33 research outputs found

    Frameworks and Interactive Tools for Scientific Knowledge Systematization

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    Vouga project, soils and hydrology

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    Project Stiboka, Landinrichtingsdiens

    Policy Lifecycle Related Tool Development in Environmental Sciences

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    Kwaliteitsborging databestanden en modellen : balanceren tussen chaotische dynamiek en geordende stilstand

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    In het project zijn audits uitgevoerd voor 31 modellen en databestanden die binnen DLO worden gebruikt bij de uitvoering van taken voor het Milieu- en Natuurplanbureau. Daartoe is een gemeenschappelijke methodiek ontwikkeld die uitgaat van 5 kwaliteitsaspecten: wetenschappelijke inhoud, wiskundige vertaling en resolutie, statistische aspecten, kwaliteitsborging en communicatieve aspecten. Per aspect zijn criteria uitgewerkt, waarop de modellen en databestanden zijn getoetst. De uitkomsten van de individuele audits zijn vertaald in een algemene aanpak waarmee de kwaliteitsborging structureel kan worden verbeterd. Deze aanpak heeft betrekking op: de organisatie van het proces van kwaliteitsborging; de relatie met ISO-9001; de formulering van twee algemene kwaliteitsniveau’s A en AA en de daarbij behorende criteria en op de wijze waarop de keuze voor een gewenst kwaliteitsniveau kan worden afgestemd op de toepassing en de daarmee samenhangende risico’s. Ook wordt aangegeven hoe de ontwikkelde aanpak binnen DLO kan worden geïmplementeerd

    An IT perspective on integrated environmental modelling: The SIAT case

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    Policy makers have a growing interest in integrated assessments of policies. The Integrated Assessment Modelling (IAM) community is reacting to this interest by extending the application of model development from pure scientific analysis towards application in decision making or policy context by giving tools a higher capability for analysis targeted at non-experts, but intelligent users. Many parties are involved in the construction of such tools including modellers, domain experts and tool users, resulting in as many views on the proposed tool. During tool development research continues which leads to advanced understanding of the system and may alter early specifications. Accumulation of changes to the initial design obscures the design, usually vastly increasing the number of defects in the software. The software engineering community uses concepts, methods and practices to deal with ambiguous specifications, changing requirements and incompletely conceived visions, and to design and develop maintainable/extensible quality software. The aim of this paper is to introduce modellers to software engineering concepts and methods which have the potential to improve model and tool development using experiences from the development of the Sustainability Impact Assessment Tool. These range from choosing a software development methodology for planning activities and coordinating people, technical design principles impacting maintainability, quality and reusability of the software to prototyping and user involvement. It is argued that adaptive development methods seem to best fit research projects, that typically have unclear upfront and changing requirements. The break-down of a system into elements that overlap as little as possible in features and behaviour helps to divide the work across teams and to achieve a modular and flexible system. However, this must be accompanied by proper automated testing methods and automated continuous integration of the elements. Prototypes, screen sketches and mock-ups are useful to align the different views, build a shared vision of required functionality and to match expectations