38 research outputs found

    Nuclear security and nuclear safety: Definition, legal aspects and holistic approach to the concepts

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    Predmet rada predstavlja naučnu deskripciju pojmova nuklearna bezbednost i nuklearna sigurnost, sa osvrtom na međunarodnopravne aspekte i neophodni holistički pristup ovim konceptima. Imajući u vidu da u domaćoj i stranoj literaturi često dolazi do preklapanja i nekonsekventne upotrebe pomenutih termina, cilj rada jeste da ih precizno opiše, ukaže na glavne terminološke sličnosti i razlike, kako bi se omogućilo njihovo razumevanje, adekvatna upotreba u naučnoj i stručnoj literaturi, kao i holistički pristup u praksi. Veza između termina proizilazi iz njihovog zajedničkog cilja - zaštita ljudi i životne sredine od štetnog uticaja radioaktivnosti, a razmimoilaze se u oblastima u kojima se zahtevi za postizanje nuklearne bezbednosti i nuklearne sigurnosti nalaze u potpunoj suprotnosti. Nuklearna bezbednost se odnosi na zaštitu nuklearnih materijala i postrojenja od neovlašćenog pristupa, krađe i zloupotrebe, gde je primarni fokus sprečavanje kriminalnih aktivnosti. Nuklearna sigurnost, s druge strane, ima za cilj sprečavanje akcidenata na nuklearnim postrojenjima, kao i zaštitu ljudi i životne sredine od potencijalno štetnog uticaja radioaktivnosti. Holistički pristup zahteva da mere nuklearne bezbednosti i sigurnosti budu integrisane, tako da se postigne sinergija između oba koncepta, a da se istovremeno obezbedi da njihova implementacija ne ugrozi jedna drugu. Na taj način, društva i države mogu smanjiti rizike po nuklearne materijale i objekte, kako od neovlašćenog pristupa, tako i od potencijalnih opasnosti koje proizlaze iz nuklearnih procesa i postrojenja.The subject of this paper refers to scientific description of the terms nuclear security and nuclear safety, with the emphasis on achieving the necessary holistic approach to these concepts in practice. There is confusion and inconsistent use of the previously mentioned terms both in domestic and foreign literature, thus the aim of this paper is to precisely describe them and point to the similarities and differences in terminology. In addition, the aim is to enable correct understanding and use of these terms in scientific and professional context, and the application of holistic approach in practice. The main aim of both concepts is protection of people and the environment from radioactive hazards, but the difference between them lies in the ways this goal is achieved. The key is to design and implement security and safety measures in an integrated way so that they do not jeopardize each other. Nuclear security and nuclear safety are two concepts which are often used together, but they have different meanings and applications. Nuclear security refers to the measures and practices applied for the purpose of preventing unauthorized access to nuclear materials, facilities and technologies, as well as preventing abuse of nuclear materials or facilities for harmful purposes, while nuclear safety refers to the measures taken in order to ensure safe operation of nuclear facilities and prevent accidents or incidents. The IAEA defines the concepts of nuclear security and safety in its documents and publications. The IAEA documents describe the concepts of nuclear security as prevention, detection and response to theft, sabotage, unauthorized access or illegal transportation of nuclear materials or facilities referring to them. The difference between these two concepts comes from different requirements and priorities set up for the purpose of achieving nuclear security and nuclear safety. The importance of holistic approach for these concepts implies that the measures for their implementation must be observed, applied and solved together in order to create efficient nuclear and radiological risks management system. Holistic approach implies that these concepts are inter-connected and that they must be observed within a comprehensive system


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    Međunarodni računovodstveni standard16 se primjenjuje u računovodstvenom obuhvatanjunekretnina, postrojenja i opreme, osim ako se nekimdrugim standardom ne zahtijeva ili dopušta drugačijiračunovodstveni postupak i tretman. Osnovna pitanjaračunovodstvenog obuhvatanja nekretina, postrojenja iopreme su sljedeća: priznavanje sredstava, utvrđivanjeknjigovodstvene vrijednosti sredstava, odnosno početnopriznavanje, vrednovanje nakon početnog priznavanja,naknadna ulaganja, amortizacija, priznavanje gubitakaod umanjenja vrijednosti, prestanak priznavanja(povlačenje iz upotrebe i rashodovanje) iobjelodanjivanje

    The region of Aquae (Prahovo) on Danubian Limes: Fresh Archeological Researches

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    Дунавски лимес у Горњој Мезији: Локалитет Ћетаће-Радујевац, на ушћу Тимока у Дунав

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    Локалитет „Ћетаће“ надомак села Радујевац, с обзиром на упечатљив положај надомак ушћа Тимока у Дунав, на римском лимесу, али и назнаке врло ране изградње, свакако пружа једно од кључних решења у смислу подробније научне детерминације читавог подручја римских Акви (Aquae) – Прахово у војном, комуникационом, економском, рударском и царинском смислу. Након две археолошке кампање 2021. и 2022. године, као и на основу опсежних рекогноцирања ширег подручја, установљено је да је реч о хронолошки разуђеном налазишту из протоисторијског, римског и рановизантијског периода чији је војни и стратешки значај иманентан и односи се и на позније периоде све до савременог доба

