262 research outputs found

    Tuberculosis-like respiratory infection in 245-million-year-old marine reptile suggested by bone pathologies

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    An absence of ancient archaeological and palaeontological evidence of pneumonia contrasts with its recognition in the more recent archaeological record. We document an apparent infection-mediated periosteal reaction affecting the dorsal ribs in a Middle Triassic eosauropterygian historically referred to as ‘Proneusticosaurus’ silesiacus. High- resolution X-ray microtomography and histological studies of the pathologically altered ribs revealed the presence of a continuous solid periosteal reaction with multiple superficial blebs (protrusions) on the visceral surfaces of several ribs. Increased vascularization and uneven lines of arrested growth document that the pathology was the result of a multi- seasonal disease. While visceral surface localization of this periosteal reaction represents the earliest identified evidence for pneumonia, the blebs may have an additional implication: they have only been previously recognized in humans with tuberculosis (TB). Along with this diagnosis is the presence of focal vertebral erosions, parsimoniously compared to vertebral manifestation of TB in humans

    Two types of bone necrosis in the Middle Triassic Pistosaurus longaevus bones: the results of integrated studies

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    Avascular necrosis, diagnosed on the basis of either a specific pathological modification of the articular surfaces of bone or its radiologic appearance in vertebral centra, has been recognized in many Mesozoic marine reptiles as well as in present-day marine mammals. Its presence in the zoological and paleontologic record is usually associated with decompression syndrome, a disease that affects secondarily aquatic vertebrates that could dive. Bone necrosis can also be caused by infectious processes, but it differs in appearance from decompression syndrome-associated aseptic necrosis. Herein, we report evidence of septic necrosis in the proximal articular surface of the femur of a marine reptile, Pistosaurus longaevus, from the Middle Triassic of Poland and Germany. This is the oldest recognition of septic necrosis associated with septic arthritis in the fossil record so far, and the mineralogical composition of pathologically altered bone is described herein in detail. The occurrence of septic necrosis is contrasted with decompression syndrome-associated avascular necrosis, also described in Pistosaurus longaevus bone from Middle Triassic of Germany

    Tuberculosis-like respiratory infection in 245-million-year-old marine reptile suggested by bone pathologies

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    An absence of ancient archaeological and palaeontological evidence of pneumonia contrasts with its recognition in the more recent archaeological record. We document an apparent infection-mediated periosteal reaction affecting the dorsal ribs in a Middle Triassic eosauropterygian historically referred to as ‘Proneusticosaurus’ silesiacus. Highresolution X-ray microtomography and histological studies of the pathologically altered ribs revealed the presence of a continuous solid periosteal reaction with multiple superficial blebs (protrusions) on the visceral surfaces of several ribs. Increased vascularization and uneven lines of arrested growth document that the pathology was the result of a multiseasonal disease. While visceral surface localization of this periosteal reaction represents the earliest identified evidence for pneumonia, the blebs may have an additional implication: they have only been previously recognized in humans with tuberculosis (TB). Along with this diagnosis is the presence of focal vertebral erosions, parsimoniously compared to vertebral manifestation of TB in humans

    IMPs: an RNA-binding protein family that provides a link between stem cell maintenance in normal development and cancer.

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    IMPs, also known as insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) messenger RNA (mRNA)-binding proteins (IGF2BPs), are highly conserved oncofetal RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) that regulate RNA processing at several levels, including localization, translation, and stability. Three mammalian IMP paralogs (IMP1-3) have been identified that are expressed in most organs during embryogenesis, where they are believed to play an important role in cell migration, metabolism, and stem cell renewal. Whereas some IMP2 expression is retained in several adult mouse organs, IMP1 and IMP3 are either absent or expressed at very low levels in most tissues after birth. However, all three paralogs can be re-expressed upon malignant transformation and are found in a broad range of cancer types where their expression often correlates with poor prognosis. IMPs appear to resume their physiological functions in malignant cells, which not only contribute to tumor progression but participate in the establishment and maintenance of tumor cell hierarchies. This review summarizes our current understanding of the functions of IMPs during normal development and focuses on a series of recent observations that have provided new insight into how their physiological functions enable IMPs to play a potentially key role in cancer stem cell maintenance and tumor growth

    Determination of common inorganic anions in tea samples by ion chromatography

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    Plants exposure to environmental sources of common inorganic anions (chloride, nitrate, phosphate, and sulphate) is discussed. Various commercial tea products were examined for the content of water soluble anions by the use of sample preparation procedure corresponding to the conditions generally applied for the preparation of tea infusions (2 g of tea, 5 min brewing time, 250 ml final volume) widely consumed by humans. Suppressed ion chromatography (IC) (Metrohm Metrosep A Supp 5 (150 mm × 4 mm) column) with conductometric detection was used for the determination. The IC technique allows isolation of the signals of particular anions and their detection (DLs of 0.012 (Cl−), 0.019 (NO3 −), 0.047 (PO 43–), and 0.011 (SO 42–) mg l−1) within 15 min

