4 research outputs found

    Efecto del uso y ocupación en las propiedades físicas y químicas en un suelo del piedemonte llanero

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    La calidad de los suelos está influenciada por el uso/ocupación, afectando las propiedades químicas y físicas a través del inadecuado manejo de enmiendas, fertilizantes, riego y mecanización. Para determinar los cambios en las propiedades físicas y químicas se realizó muestreo en 10 usos/ocupaciones diferentes (cultivos transitorios, caucho, plátano-maíz, palma (18 años), pasto toledo, pasto brequearía, cítricos, cultivo de mango, plantación forestal y cultivo de marañón) en un suelo oxisol del piedemonte llanero Colombiano. Para cada uso/ocupación se realizó muestreo para los dos primeros horizontes con cuatro (4) repeticiones; se tomó muestras alteradas e inalteradas para llevar al Laboratorio, en capo se realizaron la pruebas de infiltración y resistencia a la penetración. Los datos obtenidos fueron analizados mediante análisis de varianza para comprobar los efectos sobre las medias de las variables de respuesta medidas. Para detallar la diferencia entre usos/ocupaciones se utilizaron comparaciones o pruebas de rango múltiples, por la prueba de Duncan, De igual forma se halló una correlación de Pearson entre las propiedades en estudio y por último se sometieron los datos a análisis Cluster y de Componentes Principales. Las propiedades determinadas fueron desde el punto de vista físico textura, densidad aparente, densidad real, retención de humedad, conductividad hidráulica, estabilidad de agregados, diámetro medio ponderado, porosidad, infiltración y resistencia a la penetración; para las químicas carbono orgánico, pH, acidez intercambiable, capacidad de intercambio catiónico, fosforo intercambiables, calcio, magnesio y sodio. La influencia del uso/ocupación se presentó en el horizonte superficial, tal vez por las prácticas de manejo implementadas para la mejora nutricional con el fin de suministrar los requerimientos del cultivo.Abstract. The soil quality is influenced by the use/occupation, affecting the chemical and physical properties through improper handling of amendments, fertilizers, irrigation and mechanization. To determine changes in physical and chemical sampling was performed in 10 uses / occupations different (annual crops, rubber, banana, corn, palm (18 years), pasture toledo, brequearía grass, citrus, mango cultivation, forest plantation and cashew cultivation) in a Colombian oxisol soil piedmont plains. For every use / occupancy for the first two sampling horizons with four (4) repeats was performed; altered samples were taken and it unchanged to bring the Laboratory in the infiltration tests capo and penetration resistance were performed. The data obtained were analyzed by analysis of variance to test the effects on the means of the response variables measured. To detail the difference between uses/occupations comparisons or multiple range tests were used to test Duncan Similarly Pearson correlation between the properties under study and finally the data were subjected to analysis of Cluster Components and was found Top. The properties were determined from the physical point of view texture, bulk density, true density, moisture retention, hydraulic conductivity, aggregate stability, mean weight diameter, porosity, infiltration and penetration resistance; organic carbon for chemical, pH, exchangeable acidity, cation exchange capacity, exchangeable phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and sodium. The influence of the use / occupation appeared in the surface horizon, perhaps management practices implemented to improve nutrition in order to supply crop requirements.Maestrí

    Management zones determination based on physical properties of the soil

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    ABSTRACT The physical characteristics of the soil are defined through the interaction between its properties, and they, in turn, can indicate its physical quality. The study area is located in the Centro Agropecuário Marengo (Marengo Agricultural Center), with an extension of 94.5 ha, subdivided into 17 plots. The objective of this research was to study characteristics such as water storage capacity, structure, consistency, and soil compaction in the two surface horizons (H1 and H2), in order to define management zones through the soil index. Properties such as soil penetration resistance were an indicator of soil degradation, with values higher than 2 MPa in 13 plots. The total porosity exhibited medium or low values in the H1 and H2 horizons, with a predominance of micropores, which means that the presence of water could be lower than 14%. Four management zones were identified for each horizon, where the first zone represents the area where the soil is capable of retaining between 17% and 21% of the available water, with a bulk density of around 1 g cm-3 and organic carbon content close to 6%. By contrast, the fourth zone represents the sites where the soils are the finest, with contents above 45% clay, available water less than 11%, and a mean compaction of 4.39 MPa

    Memorias IX Congreso Geológico Venezolano (1)

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    Memorias del IX Congreso Geológico Venezolan