22 research outputs found

    Factors associated with public knowledge of and attitudes to dementia: A cross-sectional study

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    IntroductionDementia is a major public health concern but one that continues to be stigmatised. We examine lay knowledge of dementia and attitudes to people with dementia as potential precursors of public anxiety, focusing on the social characteristics associated with (a) the formation of these attitudes, and (b) the perception of the need for restriction and control for people with dementia.MethodsAnalysis of the 2014 Northern Ireland Life and Times survey, which included questions on knowledge of, attitudes to and personal experience with dementia. We used (a) latent class analysis and (b) logistic regression to examine factors associated with respondent attitudes towards dementia.ResultsRespondents (n = 1211) had relatively good general knowledge of dementia, but limited knowledge of specific risk factors. Negative perceptions of dementia were mitigated somewhat by personal contact. A high proportion of respondents felt that high levels of control were appropriate for people diagnosed with dementia, even at early stages of the disease.ConclusionPersonal antipathy to dementia was highly prevalent despite ongoing public campaigns to increase public awareness of developments in its prevention, treatment and consequent care pathways and hampering efforts to widen social inclusion. Fresh thinking and more resources may be needed to challenge persisting common misapprehension of the condition and the formation of entrenched stigma

    Evaluation of a new body-focused group therapy versus a guided self-help group program for adults with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES): a pilot randomized controlled feasibility study

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    Objective: Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES), a common phenomenon in neurological settings, are regarded as a paroxysmal type of functional neurological disorder (FND). In a substantial proportion, PNES are disabling with poor long-term outcomes and high economic costs. Despite the clinical and financial consequences of PNES, there is still a lack of controlled clinical trials on the treatment of this challenging disorder. The study aims to evaluate the feasibility and collect first evidence of the efficacy of a group based-intervention in PNES-patients. Methods: A pilot randomized controlled feasibility study with a parallel-group design was performed in adult outpatients with PNES to evaluate a new body-focused group therapy (CORDIS) versus guided self-help groups. Self-assessment of dissociation (Dissociation Experience Scale-DES-20) and seizure severity (Liverpool Seizure Severity Scale-LSSS) were assessed two weeks before and two weeks after the treatment intervention and also six months after treatment as primary outcome parameters. Results: A total of 53 patients were recruited from a specialized outpatient clinic, and out of those, 29 patients completed either the body-focused group therapy program (n = 15) or a guided self-help group (SHG) therapy (n = 14). When analyzing the ITT sample (n = 22 CORDIS group, n = 20 SHG), both groups showed an effect on seizure severity and level of dissociation. In the per protocol sample (n = 13 CORDIS group, n = 12 SHG), CORDIS was superior to the self-help group for reducing seizure severity 6 months after the treatment. Significance: CORDIS is a newly developed body-focused group therapy program for adults with PNES. Further studies should include a multicentric design with a higher number of participants

    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on quality of life and mental health in children and adolescents in Germany

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented changes in the lives of 1.6 billion children and adolescents. First non-representative studies from China, India, Brazil, the US, Spain, Italy, and Germany pointed to a negative mental health impact. The current study is the first nationwide representative study to investigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and mental health of children and adolescents in Germany from the perspective of children themselves. A representative online survey was conducted among n = 1586 families with 7- to 17-year-old children and adolescents between May 26 and June 10. The survey included internationally established and validated instruments for measuring HRQoL (KIDSCREEN-10), mental health problems (SDQ), anxiety (SCARED), and depression (CES-DC). Results were compared with data from the nationwide, longitudinal, representative BELLA cohort study (n = 1556) conducted in Germany before the pandemic. Two-thirds of the children and adolescents reported being highly burdened by the COVID-19 pandemic. They experienced significantly lower HRQoL (40.2% vs. 15.3%), more mental health problems (17.8% vs. 9.9%) and higher anxiety levels (24.1% vs. 14.9%) than before the pandemic. Children with low socioeconomic status, migration background and limited living space were affected significantly more. Health promotion and prevention strategies need to be implemented to maintain children’s and adolescents’ mental health, improve their HRQoL, and mitigate the burden caused by COVID-19, particularly for children who are most at risk.Peer Reviewe

