77 research outputs found

    n-Harmonic mappings between annuli

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    The central theme of this paper is the variational analysis of homeomorphisms h\colon \mathbb X \onto \mathbb Y between two given domains X,Y⊂Rn\mathbb X, \mathbb Y \subset \mathbb R^n. We look for the extremal mappings in the Sobolev space W1,n(X,Y)\mathscr W^{1,n}(\mathbb X,\mathbb Y) which minimize the energy integral Eh=∫X∣∣Dh(x)∣∣ndx. \mathscr E_h=\int_{\mathbb X} ||Dh(x)||^n dx. Because of the natural connections with quasiconformal mappings this nn-harmonic alternative to the classical Dirichlet integral (for planar domains) has drawn the attention of researchers in Geometric Function Theory. Explicit analysis is made here for a pair of concentric spherical annuli where many unexpected phenomena about minimal nn-harmonic mappings are observed. The underlying integration of nonlinear differential forms, called free Lagrangians, becomes truly a work of art.Comment: 120 pages, 22 figure

    An N-dimensional version of the Beurling-Ahlfors extension

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    We extend monotone quasiconformal mappings from dimension n to n+1 while preserving both monotonicity and quasiconformality. The extension is given explicitly by an integral operator. In the case n=1 it yields a refinement of the Beurling-Ahlfors extension.Comment: 9 pages. Added references, edited concluding remark

    Dynamics of quasiconformal fields

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    A uniqueness theorem is established for autonomous systems of ODEs, xË™=f(x)\dot{x}=f(x), where ff is a Sobolev vector field with additional geometric structure, such as delta-monoticity or reduced quasiconformality. Specifically, through every non-critical point of ff there passes a unique integral curve.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figur

    The Nitsche conjecture

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    The conjecture in question concerns the existence of a harmonic homeomorphism between circular annuli A(r,R) and A(r*,R*), and is motivated in part by the existence problem for doubly-connected minimal surfaces with prescribed boundary. In 1962 J.C.C. Nitsche observed that the image annulus cannot be too thin, but it can be arbitrarily thick (even a punctured disk). Then he conjectured that for such a mapping to exist we must have the following inequality, now known as the Nitsche bound: R*/r* is greater than or equal to (R/r+r/R)/2. In this paper we give an affirmative answer to his conjecture. As a corollary, we find that among all minimal graphs over given annulus the upper slab of catenoid has the greatest conformal modulus.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figures. Expanded introduction and references; added discussion of doubly-connected minimal surface

    Harmonic mapping problem and affine capacity

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    The Harmonic Mapping Problem asks when there exists a harmonic homeomorphism between two given domains. It arises in the theory of minimal surfaces and in calculus of variations, specifically in hyperelasticity theory. We investigate this problem for doubly connected domains in the plane, where it already presents considerable challenge and leads to several interesting open questions.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Quasiregular values and Rickman's Picard theorem

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    We prove a far-reaching generalization of Rickman's Picard theorem for a surprisingly large class of mappings, based on the recently developed theory of quasiregular values. Our results are new even in the planar case.Comment: 37 pages, 1 figur
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