexuality may be negatively affected through several pathways.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio