72 research outputs found


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    This paper deals with the use of multivariate methods in drinking water analysis. During a five-year project, from 2008 to 2012, selected chemical parameters in 11 water supply networks of the Siedlce County were studied. Throughout that period drinking water was of satisfactory quality, with only iron and manganese ions exceeding the limits (21 times and 12 times, respectively). In accordance with the results of cluster analysis, all water networks were put into three groups of different water quality. A high concentration of chlorides, sulphates, and manganese and a low concentration of copper and sodium was found in the water of Group 1 supply networks. The water in Group 2 had a high concentration of copper and sodium, and a low concentration of iron and sulphates. The water from Group 3 had a low concentration of chlorides and manganese, but a high concentration of fluorides. Using principal component analysis and cluster analysis, multivariate correlation between the studied parameters was determined, helping to put water supply networks into groups according to similar water quality

    Effect of hydrogel and different types of fertilizers on the number of turf shoots in lawns created by monocultures of red fescue (Festuca rubra L.) cultivars and its mixtures

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    In order to determine the effect of the hydrogel content in the soil substrate on the number of shoots per unit area of grass lawns with different proportions of red fescue and monoculture turf produced from the following fescue cultivars: Adio, Libano, Corail, Simone. In the period 2003-2004, a field experiment was carried out in a randomized block design in four replications. In combination with a hydrogel (Aqua-Gel P4), 0.05 kg x m-2 of sorbent was placed at a depth of 10 cm below the soil surface in 2002. Another experimental factor was the type of fertilizer. Trawovit (a fertilizer with standard effects) and Sierrablen (a controlled-release fertilizer) were used for this purpose. The quantities of fertilizer and time of fertilization date followed manufacturer's instructions. The number of shoots per 1 m2 was determined at the end of the growing season. The study showed that, regardless of years of cultivation, the type of soil substrate and fertilizer, the average number of shoots for the mixtures was about 32% lower than for monoculture lawns. The presence of the hydrogel in the soil substrate regulated soil moisture, and therefore in the mixture lawns the values of the tested features were significantly higher in the treatments with hydrogel. Fertilization with Trawovit, regardless of the type of soil substrate (H, BH), does not lead to a statistically significant difference in the number of shoots between the studied mixtures. However, in the treatments fertilized with Sierrablen, the presence of the hydrogel in the soil substrate caused a significant increase in the traits examined for the mixtures containing, respectively, 20 and 80% of red fescue in their composition. The addition of Aqua-Gel P4 to the soil substrate, when the turf lawns were fertilized with Trawovit, resulted in a significant increase in the number of shoots for the cultivars Adio, Libano and Corail

    Organizacja i zarządzanie służbą meteorologiczną w Polsce

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    Today, climate services are one of the most important tools for determining changes and adapting to climate change. In order to expand the existing climate information, members of the WMO and partner institutions from the United Nations Organization established a programme of a Global Framework for Climate Services-GFCS. In Poland, the principal and the parent institution engaged in meteorological and hydrological service is the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute. Conducted in the IMWM-NRI National Hydrological and Meteorological Service includes the following subsystems: observation and measurement, ICT and communications, data processing, forecasting and warning. The institute continuously provides information to the state authorities and the public about the current state of the atmosphere and hydrosphere, as well as forecasts and warnings.Współcześnie usługi klimatyczne są jednym z najważniejszych narzędzi określania zmian i adaptacji do zmian klimatu. W celu poszerzenia istniejących informacji klimatycznych, członkowie WMO i instytucje partnerskie z ONZ utworzyli program Globalne Ramy Służb Klimatycznych – GFCS (Global Framework for Climate Services). W Polsce główną i nadrzędną jednostką zajmującą się służbą meteorologiczną oraz hydrologiczną jest Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej – Pań- stwowy Instytut Badawczy (IMGW-PIB). Prowadzona w IMGW-PIB Państwowa Służba Hydrologiczno-Meteorologiczna (PSHM) obejmuje następujące podsystemy: obserwacyjno-pomiarowy, teleinformatyczny i łączności, przetwarzania danych, prognozowania i ostrzegania. Instytut w sposób ciągły zapewnia organom państwa i społeczeństwu informacje o aktualnym stanie atmosfery i hydrosfery, a także prognozy i ostrzeżeni

