879 research outputs found

    Concentrations of natural radionuclides in imported zirconium minerals

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    The natural radioactivity in imported zircon samples used as glaze for ceramic tiles in the ceramics industry has been presented in this paper. The measurements were made by gamma spectrometry with a high purity germanium detector. The average activity concentrations of 238U and 232Th determined in the measured samples (3250 Bq/kg, and 556 Bq/kg, respectively) are much higher than the concentrations found in the Earth’s crust. The activity concentration of 226Ra is also high in all analyzed samples, while 40K was not detected. The gamma index, I, the external hazard index, Hex, the internal hazard index, Hin, and the radium equivalent activity, Raeq, were calculated. Due to relatively high activity concentration level of uranium in imported zircon samples, specific regulations are necessary for zircon compound used in ceramic industry. It can be concluded that the investigated samples can be used as the component of ceramic glaze in the concentrations not above 3%

    The effect of childhood poly-victimization on adulthood aggression:The mediating role of different impulsivity traits

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    This study investigated the effect of the poly-victimization pattern of traumatic childhood experiences on aggression via the impulsivity traits positive urgency, negative urgency, lack of perseverance, lack of premeditation, and sensation-seeking in 102 poly-victims of childhood trauma (71.57% were females; Mage = 35.76; SDage = 15.91). Analyses with poly-victimization as an independent variable, impulsivity traits as parallel mediators, (1) reactive aggression or (2) proactive aggression as dependent variables, and gender as a covariate revealed that the poly-victimization did not have a direct or indirect effect on reactive or proactive aggression, nor did it have an effect on any of the impulsivity traits. Moreover, lack of premeditation had a positive direct effect on reactive aggression, while gender was a significant covariate in both models, with males reporting more aggression than females. Findings suggest that the poly-victimization does not influence impulsivity traits and aggression in adulthood. However, in males, the poly-victimization had a positive and moderate correlation with reactive aggression and negative urgency, while these correlations were absent in females. This finding implies that males are more vulnerable to the adverse effects of childhood poly-victimization than females

    Tritium content in precipitation and atmospheric water vapour of the reactor hall in the Vinča institute of nuclear sciences

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    Tritium activity was determined in precipitation samples collected at two locations in Belgrade over the period 1998-2007: meteorological station Belgrade (Zeleno Brdo 44º47' N, 20º32' E, altitude 243.2m asl) and the station at the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences. Tritium concentrations in precipitation ranged from 0.4 to 4.41 Bq l-1 (samples collected at Zeleno Brdo) and from 2.31 to 41.30 Bq l-1 (samples collected at VINS). Tritium content in atmospheric water vapour of the indoor reactor hall and inside of the reactor during the regular inspection of the fuel channels in the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences in March and May 2006 was measured. The obtained results showed that the tritium content in HTO form varied from 1.56x102 Bq m-3 to 4.05x102 Bq m-3.Physical chemistry 2008 : 9th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 200

    Associations between Fitness Measures and Change of Direction Speeds with and without Occupational Loads in Female Police Officers

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    Female police officers may be required to pursue offenders on foot while wearing occupational loads. The aim of this study was to determine relationships between fitness measures and change of direction speed (CODS) in female police officers and the influence of their occupational loads. Retrospective data were provided for 27 female police officers (age = 32.19 ± 5.09 y, height = 162.78 ± 5.01 cm, and mass = 71.31 ± 13.42 kg) and included fitness measures of: lower-body power (standing long jump (SLJ)), upper-body and trunk muscle endurance (push-up (PU) and sit-up (SU)), aerobic power (estimated VO2max), and CODS (Illinois agility test). The CODS test was performed without and with occupational load (10 kg). Paired sample t-tests (between-load conditions) and Pearson's correlations (relationships between measures) were performed with linear regression analysis used to account for the contribution of measures to unloaded and loaded CODS performance. CODS was significantly slower when loaded (unloaded = ~23.17 s, loaded = ~24.14 s, p < 0.001) with a strong, significant relationship between load conditions (r = 0.956, p < 0.001). Moderate to strong, significant relationships were found between all fitness measures ranging from estimated VO2max (r = -0.448) to SU (r = -0.673) in the unloaded condition, with the strength of these relationships increasing in the loaded condition accounting for 61% to 67% of the variance, respectively. While unloaded agility test performance was strongly associated with loaded performance, female police officer CODS was significantly reduced when carrying occupational loads. A variety of fitness measures that influence officer CODS performances become increasingly important when occupational loads are carried

