25 research outputs found

    Perinatal programming of renal function

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    Purpose of reviewPerinatal programming of renal function reflects the epigenetic alteration of genetically determined development by environmental factors. These include intrauterine malnutrition, pre and postnatal overnutrition, glucocorticoids, and certain toxins such as smoking. This review aims to summarize the most important findings.Recent findingsHuman studies may show an increased susceptibility toward the general prevalence of renal failure in already small for gestational age children and adolescents. In particular, glomerular diseases present with a more severe clinical course. Partially related, partially independently, arterial hypertension is found in this at-risk group. The findings can mostly be confirmed in animal models. Both intrauterine nutrient deprived and overfed rodents show a tendency toward developing glomerulosclerosis and other renal disorders. Animal studies attempt to imitate clinical conditions, however, there are difficulties in transferring the findings to the human setting. The reduction of nephron number, especially in intrauterine growth-restricted humans and animals, is one mechanism of perinatal programming in the kidneys. In addition, vascular and endocrine alterations are prevalent. The molecular changes behind these mechanisms include epigenetic changes such as DNA-methylation, microRNAs, and histone modifications.SummaryFuture research will have to establish clinical studies with clear and well defined inclusion criteria which also reflect prenatal life. The use of transgenic animal models might help to obtain a deeper insight into the underlying mechanisms

    Effects of ketamine on neurogenesis, extracellular matrix homeostasis and proliferation in hypoxia-exposed HT22 murine hippocampal neurons

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    Ketamine is a widely used drug in pediatric anesthesia, and both neurotoxic and neuroprotective effects have been associated with its use. There are only a few studies to date which have examined the effects of ketamine on neurons under hypoxic conditions, which may lead to severe brain damage and poor neurocognitive outcomes in neonates. In the present study, the effects of ketamine on cellular pathways associated with neurogenesis, extracellular matrix homeostasis and proliferation were examined in vitro in hypoxia-exposed neurons. Differentiated HT22 murine hippocampal neurons were treated with 1, 10 and 20 mu M ketamine and cultured under hypoxic or normoxic conditions for 24 h followed by quantitative PCR analysis of relevant candidate genes. Ketamine treatment did not exert any notable effects on the mRNA expression levels of markers of neurogenesis (neuronal growth factor and syndecan 1), extracellular matrix homeostasis (matrix-metalloproteinase 2 and 9, tenascin C and tenascin R) or proliferation markers (Ki67 and proliferating cell nuclear antigen) compared with the respective untreated controls. However, there was a tendency towards downregulation of multiple cellular markers under hypoxic conditions and simultaneous ketamine treatment. No dose-dependent association was found in the ketamine treated groups for genetic markers of neurogenesis, extracellular matrix homeostasis or proliferation. Based on the results, ketamine may have increased the vulnerability of hippocampal neurons in vitro to hypoxia, independent of the dose. The results of the present study contribute to the ongoing discussion on the safety concerns around ketamine use in pediatric clinical practice from a laboratory perspective

    Treatment of high fat diet-induced obese pregnant mice with IL-6 receptor antibody does not ameliorate placental function and fetal growth restriction

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    Problem : Pregnancy complications and adverse birth outcomes are in part fueled by the rise in obesity and its associated co-morbidities in western societies. Fetal healthy development and placental function are disturbed by an obese, inflammatory environment associated with cytokines, such as interleukin-6, causing inadequate supply of nutrients to the fetus and perinatal programming with severe health consequences. Method of Study : Mice received high fat diet (HFD) before and during gestation to induce obesity. We performed an IL-6 receptor antibody (MR16-1) treatment in pregnant obese mice at embryonic days E0.5, E7.5 and E14.5 to investigate whether this could ameliorate HFD-induced and obesity-associated placental dysfunction, evaluated by stereology and western blot, and improve offspring outcome at E15.5 in obese dams. Results : We observed fewer fetuses below the 10th percentile and placental vascularization was less aggravated following MR16-1 treatment of obese dams, showing slight improvements in labyrinth zone (Lz) vascularization. However, placental dysfunction and fetal growth restriction were still apparent in MR16-1 dams compared to lean control dams. Molecular analysis showed significantly elevated IL-6 level in placentas of MR16-1 treated dams. Conclusion : Treatment with MR16-1 blocks IL-6 signaling in the placenta, but has only limited effects on preventing HFD-associated placental dysfunction and offspring outcomes in mice, suggesting further mechanisms in the deterioration of placental vascularization and fetal nutrient supply as a consequence of maternal obesity

    gp130 signaling in proopiomelanocortin neurons mediates the acute anorectic response to centrally applied ciliary neurotrophic factor

