17 research outputs found

    Empathy and systemizing in preschool children

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    Uvod: Teorija empatičnosti i sistematičnosti posmatra empatičnost i sistematičnost kao dve nezavisne dimenzije, čijim se ukrÅ”tanjem može dobiti pet kognitivnih profila ili ā€žtipova mozgaā€. Cilj: Cilј ovog istraživanja je da se kod dece predÅ”kolskog uzrasta sagleda odnos između sposobnosti empatisanja i sistematizovanja, kao i polne razlike u navedenim sposobnostima i tipovima mozga koji se određuju na osnovu tih sposobnosti. Metode: Istraživanjem je obuhvaćen 71 ispitanik uzrasta od pet godina i Å”est meseci do sedam godina. Empatičnost i sistematičnost procenjeni su koriŔćenjem dečjih verzija skala za procenu koeficijenta empatičnosti i koeficijenta sistematičnosti (Childrenā€™s versions of the Empathy Quotient ā€“ EQ-C and Systemizing Quotient ā€“ SQ-C, Auyeung et al., 2009). Rezultati: Prema dobijenim rezultatima empatičnost i sistematičnost bile su umereno povezane: ispitanici s viÅ”im koeficijentom empatičnosti imali su i viÅ”i koeficijent sistematičnosti. Dečaci i devojčice nisu se razlikovali u procenjenim sposobnostima. Jedini izuzetak predstavlјa razlika u skoru dobijena oduzimanjem koeficijenta sistematičnosti i empatičnosti. Kod devojčica je, u proseku, empatičnost bila bolјe razvijena od sistematičnosti, dok je kod dečaka uočen obrnut obrazac. Nije bilo polnih razlika u distribuciji kognitivnih profila (tzv. tipova mozga) dobijenih na osnovu pomenute razlike između sistematičnosti i empatičnosti. Zaključak: Rezultati naÅ”eg istraživanja mogu poslužiti kao osnova za poređenje nekim budućim istraživanjima koja bi obuhvatila decu tipičnog i atipičnog razvoja. Klјučne reči: empatisanje, sistematizovanje,Introduction. The Empathizing-Systemizing theory sees empathy and systemizing as two independent dimensions, which can be used for classification into five cognitive profiles or ā€žbrain typesā€. Objective. The aim of this research was to determine the relationship between empathy and systemizing in preschool children, and to determine gender differences in these abilities and brain types. Method. The sample consisted of 71 children from 5/6 to 7 years of age. Childrenā€™s versions of the Empathy Quotient ā€“ EQ-C and Systemizing Quotient SQ-C (Auyeung et al., 2009) were used to assess empathy and systemizing. Results. According to our results, empathy and systemizing were moderately correlated: participants with higher empathy quotient also had a higher systemizing quotient. There were no gender differences in the assessed abilities. The only exception is the difference in the score calculated by subtracting systemizing and empathy quotient. On average, girls had the empathy quotient higher than the systemizing quotient, while boys showed the opposite pattern. There were no gender differences in the distribution of cognitive profiles (ā€žbrain typesā€) based on the aforementioned difference between systemizing and empathy. Conclusion. The results of this study may be used as baseline for comparison in future studies that would examine typically and atypically developing children

    Nove reči i rodna ravnopravnost ā€“ ima li diskriminacije?

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    We examined the general attitude to new feminine titles, as it formed in the media in 2021, and the overall image of social feminine titles currently prevalent in the Serbian media, all by way of ascertaining the reasons for acceptance or non-acceptance of new social feminine titles that were articulated in the media. Having defined the necessary terms (discrimination, gender equality, social feminine title and so on) and after a brief review of the social context that made social feminine titles a hot topic in the Serbian media in 2021, we analysed the relevant media texts that present the various positions on social feminine titles. The method of qualitative content analysis was applied, as it was deemed the most fitting methodological procedure for extracting both the arguments put forward in favour of, and those against social feminine title use. The research corpus consisted of media texts and official announcements by Serbian linguistic institutions on the subject of social feminine titles, collected from January to September of 2021. The basic assumption was that the dominant attitude in the media texts would be against new feminine title use, but also that both supporters and opponents of new social feminine titles would feel discriminated against, whether the discrimination came via opposition to or, conversely, via obligatory and consistent use of these terms