    Opłacalność działalności turystycznej w gospodarstwach agroturystycznych środkowo-wschodniej Polski

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    The study was conducted in 2012 and included 30 farms located in three districts (ostrowski, siemiatycki, parczewski). The analyses included the utilisation of agrotouristic accommodation facilities in 2011 and the economic effects of such tourism activities. The results indicate that the volume of accommodation in the surveyed households was not large. In none of the households the number of guest rooms has exceed 5 and the adequate accommodation volume ranged from 6 to 20. The utilisation of accommodation averaged at 4.8%. Its highest value was recorded in the parczewski district (5.66%). The "market penetration" indicator was in the range between -9.6% and 17.53%, and in 17 agrotouristic farms (56.7%) it had a negative value. Average annual revenue from tourism was 9524.92 PLN and it was the highest in the parczewski district (11,344.52 PLN). The value of POR indicator amounted between 29,78 to 65,74 PLN, and respectively the value of PAR indicator: 0,49-5,63 PLNBadania przeprowadzono w 2012 roku w 30 gospodarstwach agroturystycznych, zlokalizowanych w 3 powiatach (ostrowskim, siemiatyckim i parczewskim). Analizowano wykorzystanie miejsc noclegowych w gospodarstwach oraz efekty ekonomiczne działalności turystycznej w 2011 roku. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że baza noclegowa w badanych gospodarstwach była niewielka. W żadnym gospodarstwie liczba pokoi gościnnych nie przekraczała 5, a liczba miejsc noclegowych zawierała się w przedziale od 6 do 20. Współczynnik wykorzystania miejsc noclegowych wynosił średnio 4,8%. Najwyższą jego wartość zanotowano w powiecie parczewskim (5,66%). Wskaźnik "market penetration" kształtował się w granicach od -9,6% do + 17,53%, przy czym w 17 gospodarstwach (56,7%) posiadał wartość ujemną. Roczny dochód z turystyki w gospodarstwie wynosił średnio 9524,92 zł i był największy w powiecie parczewskim (11344,52 zł). Dochód uzyskany z jednego sprzedanego miejsca (POR) wahał się w granicach 29,78-65,74 zł, a dochód przypadający na jedno dostępne miejsce (PAR) - 0,49-5,63 z

    Analiza zabezpieczeń przeciwpowodziowych województwa dolnośląskiego

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    According to the definition of flood, presented in Water Law, it is a sudden inundation by water of an area which is normally arid. Dolnośląskie Voivodship, which in this article is the object of analysis concerning flood safety, experienced in its history a flood disaster in July 1997. Flooding in this area is caused mainly by heavy and prolonged rainfall occurring from June to August. Actions aimed at flood mitigation are: increasing forest cover of the basin of the river, restoring natural flood plains of rivers (where possible), appropriate agrotechnology, maintenance of river channels, reducing building in flood plains, accurate weather forecasting. In the Odra basin, where there are many urban centers, it is necessary to use technical tools such as levees, multi-purpose water reservoirs, dry flood reservoirs, polders, pumping stations, and relief canals, to prevent floodingZgodnie z definicją powodzi, jaką przedstawia Prawo wodne, jest to czasowe pokrycie wodą terenu, który normalnie nie jest nią pokryty. Województwo dolnośląskie, które w poniższym artykule jest obiektem analizy bezpieczeństwa przeciwpowodziowego, doświadczyło w swojej historii kataklizmu, jakim była powódź w lipcu 1997 roku. Wezbrania powodziowe na analizowanym obszarze powodowane są głównie przez intensywne i długotrwałe deszcze występujące od czerwca do sierpnia. Biernymi działaniami przeciwpowodziowymi oraz sposobami ograniczania skutków powodzi są: zwiększanie lesistości zlewni, przywracanie naturalnych terenów zalewowych rzek (tam gdzie jest to możliwe), prawidłowa agrotechnika, utrzymanie koryt rzecznych, ograniczenie zabudowy na terenach zalewowych, prawidłowe prognozowanie zjawisk hydrometeorologicznych. W dorzeczu Odry, gdzie licznie występują aglomeracje miejskie, niezbędne jest zastosowanie technicznych środków ochrony przed powodzią, takich jak: wały przeciwpowodziowe, wielozadaniowe zbiorniki wodne, suche zbiorniki przeciwpowodziowe, poldery, przepompownie, kanały ulg