    Epidemiology of mental well-being in childhood and adolescence. Results from three epidemiological studies before and during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Hintergrund: Ein kontinuierliches bundesweites Gesundheitsmonitoring ist wichtig, um das Wohlbefinden von Kindern und Jugendlichen im Blick zu behalten und Entwicklungsverläufe abzubilden. Anhand der Ergebnisse von 3 ausgewählten epidemiologischen Studien werden Entwicklungen zum kindlichen Wohlbefinden der letzten 20 Jahre vorgestellt. Methodik: Datengrundlage bilden (1.) die bevölkerungsbezogene BEfragung zum seeLischen WohLbefinden und VerhAlten (BELLA-Studie, 2003–2017, N = 1500–3000), die ein Modul der KiGGS-Studie ist, (2.) die COrona und PSYche Studie (COPSY, 2020–2022, N = 1600–1700), die auf der BELLA-Studie aufbaut, und (3.) die internationale Health-Behaviour in School-aged Children Studie (HBSC, 2002–2018, N = 4300–7300). Das Wohlbefinden wurde bei 7‑ bis 17-Jährigen mittels der Indikatoren gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität (KIDSCREEN-10), Lebenszufriedenheit (Cantril Ladder) und psychische Auffälligkeiten (Strenghts and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED) und Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale for Children (CES-DC)) erfasst. Ergebnisse: Insgesamt zeigen Kinder und Jugendliche präpandemisch (2002–2018) eine konstant hohe gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität und eine hohe allgemeine Lebenszufriedenheit, die sich mit Beginn der COVID-19-Pandemie 2020 zunächst verschlechterte. 2 Jahre später zeigen sich Verbesserungen, die jedoch noch nicht das Ausgangsniveau erreichen. Psychische Auffälligkeiten, ängstliche und depressive Symptome nahmen mit Pandemiebeginn um bis zu 12 Prozentpunkte zu und zeigen auch 2 Jahre nach Pandemiebeginn noch höhere Werte als präpandemische Studien. Diskussion: Die Epidemiologie kindlichen Wohlbefindens bietet eine notwendige Datengrundlage, um den Unterstützungsbedarf von Kindern und Jugendlichen zu erfassen und auf dieser Basis Maßnahmen der Gesundheitsförderung, Prävention und Intervention zu entwickeln

    Assessing anger and irritability in children: psychometric evaluation and normative data for the German version of the PROMIS (R) Parent Proxy Anger Scale

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    Purpose Anger and irritability are common and impairing symptoms in children. The PROMIS Anger scales assess self- and parent-reported irritable and angry mood over the past 7 days. The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the German version of the PROMIS Parent Proxy Short Form v1.0-Anger and to provide normative data. Methods To evaluate the psychometric properties, data from the study ADOPT Epidemiology were used. In this study, the PROMIS Anger Scale was administered to a population-based sample of n = 8746 parents of children aged 8-12 years. Psychometric analyses were carried out including the investigation of distribution characteristics, factor structure, model fit, internal consistency, and congruent validity. Normative data were calculated as percentile ranks and T-scores. Results The PROMIS Anger Scale demonstrated good psychometric properties, including satisfactory distribution characteristics, unidimensionality, good internal consistency as well as congruent validity. German normative data for the PROMIS Anger Scale are presented. Conclusion Based on first psychometric analyses, the German version of the PROMIS Anger Scale can be recommended for use in research and practice; however, further investigations using clinical data are needed. The normative data will allow researchers and clinicians an interpretation of the test scores in future applications

    Mental health and quality of life in children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic—results of the COPSY study

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    Kinder und Jugendliche sind entwicklungsbedingt vulnerabel, weshalb die COVID-19-bedingten Kontaktbeschränkungen für sie besonders belastend sein können (1, 2). Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde die bundesweite COPSY-Studie (Corona und Psyche) zur psychischen Gesundheit und Lebensqualität von Kindern und Jugendlichen während der COVID-19-Pandemie initiiert, in der Kinder und Jugendliche selbst – zusätzlich zu ihren Eltern – befragt wurden. Ziel war die Erfassung der Auswirkungen der Krise auf die psychische Gesundheit und Lebensqualität von Kindern und Jugendlichen.Peer Reviewe

    Mental health and psychological burden of children and adolescents during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic—results of the COPSY study