    Merenje ispoljavanja aleksitimije i autističnih odlika kod studenata: unutraŔnja konzistentnost i konvergentna validnost skala

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    Uvod: Aleksitimija kao subklinički fenomen i poremećaj iz spektra autizma dele pojedine karakteristike, a jedna od njih je upravo smanjena sposobnost razumevanja i identifikacije kako svojih, tako i tuđih emocija, kao i smanjena i kvalitativno izmenjena sposobnost komunikacije u vezi sa iskazivanjem ovih emocija kroz razgovor sa drugima. Cilj: Usled prepletenosto aleksitimije i autizma cilj naÅ”eg rada bio je da na populaciji studenata utvrdimo povezanost dve skale za procenu aleksitimije ā€“ Torontske skale za procenu aleksitimije (TAS-20) i Pertskog upitnika za procenu aleksitimije (PAQ), kao i povezanost skala za procenu aleksitimije i autističnih odlika ā€“ crta autizma u oblasti socijalne komunikacije i stereotipnog ponaÅ”anja, izraženih kroz koeficijent autističnosti (AQ). Metode: Uzorak je činilo 159 studenata (131 ženskog i 28 muÅ”kog pola) starosti od 19 do 36 godina. Za procenu aleksitimije koriŔćeni su TAS-20 i PAQ, dok je za procenu autističnih odlika koriŔćen koeficijent autističnosti (AQ). Rezultati: Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na visoku povezanost dva instrumenta za procenu aleksitimije (rs = 0,80, p < 0,001), s tim da je Pertski upitnik za procenu aleksitimije imao bolju unutraÅ”nju konzistentnost 0,96, u odnosu na 0,86 i ukazivao na manji procenat osoba sa visokim nivoom aleksitimije (5,7% u odnosu na 12,6%). Između aleksitimije i autističnih odlika utvrđena je umerena pozi- tivna povezanost (AQ i PAQ: rs = 0,46, p < 0,001; AQ i TAS-20: rs = 0,51, p<0,001). Zaključak: Prema naÅ”im saznanjima, ovo je prvo istraživanje u kome je koriŔćen Pertski upitnik aleksitimije preveden na srpski jezik. Upitnik je pokazao odličnu unutraÅ”nju konzistentnost, kao i konvergentnu validnost, izraženu kroz visoku korelaciju sa Toronto skalom za procenu aleksitimije. Dobijena korelacija između dve mere za procenu aleksitimije, kao i između skala za procenu aleksitimije i autističnih odlika, u skladu je sa rezultatima prethodnih inostranih istraživanjantroduction: Alexithymia, as a subclinical phenomenon, and a disorder within the autism spectrum share certain characteristics, one of which is a reduced ability to understand and identify oneā€™s own and othersā€™ emotions, as well as a reduced and qualitatively altered ability to communicate and express these emotions through conversation with others. Aim: Due to the interweaving of alexithymia and autism, the aim of our study was to determine, on the student population, the correlation of two alexithymia assessment scales, the Toronto Alexithymia Assessment Scale (TAS-20) and the Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire (PAQ), as well as the association between alexithymia and autistic features ā€“ autism in the area of social communication and stereotypic behavior, expressed through the autistic coefficient (AQ). Methods: The sample consisted of 159 students (131 female and 28 male) aged 19 to 36 years. The Toronto Alexithymia Assessment Scale (TAS-20) and the Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire (PAQ) were used to assess alexithymia, while the Autism Quotient (AQ) was used to assess autistic features. Results: The results of the study indicate a high correlation between the two instruments for assessing alexithymia (rs = .80, p< .001), with the Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire showing better internal consistency (Ī± =.96, compared to Ī± = .86) and indicating a lower percentage of individuals with high levels of alexithymia (5.7% compared to 12.6%). A moderate positive correlation was found between alexithymia and autistic traits (AQ and PAQ: rs= .46, p < .001; AQ and TAS-20: rs = .51, p < .001). Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first study in which the used Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire for alexithymia has been translated into the Serbian language. The questionnaire demonstrated excellent internal consistency, as well as convergent validity, expressed through a high correlation with the Toronto Alexithymia Scale. The obtained correlation between the two measures of alexithymia, as well as between alexithymia and AQ, is in line with the results of previous international studies