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    Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) exerts anorectic effects by overcoming leptin resistance via activation of hypothalamic neurons. However, the exact site of CNTF action in the hypothalamus has not yet been identified. Using Cre-loxP-mediated recombination in vivo, we have selectively ablated the common cytokine signaling chain gp130, which is required for functional CNTF signaling, in proopiomelanocortin (POMC)-expressing neurons. POMC-specific gp130 knockout mice exhibit unaltered numbers of POMC cells and normal energy homeostasis under standard and high fat diet. Endotoxin (LPS) and stress-induced anorexia and adrenocorticotropin regulation were unaffected in these animals. Strikingly, the anorectic effect of centrally administered CNTF was abolished in POMC-specific gp130 knockout mice. Correspondingly, in these animals, CNTF failed to activate STAT3 phosphorylation in POMC neurons and to induce c-Fos expression in the paraventricular nucleus. These data reveal POMC neurons as a critical site of CNTF action in mediating its anorectic effect

    Dietary intervention in obese dams protects male offspring from WAT induction of TRPV4, adiposity, and hyperinsulinemia

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    ObjectiveOne major risk factor for childhood overweight is maternal obesity. The underlying molecular mechanisms are ill-defined, and effective prevention strategies are missing. MethodsDiet-induced obese mouse dams were changed to standard chow during pregnancy and lactation as an intervention against predisposition for obesity and metabolic sequelea in the offspring. Expression of adipokines and TRPV4, a regulator of adipose oxidative metabolism, inflammation, and energy homeostasis, in offspring's white adipose tissue (WAT) was assessed. ResultsPathological effects on offspring's body weight, fat content, and serum insulin were fully reversed in intervention offspring on postnatal day 21. In WAT, a sixfold increase of Trpv4 mRNA expression in offspring consuming high-fat-containing diet was found, which was completely blunted in the intervention group. Simultaneously, WAT adipokine, interleukin-6, and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor- mRNA and UCP1 protein expression were largely returned to control levels in intervention offspring. ConclusionsImprovement of maternal nutrition offers a powerful strategy to improve offspring's metabolic health. Targeting TRPV4-linked aspects of WAT metabolic function during early development might be a promising approach to prevent long-term adverse metabolic effects of maternal high-fat nutrition

    Appel et al 2018_supplemental material

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    Supplemental material for publication 'A potential role for GSK3beta in glucose-driven intrauterine catch-up growth in maternal obesity'

    Data from: A potential role for GSK3beta in glucose-driven intrauterine catch-up growth in maternal obesity

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    Obesity and an unhealthy nutrition are on the rise and affect also women in childbearing age and hence, during pregnancy. Despite normal or even high birth weight the offspring suffers from long term metabolic risks. We hypothesized that fetal growth is disturbed during different intrauterine phases. Underlying molecular events remain elusive. Female mice were fed either a control diet (SD) or a high fat diet (HFD) after weaning until mating and during pregnancy. Pregnant mice were sacrificed at gestational time points G15.5 and G18.5 and fetuses and placentas were removed for analysis. HFD fetuses displayed intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) at G15.5, which disappeared until G18.5, indicating an intrauterine catch-up growth during that time period. Main placental findings indicate decreased canonical Wnt-GSK3beta signaling and lower proliferation rates at G18.5 which goes along with a smaller placental transfer zone. On the other hand, glucose depots (glycogen cluster) in HFD placentas decreased stronger between G15.5 and G18.5 compared to placentas from SD mothers, and the glucose transporter protein GLUT-1 was increased at G18.5 in the HFD group. Maternal diet-induced obesity causes an IUGR phenotype at the beginning of the third week (G15.5) in our mouse model. This phenotype is reversed by the end of the third week (G18.5) despite of a smaller placental transfer zone, probably based on GSK3beta-mediated increased glucose mobilization in the placenta and hence an increased glucose supply to the fetus

    A Potential Role for GSK3 beta in Glucose-Driven Intrauterine Catch-Up Growth in Maternal Obesity