    "The Weak Heart" as an educational model for patients hospitalized due to decompensation of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction

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    Introduction. KONS (Kompleksowa opieka nad chorymi z niewydolnością serca) is the name of a Polish programme for the coordinated care for patients with heart failure that has been proposed as a complex heart failure management solution based on European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Heart Failure recommendations. The challenge is that there are currently no available systemic solutions for educating these patients. Our project aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a pilot model of education and telemonitoring known as ‘The Weak Heart’ for patients hospitalised due to decompensation of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). Materials and methods. ‘The Weak Heart’ educational model consists of three phases: phase I - training and certification of nurses to perform the role of heart failure nurse specialists; phase II - checking the effectiveness of the model in a clinical setting; and phase III - implementation of patient education standards in cardiac centres. Data collected will be used to evaluate the impact of the programme on patients’ understanding regarding heart failure, their compliance with recommendations, and their pro-health behaviours in terms of self-care and self-control. Conclusion. ‘The Weak Heart’ programme will allow conclusions to be drawn concerning the usefulness and effectiveness of the first targeted heart failure-based patient educational model in Poland. Positive results in this pilot project could become the basis for implementing systemic changes, and introducing the model into everyday clinical practice

    „W trosce o słabe serce” — model edukacji chorych hospitalizowanych z powodu dekompensacji niewydolności serca ze zmniejszoną frakcją wyrzutową

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    Introduction. Kompleksowa opieka nad chorymi z niewydolnością serca (KONS) is the name of a Polish programme for the coordinated care for patients with heart failure that has been proposed as a complex heart failure management solution based on European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Heart Failure recommendations. The challenge is that there are currently no available systemic solutions for educating these patients. Our project aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a pilot model of education and telemonitoring known as ‘The Weak Heart’ for patients hospitalised due to decompensation of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). Materials and methods. ‘The Weak Heart’ educational model consists of three phases: phase I — training and certification of nurses to perform the role of heart failure nurse specialists; phase II — checking the effectiveness of the model in a clinical setting; and phase III — implementation of patient education standards in cardiac centres. Data collected will be used to evaluate the impact of the programme on patients’ understanding regarding heart failure, their compliance with recommendations, and their pro-health behaviours in terms of self-care and self-control. Conclusion. ‘The Weak Heart’ programme will allow conclusions to be drawn concerning the usefulness and effectiveness of the first targeted heart failure-based patient educational model in Poland. Positive results in this pilot project could become the basis for implementing systemic changes, and introducing the model into everyday clinical practice.Introduction. Kompleksowa opieka nad chorymi z niewydolnością serca (KONS) is the name of a Polish programme for the coordinated care for patients with heart failure that has been proposed as a complex heart failure management solution based on European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Heart Failure recommendations. The challenge is that there are currently no available systemic solutions for educating these patients. Our project aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a pilot model of education and telemonitoring known as ‘The Weak Heart’ for patients hospitalised due to decompensation of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). Materials and methods. ‘The Weak Heart’ educational model consists of three phases: phase I — training and certification of nurses to perform the role of heart failure nurse specialists; phase II — checking the effectiveness of the model in a clinical setting; and phase III — implementation of patient education standards in cardiac centres. Data collected will be used to evaluate the impact of the programme on patients’ understanding regarding heart failure, their compliance with recommendations, and their pro-health behaviours in terms of self-care and self-control. Conclusion. ‘The Weak Heart’ programme will allow conclusions to be drawn concerning the usefulness and effectiveness of the first targeted heart failure-based patient educational model in Poland. Positive results in this pilot project could become the basis for implementing systemic changes, and introducing the model into everyday clinical practice