    La localité de Ćetaće au confluent de Timok et Danube sur le limes romain : Sources historiques et recherches archéologiques

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    On the basis of Procopius' writings and comparison with the factual situation on the ground after three archaeological campaigns, some conclusions could be drawn about the character of the Ćetaće locality and its ancient name.By etymological analysis of the toponyms Βουργονοβορε, one could assume that it is a corrupted name *Βουργονοβο. So *Βουργονοβο would be Romanic *Burgonovo (obviously a prepositional compound Burg-o-novo), in the obvious meaning of "new fortress/town (etc.)" (*Burgus Novus). It fits with the fact that it was built then, in the time of Justinian. Namely, it is about an archeologically confirmed late antique fortification near Radujevac, which, due to the devastation, cannot be explored archaeologically. On the other hand, Λακκοβουργο, the second fortification from Aquae towards Dorticum, since it goes together (τε και) with *Βουργονοβο (*Burgonovo), could be equally a Roman name and a compound. Where does this "κκ" come from? I think it is according to the Greek (co-radical) word λακκος. It would then be Roman *Lacc-o-burgo (Laccoburgus), which would mean "fortress/town (etc.) by/on a lake(s), perhaps also in the sense of some water reservoir, or perhaps by/on to a water tank, close to stagnant water, swamps, etc.'' Taking into account the mentioned data from the sources, the location of the site itself, the results of archaeological research and historical data in terms of the proximity of Aquae, which was the seat of one of the important mining districts of the Danuvii ripa, it could be assumed that there were also mining operations in Ćetaće (Laccoburgus?) perhaps cooling the heated metal with a large amount of water

    Roman Limes in Serbia: New Researches and Perspectives in Negotin Region

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    In 2016, the Museum of Krajina in Negotin undertook an extensive field survey of the area under its responsibility to establish the actual state of preservation of the archaeological heritage, eligible for the preliminary list of sites on the Danube limes in Serbia to be nominated for the UNESCO World Heritage List. Till 2023, the Serbian Government, by the Ministry of Culture, financed several archaeological campaigns as well as reconstruction work that have been undertaken at the sites of Aquae (Prahovo), Clevora (Mora Vagei-Mihajlovac), and Laccoburgus (Ćetaće – Radujevac) to shed a new light on this critical and exciting part of Danubian limes. This region was largely and luckily preserved of flooding caused by the construction of the Iron Gate’s electric power system in the last decades of the 20th century. This important fact was one of the primary triggers for contemporary field research. Our contribution tends to expose and discuss the new scientific results that we have obtained so far, as well as to point out the importance of the remains of the Roman cultural heritage of the Negotin area that would significantly add to the growth and development of this region situated on the three-border between Serbia, Bulgaria, and Romania

    New Archaeological Investigations on the Upper Moesian Limes. Ćetaće-Radujevac Site, Located in the Roman Aquae Region, at the Confluence of the Timok and Danube Rivers

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    Given its remarkable location in the vicinity of the confluence of the Timok and Danube rivers, on the Roman limes, as well as indications of very early construction, the site of Ćetaće near the village of Radujevac offers vital evidence for a closer characterization of the whole area of Roman Aquae (Prahovo) in terms of its military, communication, economic, mining and customs operation role. Based on two archaeological campaigns, in 2021 and 2022, and extensive field surveys of the broader area, the site has been determined to have several levels dating from the proto-historical, Roman and early Byzantine periods and retains an inherent military and strategic importance until in the contemporary period. As luck would have it, the site is located on a section of the Danube limes in Serbia which was not endangered by the construction of the hydroelectric power plants on the Danube. As far as the Roman period is concerned, the existence has been attested of the masonry defences and a corner tower of a fort built in the late first century which kept undergoing alterations and additions until the early Byzantine period. The partially established chronology has been confirmed by interesting finds


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    Background: In treatment-resistant schizophrenia a combination of ECT with antipsychotics has been reported to have superior outcomes compared to other strategies, however the results were inconsistent. We investigated the long-term effects of the combination of unilateral, non-dominant hemisphere ECT with three antipsychotics. Subjects and methods: The clinical study was a naturalistic, prospective, openlabeled, active-controlled study in adult outpatients of both genders suffering from treatment-resistant schizophrenia with a follow up of 2 years. The patients received sulpiride (n=17, 100-400mg/day, PO), risperidone (n=26, 2-8mg/day, PO) or olanzapine (n=27, 5-10mg/day, PO). Unilateral ECT was applied in 1 unit (0.5A, 0.8 mS) in six single applications, once a week and further according to the clinical need, in fortnight steps. Clinical efficacy was established using the PANSS and CGI psychometric scales. Results: According to the results, the most effective treatment mode was olanzapine plus ECT, then risperidone plus ECT, while sulpiride plus ECT had lower clinical efficacy. Olanzapine plus ECT was significantly superior in all scale scores vs sulpiride plus ECT, as well as risperidone plus ECT except for PANSS-P (t=1.85, p>0.05). During the study, 38 of 70 patients were withdrawn due to treatment failure (n=21), side effects (n=6) and non-compliance (n=11). Conclusion: The combination of novel antipsychotics and ECT can be used safely and effectively in treatment-resistant schizophrenia