    Merenje ispoljavanja aleksitimije i autističnih odlika kod studenata: unutraŔnja konzistentnost i konvergentna validnost skala

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    Uvod: Aleksitimija kao subklinički fenomen i poremećaj iz spektra autizma dele pojedine karakteristike, a jedna od njih je upravo smanjena sposobnost razumevanja i identifikacije kako svojih, tako i tuđih emocija, kao i smanjena i kvalitativno izmenjena sposobnost komunikacije u vezi sa iskazivanjem ovih emocija kroz razgovor sa drugima. Cilj: Usled prepletenosto aleksitimije i autizma cilj naÅ”eg rada bio je da na populaciji studenata utvrdimo povezanost dve skale za procenu aleksitimije ā€“ Torontske skale za procenu aleksitimije (TAS-20) i Pertskog upitnika za procenu aleksitimije (PAQ), kao i povezanost skala za procenu aleksitimije i autističnih odlika ā€“ crta autizma u oblasti socijalne komunikacije i stereotipnog ponaÅ”anja, izraženih kroz koeficijent autističnosti (AQ). Metode: Uzorak je činilo 159 studenata (131 ženskog i 28 muÅ”kog pola) starosti od 19 do 36 godina. Za procenu aleksitimije koriŔćeni su TAS-20 i PAQ, dok je za procenu autističnih odlika koriŔćen koeficijent autističnosti (AQ). Rezultati: Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na visoku povezanost dva instrumenta za procenu aleksitimije (rs = 0,80, p < 0,001), s tim da je Pertski upitnik za procenu aleksitimije imao bolju unutraÅ”nju konzistentnost 0,96, u odnosu na 0,86 i ukazivao na manji procenat osoba sa visokim nivoom aleksitimije (5,7% u odnosu na 12,6%). Između aleksitimije i autističnih odlika utvrđena je umerena pozi- tivna povezanost (AQ i PAQ: rs = 0,46, p < 0,001; AQ i TAS-20: rs = 0,51, p<0,001). Zaključak: Prema naÅ”im saznanjima, ovo je prvo istraživanje u kome je koriŔćen Pertski upitnik aleksitimije preveden na srpski jezik. Upitnik je pokazao odličnu unutraÅ”nju konzistentnost, kao i konvergentnu validnost, izraženu kroz visoku korelaciju sa Toronto skalom za procenu aleksitimije. Dobijena korelacija između dve mere za procenu aleksitimije, kao i između skala za procenu aleksitimije i autističnih odlika, u skladu je sa rezultatima prethodnih inostranih istraživanjantroduction: Alexithymia, as a subclinical phenomenon, and a disorder within the autism spectrum share certain characteristics, one of which is a reduced ability to understand and identify oneā€™s own and othersā€™ emotions, as well as a reduced and qualitatively altered ability to communicate and express these emotions through conversation with others. Aim: Due to the interweaving of alexithymia and autism, the aim of our study was to determine, on the student population, the correlation of two alexithymia assessment scales, the Toronto Alexithymia Assessment Scale (TAS-20) and the Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire (PAQ), as well as the association between alexithymia and autistic features ā€“ autism in the area of social communication and stereotypic behavior, expressed through the autistic coefficient (AQ). Methods: The sample consisted of 159 students (131 female and 28 male) aged 19 to 36 years. The Toronto Alexithymia Assessment Scale (TAS-20) and the Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire (PAQ) were used to assess alexithymia, while the Autism Quotient (AQ) was used to assess autistic features. Results: The results of the study indicate a high correlation between the two instruments for assessing alexithymia (rs = .80, p< .001), with the Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire showing better internal consistency (Ī± =.96, compared to Ī± = .86) and indicating a lower percentage of individuals with high levels of alexithymia (5.7% compared to 12.6%). A moderate positive correlation was found between alexithymia and autistic traits (AQ and PAQ: rs= .46, p < .001; AQ and TAS-20: rs = .51, p < .001). Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first study in which the used Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire for alexithymia has been translated into the Serbian language. The questionnaire demonstrated excellent internal consistency, as well as convergent validity, expressed through a high correlation with the Toronto Alexithymia Scale. The obtained correlation between the two measures of alexithymia, as well as between alexithymia and AQ, is in line with the results of previous international studies

    The Effects of Soil Type, Exposure and Elevation on Leaf Size and Shape in Quercus cerris L.