    Ocena jakości życia kobiet z rakiem piersi w zależności od zastosowanej metody leczenia chirurgicznego

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    Background. Women treated for breast cancer undergo traumatic experiences that significantly reduce their quality of life. Modern medicine is constantly looking for the best solutions in the field of surgical treatment. The choice of surgery has a significant impact on the woman’s life, her acceptance of the self-image and sense of femininity. The aim of the study was to assess the quality of life of women operated on for breast cancer, depending on the treatment method. Material and methods. 150 women divided into 3 groups (each n = 50) were quali­fied for the work depending on the treatment method used: sparing treatment (BCT), mas­tectomy (MTX), mastectomy with simultaneous breast reconstruction (MTX + R). The study used a self-developed questionnaire and standardized questionnaires (EORTC QLQ-C30 - to the general quality of life with cancer and EORTC QLQ-BR23 a questionnaire specific to the assessment of quality of life with breast cancer. Results. The analysis of the quality of life of the EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaire showed that despite dif­ferences in the clinical characteristics of the surveyed women, there were no differences in the assessment of quality of life by the general questionnaire except the fatigue domain (p = 0.007) and loss of appetite (p = 0.032), where patients from the BCT group, they felt significantly greater severity of the discomfort than the patients from the MTX + R group. In contrast, patients from the MTX group experienced signifi­cantly greater financial problems than patients from the remaining groups (p = 0.013). In terms of the quality of life assessment, specific differences were observed in the quality of life only in the domains: body image, sexual functioning, satisfaction with intercourse: women from the MTX group were least satisfied with their body image than the patients from other groups (p = 0.001), while patients from the MTX + R group had significantly better sexual functioning and were more satisfied with intercourse than patients from other groups (p &lt; 0.001). Conclusions: Patients treated surgically with the use of simultaneous breast reconstruction assessed the quality of life better in the domains: sexual functioning and satisfaction with intercourse with a partner, while women treated with the saving method complained about the limitation of the quality of life in the domain feeling tired. In terms of quality assessment in other domains of quality of life, no differences were found depending on the treatment method used.  Streszczenie Wstęp: Kobiety leczone z powodu raka piersi przechodzą traumatyczne doświadczenia, które znacznie obniżają ich jakość życia. Współczesna medycyna stale szuka jak najlepszych rozwiązań w zakresie leczenia operacyjnego. Wybór zabiegu operacyjnego wywiera znaczący wpływ na życie kobiety, jej akceptację obrazu siebie i poczucia kobiecości. Cel Pracy: Celem pracy była ocena jakości życia kobiet operowanych z powodu raka piersi w zależności od wybranej metody leczenia. Materiały i metody: Do pracy zakwalifikowano 150 kobiet podzielonych na 3 grupy (każda n=50) w zależności od zastosowanej metody leczenia: leczenie oszczędzające (BCT), mastektomia (MTX), mastektomia z jednoczesną rekonstrukcją (MTX +R). W badaniu wykorzystano ankietę własnego opracowania oraz kwestionariusze standaryzowane (EORTC QLQ-C30 – do ogólnej jakości życia z chorobą nowotworową oraz EORTC QLQ-BR23 kwestionariusz specyficzny dla oceny jakości życia z rakiem piersi. Wyniki: Analiza jakości życia kwestionariuszem EORTC QLQ-C30 pokazała, że pomimo różnic w charakterystyce klinicznej badanych kobiet, nie stwierdzono różnic w ocenie jakości życia kwestionariuszem ogólnym za wyjątkiem domeny zmęczenie(p=0.007) i utrata apetytu (p=0.032), gdzie pacjentki z grupy BCT odczuwały istotnie większe nasilenie dolegliwości niż pacjentki z grupy MTX+R. Natomiast pacjentki z grupy MTX odczuwały istotnie większe problemy finansowe niż pacjentki z pozostałych badanych grup (p=0,013). W zakresie oceny jakości życia kwestionariuszem specyficznym obserwowano różnice w jakości życia jedynie w domenach: obraz własnego ciała, funkcjonowanie seksualne, zadowolenie ze współżycia: kobiety z grupy MTX były najmniej zadowolone z obrazu swojego ciała niż pacjentki z pozostałych grup (p=0,001), natomiast pacjentki z grupy MTX+R istotnie lepiej funkcjonowały seksualnie i były bardziej zadowolone ze współżycia niż pacjentki z pozostałych grup (p < 0,001). Wnioski: Pacjentki leczone chirurgicznie z zastosowaniem jednoczasowej rekonstrukcji piersi lepiej oceniały jakość życia w domenach: funkcjonowanie seksualne oraz zadowolenie ze współżycia z partnerem, natomiast kobiety leczone metodą oszczędzającą uskarżały się na ograniczenia jakości życia w domenie uczucie zmęczenia. W zakresie oceny jakości w pozostałych domenach jakości życia nie stwierdzono różnic w zależności od zastosowanej metody leczenia

