5 research outputs found

    Correlations present in maxillofacial and physical injuries in women: a literature review

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    Violence against women is a highly complex social phenomenon with severe paradoxes, in ethical, political, or religious aspects, as well as regarding the attempts of explaining it through the most varied chains and tendencies. It is something that should not be disregarded by the society and scientific community. Legal Dentistry, in terms of the maxillo-mandibular complex injuries in women, becomes indispensable in identifying and repairing any harm. The purpose of this study is to show, by means of a literature review, the several existing correlations between physical injuries, more specifically regarding maxillofacial injuries, in women, thus providing a theoretical basis for professionals working with Forensic Traumatology.A violência contra a mulher é um fenômeno social de alta complexidade e graves paradoxos, seja no aspecto ético, no cultural, no político, no religioso, como também nas tentativas de explicação pelas mais variadas correntes e tendências. É algo que a sociedade e a comunidade científica não podem desconsiderar. A presença da Odontologia Legal, no que tange às lesões do complexo maxilo-mandibular em mulheres, torna-se indispensável na constatação e reparação dos danos. O presente trabalho objetiva demonstrar, através de uma revisão da literatura, as diversas correlações existentes entre as lesões corporais, mais especificamente as relacionadas aos danos bucomaxilofaciais, em mulheres, dando embasamento teórico aos profissionais que atuam na prática pericial em Traumatologia Forense

    Oral and Maxillofacial Trauma in Brazilian Children and Adolescents

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    Children and adolescents are frequently victims of oral and maxillofacial trauma. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of oral and maxillofacial trauma that resulted in police records, in children and adolescents aged between 0 and 16 years during a period of 5 years. Among the 28,200 reports analyzed, 463 were included in the study. The men:women ratio observed was 1.6:1 and the most prevalent age range was between 15-16 years (44.40%). Most trauma cases resulted from physical assault (64.50%) and culminated in soft-tissue lesion (80.36%). Excoriations (28.64%) leaded as the most frequent type of lesion, and the maxillary region (22.63%) was the most common location of injury. The most common type of dental lesion was dental trauma (54.76%), and bone fractures prevailed in the nasal region (36.7%). The findings of this survey may contribute to plan and execute preventive measures as well as to guide curative measures aimed at this population group