14 research outputs found

    Dystrophic calcification vs sialolithiasis in a pediactric parotid gland : a case report

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    Calcinosis is a connective tissue disorder characterized by ectopic calcification in soft tissues. It is subdivided into: dystrophic, metastatic, idiopathic and iatrogenic calcification. The formation of mineralized material in the salivary glands is a common finding in the daily practice of dentists and other specialists. In most cases, this calcification is a sialolith. However, a type of ectopic calcification termed dystrophic calcification is characterized by inappropriate biomineralization in soft tissues and may be associated with trauma, chronic and localized infection or inflammatory diseases. We report a case of a 9-year-old female patient who complained of small nodules in the left parotid region, which begun two years before. Her main complaint was of recurring periods of worsened symptoms characterized by the exacerbation and symptomatic remission of the gland volume with occasional otolaryngologic infections. This study aims to discuss ectopic dystrophic calcification in the parotid gland associated with recurrent infection in children

    Úlceras Aftosas Recorrentes e sua possível associação ao estresse

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    Aphthous lesions are considered the most common oral mucosal disease known to humans beings, its regular presentation is round lesions, clearly defined, painful ulcers with shallow necrotic center, raised margins, and erythematous haloes. Up to now, no evidence of any single etiologic factor has been reported, however lots of studies consider stress a predisposing factor for its pathogenesis. Trying to reach a connection between both situations, this paper pains a literature review about the effects of stress in immune dysfunction, and its possible role in aphthous lesions pathogenesis.A lesão de afta é considerada a alteração mais comum da mucosa oral em humanos e se caracteriza por uma lesão circular, claramente definida, dolorosa, com centro necrótico, bordas elevadas e halo eritematoso. Até hoje, não ocorreu a caracterização de um agente etiológico especifico para essa afecção. No entanto, várias são as referências, na literatura, que consideram o estresse um dos fatores predisponentes para sua patogenia. Visando a estabelecer uma correlação entre esses processos, este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar uma revisão da literatura sobre os efeitos do estresse no sistema imunológico e a possível atuação desse sistema na origem das lesões de afta

    Enzimas citocromo P450 e sua correlação com os fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento do câncer de boca – um estado da arte

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    The development of oral cancer is associated to inherited risk factors and extrinsic risk factors, such as smoking, consumption of alcohol, diet and others. Xenobiotics (foreign substances) biotransformation is mainly catalyzed by enzymes cytochrome P450, present in the liver and in extra-hepatic localization, such as oral cavity and esophagus. and are highly activated in reactive composites that can interact with macromolecules, such as the DNA, leading to mutations, thus participating in carcinogenegis. The aim is to review the role of enzymes Cytochrome P450 in oral carcinogenesis and to discuss their correlation with risk factors involved in the development of oral cancer.O desenvolvimento do câncer de boca está associado a fatores de risco herdados e extrínsecos, como o uso do tabaco, o consumo de álcool, a dieta e outros. Xenobióticos (substâncias estranhas ao organismo) sofrem biotransformação, principalmente por enzimas citocromo P450, que apresentam localização hepática e extra-hepática, como na cavidade oral e no esôfago, e são ativados em compostos altamente reativos, que podem interagir com macromoléculas, como o DNA, causando mutações, o que pode, assim, levar ao aparecimento do câncer. O objetivo deste estudo é realizar uma revisão da literatura sobre o papel das enzimas citocromo P450 na carcinogênese oral e discutir as diversas correlações dessas enzimas com os fatores de risco que estão envolvidos no processo bioquímico e genético de formação neoplásica

    Craniomaxillofacial morphology alterations in children, adolescents and adults with neurofibromatosis 1 : a cone beam computed tomography analysis of a Brazilian sample

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    Oral manifestations are common in neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1), and include jaws and teeth alterations. Our aim was to investigate the craniomaxillofacial morphology of Brazilian children, adolescents and adults with NF1 using cone beam computed tomography. This study was conducted with 36 Brazilian individuals with NF1 with ages ranging from 4 to 75. The participants were submitted to anamnesis, extra and intraoral exam and cephalometric analysis using cone beam computed tomography. Height of the NF1 individuals was compared to the length of jaws and skull base. The results of the cephalometric measurements of the NF1 group were compared with a control group paired by age, gender and skin color. Individuals with NF1 had lower maxillary length (p<0.0001), lower mandibular length (p<0.0001), lower skull base length (p<0.0001). In children and adolescents, the mandible was more posteriorly positioned (p=0.01), when compared with the control group. There was no association between jaws and skull base length with the height of the individuals with NF1. Brazilian children, adolescents and adults with NF1 have short mandible, maxilla and skull base. Moreover, children and adolescents present mandibular retrusion

    Changes in the vibration sensitivity and pressure pain thresholds in patients with burning mouth syndrome

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    <div><p>Objective</p><p>To investigate the presence of changes in vibration detection and pressure pain threshold in patients with burning-mouth syndrome (BMS).</p><p>Design of the study</p><p>Case-control study. The sample was composed of 30 volunteers, 15 with BMS and 15 in the control group. The pressure-pain threshold (PPT) and vibration-detection threshold (VDT) were examined. The clinical evaluation was complemented with the McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ), Douleur Neuropathique 4 (DN4) and Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories (BDI and BAI, respectively).</p><p>Results</p><p>BMS subjects showed a statistically significant higher PPT in the tongue (p = 0.002), right (p = 0.001) and left (p = 0.004) face, and a significant reduction of the VDT in the tongue (p = 0.013) and right face (p = 0.030). Significant differences were also found when comparing the PPT and the VDT of distinct anatomical areas. However, a significant interaction (group × location) was only for the PPT. BMS subjects also showed significantly higher levels of depression (p = 0.01), as measured by the BDI, compared to controls; and a significant inverse correlation between the VDT in the left face and anxiety levels was detected.</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>The study of somatosensory changes in BMS and its correlations with the clinical features as well as the levels of anxiety and depression expands current understanding of the neuropathic origin and the possible contribution of psychogenic factors related to this disease.</p></div

    Pain variables in the group of BMS patients; N = number of participants, S.D. = standard deviation, Min. = minimum values, Max. = maximum values.

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    <p>Pain variables in the group of BMS patients; N = number of participants, S.D. = standard deviation, Min. = minimum values, Max. = maximum values.</p