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    One of the main environmental factors that influence plant species and community diversity are soil types, exposure and elevation. This study aimed to evaluate differences in leaf size and shape of Quercus cerris L. along environmental gradients in the Å umadija region in Serbia by using geometric morphometrics methods. The results showed significant differences between Q. cerris individuals inhabiting sites with different soil types, exposures and elevations. Individuals growing on nutrient deficient soils had smaller leaf size, elongated petiole, wide leaf blade, and higher values of fluctuating asymmetry compared to individuals growing on nutrient-rich soils whose leaf size was larger, more variable in shape and had lower values of fluctuating asymmetry. Additionally, individuals inhabiting higher elevations had elongated and narrow leaves and short petioles. Leaf size was also greater in individuals from lower elevations and north-exposed sites. The results of this study suggest that leaf morphological traits are affected by habitat differences and exhibit considerable plasticity in response to environmental demands

    Odnos pola, empatije, sistematizovanja i autističnih crta kod dece osnovnoŔkolskog uzrasta

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    The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between sex, empathy, systemizing, and autistic traits in primary school children. The sample included 353 primary school children aged 7-11 years. The childrenā€™s versions of the Empathy Quotient ā€“ EQ-C, Systemizing Quotient ā€“ SQ-C, and childrenā€™s version of the Autism Spectrum Quotient - AQā€“ C were used as primary outcome measures. Girls had higher empathy, while boys had higher autistic traits. Empathy and systemizing were moderately positively correlated, but both were good predictors of autistic traits. The effect of sex on autistic traits was mediated by empathy as well as by the difference between systemizing and empathy. These results partially support assumptions of the Empathizing-Systemizing theory and the Hypersystemizing theory of autism, which should be further evaluated in a population with the autism spectrum disorderCilj ovog istraživanja bio je da ispita povezanost između pola, empatije, sistematizovanja i autističnih crta kod dece osnovnoÅ”kolskog uzrasta. Uzorak je činilo 353 učenika osnovne Å”kole, starosti 7-11 godina. U istraživanju su koriŔćene dečije verzije Koefcijenta empatičnosti (eng. Empathy Quotient ā€“ EQ-C), Koeficijenta sistematizacije (eng. Systemizing Quotient ā€“ SQ-C), kao i dečija verzija Koeficijenta autističnog spektra (eng. Autism Spectrum Quotient ā€“ AQ-C), kao primarne mere ishoda. Devojčice su imale viÅ”u empatiju, dok su dečaci imali izraženije autistične crte. Empatija i sistematizacija su bili u umerenoj pozitivnoj korelaciji, ali su oba bili dobri prediktori autističnih crta. Uticaj pola na autistične crte posredovan je empatijom i razlikom između sistematizacije i empatije. Ovi rezultati delimično podržavaju postavke teorije empatičnosti-sistematizacije i hipersistematizacione teorije autizma, koje bi trebalo dalje proveriti i na populaciji osoba sa poremećajem iz spektra autizma. Ključne reči: empatisanje, sistematizovanje, teorija hipersistematizacije, autizamOn-line verzij

    Identification of the field elm gene pool in the protected natural area KOSMAJ (Serbia) as a basis for its conservation and sustainable use

