40 research outputs found

    Dudith András könyvtára

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    Future Structural Materials of High Speed Generators Used in Supercritical CO2 Based Power Plant Applications

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    The aim of this paper is to present the applicability of one of the promising achievements in the fields of materials science and mechanical engineering, which provides a solution to one of the problems of the new generation power plants. One promising area of research aimed at increasing the efficiency of electricity generation is discussed in this article on the characteristics of super-critical carbon dioxide power plant cycles and the properties of high-speed generators that can be used in such power plants. The applicability of amorphous materials in the construction of high-speed electrical machines can solve the efficiency problem of such machines, enabling its use in new generation power plants

    A szuperkritikus CO2 erőművi alkalmazásaiban használt, nagy forgássebességű generátorok jövőbeli szerkezeti anyagai

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    Jelen cikk célja, hogy bemutassa az anyagtudomány területén elért egyik ígéretes eredmény alkalmazhatóságát a gépészet egy területén, az új generációs erőművek egyik problémájának lehetséges megoldásában. A cikk áttekinti a villamos energia előállításának hatásfoknövelése érdekében folytatott kutatások egyik ígéretes területének, a szuperkritikus szén-dioxid munkaközegű erőművi körfolyamatok jellegzetességeit, valamint az ilyen erőművekben alkalmazható, nagy forgássebességű generátorok tulajdonságait. Az amorf szerkezetű anyagok alkalmazhatósága nagy forgássebességű villamos gépek építésére megoldhatja az ilyen gépek hatásfokbeli problémáját, teret engedve az új generációs erőművekben történő alkalmazásnak

    Small aircraft infrared radiation measurements supporting the engine airframe aero-thermal integration

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    © 2018 Budapest University of Technology and Economics. All rights reserved. The large, EU Supported ESPOSA (Efficient Systems and propulsion for Small Aircraft) project has developed new small gas turbines for small aircraft. One of the important tasks was the engine - airframe aero-thermal radiation integration that included task of minimizing the infrared radiation of the small aircraft, too. This paper discusses the factors influencing on the aircraft infrared radiation, its possible simulation and measurements and introduces the results of small aircraft infrared radiation measurements. The temperature of aircraft hot parts heated by engines were determined for validation of methodology developed and applied to engine - aircraft thermal integration

    Cell lineage tracing reveals the plasticity of the hemocyte lineages and of the hematopoietic compartments in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Much of our knowledge on hematopoiesis, hematopoietic compartments, hematopoietic cell lineages and immunity has been derived from studies on the vertebrate immune system. The sophisticated innate immunity of insects, the phylogenetic conservation and the power of Drosophila genetics allowed the investigation of immune cell (hemocyte) lineage relationships in Drosophila melanogaster. The development of the hemocyte lineages in Drosophila is a result of a precisely regulated succession of intracellular and intercellular events, though the nature and extent of these interactions are not known. We describe here a cell lineage tracing system set up to analyze the development of hemocyte lineages and functionally distinct hemocyte subsets. This system allowed us to distinguish two major embryonic hemocyte lineages, the crq and Dot lineages, in two, physically separated compartments, the embryonic macrophages and the embryonic lymph gland. We followed the fate and development of these lineages in the construction of the larval hematopoietic compartments and during the cell-mediated immune response, the encapsulation reaction. Our results revealed the considerable plasticity and concerted action of the hematopoietic compartments and the hemocyte lineages in the development of the innate immune system and in the course of the cell-mediated immune response in Drosophila

    Structural plasticity of the Salmonella FliS flagellar export chaperone

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    The Salmonella FliS flagellar export chaperone is a highly α-helical protein. Proteolytic experiments suggest that FliS has a compact core. However, the calorimetric melting profile of FliS does not show any melting transition in the 25-110 °C temperature range. CD measurements reveal that FliS is losing its helical structure over a broad temperature range upon heating. These observations indicate that FliS unfolds in a non-cooperative way and its native state shows features reminiscent of the molten globule state of proteins possessing substantial structural plasticity. As FliS has several binding partners within the cell, conformational adaptability seems to be an essential requirement to fulfill its multiple roles. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Affordable spectroscopy for 1m-class telescopes: recent developments and applications

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    Doppler observations of exoplanet systems have been a very expensive technique, mainly due to the high costs of high-resolution stable spectrographs. Recent advances in instrumentation enable affordable Doppler planet detections with surprisingly small optical telescopes. We investigate the possibility of measuring Doppler reflex motion of planet hosting stars with small-aperture telescopes that have traditionally been neglected for this kind of studies. After thoroughly testing the recently developed and commercially available Shelyak eShel echelle spectrograph, we demonstrated that it is routinely possible to achieve velocity precision at the 100 m s-1 level, reaching down to ¬± 50 m s-1 for the best cases. We describe our off-the-shelf instrumentation, including a new 0.5m RC telescope at the Gothard Astrophysical Observatory of Loránd E&ötv&ös University equipped with an intermediate resolution fiber-fed echelle spectrograph. We present some follow-up radial velocity measurements of planet hosting stars and point out that updating the orbital solution of Doppler-planets is a very important task that can be fulfilled with sub-meter sized optical telescopes without requesting very expensive telescope times on 2—4 m (or larger) class telescopes