1,443 research outputs found

    A Monte Carlo Test of the Optimal Jet Definition

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    We summarize the Optimal Jet Definition and present the result of a benchmark Monte Carlo test based on the W-boson mass extraction from fully hadronic decays of pairs of W's.Comment: 7 pages, talk given at Lake Louise Winter Institute: "Particles and the Universe", Lake Louise, Canada, February 16-22, 2003, to be published in the proceeding

    Особливості просторового та біотопічного розподілу воронових птахів (вплив градієнта урбанізації)

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    The spatial distribution and abundance of Corvidae species in Zhytomyr region was studied in terms of the urban-rural gradient. We selected Rook (Corvus frugilegus L.), Eurasian Jackdaw (C. monedula L.), Hooded Crow (C. cornix L.), Common Raven (C. corax L.), Eurasian Magpie (Pica pica L.) and Eurasian Jay (Garrulus glandarius L.) for our observations during 2009–2012. Some 38 survey routes totaling more than 8000 km were surveyed in 21 settlements in Zhytomyr region. Among them 13 routes were in Zhytomyr city. The average density of Rooks was 55.9 birds/km2. We found a strong correlation between Rook density and rural-urban gradient and observed that the numbers of wintering Rooks in cities significantly increased due to the influx from villages. The peak number of Rooks in villages was registered in the breeding and post-breeding seasons while in the cities it was high in winter and during the spring migration. The average density of Eurasian Magpies in the study area was 8.7 birds/km2 and we registered weak correlation with the urban-rural gradient. Their maximum density in urban habitats was in the winter period whereas the highest density in rural habitats was fixed in the summer months. The density of Magpies varied insignificantly within a narrow range during the three years of research, which suggests the species has successfully adjusted to the transformed landscapes. Average density of Hooded Crows in towns was 6.6 birds/km2. The linear relationship between the urban-rural gradient and the density of this species was rather weak. In the breeding period, the birds’ density was considerably higher in urban habitats. We also registered that the average density of Hooded Crows changed insignificantly but gradually increased during the study period. The average density of Eurasian Jackdaws was 9.7 birds/km2 and had high annual dynamics. It also changed significantly during the three years of research. The average density of Eurasian Jays was 2.4 birds/km2 and varied significantly in different settlements, although the fluctuation range was small (0.1–9.3 birds/km2). We registered an expansion in the breeding distribution of Eurasian Jays in recent years i.e. the birds began to nest in old urban neighborhoods and small central parks of large cities. However, the number of birds naturally decreased along the gradient of landscape transformation. The impact of urban-rural gradient on Eurasian Jay density was significant but the correlation was weak and negative. The density of this species was highest in small villages (4.9 birds/km2) and the lowest in medium-sized cities (1.5 birds/km2). The seasonal density of Jays varied significantly and the greatest value was registered in the post-breeding period. In urban areas the birds’ density was much higher in winter compared to the nesting period, and in villages we observed the reverse situation. The number of Eurasian Jays remained almost stable in all the settlements during the study period indicating the stability of the local populations. The average density of the Common Raven was 1.3 birds/km2 and the highest density was registered in small villages (2.2 birds/km2), the lowest – in the townships (small urban type settlements) (0.6 birds/km2). The urban-rural gradient significantly affected the spatial distribution of Common Ravens, but we cannot claim an increase or decrease in their numbers along the gradient of urbanization, since the value of this indicator also depended on habitat conditions in each specific settlement. The spatial distribution of Common Ravens varied seasonally and the highest density was typical in winter due to food migrations towards human settlements.Протягом 2009–2012 рр. досліджено просторовий розподіл воронових птахів у Житомирській області відповідно градієнту антропогенного навантаження та сезонів року. У Житомирській області зустрічається шість видів воронових птахів: сіра ворона, ворон, грак, галка, сойка, сорока. Середня щільність граків у перший рік досліджень (2009–2010 рр.) становила 50,1 ос./км2, у другий (2010–2011 рр.) – 58,3 ос./км2, у третій (2011–2012 рр.) – 59,4 ос./км2. Зростанню чисельності та подальшій урбанізації сірої ворони, на нашу думку, сприяє велика кількість кормів антропогенного походження, у вигляді харчових і господарських відходів, що дозволяє птахам пережити суворі погодні умови. Інтенсивне зростання чисельності сірої ворони стримує конкуренція з боку грака. За період досліджень помітно змінилася щільність галки в містах. Це свідчить про зростання чисельності міських популяцій і доводить, що у Житомирській області галка – типовий синурбаніст. Сойка активно заселяє всі типи населених пунктів області, а також триває її входження до найбільше перетворених людиною ландшафтів (великі міста), де її чисельність із року в рік зростає – спостерігається активна синантропізація виду. Середня щільність крука за три роки досліджень суттєво не змінилася, хоча спостерігалось її незначне підвищення з 1,2 ос./км2 у 2009–2010 рр. до 1,5 ос./км2 у 2011–2012 роках. Протягом 2009–2012 рр. досліджено просторовий розподіл воронових птахів у Житомирській області відповідно градієнту антропогенного навантаження та сезонів року. У Житомирській області зустрічається шість видів воронових птахів: сіра ворона, ворон, грак, галка, сойка, сорока. Середня щільність граків у перший рік досліджень (2009–2010 рр.) становила 50,1 ос./км2, у другий (2010–2011 рр.) – 58,3 ос./км2, у третій (2011–2012 рр.) – 59,4 ос./км2. Зростанню чисельності та подальшій урбанізації сірої ворони, на нашу думку, сприяє велика кількість кормів антропогенного походження, у вигляді харчових і господарських відходів, що дозволяє птахам пережити суворі погодні умови. Інтенсивне зростання чисельності сірої ворони стримує конкуренція з боку грака. За період досліджень помітно змінилася щільність галки в містах. Це свідчить про зростання чисельності міських популяцій і доводить, що у Житомирській області галка – типовий синурбаніст. Сойка активно заселяє всі типи населених пунктів області, а також триває її входження до найбільше перетворених людиною ландшафтів (великі міста), де її чисельність із року в рік зростає – спостерігається активна синантропізація виду. Середня щільність крука за три роки досліджень суттєво не змінилася, хоча спостерігалось її незначне підвищення з 1,2 ос./км2 у 2009–2010 рр. до 1,5 ос./км2 у 2011–2012 роках.

