22 research outputs found


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    Mires are known as consistent environmental archives, but humic acids are the fraction of peat that is most recalcitrant and refractory to organic matter degradation, thus data on environmental changes during mire development can be recorded into them. This work was focused on the studies of stable isotopic ratios delta carbon-13 and delta nitrogen-15, and their distribution in humic acids within fen peat layers of different depths and peat composition. The variations in delta carbon-13 reflect isotopic variations in peat-forming plants over time and can be considered as a function of photosynthetic pathway that is being used to fix carbon dioxide. At the same time, variations in delta nitrogen-15 show nitrogen fixation in peat-forming plants and can be traced along with peat decomposition degree and depth. Properties of humic acids were studied in 2018 at 3 fens located in Latvia and Southern Finland, and comparatively they show properties. The method used for the determination of stable isotopes was the isotope-ratio mass spectrometry that was performed in the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Latvia. Results on delta carbon-13 indicate signal of C3 peat-forming plants, while signal of C4 peat-forming plants is not evident, which can be explained by non-efficient carbon dioxide fixation in fen vegetation. Results on delta nitrogen-15 show variations in nitrogen fixation in fen vegetation. Data show nitrogen fixation in terrestrial plants, however significant shifts in absolute isotope values indicate dependence on variations in peat decomposition degree and botanical composition. Data suggest that differences in peat botanical composition, decomposition degree and site dependent characteristics reflect in differences in delta carbon-13 and delta nitrogen-15 variation

    Electro-catalytic and photo-catalytic reformation of CO2ā€“reactions and efficiencies processes (Review)

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    Energy harvesting with lowest environmental impact is one of key elements for cleaner future. Photocatalytic as well as electrocatalytic CO2 reformation processes are considered as prominent methods. Thus, extensive research of CO2 reformation is being done to find the right materials that holds crucial qualities. For photocatalysis that includes pronounced separation of light-generated opposite sign charge carriers, sensitivity to visible light, high quantum yield. In electrocatalysis high CO2 adsorption, chemical stability, multielectron reaction catalysts are necessary. Additionally, materials participating in the reaction process must be provided with charge carriers at proper reduction and oxidation potentials. To meet the set goal of lowering environmental impact and lower CO2 amounts exhausted into the atmosphere by human activities, it is necessary to find right technology for capturing, storing, and reusing carbon dioxide. Various technologies and materials in different levels of readiness are available and under development, such as CuO loaded TiO2 nanotubes for photocatalytic reformation or electrocatalytic reduction on copper. Not only the proof of concept is necessary but estimation and more importantly determination of the efficiency of both electro and photo catalytic reformation of CO2. In this work review of reactions and efficiency of both processes based on existing established technological methods is done.Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program 768789; Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Unionā€™s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART

    Telpas norobežojoŔo konstrukciju materiālu ietekme uz mikroklimata stabilizāciju

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    Nekustamā Ä«paÅ”uma vērtÄ«bas kritērijiem ir patiesi jāatspoguļo nekustamā Ä«paÅ”uma spēju apmierināt visas sabiedrÄ«bas vajadzÄ«bas gan Å”odien, gan visā Ä«paÅ”uma eksistences dzÄ«ves ciklā. Ir nepiecieÅ”ams adekvāti novērtēt likumsakarÄ«bas, kuras nosaka telpas energopatēriņa un mikroklimata izmaiņu atkarÄ«bu gan no iekÅ”telpu ekspluatācijas mainÄ«gā režīma, gan no apkārtējās vides mainÄ«go un dinamisko procesu ietekmes, gan no norobežojoÅ”o konstrukciju materiālu fizikālajām Ä«paŔībām. Tikai novērtējot visu faktoru dinamisko ietekmi, ir iespējams izveidot norobežojoÅ”o konstrukciju no vispiemērotākajiem materiāliem ar vispiemērotākajiem parametriem, lai sasniegtu mērÄ·i ā€“ optimālu telpas mikroklimatu reizē ar vislielāko bÅ«ves energoefektivitāti. Lai veiktu faktoru novērtējumu, materiālu optimizāciju, kā arÄ« sagatavotu izziņas materiālu ēku projektÄ“Å”anai, ir nepiecieÅ”ams izstrādāt konkrētu multifizikālu dinamisko parametru skaitliskās analÄ«zes modeli sistēmai: materiālsā€“termālā vide (ISO7330)ā€“mikroklimats. Šāda materiālu Ä«paŔību ietekmes modelÄ“Å”ana un to struktÅ«ras optimizācija ļaus garantēt aktuālo bÅ«vniecÄ«bas risinājumu konkurētspēju un nodroÅ”inās Å”o konstrukciju ilgtspējÄ«gu pielietojumu perspektÄ«vā

    Inorganic complexes of polyols

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    Geografijas macibu satura izpete un izstrade atbilstosi videjas izglitibas programmu prasibam

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    Available from Latvian Academic Library / LAL - Latvian Academic LibrarySIGLEMinistry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia, Riga (Latvia)LVLatvi