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    The field elm (Ulmus minor Mill.) is an autochthonous tree species in Serbia that occurs as a secondary species in oak forests. In the forest fund of Serbia, this species is rare/endangered due to the genetic erosion and disappearance of elms from natural populations, mainly as a result of Dutch elm disease. In the protected natural area ā€žKosmajā€œ the field elm was identified as one of the target species from the aspect of conservation. This research aimed to identify and assess the state of available field elm genepool in the protected natural area ā€žKosmajā€œ, as a basis for its conservation and sustainable use. By terrain reconnaissance a field elm gene pool was identified, representing almost 100 trees: 47 individuals and 8 groups of trees, on an area of 652.99 ha. All trees were georeferenced and mapped. The average height of the trees is 10.34 m, the diameter at breast height is 15.68 cm, the perimeter is 51.09 cm, while the average crown span is 3.95 m. Dry tops or dry side branches of trees, absence of yield for a long period, and weak natural rejuvenation were recorded. The selected trees will be included inconservation units, which were proposed to conserve the available gene pool in situ. To conserve the available genepool ex situ, the cuttings from selected mother trees were collected and the clonal test was established in the greenhouse of the Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade. This clonal test could be a basis for the establishment of a field gene bank in the future. It is planned to determine the variability of the selected trees, using morphological and molecular markers. The initiated activities should contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of the field elm gene pool in the protected natural area ā€žKosmajā€œ and further breeding of the species

    Varijabilnost morfoloŔkih parametara jedno- i dvogodiŔnjih sadnica različitih linija polusrodnika hrasta kitnjaka

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    Cilj rada bio je utvrđivanje varijabilnosti dela genofonda hrasta kitnjaka sa područja Spomenika prirode "Å uma KoÅ”utnjak" na nivou jedno- i dvogodiÅ”njih sadnica, u testu potomstva osnovanom u rasadniku Å umarskog fakulteta. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na jednogodiÅ”njim i dvogodiÅ”njim sadnicama deset linija polusrodnika hrasta kitnjaka. Mereni su visina i prečnik u korenovom vratu, utvrđeno je preživljavanje sadnica na kraju drugog perioda rasta, kao i godiÅ”nji visinski i debljinski prirast. Prikazani su rezultati deskriptivne statistike, jednofaktorijalne analize varijanse i FiÅ”erovog testa najmanje značajnih razlika, kao i multivarijantnih analiza - klaster i analize glavnih komponenti. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na zadovoljavajući nivo genetičke varijabilnosti, koji predstavlja dobru polaznu osnovu za realizaciju ex situ konzervacije dela genofonda, osnivanjem poljskog ogleda na području KoÅ”utnjaka i/ili unoÅ”enjem sadnica u manjim ili većim grupama na ovo područje. Na ovaj način, deo srodnika, trajno se čuva, povećava se brojnost polazne populacije i stvaraju se uslovi za kontinuiran naučno-istraživački rad

    Assessment of the gen-ecological potential of European white elm from the Natural protected area "Veliko ratno ostrvo"

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    European White Elm (Ulmus laevis Pall.) is considered a rare and endangered species in the forest fund of the Republic of Serbia. One of its native populations in Serbia is conserved in the natural protected area ā€žVeliko ratno ostrvoā€ (Belgrade). This research aimed to assess the genetic and ecological potential of European White Elm from the protected area ā€žVeliko ratno ostrvoā€œ based on research conducted in a nursery progeny test. The selection of test trees was done in the area of ā€œVeliko ratno ostrvoā€based on the yield in spring 2019. The progeny test was established in the nursery of the Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade. The assessment of gen-ecological potential was based on the survival of the one- and two-year-old seedlings of 6 half-sib lines during two vegetations and their morphological characteristics (height and root collar diameter). Statistical analyses were performed with Statgraphics Centurion XVI software. The results of descriptive statistics, one-way analysis of variance, and the least significant difference test were presented. The percentage of seedlings' survival at the end of the second vegetation period was above 50% in all halfsib lines. The differences in the measured characteristics were significant among all half-sib lines (p<0.05), which indicates a strong effect of genetic control. The highest mean value of the height and root collar diameter of one- and two-year-old seedlings was recorded in half-sib line 4. The analysis of the gene-ecological potential of different European White Elm half-sib lines will be continued in the pilot stand, established on the ā€žVeliko ratno ostrvoā€œ, which will be used to monitor the survival and development of seedlings over a longer period. Collected information on the gene-ecological potential of certain half-sib lines will serve as a basis for further breeding of the species, through the selection of superior genotypes