    A curriculum for heart failure nurses : an expert opinion of the Section of Nursing and Medical Technicians and the Heart Failure Working Group of the Polish Cardiac Society

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    ABSTRACT The rates of mortality and morbidity due to heart failure (HF) are expected to significantly rise over the next 10 years owing to an ageing population and will be the highest of all rates pertaining to cardiovascular diseases. To face this rapidly progressing problem, that is, the increasing prevalence of HF and need for care of patients with this disease, an attempt was made to develop a curriculum targeted at HF nurses. The HF nurse, as a member of the therapeutic team, has to play an active role in monitoring patients’ physical and mental condition, coordinating hospital care, planning intervention after discharge from the hospital, and involving the patient and / or his or her family in self‑care, effective cooperation, and communication with the therapeutic team. The curriculum was conceived to complement the knowledge of HF and improve HF nurses’ educational skills. The proposed model of education, based on the guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology and led by trained educators, will enable clinicians to fully implement the principles of coordinated care and properly assess the effectiveness of educational interventions in patients with HF

    Could an analysis of mean corpuscular volume help to improve risk stratification in non-anemic patients with acute myocardial infarction?

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    Background: Nowadays, when the majority of patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) are treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention and modern pharmacotherapy, risk stratification becomes a challenge. Simple and easily accessible parameters that would help in a better determination of prognosis are needed. The aim of the study was to estimate the prevalence of high mean corpuscular volume (MCV, defined as MCV &gt; 92 fL) and to establish its prognostic value in non-anemic patients with AMI. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the data of 248 consecutive non-anemic patients hospitalized due to AMI (median age: 65 [59–76] years, men: 63%, ST segment elevation myocardial infarction: 31%, and median left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF]: 50%). Results: The prevalence of high MCV was 39 ± 6% (± 95% confidence interval) in the entire AMI population. High MCV was more prevalent in males, patients with low body mass index, non-diabetics and cigarette smokers (all p &lt; 0.05). During the 180-day follow-up, there were 38 (15%) events, defined as another AMI or death. In a multivariable Cox proportional hazard model, female gender (p &lt; 0.01), low LVEF (p &lt; 0.001), previous AMI (p &lt; 0.05), arterial hypertension (p &lt; 0.05), and high MCV (p &lt; 0.001) were prognosticators of pre-defined events. Conclusions: In non-anemic patients with AMI, high MCV is an independent prognostic factor of poor outcome defined as another AMI or death.