28 research outputs found

    The complexity of combinatorial optimization problems on d-dimensional boxes

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    The Maximum Independent Set problem in d-box graphs, i.e., in intersection graphs of axis-parallel rectangles in R-d, is known to be NP-hard for any fixed d >= 2. A challenging open problem is that of how closely the solution can be approximated by a polynomial time algorithm. For the restricted case of d-boxes with bounded aspect ratio a PTAS exists [T. Erlebach, K. Jansen, and E. Seidel, SIAM J. Comput., 34 (2005), pp. 1302-1323]. In the general case no polynomial time algorithm with approximation ratio o(log(d-1)n) for a set of n d-boxes is known. In this paper we prove APX-hardness of the MAXIMUM INDEPENDENT SET problem in d-box graphs for any fixed d >= 3. We give an explicit lower bound 245/244 on efficient approximability for this problem unless P = NP. Additionally, we provide a generic method how to prove APX-hardness for other graph optimization problems in d-box graphs for any fixed d >= 3

    The d-precoloring problem for k-degenerate graphs

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    AbstractIn this paper we deal with the d-PRECOLORING EXTENSION (d-PREXT) problem in various classes of graphs. The d-PREXTproblem is the special case of PRECOLORING EXTENSION problem where, for a fixed constant d, input instances are restricted to contain at most d precolored vertices for every available color. The goal is to decide if there exists an extension of given precoloring using only available colors or to find it.We present a linear time algorithm for both, the decision and the search version of d-PREXT, in the following cases: (i) restricted to the class of k-degenerate graphs (hence also planar graphs) and with sufficiently large set S of available colors, and (ii) restricted to the class of partial k-trees (without any size restriction on S). We also study the following problem related to d-PREXT: given an instance of the d-PREXT problem which is extendable by colors of S, what is the minimum number of colors of S sufficient to use for precolorless vertices over all such extensions? We establish lower and upper bounds on this value for k-degenerate graphs and its various subclasses (e.g., planar graphs, outerplanar graphs) and prove tight results for the class of trees

    Colourful components in k-caterpillars and planar graphs

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    A connected component of a vertex-coloured graph is said to be colourful if all its vertices have different colours. By extension, a graph is colourful if all its connected components are colourful. Given a vertex-coloured graph GG and an integer pp, the Colourful Components problem asks whether there exist at most pp edges whose removal makes GG colourful and the Colourful Partition problem asks whether there exists a partition of GG into at most pp colourful components. In order to refine our understanding of the complexity of the problems on trees, we study both problems on kk-caterpillars, which are trees with a central path PP such that every vertex not in PP is within distance kk from a vertex in PP. We prove that Colourful Components and Colourful Partition are NP-complete on 44-caterpillars with maximum degree 33, 33-caterpillars with maximum degree 44 and 22-caterpillars with maximum degree 55. On the other hand, we show that the problems are linear-time solvable on 11-caterpillars. Hence, our results imply two complexity dichotomies on trees: Colourful Components and Colourful Partition are linear-time solvable on trees with maximum degree dd if d≤2d \leq 2 (that is, on paths), and NP-complete otherwise; Colourful Components and Colourful Partition are linear-time solvable on kk-caterpillars if k≤1k \leq 1, and NP-complete otherwise. We leave three open cases which, if solved, would provide a complexity dichotomy for both problems on kk-caterpillars, for every non-negative integer kk, with respect to the maximum degree. We also show that Colourful Components is NP-complete on 55-coloured planar graphs with maximum degree 44 and on 1212-coloured planar graphs with maximum degree 33. Our results answer two open questions of Bulteau et al. mentioned in [30th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching, 2019]

    Inapproximability results for orthogonal rectangle packing problems with rotations

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    Recently Bansal and Sviridenko [4] proved that there is no asymptotic PTAS for 2-DIMENSIONAL ORTHOGONAL RECTANGLE BIN PACKING without rotations allowed, unless P = NP. We show that similar approximation hardness results hold for several rectangle packing problems even if rotations by ninety degrees around the axes are allowed. Moreover, for some of these problems we provide explicit lower bounds on asymptotic approximation ratio of any polynomial time approximation algorithm