    Analysis of instagram® posts referring to cleft lip

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    Background: Social media has become a source of medical information. Cleft lip and palate is a visible congenital anomaly. The aim of the study was to analyze Instagram® posts on the topic of cleft lip. Methods: Instagram® posts with “#cleftlip” from March 2014–March 2017 were accessed. Separate lists of expressions (hashtags, meaningful words, words with emojis or emojis alone) were prepared for primary posts and for replies. Thirty expressions statistically most frequent in primary versus secondary posts and 30 in secondary versus primary posts were identified (Group 1) as well as 30 English words or hashtags (Group 2), non-English words or hashtags (Group 3) and emojis (Group 4). The frequencies of expressions were compared (Z-test for the difference of two population proportions). Results: There were 34,129 posts, (5427 primary posts and 28,702 replies), containing 62,163 expressions, (35,004 in primary posts). The occurrence of all expressions was 454,162, (225,418 in primary posts and 228,744 in replies). Posts with positive expressions such as “beautiful”, “love”, “cute”, “great”, “awesome” occurred more often than these with negative ones. In replies all emojis were positive. Conclusions: Numerous Instagram® posts referring to cleft lip are published and do provoke discussion. People express their solidarity and sympathize with persons affected by cleft

    85. Dozymetryczna weryfikacja metod korekcji niejednorodności w systemie planowania leczenia cad plan

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    WstępOd lutego 1997 roku dysponujemy w Dolnośląskim Centrum Onkologii trójwymiarowym systemem planowania leczenia Cad Plan 3.13. System ten wśród wielu różnorodnych zalet posiada również możliwość obliczania dawki w obszarach różnych gęstościach tkanek. Jednym o aspektów programu QA dla systemów planowania leczenia jest kontrola algorytmów oprogramowania kalkulującego dawki. System planowania leczenia CP daje możliwość przygotowania rozkładów bez korekcji gęstości (none correction NC), oraz proponuje trzy metody uwzględnienia różnic gęstości tkanek tzn.: ETAR (Eq TAR). BPI. (Butho Power Law). MB (Modified Batho). Celem pracy byto porównanie dawek liczonych przez CP z dawkami zmierzonymi, po przejściu wiązki przez obszar niejednorodności symulowanej przez korek. Porównanie to miało na celu określenie najkorzystniejszej (najbardziej zgodnej z pomiarami) metody korekcji niejednorodności.Materiał i metodaW celu wykonania pomiarów skonstruowano fantom z plexi, z wymienialnymi wewnątrz jednocentymetrowymi (płytkami, które można było zastąpić warstwami korka. Wykonano tomografię komputerwą wyżej wymienionych fantomów i przesłano do SPL CP. W systemie planowania leczenia CP obliczono dawki uzyskane po 300 MU, liczone bez korekcji gęstości (NC) i trzema metodami ETAR, BPL, MB.Pomiary wykonano dla dwóch energii fotonów 6 MeV i 18 MeV.Wyniki i dyskusjaWyniki przedstawiono w formie graficznych zależności dawki w funkcji grubości niejednorodności. Dla wiązki o energii 6 MeV poszczególne metody dały następujące średnie różnice bezwzględne: NC-4.29%, ETAR-2.12%, MB-2.32%, BPL-2.6%.Dla energii 18 MeV średnie bezwzględne różnice dla poszczególnych metod wynosiły: NC-3.6%, ETAR-2.9%, BPL-3.09%, MB-4.85%. Podobnie jak dla energii 6 MeV pomiary są najbardziej zbliżone do metody ETAR. Ze względu na ogrniczenie systemu planowania (obliczenia w rekonstrukcjach), kolejną najbliższą metodą jest BPL

    Knowledge of emergency management of avulsed teeth among Italian dentists-questionnaire study and next future perspectives

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    (1) Background: In Italy, about one fourth of all schoolchildren experience a trauma to the permanent dentition. Management of avulsion trauma is challenging and requires adherence to clinical protocols. The aim of this study was to investigate the management knowledge of avulsed teeth among Italian dentists and to promote the guidelines’ dissemination through the use of new social media. (2) Methods: The survey was carried out during the COVID-19 lockdown in Italy (March–May 2020). The questionnaire was sent anonymously to a total of 600 dentists. The questionnaire consisted of two parts. Part A—demographic and professional data and Part B—management of traumatic avulsion. (3) Results: The response rate was 50.6% and the mean fraction of correct responses was 0.524. Issues related to the therapeutic management of avulsed teeth were shown to be not well understood by the respondents. Professionals with qualifications in dentistry and those who declared to know the guidelines responded better, while other demographic and professional factors were insignificant. (4) Conclusions: Italian dentists’ knowledge of the management of avulsion trauma should be improved. Educational programs and campaigns must be undertaken to improve their awareness and adherence to the Italian and international guidelines