    Allergen labelling in meat, dairy and cereal products from the Serbian market

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    Allergens in food are a great health risk, because of the ratio of severity of problems compared to small amounts of ingested allergen. Since 2014, Serbian producers and importers of food have been obliged to declare allergens from the list of Codex Alimentarius on the product packaging. Surveillance of different meat, diary, and cereal product took place in 2016, with aim of checking if the Serbian regulatory requirements for labelling of allergens in food are being fulfilled. Out of 68 different meat products, 20 were not labelled for allergens. Thirty-six labels of various dairy products were examined revealing that allergen information was included on 27 of them. Only one of eight examined cereal products did not have allergen labelling

    Perceptions of private security : a case study of students from Serbia and North Macedonia

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    In the last two decades of the 21st century, the significant development of the private security industry has taken place in Serbia and North Macedonia. However, the private security industry in these two countries did not reach professional standards as in other states of the former Yugoslavia. The aim of this paper was to determine students’ perception of private security and its employees. The survey data were collected using an anonymous survey of 354 students (296 from Serbia and 58 from North Macedonia). In both countries the attitudes are heterogeneous, but a relatively small number of respondents have expressed a high level of perception of private security. The research has shown that gender, as one of demographic characteristics, has its role in shaping young pexople’s views on the private security, that is, the female population has more positive views about private security officers, their integrity, and the nature of the private security job. The findings offer policy-makers and private security companies the opportunity to deploy new strategies to upgrade public attitudes towards private security, especially aimed at the male population

    Grandiose and vulnerable narcissism, identity integration and self-control related to criminal behavior

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    BACKGROUND: Although systematic research on narcissism has been conducted for over 100 years, researchers have only recently started to distinguish between grandiose and vulnerable narcissism in relation to criminal behavior. In addition, there is some evidence suggesting that identity integration and self-control may underlie this association. Therefore, the present study aimed to develop a theory-driven hypothetical model that investigates the complex associations between grandiose and vulnerable narcissism, identity integration, self-control, and criminal behavior using structural equation modeling (SEM). METHODS: The total sample (N = 222) included 65 (29.3%) individuals convicted of criminal behavior and 157 (70.7%) participants from the community, with a mean age of 37.71 years (SD = 13.25). Criminal behavior was a grouping variable used as a categorical outcome, whereas self-report questionnaires were used to assess grandiose and vulnerable narcissism, self-control, and identity integration. RESULTS: The overall SEM model yielded good fit indices. Grandiose narcissism negatively predicted criminal behavior above and beyond the influence of identity integration and self-control. In contrast, vulnerable narcissism did not have a direct significant effect on criminal behavior, but it was indirectly and positively associated with criminal behavior via identity integration and self-control. Moreover, grandiose narcissism was positively, whereas vulnerable narcissism was negatively associated with identity integration. However, identity integration did not have a direct significant effect on criminal behavior, but it was indirectly and negatively associated with criminal behavior via self-control. Finally, self-control was, in turn, negatively related to criminal behavior. CONCLUSIONS: We propose that both subtypes of narcissism should be carefully considered in clinical assessment and current intervention practices. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s40359-021-00697-1

    Radioactivity Concentrations in Spa Waters - Dose Assessment

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    In this study 6 different spa water samples from Serbia, Hungary and Czech Republic were investigated in order to determine their radioactivity concentrations. These waters have been used on a large scale for medical and bathing purposes; for therapy, rehabilitation and recreation and also used for drinking, which is the most important. The obtained results showed that natural activity concentrations of alpha emitting radionuclides was within World Health Organization recommended levels and Serbian applicable regulations, but the gross beta activity exceed 1 Bq L-1 for some of the samples. Considering the fact that gross beta activity in four samples was higher than recommended levels, gamma spectrometric measurements were performed, in order to identify radionuclides which caused increase of the gross beta activity. It was found that K-40 was responsible for the elevated gross beta activity. Based on the obtained results the annual effective dose was calculated.3rd International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (RAD), Jun 08-12, 2015, Budva, Montenegr

    Analysing factors which influence treatment outcomes by multivariable linear regression

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    Multivariable linear regression is a procedure of building mathematical model of straight line with several independent variables which are added one to another and to a constant to give value of dependent variable, i.e. of outcome. Dependent variable has to be continuous and numeric, while independent variables may be of both numeric and categorical type. Multivariable linear regression is very useful method for testing influence of multiple independent variables on a treatment outcome (dependent variable). With this method it is possible not only to estimate whether certain independent variable may influence the outcome significantly, but also to quantify this influence and compare strength of influence between the variables. Multivariable linear regression is especially useful method for analyzing data of observational clinical studies, particularly 'cross-sectional' ones