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    Hintergrund Die mit der COVID-19-Pandemie einhergehenden Veränderungen und Kontaktbeschränkungen können das psychische Wohlbefinden von Kindern und Jugendlichen beeinflussen. Ziel der Arbeit COPSY ist die erste deutschlandweite repräsentative Studie, welche die psychische Gesundheit und Lebensqualität von Kindern und Jugendlichen während der Pandemie untersucht. Die Ergebnisse werden mit denen der repräsentativen longitudinalen BELLA-Studie aus der Zeit vor der Pandemie verglichen. Material und Methoden Vom 26.05. bis zum 10.06.2020 wurden n = 1586 Eltern mit 7‑ bis 17-jährigen Kindern und Jugendlichen, von denen n = 1040 11- bis 17-Jährige auch Selbstangaben machten, befragt. Dabei wurden international etablierte Instrumente zur Erfassung von gesundheitsbezogener Lebensqualität, psychischen Auffälligkeiten, Ängstlichkeit und depressiven Symptomen eingesetzt. Die Daten wurden mittels deskriptiver Statistiken und bivariater Tests ausgewertet. Ergebnisse 71 % der Kinder und Jugendlichen und 75 % der Eltern fühlten sich durch die erste Welle der Pandemie belastet. Im Vergleich zu der Zeit vor der Pandemie gaben die Kinder und Jugendlichen eine geminderte Lebensqualität an, der Anteil von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit psychischen Auffälligkeiten hat sich in etwa verdoppelt und ihr Gesundheitsverhalten hat sich verschlechtert. Sozial benachteiligte Kinder erlebten die Belastungen durch die Pandemie besonders stark. Zwei Drittel der Eltern wünschten sich Unterstützung im Umgang mit ihrem Kind. Diskussion Die COVID-19-Pandemie führt zu einer psychischen Gesundheitsgefährdung der Kinder und Jugendlichen, auf die präventiv mit niedrigschwelligen und zielgruppenspezifischen Angeboten in der Schule, in der ärztlichen Praxis und in der Gesellschaft im Sinne des Kinderschutzes reagiert werden sollte.Background The drastic changes during the COVID-19 pandemic may have a negative impact on the psychological wellbeing of children and adolescents. Objectives COPSY is the first national, representative German study to examine mental health and quality of life of children and adolescents during the pandemic. Results are compared with data of the representative longitudinal BELLA study conducted before the pandemic. Materials and methods Internationally established instruments for measuring health-related quality of life and mental health (including anxiety and depressive symptoms) were administered to n = 1586 parents with 7‑ to 17-year-old children and adolescents, of whom n = 1040 11- to 17-year-olds also provided self-reports, from 26 May to 10 June 2020. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and bivariate tests. Results Seventy-one percent of the children and adolescents and 75% of the parents felt burdened by the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Compared to the time before the pandemic, the children and adolescents reported a lower health-related quality of life, the percentage of children and adolescents with mental health problems almost doubled, and their health behavior worsened. Socially disadvantaged children felt particularly burdened by the COVID-19 pandemic. Two-thirds of the parents would like to receive support in coping with their child during the pandemic. Conclusions The COVID-19 pandemic poses a mental health risk to children and adolescents. Schools, doctors, and society are called to react by providing low-threshold and target-group-specific prevention and mental health promotion programs.Peer Reviewe

    Quality of life and mental health in children and adolescents during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic: results of a two-wave nationwide population-based study

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the lives of children and adolescents worldwide. The German COPSY study is among the first population-based longitudinal studies to examine the mental health impact of the pandemic. The objective of the study was to assess changes in health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and mental health in children and adolescents and to identify the associated risk and resource factors during the pandemic. Methods: A nationwide longitudinal survey was conducted with two waves during the pandemic (May/June 2020 and December 2020/January 2021). In total, n = 1923 children and adolescents aged 7 to 17 years and their parents participated (retention rate from wave 1 to wave 2: 85%). The self-report and parent-proxy surveys assessed HRQoL (KIDSCREEN-10), mental health problems (SDQ with the subscales emotional problems, conduct problems, hyperactivity, and peer problems), anxiety (SCARED), depressive symptoms (CES-DC, PHQ-2) and psychosomatic complaints (HBSC-SCL). Mixed model panel regression analyses were conducted to examine longitudinal changes in mental health and to identify risk and resource factors. Results: The HRQoL of children and adolescents decreased during the pandemic, and emotional problems, peer-related mental health problems, anxiety, depressive and psychosomatic symptoms increased over time, however the change in global mental health problems from wave 1 to wave 2 was not significant, and some changes were negligible. Socially disadvantaged children and children of mentally burdened parents were at particular risk of impaired mental health, while female gender and older age were associated with fewer mental health problems. A positive family climate and social support supported the mental health of children and adolescents during the pandemic. Discussion: Health promotion, prevention and intervention strategies could support children and adolescents in coping with the pandemic and protect and maintain their mental health