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    Obesity and unhealthy nutrition are increasing and affect women of childbearing age and hence during pregnancy. Despite normal or even high birth weight, the offspring suffers from long-term metabolic risks. We hypothesized that fetal growth is disturbed during different intrauterine phases. Underlying molecular events remain elusive. Female mice were fed either a standard diet (SD) or a high-fat diet (HFD) after weaning until mating and during pregnancy. Pregnant mice were euthanized at gestational day (G) 15.5 and G18.5, and fetuses and placentas were removed for analysis. HFD fetuses displayed intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) at G15.5, which disappeared until G18.5, indicating intrauterine catch-up growth during that time period. Main placental findings indicate decreased canonical Wnt-GSK3 beta signaling and lower proliferation rates at G18.5, which goes along with a smaller placental transfer zone. On the other hand, glucose depots (glycogen cluster) in HFD placentas decreased more strongly between G15.5 and G18.5 compared with placentas from SD mothers, and the glucose transporter protein GLUT-1 was increased at G18.5 in the HFD group. Maternal diet-induced obesity causes an IUGR phenotype at the beginning of the third week (G15.5) in our mouse model. This phenotype is reversed by the end of the third week (G18.5) despite a smaller placental transfer zone, probably based on GSK3 beta-mediated increased glucose mobilization in the placenta and hence an increased glucose supply to the fetus

    Correlation of metabolic characteristics with maternal, fetal and placental asprosin in human pregnancy

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    ObjectiveAsprosin is a recently discovered hormone associated with obesity and diabetes mellitus. Little is known about asprosin's role during pregnancy, but a contribution of asprosin to pregnancy complications resulting from maternal obesity and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is conceivable. We assessed the potential effects of obesity, GDM and other clinical parameters on maternal and fetal umbilical plasma asprosin concentrations and placental asprosin expression. DesignThe Cologne-Placenta Cohort Study comprises 247 female patients, from whom blood and placentas were collected at the University Hospital Cologne. MethodsWe studied the maternal and fetal umbilical plasma and placentas of pregnant women with an elective, primary section. Sandwich ELISA measurements of maternal and fetal umbilical plasma and immunohistochemical stainings of placental tissue were performed to determine the asprosin levels. Also, the relation between asprosin levels and clinical blood parameters was studied. ResultsThere was a strong correlation between the maternal and fetal plasma asprosin levels and both increased with GDM in normal-weight and obese women. Asprosin immunoreactivity was measured in cultivated placental cells and placental tissue. BMI and GDM were not but pre-pregnancy exercise and smoking were correlated with maternal and/or fetal asprosin levels. Placental asprosin levels were associated with maternal but not with fetal plasma asprosin levels and with BMI but not with GDM. Placental asprosin was related to maternal insulin levels and increased upon insulin treatment in GDM patients. ConclusionsAsprosin could potentially act as a biomarker and contribute to the clinical manifestation of pregnancy complications associated with maternal obesity

    Renal Metabolic Programming Is Linked to the Dynamic Regulation of a Leptin-Klf15 Axis and Akt/AMPK alpha Signaling in Male Offspring of Obese Dams

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    Childhood obesity is associated with renal diseases. Maternal obesity is a risk factor linked to increased adipocytokines and metabolic disorders in the offspring. Therefore, we studied the impact of maternal obesity on renal-intrinsic insulin and adipocytokine signaling and on renal function and structure. To induce maternal obesity, female mice were fed a high-fat diet (HFD) or a standard diet (SD; control group) prior to mating, during gestation, and throughout lactation. A third group of dams was fed HFD only during lactation (HFD-Lac). After weaning at postnatal day (P)21, offspring of all groups received SD. Clinically, HFD offspring were overweight and insulin resistant at P21. Although no metabolic changes were detected at P70, renal sodium excretion was reduced by 40%, and renal matrix deposition increased in the HFD group. Mechanistically, two stages were differentiated. In the early stage (P21), compared with the control group, HFD showed threefold increased white adipose tissue, impaired glucose tolerance, hyperleptinemia, and hyperinsulinemia. Renal leptin/Stat3-signaling was activated. In contrast, the Akt/AMPK alpha cascade and Kruppel-like factor 15 expression were decreased. In the late stage (P70), although no metabolic differences were detected in HFD when compared with the control group, leptin/Stat3-signaling was reduced, and Akt/AMPK alpha was activated in the kidneys. This effect was linked to an increase of proliferative (cyclinD1/D2) and profibrotic (ctgf/collagen III alpha 1) markers, similar to leptin-deficient mice. HFD-Lac mice exhibited metabolic changes at P21 similar to HFD, but no other persistent changes. This study shows a link between maternal obesity and metabolic programming of renal structure and function and intrinsic-renal Stat3/Akt/AMPK alpha signaling in the offspring.This study proposes a two-stage animal disease model for early origins of renal dysfunction and identifies molecular mechanisms of renal metabolic programming after maternal obesity