    Taxonomy of the wild species of genus Crataegus (Rosaceae): An updated review for the flora of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (Azerbaijan)

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    We clarified the current state of genus Crataegus L. in the flora of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (Azerbaijan) using a comparative analysis of herbarium specimens from the Azarbaijan herbariums and data collected during the expeditions in 2004–2018. We succeed in adding some important data on the flora of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and Azerbaijan, we also enhanced the previous research with chromosome and morphological analysis. We identified 17 wild species of Crataegus genus in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (C. pentagyna Waldst. et Kit. ex Willd., 1800, C. zangezura Pojark., 1939, C. orientalis Pall. ex Bieb., 1808, C. pojarkoviae Kossych, 1964, C. tournefortii Griseb., 1843, C. szovitsii Pojark., 1939, C. pontica C. Koch, 1853, C. meyeri Pojark., 1939, C. eriantha Pojark., 1939, C. atrosanguinea Pojark., 1939, C. caucasica C. Koch, 1853, C. pallasii Griseb., 1843, C. rhipidophylla Gand. (С. curvisepala Lindm.; C. kyrtostyla Pojark.) 1871, C. pseudoheterophylla Pojark., 1939, C. monogyna Jacq., 1775, C. x armena Pojark., 1939, and C. x cinovskisii Kassumova), which will contribute to five introduced cultural species used in the greenery. We also clarified the status of interserial and intersection hybrids using the chromosome and morphological analysis. The article includes the complete list of Crataegus L. species with information about synonyms of the species, patterns of distribution, habitat, latitude and elevation, flowering and fruiting phenology

    The produced waters of oil deposits in Tomsk region: its use for iodine industrial production

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    In world practice, groundwater is the main raw material for iodine production. In the current geopolitical conditions, a significant part of the traditional areas of iodine production is located outside the Russian Federation. As iodine is biogenic by its origin, it associates with oil and petroleum water. Therefore, the produced waters of oil deposits of Western Siberia acquire the leading role as the raw-material base for iodine production

    What is the initial work-up in the diagnosis of hypertension?

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    Patients with a new diagnosis of hypertension should be evaluated with a history and physical exam and the following initial studies: serum potassium and creatinine, fasting serum glucose and lipid panel, hematocrit, urinalysis, and electrocardiogram (strength of recommendation [SOR]: C, based on a consensus of expert opinion). Consensus is lacking for measuring serum sodium, calcium, and uric acid. Testing for microalbuminuria is optional in the work-up for a patient without diabetes (SOR: C, expert consensus). Some expert panels list limited echocardiography as another option

    Towards a standard jet definition

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    In a simulated measurement of the WW-boson mass, evaluation of Fisher's information shows the optimal jet definition to be physically equivalent to the kTk_\mathrm{T} algorithm while being much faster at large multiplicities.Comment: version to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett., 4 page

    TAI Project - WP4 Workshops report

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    Considerations for Estimating Remote Operator Dust Exposure Using Fixed-Point Samples on Continuous Mining Sections

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    Respirable dust studies were conducted at several underground coal mining operations to evaluate and compare the dust measurements of fixed-point machine-mounted samples on a continuous miner and personal samples of the remote miner operator. Fixed-point sampling was conducted at the right rear corner of the continuous miner which corresponded to the traditional location of the operator\u27s cab. Although it has been documented that higher concentrations of dust are present at the machine-mounted position, this work sought to determined whether a relationship exists between the concentrations at the fixed-point position and the dust levels experienced at the remote operator position and whether this relationship could be applied on a industry-wide basis. To achieve this objective, gravimetric samplers were used to collect respirable dust data on continuous miner sections. These samplers were placed at a fixed position at the cab location of the continuous mining machine and on or near the remote miner operator during the 1 shift/day sampling periods. Dust sampling took place at mines with a variety of geographic locations and in-mine conditions. The dust concentration data collected at each site and for each sampling period were reduced to ratios of fixed-point to operator concentration. The ratios were calculated to determine similarities, differences, and/or variability at the two positions. The data show that dust concentrations at the remote operator position were always lower than dust concentrations measured at the fixed-point continuous miner location. However, the ratios of fixed-point to remote operator dust levels showed little consistency from shift to shift or from operation to operation. The fact that these ratios are so variable may introduce some uncertainty into attempting to correlate dust exposures of the remote operator to dust levels measured on the continuous mining machine


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    Приводится обзор наиболее употребительных компьютерных программ для обработки данных орнитологического мониторинга. Рассмотрены возможности и ограничения программ, приведены примеры их использования. Предложена методика обработки данных полевых наблюдений при помощи прикладных экологических компьютерных программ